Gran Prix preview matches, Los Micros Gemelos Maldios leave CMLL, Parka/Karis

I heard the guy who won the NJPW G1 was that British chap who got out llaved by Hechicero a couple of months back. That makes Hechicero the actual winner of the NJPW Grade One Tournament by my math. (I guess they’re settling this in a few days.)


CMLL (FRI) 08/16/2024 Arena México [CMLL, thecubsfan]
1) Astro Boy Jr., Eléctrico, Leono b Grako, Nitro, Sangre Imperial
2) Dark Silueta, Persephone, Zeuxis b La Catalina, Princesa Sugehit, Sanely
3) Dulce Gardenia, Pelon Encapuchado, Volcano b Akuma, Difunto, Zandokan Jr.
4) Robbie X b Neón [lightning]
8:31. Win via foul. Robbie X Mexico debut.
5) Ángel de Oro & Niebla Roja b Mansoor & Rocky Romero
16:32. Mansoor debut.
6) Atlantis Jr., Esfinge, Místico DQ Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero, Valiente
14:29. Straight falls. Valiente fouled Esfinge as built to 09/13.

I know it will heat up starting this week, but August’s been a cold start. Match 3 was the only thing that went better than it looked; everything else was fine. Robbie X/Neon didn’t work for me; a bit of Robbie X is unfamiliar with the CMLL style, and Neon still needs work in singles matches. I was less convinced by Mansoor after this match, and it didn’t seem like the crowd got it either, but he’s got a week to get around and see how it goes. One weird quirk is Mansoor seems to have atomic drops in his offense. No one does atomic drops in Mexico because they come off as a foul spot – Fuerza Guerrera famously used a variation as his trademark foul. (Fuerza Guerrera was such a rudo that he had a trademark foul spot.) It looked bizarre for Mansoor to keep fouling people, and no one was selling it as a foul.

CMLL (SAT) 08/17/2024 Arena Coliseo
1) KeMalito & Periquito Sacaryas b Mije & Tengu
Los Micro Gemelos Diablos no-showed, jumping to AAA. Mije and Tengu replaced them.
2) Diamond, El Audaz, Robin b Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II, Enfermero Jr.
3) Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, El Hijo De Blue Panther vs Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus
4) El Hijo del Villano III, Sagrado, Villano III Jr. b Felino, Felino Jr., Rey Bucanero
5) Esfinge TLDRAW Euforia [lightning]
second week in a row with a time limit draw
6) Mansoor, Robbie X, Rocky Romero b Flip Gordon, Templario, Titán

Didn’t get to watch this one yet, though I think I read the main event was an improvement for the foreign crew.

There’s plenty of other AAA to cover, so let’s handle the Micro Gemelo Diablos departure here. They showed up on TripleMania to attack Mascarita Sagrada (who appears to be the ex-WWE one.) AAA’s production is so terrible that they were barely seen on scene and not identified; I timed it as them appearing for less than eight seconds on screen. I assume they will be giving a new name – it’s likely CMLL owns the old Gemelo Diablos – but no name was given. Los Micro Gemelos Diablos appear to be the two people Latin Lover said reached out to him months back for jumping, an idea he brought to Dorian Roldan. There are ways to use two tiny people who do exciting flips, but AAA’s struggles to use Microman suggest this will not work for these guys either. Microman also found higher-paying work on US micro tours, and I expect that’ll eventually be the same for these guys in the long term. Even if they don’t, there’s not a lot of room on these AAA cards as it is – acts in the first few matches disappear for months all the time, and AAA is unlikely to make long term changes for a new division. They’re also not really likely to bring Mascarita Sagrada back in that often either.

A specific issue with the Micro Diablos is how they will fit in with AAA. They’re leaving CMLL because they wanted to be the stars, but they weren’t, and they’re going to expect that in AAA. The Micro Diablos lost that position in CMLL twice to KeMalito, and they were openly angry about in their final bookings. As mentioned, CMLL’s original plans were to create a new KeMonito with the two Micro Diablos portraying it. CMLL got cold feet on the idea after KeMonito threatened a lawsuit. Still, they had his new rival, KeMalito, ready and eventually decided to start using him while figuring out what happened next. KeMalito quickly got so over there was no point in dealing with the flack of introducing a new KeMonito, and the Micro Diablos were out of an excellent paying and famous spot.

