CMLL LATV - 03/21/09 (#137)
Recapped: 03/22/09

Open: Sombra and Dark Angel join the announcers for separate bits, and Mr. Niebla and Blue Panther do pre-taped promos. Marco's is very obviously clipped out from Panther's promo, but they leave it in when Miguel Linares says it during the stand up. Ooops. That does serve to prove they had no idea Marco was gone when they taped this. On the other hand, Dark Angel and Julio discuss Sahori oddly being on the rudo side, expecting she'll be a professional about it.

Match 1: Hiroka, Princesa Blanca (c), Sahori vs Dark Angel, Lady Apache, Marcela (c)
Arena Mexico, 03/15/09

  1. rudas
  2. tecnicas
  3. tecnicas

Winner: tecnicas (2-1)
Match Time: 11:34
Approx Rating: Would've been better with three rudas.
Other Match Notes: Entrances for this match, which is a good indication no lightning match

Sahori is here for Rosa Negra. Apparently they knew in advance enough for the announcers (and Dark Angel) to talk about for the stand up, but not in advance to actually find an actual ruda. When is Crazy Star going to make TV, anyway? Marcela does the promo for her team. Sahori's entrance includes dancing. Blanca still has issues with Marcela.

1: Clip Dark Angel and Sahori shake hands before (clip) Dark Angel chest slaps her down. Corner whip, Sahori back up, middle rope headscissors. Dark Angel up, waiting, running, waved by and landing a springboard cross body. Dark Angel and Sahori evade clotheslines, Sahori ducks Dark Angle's enziguri., Dark Angel rolls out of the way of an elbow drop, cover for zero. Dark Angel dropkick misses, Rosa Negra armdrags her away, double kip up, face off. Hand slap, and tags to their corners. Marcela and Blanca – no, it'll be Hiroka. Both go for each other's hair, but Hiroka wins that Hiroka chests slaps Marcela and fires up, only to turn around into a harder one. Hiroka knocks Marcela to her knees with a shot, so Marcela winders up before enough one. Enough of that, Hiroka just kicks her down. Stomp. Hiroka off the ropes, Marcela knees her. Marcela off the ropes, hard dropkick to the sternum, while Hiroka is just leaning on the ropes. Corner whip, reversed, Hiroka charges in, Marcela kicks her away. Marcela charges it out, Hiroka tries to flip her with her feet, but Marcela lands on her feet, kicks Hiroka as she gets up, lifts her on her shoulder and dropkicks her down into a backbreaker. Hiroka rolls out to escape, but she can't – Apache tope con giro off the apron. Blanca in for her side, whip, reversal, Marcela sent to her corner, where Dark Angel places her on the top rope and then ducks a Blanca clothesline. Marcela plancha on Blanca as Sahori's dropkicked by Sarah. Blanca walks into a double drop toe hold, double armbar by the tecnicas, and that's it.

2: Hiroka has an animated discussion with someone near the ramp. I don't think she can help but have an animated conversation. And we go from that to watch people kissing, and the maybe the usual rowdy female tecnico fan apparently in the second row for this show. Hey, the match.

Tecnicos ready to go, but need someone to step in with them. It'll be Hiroka and Apache. Lady quickly taken down, off the ropes, off the ropes, over the backdrop, but still pulled down by her hair. Hiroka kicks Apache around. Corner whip, charge, and a back press connects, but Lady Apache still pulls her down by her hair. Apache uses Hiroka's knees to flip out of the corner, but gets kicked by an arriving Blanca and pulled in a full nelson. Hiroka's chop goes awry, of course. Sahori comes in to help out, but Lady Apache stops her from attacking. They discuss, Sahori saying she doesn't want to hit or be hit, so naturally the rudas accidentally chop her instead of Lady Apache. Rudas kick Lady Apache down (delayed big bump here) and then hammer Dark Angel and Marcela down as they come in. Sahori hangs back as the rudas take control of the ring. Rudas try to wave Sahori over to help hit Marcela, but she's listening to the crowd instead and doesn't want to come in. After they kick down Marcela, Sahori comes in to debate fair play with the rudas. Not very professional, but whatever. Lady Apache in, while Sahori goes back to the apron. Double back elbow is one thing, but the big spot is Lady Apache being whipped, Hiroka leapfrogging her, Lady Apache putting her head down to stay clear, and Princesa Blanca dropkicking Apache directly in the head as she runs thru. That was rough. Sahori helps roll out Lady Apache to safety, which seriously annoys her teammates. She also wont hit Dark Angel when she's being held, but they make her participate in a triple boot on the Canadian. Hiroka and Blanca are so happy Sahori finally joined in, they miss Marcela coming in and grabbing Blanca by the hair. Rudas get it together, and boot her. Lady Apache thrown by her hair. Marcela brought in and Sahori's forced to throw her around by her hair. Hey, pinfall at any time? Ah, they're spinning Marcela after a hair toss – Blanca shoves Sahori on top, and pushes her down for the pin.

