CMLL on Televisa - 10/25/08
Recapped: 10/31/08

Match 1: Olimpico (c), Sangre Azteca, Virus vs Hijo del Fantasma, Mictlan, Valiente (c)
Arena Mexico, 10/24/08

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 14:23
Approx Rating: 83ish
Other Match Notes:  

1: Valiente and Virus start. The new guy's voice (who may be there for months for all I know) is greeting. Valiente and Virus get an extended battle on the mat which is pretty fun. Sangre & Fantasma start, starting with Fantasma stripping off his shirt. I can see the Garza influence! Fantasma and Sangre stick to chain wrestling for the most part too, until Sangre goes a long way on the monkey flip. Sangre recovers to pull Fantasma into a nice bow and arrow. They work a standing bodyscissors submission for a while - you don't get long work over holds here in trios usually. Olimpico and Mictlan go another route, Olimpico knocking down with Monito with a running back elbow and then kick the tecnicos down in the corner. Hey, Monito's here too. Mictlán fights back, taking advantage of Olímpico going for a dropdown by kicking him. Mictlan's comeback includes a headscissors and a rolling dropkick, which I still love. Mictlan poses, Virus deposes him in, then clips Fantasma on a charge. Dropkick sends Fantasma to the ramp. Valiente comes in, and he's chopped into the corner just as quick. Corner whip, reversed, Valiente tossed up but off the corner with an armdrags. Sangre tries his luck, clothesline blocked, corner whip, reversed, and we end up with Valiente in the corner and Sangre hitting a double jump dropkick on him. Sangre wastes no time in adding a questionably low dropkick. Mictlan in as Valiente goes out, and getting Sangre with a spinning headscissors. Olimpico in for him, clothesline misses, Mictlan superkicks him down. 'Rana? No, Blocked, and held upside for Sangre to add a dropkick. Olimpico kinda falls forward instead of going for the powerbomb he'd like, but Olimpico's pretty persistent about it, standing back up, holding onto Mictlan, hurking him up, and powerbombing him down. That's where those muscles come in handy. While Olimpico is taking the pinfall there, Fantasma leaps back in the ring to get Sangre with a spinning DDT. Fantasma is to busy posing to realize his teammates is getting pinned, and then Virus chops him down anyway. Sangre into help. Double whip, straight jacket into a double pumphandle powerbomb, Olimpico adding a bridging cover. That was great fun.

Olimpico picks Monito up over his shoulder and drops him face first in the world's softest inverted faceslam. Monito is set in the corner, legs held apart - and Sangre nails him with the low blow dropkick. That blue monkey is hurting. He's grabbed by a staff member, walked around the ring and up to the back. 

Vignette: Mistico works out in a gym. Back soon. Lots of footage of him battling with Perro. 

2: Beatdown in progress. Fantasma in, clothesline, clothesline, held in the middle off the ring, Sangre dropkicks him questionably low. Sangre's very proud of him self for nailing Fantasma. Valiente is chopped around. Valiente is hung upside for Virus' inside out dropkick. Sangre and Olimpico run him out with rushing shoulderblocks. Olimpico off the ropes, but Mictlan trips and pulls him out, and I guess he's making a one man fired up comeback. Chest slap for Olimpico into the apron, Sangre shoved down, slingshot splash on him, Virus misses the elbow drop. Rudos try a double clothesline, miss, and Mictlán leads them into a double dropkick from Fantasma. Crowd does not like Mictlan suddenly here. Tecnicos off the ropes, charging into dives - tope by Fantasma, tope con giro by Mictlan. Valiente in and ducking a clothesline. Up to the middle rope, hesitation, Olimpico catches Valiente on a springboard moonsault. Olimpico battling to hold Valiente up, and failing - Valiente turns it over and has Olimpico up. Layout double knee gutbuster one two three!

Ultimo Guerrero asks you to send an e-mail to - I think it's a Mexico only thing, but I'm tempted to send an e-mail because UG says to send an e-mail. Also, who uses hotmail in 2008? Can't hook the man up with an address of their own? 

Villano V - is he saying the anniversary show will air soon? Let's pretend.