KeMalito got so over that CMLL put him in the micros matches, even though he’s clearly not well-trained enough to be in those yet. The Gemelo Diablos had to put over a guy who wasn’t at their level of a worker, or it wasn’t what they thought they had signed up to do. They threw more than one public fit about it. It essentially became a CMLL choice between KeMalito or Los Micro Gemelos. The twins are better wrestlers in matches that don’t matter. KeMalito is much more over. It wasn’t a real choice. Los Micro Gemelos could’ve accepted their new role, but instead, they became one of the many over the years who AAA convinced they’d take much better care of them in their promotion. Like past people who’ve been swayed that way, the relationship will not go very well if they find out the truth is a bit different. I’ve got no doubt the Micro Gemelos will end up getting some belt to replace the one they gave up from CMLL, and maybe that’ll be enough to mollify them as it’s been for NGD, or maybe they’ll be back in the regional indies where they came a year from now.

To me, the real CMLL mistake was falling in love with the idea of having micro twins to go along the normal sized twins. They gave up doing anything the normal sized Gemelos for one, so the association didn’t mean much. Those two micros would have also been much better as opponents than rivals; when it goes down it, they’re the micro Arkangel Divino and Ultimo Malditos, two guys who want to do their matches and would be best at doing them exclusively against each other. AAA should turn them into the 2024 versions of Chucky and Cuije. Not precisely the gimmicks (though it’s AAA, maybe that too), but two guys who work primarily as mascots and work a few flashy spots with each other a match. Making them partners is never going to work with as few talented people to work with at their size.

The CMLL micros should probably not be an active division and should not be wrestling on these shows, but that’s been true since Microman left (and since Chamuel is around a lot less), and the Micro Diablos don’t really change the math. It may help them because the rest of the guys aren’t asked to do as many basing spots they can’t pull off, but it’s still not going to be good. And CMLL will need to find a couple of more people to fill out the matches who are probably going to be worse than the people who came. The real news is this appears to be a wrap on any idea of a new KeMonito for now, and the only thing stopping him and CMLL from making peace is their stubbornness.

People still argue on Twitter daily if Stephanie Vaquer did or did not burn her bridges with CMLL with the way she left to go to WWE. (It’s partly happening because only now do they realize Vaquer won’t actually be to work for WWE in the US for months and months due to needing a new work visa.) I wonder if those same people will argue if the Micro Gemelo Diablos burned a bridge with CMLL since burning the bridge with CMLL must be the part they care about. (They did burn the bridge, won’t be back, and won’t mention if/when CMLL decides a new Micros champ.) I wonder at the timing – did they agree to go to AAA a while ago and so they were acting out in CMLL matches because it was not going to matter, or was the last suspension enough for them to push them out – but they’re gone either way.

CMLL (SUN) 08/18/2024 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Fantasy b Pequeño Polvora [lightning]
2) Dark Magic, Espanto Jr., Okumura b Capitán Suicida, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa
3) Xelhua b Pólvora [lightning]
4) Blue Panther, Fugaz, Star Black b Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Kráneo
5) Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero, Valiente DQ Euforia, Magnus, Mephisto
Euforia unmasked Valiente
6) Ángel de Oro, Atlantis Jr., Máscara Dorada b Flip Gordon, Mansoor, Robbie X

Kyle Fletcher, Ikuro Kwon, and Akira also were introduced to the crowd.

With the new TV schedule, matches from this show will air on AMX on Thursday, 08/29.

