CMLL on Galavision - 11/08/08

They really shouldn't have the ladies dance in the ring during the open, because it kinda exposes how few people are in the seats. Also, maybe it's just because of how the show is clipped, but starting the show by running down the lineup twice in a row seems quite a waste of time. 

Magadan and Morelos debate if the big news is Mistico's return, or UG wrestling as a rudo. Guerrileros wrestling in the back ground is far more interesting. After the announcers stand up and the giveaway winners, a THIRD run down on the upcoming matches, and a promotion for Sunday (haha, pretending Lizmark will show), and another giveaway, it's 9 minutes and a few commercial breaks before we see anyone in the ring. 

Match 1: Dragon Rojo Jr., Felino, Misterioso II (c) vs Valiente (c), Mictlan, Maximo
Arena Mexico, 11/07/08

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 15:03
Approx Rating: Above average
Other Match Notes: Refs are Rafael el Maya and Baby Richard. 

1: Long one/one start - Misterioso/Valiente (good), Mictlán/Felino,  Maximo/Dragon Rojo (neither lasts long). Maximo gets pulled out of the ring, and Felino hits a double jump tope con giro on him. Misterioso gets Mictlan with a La Rosa, while Dragon Rojo gets Valiente with his bounce powerbomb.  

2: Beatdown. Mictlán is tossed up into a Felino flying clothesline, but they shoot it from such an angle, they obviously had no faith in it actually hitting. Maximo gets rammed butt first into the post. Comeback happens while they're showing us the long shot for an ad, of course. Great timing there. Valiente posts Felino, then Maximo waits for him to get up to get in an apron plancha. Monito gets in a dive. Misterioso throws himself out of the ring on a charge, and Valiente gets the special on him. Dragon Rojo tries a 'rana, but Mictlán powerbombs him for the pin over his rival. Not the captain, but they do count everyone out.

3: This time, we go Valiente/Misterioso, Mictlan/Felino, Dragon Rojo/Misterioso. Wait, no, that's the nearly same order, how about that. Dragon Rojo comes up limping after getting dropkicked out of the ring by Mictlán, so perhaps that why they changed it. Crowd as loud as they've been for anything (but Valiente's dive) for Máximo coming in. Somehow, this leads to Monito kissing Misterioso. Misterioso gets dropped  by a Maximo tope. Valiente gets backdropped by Dragon Rojo, but comes back to give him a spinning backbreaker. Rojo rolls out. Valiente runs for a dive, Felino cuts him off with backdrop. Valiente fights him off, but Dragon Rojo trips Valiente off the apron, and holds him for a Felino dive. Mictlán cuts him off with a superkick, and topes - oops, Valiente. That was dumb. Wait, why did Mictlan get to do a dive and Valiente did not? That's REALLY dumb. 3 on Maximo lasts a little longer than you'd expect because the rudos haven't decides what they're doing right away. Gory Special on Maximo, held there for missile dropkicks from Dragon Rojo and Felino. That's the pin and they treat it like the end of the fall, though the refs count out the others. 

Lineups. Oddly, the title match hyped for Puebla is Wagner putting up HIS (UWA) title, not Rey.

Match 2: Averno (c), Mephisto, Ephesto vs Mascara Dorada, La Mascara (c), Sombra
Arena Mexico, 11/07/08

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 14:41
Approx Rating: Good, though it didn't get Dorada over much at all.
Other Match Notes: La Mascara is the captain? Really now. Also, as joked, I can not wait for the inevitable Mascara/Mascara (Dorada)/Mascara (Purpura) trio. But for the rest of this, and likely all time when I'm not doing a match listing, I'm just calling him Dorada. Mascarita Dorada, in a great suit and a hat, introduces his namesake to the crowd.

1: 1 on 1s go Sombra/Ephesto, Mephisto/Dorada (rough at first, and Mephisto's shaved his head at some point), and no more - Averno kicks the ropes as Dorada goes thru them, hanging Dorada in between them. It looks like a botched spot until you realize Averno caused it, which is not what I'd go for here. Sombra gets the two non-Mephisto with a plancha, but Mephisto trips him and pulls him out. Mascara gets a run on those who are left, gets booed while doing it, and runs into the triple bomb. That's the fall. Dorada gets to nothing special in his first fall. Dorada takes a gutbuster on the floor, and a slip and slide splash.  

2: Beatdown. Sombra gets a five second comeback on Averno, the only one to get much, but gets kicked down (and does the splits taking the bump, how odd.) Triple boot for him, triple dive fake pose. Somehow, that leads to the comeback - La Mascara comes in and just dropkicks Averno. Double clothesline misses on him and others come in with flip 'ranas. That gets booed, but I think it's La Mascara boos. Rolling dropkick by him on Averno, and a top to follow. Sombra gets the rope flip moonsault on Ephesto, Dorada gets Mephisto with a bodyscissors small package. 