3: Sangre wants a handshake, but Valiente isn't down with that. Single leg, spinning toe hold, Sangre spun up. Whip, reversed, Valiente goes under, springboard plancha connects, Valiente rolls thru. Valiente off the ropes, waved by, back with a back elbow. Valiente wants more, wants Sangre in a different position before he charges. Corner charge, Sangre waves him by, Valiente double jumps to the ropes, takes a step to the side, and comes down with a spinning headscissors. Valiente charges Sangre for more - monkey flip! How many of those must he have taken by now? Tags to Virus and Fantasma. Chop battle. Virus cheats with a kick, headlock, no, Fantasma breaks out of it, headlock of his own, shot off, back with a shoulderblock. Fantasma off the ropes, Virus hiptoss blocked, and Fantasma hits one of his own. Virus cries in pain, while Fantasma kicks Olimpico off the apron for fun. Bodyscissors armdrags on Virus. Virus charges, and punches Fantasma in the knee (or hip) when both men  are confused. That was odd. Whip, Fantasma off the ropes, Virus goes for the sweep, Fantasma leaps over him, Fantasma just stands there, Virus shoulderblocks him off, the ropes, waved by, waved by, Fantasma does his jumping spin kick, Virus grabs the ropes and celebrates, Fantasma enziguris him. Please don't tell me he's doing the same 10 setup dance in every match, I'll be sad. Olimpico in, Fantasma misses a corner charge on him, and Olimpico wastes no time working him over. Corner whipped, reversed, Fantasma jumps to the middle ropes, and jumps back with a headlock. Fantasma starts for a dive, but stops when he sees Sangre coming in. It's like they're having a secret feud over the middleweight title in Acapulco or something. Fantasma misses a clothesline, turns around, shoulderblocks, both off the ropes, and Sangre connects with a rolling jumping spin kick. Sangre holds Fantasma on the ropes, and asks the crowd to get real quiet. Asks them for a while. There's as quiet as they're going to get, man, and there ain't too many of them. Loud chest slap. Fantasma falls into the rudo corner, and they just pound on him while Sangre listens to the 'otra' chants. Corner whip, which sends Fantasma to the tecnico corner, where Mictlan is waiting to backdrop him to safety. Sangre charges in and eats boots, then Valiente gets him with a top rope plancha. Rudos grab Valiente by his mask tail and yank him down. Sangre kicks Mictlan down, then turns towards Valiente, who's set up for the low blow dropkick. Sangre charges, and connects. Mictlan gets Sangre with a dropkick, Olimpico gets Mictlan with a running back elbow, Olimpico off the ropes into a tope con giro on Valiente. Virus back elbow Fantasma down as they both come in. Corner whip, reversed, Fantasma charge in but Virus has swung to the apron. Virus blocks his chop, headbutts him in the sternum, and slingshot in for a senton, only no one's home. Virus is alert enough to move out of the way of Fantasma's dropkick, but his chop is caught and pulled into Fantasma's deadly back suplex. Short armscissors, will do for that one. Meanwhile, Mictlan in, and Sangre in to cut him off with a takedown. Sangre is distracted by his partner giving up, then pulled into a headscissors cradle for the finish. That was fun. Not as hot near the end as the start, but still a good time.

And then they walk off. Here's Tony's picture. 


Mistico vignette, again. They only made one.

Match 2: Dragon Rojo Jr., Ephesto (c), Misterioso II vs Averno (c), Mephisto, Terrible
Arena Mexico, 10/24/08

  1. Laguneros
  2. Laguneros

Winner: Laguneros
Match Time: 18:39
Approx Rating: Average with the story twist
Other Match Notes: No entrances. Ephesto & Misterioso have matching gear, which is a bad investment. Then again, Misterioso has had those colors for a while, so maybe they teamed up somewhere for a while and I forgot. Averno & Mephisto seem angry with Ephesto for being on the wrong side here. Well, the side they're not on, they're usually happy that Ephesto is on the wrong side.