Hera & Olympia versus Kira & Skadi from last Monday’s Puebla show aired on Sunday night. They didn’t get as much time as their Arena Mexico match, but it showed some good progression as wrestlers. They’re risk takers, not all the risks work out, but they’re getting better at figuring out what to do when stuff goes wrong and adapting to it. Olympia is right there to ensure Kira’s Mistico toss in the ring goes as well as possible. (I could not believe they dared to try that spot.) A Las Valientinas pinfall breakup spot doesn’t go as desired, but Skadi reacts immediately and powerbomb her opponent to keep it going. Those are should be the advantages of them working a lot and working together a lot, but you don’t always see that improvement in CMLL. I don’t know if they’re simply self-motivated to improve continuously or if those four know something is coming that we’ll all find out about in two months, but it feels like there’s a goal they’re headed towards.

CMLL started tweeting in English again on Saturday; there were far more English-language tweets from CMLL than AAA on the day of TripleMania. They had let that Twitter account go dormant for more than a year. I assume they’re hoping to capture attention with more people in for the Gran Prix, but I don’t know if it expands beyond that—if they’re finally doing English commentary for an internationally focused show. No one has contacted me for help with the notes for the show, which would be the easiest tell if they were doing something, but they could just use translator Miguel as the voice and the info.

CMLL (TUE) 08/20/2024 Arena México
1) Acero, Aéreo, Fantasy vs Full Metal, Mercurio, Pequeño Polvora
2) Eléctrico, Leono, Valiente Jr. vs Calavera Jr. I, Calavera Jr. II, Inquisidor
3) Espíritu Negro, Pelon Encapuchado, Rey Cometa vs Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus
4) Lian Po vs Bárbaro Cavernario [lightning]
5) Fugaz, Neón, Star Jr. vs Magia Blanca, Magnus, Vegas
6) Atlantis Jr., Titán, Volador Jr. vs Ángel de Oro, Averno, Niebla Roja

Lian Po is a character from the mobile game Honor of Kings. CMLL’s done a tie up with a mobile game or twice a year pretty regularly now. It’s silly but usually not too problematic. Lian Po is a lucha libre character. His mask looks like someone was inspired by Dragon Rojo’s old one, and maybe he’ll end up doing the character.

Main event reminds you there was Averno/Volador that got dropped cold. Match five could be great if they want it to be great. Pelon fits correctly along side the Atrapsuenos. Nice to see the Calavers back.

CMLL (SAT) 08/24/2024 Arena Coliseo
1) Galaxy & Shockercito vs Full Metal & Pequeño Polvora
2) Capitán Suicida, El Audaz, Fuego vs El Coyote, Nitro, Pólvora
3) Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, Hijo de Blue Panther vs Espanto Jr., Hijo de Stuka Jr., Hijo del Villano III
4) Akira vs Difunto [lightning]
5) Averno, Euforia, Mephisto vs Titán, Yota, Zandokan
6) Esfinge, Máscara Dorada, Soberano Jr. vs Davey Boy Smith Jr., Flip Gordon, Ikuro Kwon

All the AEW crew – Claudio Castagonli, Kyle Fletcher, Mansoor, and Rocky Romero – appear to be finishing on Friday, which may mean they’re involved with All In. Robbie X also appears to be heading home. Davey Boy Smith, Yota, and the MLW duo will be around for a few more days. Flip lives here now, of course.

DOUKI was in Mexico back in July, bringing his IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship and visiting many of the people who helped start him on that journey. The most emotional photo of the bunch was his visit with Gran Apache. The funniest one was visiting old trainer Arturo Beristain, who taught DOUKI when he was first starting in Arena Mexico. Beristain asked DOUKI where he was wrestling these days – maybe over in Arena Naucalpan? This story came to mind when looking at this lineup. Match five is a reference to a specific story from one of NJPW’s tours last year: Zandokan was Yota’s surprise partner in their heavyweight tag league. Zandokan would’ve gotten to join LIJ if they won, and they came short. It did get referenced on CMLL Informa a time or two, but putting Titan, Yota, and Zandokan together as a nod to that story is something only someone with a good memory and a solid knowledge of wrestling outside of Mexico would do. I think Panico – 68 years old and as unlikely to be paying attention to non-CMLL stuff as Beristain – is not a person who will think to put Titan with Yota and Zandokan. Maybe it was a suggestion from Rocky, maybe it was an idea from Julio Cesar Rivera, maybe it was someone we don’t even know, but it’s one of those signals that it’s a group effort to put these CMLL shows together. People seem to be focused on figuring out a single person to credit for booking CMLL, as if writing in a name on their end-of-year awards is the point of the whole thing. To me, it’s very clearly a committee; it’s a bunch of people, and Panico is just the name we call that committee.