Sahori is sad. So am I – all the women's matches which got clipped up and went two falls this year on this show, and this is the one that goes to three?

3: BEEPING! NOT THE BEEPING. Rudas still in control, doing more of the same. Sahori is not participating, which still doesn't seem very professional to me, but 2 on 1 works just about as well as 3 on 1. Marcela pulls off the assisted headscissors on Blanca to steer the comeback, and Dark Angel dropkicks Hiroka out. Sahori in, Lady Apache waved her around and throws her down by her hair. Hiroka and Blanca come in to take care of Lady Apache and Dark Angel, but miss on dropkicks. Double whip, reversed, rudas miss on dropkicks, tecnicas hold them in place, and Marcela adds a top rope splash. Marcela pops back up, and cuts off Sahori from coming in with a kick. She's not going to dive, is she? Marcela pescado, with actually a pretty nice catch by Sahori. Submission by the tecnicas for the win.

Yet another stand up interview, this time with Mr. Niebla. I think they might have been able to find room for Dorada's match here pretty easily.

Match 2: Lizmark Jr., Rey Bucanero, Mr. Niebla (c) vs Blue Panther (c), La Sombra, Angel Azteca Jr.
Arena Mexico, 03/15/09

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:08
Approx Rating: Better than the opener but not good.
Other Match Notes: Angel Azteca Jr. is here because Marco Corleone is not (and Angel Azteca Jr. was the Extra Guy.) More importantly, this is Sombra's return to the ring. Entrances.

1: Tecnicos make the save for a fan who has to deal with Mr. Niebla, and get beat for it. Lizmark chokes Sombra out with his own necklace, which is why you don't wear a necklace. Angel Azteca almost gets backdropped onto Niebla and Panther, who decide to to safety before continuing their fight. Safety is a place where Niebla can continue his running debate with the fan, of course. Lizmark entertains himself with jumping jacks and posing. Angel Azteca is hung in the tree of woe, and Sombra is crotched on his head. While Rey and Lizmark are thinking of other ways to humiliate the youngsters, Panther's left alone with Niebla. Panther has Niebla almost in trouble, so Niebla fakes a low blow. Referees give it to him. Niebla rolls out, starts to celebrate, and goes back to selling the foul.

2: Beatdown continues. Bucanero does like usual with Sombra – find as many different moves he can pull of on him. No flipping move yet. Panther is isolated in the ring and gets a trip to Niebla's armpit. Niebla goes up as his partners hold Panther, but Niebla slips on the top rope and falls to the floor. Rudos decide to whip Panther instead, whipping him right into a tope on Niebla! Sombra dives on both rudos in the ring, they catch him, and Angel Azteca moonsaults the pile over and hangs on for the pin, one two three.

3: Rudos fooling around on the outside to start. Niebla tries to chase down the ring girl, but actually runs past her. Lizmark hangs out with the front row people until Bucanero calls him back to the ring. Niebla screws around some more, then walks out rather than fight Panther. Maybe Lizmark Jr. vs Angel Azteca Jr. instead? Lizmark thinks Angel Azteca is too small for him and clowns around a bunch, but takes a springboard spinning armdrags, rolls out, and spins around on the floor. Clearly, the rudos were expecting a comedy match with Marco today and they haven't let the fact Marco's not here stop them from doing their part. Sombra gets Bucanero – no Niebla, who clothesline him down and dances. Chop, whip, reversed, Sombra goes over, and flips Niebla over on the next pass. Sombra rips off his shirt to deal with Lizmark. Spinning headscissors sends him out. Bucanero in, and he gets slid to the floor. Sombra runs to the ropes, front flip over the ropes, and pushes off the apron into a headscissors on Bucanero. That's crazy. Panther carries him on his shoulders to celebrate as the rudos complain. Panther and Niebla in, which quickly turns into Rey and Niebla trying and failing to stop him. Rey takes a faceslam, Niebla spits up his gum and misses catching it, of course. Panther clotheslines Niebla and threatens his own arm pit related violence. Lizmark thrust kicks him away. Angel Azteca miss a dropkick, and Sombra gets blown down before he can try one. Double clothesline on Azteca misses, and Sombra boosts into a double dropkick on Rey and Lizmark. Tecnicos rush – fast and bit ropes knock the rudos into the front row. Back to the captains. Both try planchas and collide, Panther lands on top, and also fakes a low blow. Of course the refs are going to give them this one back, and thats the match.

Replays and we're done.