1: Dragon Rojo masks seem to be popular. Rojo/Mephisto on the mat. Lots of pointing to the crowd before they fight - and they don't, Averno wants no part of him and tags in Terrible. Terrible and Ephesto do chain wrestling! Okay, very clearly, someone laid down a mandate, but this doesn't happen two matches in row back on FSE. This, slow starts based on one one fights, doesn't happen two matches in a month on FSE. For Ephesto and Terrible, this means 20 seconds of locking up, and 20 seconds of circling and looking at the crowds. You do what you can do. Ephesto gets a headscissors, Terrible back bridges out of it, then spreads Ephesto's legs for a submission. Ephesto counts out to a monkey flip, and then they get zero trip pins. Terrible tags out to Averno, who's still in no hurry to do this. This time, he tried to deal with it by picking a fight with Dragon Rojo Jr. This creates an opening for a brawl, and the Perros are happy to start the beatdown off of that. Dragon Rojo take a  double back elbow, then a dropkick out. Misterioso corner whipped, clothesline, clothesline, clothesline. Misterioso whipped out, Terrible lifts him up, fireman's carry drop into the rudos knees. Ephesto tries to get in, and gets blown up by a Terrible boot. Dragon Rojo back in again, held and mask untied. Terrible chops him in the chest hard. Dragon Rojo taken down near the ropes, Averno & Mephisto hold him there, and Terrible dropkicks him to the floor. Misterioso comes back in as the Perros celebrate. He's knocked down, and Averno stand son his chest. Whip, double rebound hiptoss, triple boot out. Triple roll pose by the Perros. Crowd does not approve of the tecnico move. Ephesto in, and Terrible kicks him down. His partners are busy posing. Ephesto fights back, Averno & Mephisto make a move towards him, but Terrible actually gets control of himself. Terrible grabs Ephesto, holds him on his knees. What are Averno and Mephisto going to do? Oh, kick him in the chest until he falls down. I thought that was going to be the finish, but Ephesto doesn't give. Terrible whips him, double clothesline misses, Ephesto topes Terrible? I guess Misterioso pulled him out. Dragon Rojo gets the other two with a plancha back in. Misterioso superkicks Averno, takes down Mephisto, and Dragon Rojo adds a  huge springboard splash on Mephisto. He made that look pretty neat. Misterioso takes care of Averno with the Gory Special, and that's the fall. 

2: Averno and Ephesto with a long stare down before they get going. Misterioso comes in to back up his partner. Ephesto turns to back away, and Mephisto slaps him from behind running. This leads to Averno & Mephisto being backed up the ramp (with Terrible being a little slow and staying back to argue with Terrible. Lots of posturing going on. Misterioso stops to pose as he gets back in the ring, and Averno has no problem stomping him down and pounds him into the mat. Ephesto comes in to yell at all the Perros. Misterioso and Averno counter each other for a bit, ending with a Misterioso armdrags. He gets his own rebound armdrag to send Averno out. Mephisto gets tossed on a charge, and a rebound armdrags for him. Terrible wants no part of him, so Misterioso does the fake dive pose. Tag to Dragon Rojo and Terrible. Terrible surprises Dragon with a shoulderblock and stomps him into the mat. Chop. Whip, reversed, Terrible going over, and into an armdrag. Dragon picks up Terrible, but Terrible batters him with a chest slap. Whip, flapjack reverse d into a Dragon Rojo armdrags. Mephisto cuts him off with a clothesline before Dragon Rojo can breathe. Mephisto sets him up in the corner, and slaps him hard. Terrible roots for another one.  Corner whip, reversed, Mephisto kips up and out, backwards roll, and Dragon Rojo catches him with a bottom rope dropkick as he charges back. Averno in to try his luck,, but he gets drop toe hold into the ropes. Springboard inside out dropkick. Dragon Rojo goes all the way up, spinning headscissors ends Averno out. Dragon Rojo has bounces off the ropes to pose. Tag to Ephesto and Mephisto. Mephisto has to stop to pose. face to face talking. Ephesto off the ropes, over, shoulderblocks knocks down Mephisto as he jumps for no real reason. Stomp, stomp, stomp, yelling. Ephesto off the ropes, and tripped up and pulled out by Averno. Perros all on him, stomping him on the floor. Misterioso and Dragon Rojo run them off, as Ephesto rolls around in pain on the floor. Referees are able to defuse the situation and Mephisto and Ephesto bring it back in. Averno takes Ephesto's place after a clip. Big chest slap knocks Ephesto down. Averno picks him up. Whip, reversed, over, and into an Ephesto clothesline. Ephesto goes for Averno's mask, but is immediately warned by the referees. Mephisto comes in, Ephesto hiptosses him and goes for his mask. Averno breaks that up, Ephesto off the ropes, standing fireman's carry by Averno, armdrag headscissors on his partners! Ephesto gets his own double rebound armdrags to send them back out, but stares and watches and gets dropkicked in the back by Terrible. Terrible with a whip, reversed, Ephesto pulls him into a spinning backbreaker. Doesn't look so good. Let's try it again - still no good! Dragon Rojo tries to help out with a missile dropkick, but gets Ephesto by mistake. Ephesto rolls out, and Terrible boots Dragon Rojo directly in the face. He's out of the ring. Misterioso knocks Terrible away with a missile dropkick, Mephisto's senton misses, but Averno grabs a hold of Misterioso. Mephisto kicks, Misterioso dodges, Averno stops his partner just in time and they both kick down Misterioso. Dragon Rojo back in with a plancha for both of them, then tossed into a - uh oh, Perros moved out of the way a dropkick.  Still, Misterioso wraps up Averno in the Gory Stretch and Dragoon Rojo takes down Mephisto to lock on his submission. Terrible and Ephesto rush in, Ephesto - ducks a clothesline, tells Terrible to stop and breaks up Dragon Rojo's hold! Terrible low blows Misterioso. Stomp down on Dragon Rojo and Misterioso II. Crowd cheers as Ephesto turns on his teammates, immediately taking Misterioso's mask. Averno takes Dragon Rojo's mask as his own prize. Oh, yeah, DQ about 15 seconds ago.