Valiente, in hyping the Aniversario mask match, acknowledged he’s a dark horse in the match – but he feels people have been betting against him since he started his career, so he’s not afraid of that.

An interview with Princesa Sugehit starts by noting she vacated the title last year, and now it’s in Willow Nightingale’s hands after winning it in a three way match, as if nothing happened in between. Sugehit wants to get back to 100% before thinking about challenging, just to be fully have her rhythm first.

CMLL pulled Mistico, Averno, and Tessa Blanchard from the 09/08 Lucha Libre Norte show in Apodaca. (Apodaca is a suburb of Monterrey and the location of the major international airport.) The Lucha Libre Norte promoter blamed the Alto Voltaje promotion for causing it; the idea is their big show in Arena Monterrey on 09/29 gave them exclusivity. That show in Arena Monterrey looks good but is unlikely to do well; they’ve cut down the arena in half, and there’s still a ton of seats to be sold. CMLL is picking a promotion with big dreams over a smaller, more consistent group.


Triller declined my refund. Worth a shot. I think I won’t be giving them my money for the AEW shows.

I may have to retract something from the TripleMania recap. I assumed it was Karis La Momia Jr. portraying his father La Parka in the Vampiro match and that it was OK if Parka’s family approved of it. I now believe it wasn’t Karis, and Karis himself may not have known what was happening until he saw it. Karis talked to La Tijera following Sunday’s show. He’s wearing a split Parka/Karis mask, and he happens to mention that he might need his identity soon. Karis has talked recently about wanting to forge his path like his father did and not just take over his character, and I thought that’s what he meant. It could also mean AAA owns the Karis gimmick, and Karis may not stick with AAA. About midway through, the interviewer from La Tijera says he has to bring up the split opinions on the La Parka appearance on TripleMania and asks Karis what he thinks about it. Karis is noticeably careful with his words, asking the interviewer (and maybe himself) if he should answer that question as a person or a luchador. He then shifts to explicitly saying he has no opinion. The next part is a lot of talking around an answer, but he mentions watching it happen and realizing it would happen eventually. It certainly sounds like Karis wasn’t this La Parka if he was watching it happen, that someone else was in that casket, and that Karis was wondering with the rest of us if that meant AAA had handed off the gimmick to someone new or was just doing it as a one off bit. Karis ends the interview pretty quickly after talking about the situation. I am not 100% sure it was someone else in that casket because Karis doesn’t spell it out, but his reactions tell a story.

I understand AAA’s business reasons for wanting a new La Parka, but they might as well have him team up with Alberto, Dorian, and Konnan for all the heat he’ll get. People are going to be upset with AAA over this for not picking Karis, even though Karis has made it clear he doesn’t want to be the new La Parka.

Vampiro’s supposed to have a press conference on Wednesday to announce a new music project. That article (that reads like a press release) says Vampiro’s retiring in “2024”.


IWRG (SUN) 08/18/2024 Arena Naucalpan [IWRG, La Tijera]
1) Rock Power b Fauno
2) Alan Extreme, Histeriosis, Mr. Mike b Felino Boy, Halcón Suriano Jr., Willy Banderas
3) Águila Roja b Spider Fly
sets up a title match on Thursday
4) Cerebro Negro & Cerebro Negro Jr. b Veneno & Vudu Max Veneno y Vudú Max Vs Cerebro Negro y Cerebro Negro Jr. juventud y experiencia en IWRG (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
5) Hell Boy b VangellysHijo Del Silver King
a new member of Mafia Ruso attacked Hell Boy after the match
6) Dr. Wagner Jr. & Galeno del Mal b DMT Azul & Hijo de Canis Lupus Dr. Wagner Jr. y Galeno del Mal Vs DMT Azul e Hijo de Canis Lupus lucha estelar en IWRG (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
win via foul, Wagner wants a title match with DMT Azul

It’s very odd to name someone Felino Boy when there’s a very famous Felino. The Lucha Libre Real show honoring Felino took place Friday and went very long and late in the night because Mistico had to make it over from Arena Mexico. Puma King challenged Mistico to a mask match, which has as much chance of happening as that match being Puma King’s retirement match.