3: Sombra starts, running thru the rudos in fantastic fashion, then blowing an odd flip over the ropes to the outside into a 'rana on Averno. Rudos stomp him down while he's down. Tecnicos come to the rescue, and standoff the rudos enough to pull their guys back to their corner. Dorada is next. Dorada doesn't do a lot to showcase himself as better/different than the other guys in his slot, and when he does - adding an armdrag on the boost dropkick spot - the camera misses it because they're totally not expecting it. I guess they figured the crowd would be uber-receptive to tecnicos because of Mistico's return, but it's really the other way, and they really get on him when he loses his balance setting up a double jump 'rana. He's not pulling a Sagrado, but he doesn't have the crowd either. I don't know why you have La Mascara go last - he should so have gone before Dorada to make Dorada look that much better. Crowd actually reacts better of La Mascara than Dorada, which is a bad sign. He finishes off Averno with a swinging kick and a plancha to the floor. Other rudos try to ram other tecnicos, but get shoved off into each other. Sombra boost dropkicks them out, then boots Dorada into a a walk the rope moonsault, which get his best reaction of the night. Of course, he's just setting up Sombra's twisting moonsault to the floor. I can't get over that they booked Dorada with Sombra in this match. Back in the ring, Averno's debut as faction leader gets off to a sterling start by going down to La Mascara's campana.  

Let's go to Tony. There he is. Moving on.

Stellar Moments
- Lance: Angel Azteca top con giro on Tiger Kid
- Combo: Pierrothitho bed of knees hold for Warrior's slingshot legdrop to the outside. 
- Spectacular: Sombra corkscrew moonsault 
- Tope: Dragon Rojo getting Sombra by mistake
- Sensational: Misterioso taking the triple bump from the Triad

Match 3: Mr. Niebla, Atlantis (c), Ultimo Guerrero vs Hector Garza, Marco Corelone, Mistico (c)
Arena Mexico, 11/07/08

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:51
Approx Rating: Okay
Other Match Notes:  

1: Looks like the rudos jumped the tecnicos. Mistico, with a heavily taped shoulder (and taking bumps on it) still can wave to the crowd while being beat by UG. UG press Mistico into a gutbuster, then whips him into an Atlantis backbreaker. UG takes Mistico out to the stage for another press  - walking up the ramp while doing it! - then throws him back in the ring. It's no DQ if you toss him back in the ring, right. Hector gets caught in the corner, like every match ever. Rudos set up submissions for the win. I wonder if Niebla can get Corelone into a Nieblina? Obviously, he has his doubts. Rudos rip of Mistico's mask, which comes apart rather easily. 

2: Beatdown is going to continue until Mistico gets back. in the meantime, UG is not paying attention, and almost gets taken out by Corelone's legs on a double suplex by Atlantis and Niebla. Rudos set up the Guerrero sit on Corelone on the outside, Atlantis making Corelone's bird flapping motions for fun. Corelone and Garza make a comeback on Niebla and UG while we're watching Atlantis walk up the ramp, and Atlantis gets jumped by the returning Mistico while we're watching the other fight. This production is quite bad. UG takes a giant hiptoss in the ring, and Garza tosses Mistico into a big headscissors on UG. Mistico follows UG out with a run up the corner plancha. Clip. Garza gets caught going for a moonsault bodyblock, but Corelone's superman dive connects for the pin.    

3: Niebla gives a kiss to the cheek of the card girl and get high tens from the other rudos. Clip? Lots of crowd shots which are obviously not from this show. Tecnico showcases go Corelone than Garza (doing the stop, shirt off, blow a kiss spot - I guess he figures it's free with Alex not around) and Mistico last. Crowd behind Mistico as he comes in. He gets the better of Niebla and Atlantis, looking like normal (maybe a touch slow getting up after going down), but then gets shoulderblocked clear out of the ring by UG. Mistico recovers, and comes back in. Mistico gets UG with a springboard headscissors, flip run, off the ropes, spinning headscissors. Atlantis cuts him down with a kick before he can do any more. It breaks down to the other four, with Garza getting in a bad boost dropkick. Dives are teased, then Garza and Corelone get in position for their actual dives - Garza does a moonsault to the floor, and Corelone does a - uh - clothesline off the ramp. Nice split screen there, anyway. This leaves UG and Místico, UG gets Mistico down, Mistico leverages back up for fast 'rana, one two no. Mistico off the ropes, La Mistica. Crowd seems loud but distant there - people seem happy, but you can't really hear them. Odd. 

Celebration, post match editorial (they have time to fill?) and that's it.