Hype for Arena Coliseo includes Okumura hyping it. 

Oh, Ultimo Guerrero wants to know which anniversary he beat Mr. Aguila for his mask. You'd think he'd know that already.

Stellar Moments
- Sensational: Neutron moonsault to the floor. 
- Spectacular: Valiente Special
- Vuelo: Dos Caras tope thru the corner on Terrible. 
- Dive: Garza moonsault to the floor
- Insolito: Marco's pin of Lizmark, with Lizmark's arm on the ropes. Many replays of that.

Vignette: Warrior happens upon Panther and UG working the gym. He'll stand with them. UG still wants V5's mask. 

Vignette: Villanos at the CMLL museum exhibit. They took care of Panther, they'll do the same to Guerrero. 

Match 3: Villano III, Villano IV, Villano V vs Black Warrior, Blue Panther, Ultimo Guerrero
Arena Mexico, 10/24/08

  1. Laguneros
  2. Laguneros

Winner: Laguneros (2-0)
Match Time: 8:07
Approx Rating: not much
Other Match Notes: No entrances, just a standoff in the aisle. Quasi tecnicos are eventually backed up in the ring, but immediately attack once the Villanos gets there.

1: UG goes right for V5's mask, of course. V5 pulls down the ropes while UG runs it, causing him to still outside and the Villanos to take control. Double pres slam for Laguneros, and Panther is held for V3 to work over with punches. Superplex for Warrior. Villanos go out to stomp down UG on the floor. UG is suplexed back in front the apron, and V3 adds a senton. Crowd does not seem into this at all. V5 suplex on UG, UG reverses it to a small package, Villano 3 isn't paying attention and Warrior grabs a hold of V4 just enough, one two three.

Proxama Semana: Hector Garza, Ultimo Guerrero, Blue Panther, Hijo del Fantasma, Damian 666, the debut of Mascara Dorada, Villano V, Marco Corelone, Dragon Rojo, Dos Caras Jr., and many more

2: Laguneros take control of the brawl, which ends with a mass of Villanos being stomped down on the ramp. The ring girl takes one look at that and decides he's staying on the stage. No open whistle. Quasi tecnicos take it down to one ones. Panther/V4, Panther gives V3 a safe looking powerbomb, and V3 looks like he's crippled for life. That's no good. V5 in to attack him - V5's shoulder tape seems to be increasing again. Panther gets control of him, with some help from UG, rushing into clothesline him down on a sunset flip. UG goes for the mask, V4 comes in to help, Warrior dropkicks V4 out and then goes back to his corner quietly. V4 battles up enough to chop UG around. Snap mare, and V5 goes for the mask. UG gets his way free. Off the ropes, dropkick knocks V4 thru the ropes. V4 knocks UG down with a back elbow, and is the first effective one at actually ripping the mask up. Punches to the head. UG kicks him away. Crowd still not in this, anyway. UG lures V4 into a Warrior plancha. Warrior adds a dropkick, and tries to get the to make some noise. Warrior goes For V4's mask, but V5 gets back up, head to the ropes - no,  Panther grabs him, and UG tosses Warrior into the Guerrero sit. V5 knocked down in the corner, and UG gets in his headstand sit. V5 staggers back to his feet, just to be dropkicked out. UG goes up, somewhat losing his footing, as Warrior runs full speed - bullet tope, and a plancha. Panther and V3 left in. Crowd does get loud for Panther as he goes crazy here. V3 charges in, and takes a backdrop. Panther pounds on him from top, the referees try it pull him off, and end up holding him in position for V3 to foul. That'll do it. V3 on him and punching, crowd booing. Warrior comes in, which is enough to get arm raised, but maybe he should break up the fight. UG figures that much out, and Warrior comes over to help.

Replays. That was totally the referees fault. Dancing and one more look at the replay to close it out.