IWRG (THU) 08/22/2024 Arena Naucalpan
1) Cosmic & Génesis vs Celta & Samodeo
2) Astarlis & Titanium vs India & Ratzinger
3) Fobia, Pitbull, Sanda Kid vs Ángel Kid, Black Dragón Jr., Black Dragón Ng
4) Rock Power, Shura King, Willy Banderas vs Jitsu, Kundra, Yoruba
5) Fauno, Hysteriosis, Príncipe Centauro, Puma de Oro, Rey Aztaroth, Súper Boy, Tornado, Vudu Max vs Coco Loco Ng, Dark Horus, Hijo del Alebrije, Intenso, Payaloco, Rasta Man, Silencero, Terrorista [Torneo FILL]
6) Spider Fly © vs Águila Roja [IWRG REY DEL AIRE]

The main event could be good or it could just be a plunder thing.

Other Notes

The second Mosco de la Merced, who also wrestled as Loco Valentino (Jose Juan Valdez, 60) passed away Monday. He was part of AAA from 1996 until losing his mask to Heavy Metal in 2004. He was an ally of the second Psicosis, who lost his mask this past Saturday. AAA acknowledged his passing on Facebook.

Mosco 2 is on the older side because he started out in the 80s wrestler and was one of the guys who got into the promotion commonly known as UWA in 1993, as that promotion was going down. People were escaping to AAA or CMLL – that’s his Loco Valentino career. He got into AAA in 1996 and got the Mosco gimmick in 1997 when the original was part of the group that left to find Promo Azteca. Valentino/Mosco 2 was part of Pena regimmicking many people to replace those who had left. Many of them endured in those gimmicks longer than the originals, as Psicosis 2 took a moment to point out on Saturday, but no one outside of the second La Parka was as popular. Mosco 2 was both a Mexican national atomicos (4v4) and tag champion, the later with Fuerza Guerrera. One of Guerrera’s old nicknames was “La Mosca de Merced”, which was a reason for the team. The Mosca is the vital part they were both guys on the small-ish side. Mosco 1 returned to AAA to do a name versus name match with his successor in 2003. Mosco 2 won with a lot of help from Abismo Negro, and Mosco 1 changed his name to X-Fly. (Mosco means Fly, so he is literally an ex-fly.) Mosco’s AAA career came to an end shortly after losing his mask to Heavy Metal in a cage match. The 1996-2004 dates to his AAA run make me reflect on how that’s about the inverse of Konnan’s AAA time; Loco Valentino’s first show was a couple of months before Konnan left, and his last show is two weeks before Konnan returns. I think that’s just a weird coincidence, and Mosco 2 just happens to be an emblem of an era of AAA not talked about much now. Mosco2 continued to work occasionally on the indies, and was taking bookings as recently as June.

Segunda Caida’s review of IWRG Retro show includes a match with (I think) this Mosco de Merced. Another total coincidence.

Rocky Santana says everyone should have to train for three to five years before they wrestle. This is positioned as “kids today don’t know what they’re doing,” but it’s not the kids who are booking undertrained people on the show. Santana works at Arena Lopez Mateos, which routinely lets people with less than three years of training in the ring. The story is more interesting for Santana talking about his training style and his love for wrestling—he says he would rather leave his wife than leave wrestling.

Andrade sent a video to RGR Promotions officially vacating his Supremo championship for that group. Laredo Kid and Arez will wrestle for it on shows this weekend, something that was already announced. I try to keep up with a lot of wrestling posters, and I even I don’t have a lot of show listing where Andrade was in a match to win this title – no one outside the promotion knew he was supposed to be the champion. This is just a WWE wrestler filming a video to promote an indie show. That’s fairly surprising, even in today’s more open WWE. That RGR group must’ve taken care of Andrade well.

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