CMLL FSE GdR - 08/03/08 (#104)
Recap: 08/12/08

Match 1: Pequeño Damian 666 (c), Pequeño Halloween, Pierrothito vs Bam Bam, Mascarita Dorada (c), Pequeño Olímpico
Arena Coliseo, 07/20/08

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 12:48
Approx Rating: Disjoined in parts. Last week was better. Odd build too.
Other Match Notes: Bam Bam appears to have borrowed Volador's green suspenders outfit. He says he's going to win again and get a shot at the title. Halloween and Mr. Aguila re wearing a camouflage shirts and pastel color pants. Not sure how that works. Damian says Bam Bam won't be getting that shot.

1: Joined in mid Halloween/Dorada sequence, Dorada in complete control. This time, he gets a headscissors that causes Halloween to spin in a full circle before letting do. I guess more rotations later. Damian and Bam Bam in, though refs have to urge them to actually fight. Chest slap war. Bam Bam breaks to go off the ropes. Under a clothesline, under a clothesline, Halloween kicks Bam Bam form the outside, and Damian tries to clothesline Bam Bam. Bam Bam back bends under the clothesline and then goes ahead and sells it like it hit. That was just odd looking. Rudos clear the tecnicos off the apron and throw Bam Bam around by his hair. Triple powerbomb, Halloween double flapjacked on top. No pin, Bam Bam thrown out so Olimpico can be worked over instead. Damian lifts him up, and Halloween gets him with a springboard silla, and Aguila adds a plancha for the pin. Dorada in and miss on his dropkick. Damian giant swings him, and Halloween adds the dropkick. Posing pin.

2: Rudos still in control. Dorada is mugged in the middle of the ring until Olimpico makes the save. Olimpico takes a double clothesline and thrown out. Bam Bam's kicked around. Damian holds Bam Bam up for a big move from Halloween and Aguila, but Dorada and Olimpico pull those two out, and Bam Bam reverses into a bodyscissors armdrag. It's a bit hard to follow for a moment. - Dorada Asai Moonsaults Aguila and Olimpico topes Halloween as Bam Bam's getting some revenge. Bam Bam tries a 'rana, but Damian reveres it into a powerbomb, into a second powerbomb, into a third powerbomb, into a FOURTH powerbomb! Don't screw with Mini Damian! Damian pounds Bam Bam on the mat. It's pretty clear where this is ended up, because the referees move into stop the rudo before he's even done all that much. DQ for excessive violence is quickly after. Damian has to be shoved off and pushed away. Bam Bam's out on the mat, but the winner of the fall.

After replays are over, Damian is back on Bam Bam and beating him down in the corner again.

3: Bam Bam is still being beat. Halloween scoops him on his shoulders, and gives him an F5 on the ramp. Rudos are still wildly in control. Mini Damian press Dorada into the ring, then shoves him around. More aimless brawling than usual. Olimpico makes a small random comeback with a headbutt on Halloween, but Damian comes over and tosses him out. Definite time killing going on. Dorada is whipped and tossed, but comes down with a headscissors on Aguila. Halloween and Damian boot him out. Olimpico's a little late coming in. He ducks the rudos clothesline, Halloween charge into a spinning backbreaker, and Bam Bam gets Damian with a missile dropkick to battles him out of the ring. Halloween swings at Bam Bam, Bam Bam catches him and holds on, Olimpico thinks about this for a bit, dropkicks, and ends up hitting Bam Bam. Halloween spears Olimpico, and now everyone's down. Crowd's momentary at a standstill, and so is this match. Halloween corner whips Olímpico, but Olimpico moves out of the way and wallops Halloween with a slap to the side of the head. Olimpico ends up headscissoring Halloween, but they stay in for even longer. Halloween charges Olimpico, Olimpico lifts him and crotches him on the ropes, then kicks him out. Tag to Bam Bam. Aguilita into face him, not Damian. Bam gets the show off flip run, then headscissors Aguila to the ropes. Aguila stays in, charges, and Bam Bam pulls him down by his hair. Aguila tries again, gets pulled down by his hair again, and gets pulled out. Tag to Dorada, who immediately catches Damian with springboard spinning headscissors. Up and over sunset flip, but Damian rolls thru and blast Dorada with a dropkick. Damian spins him by his mask. Once more? Sure. Dorada off the ropes, under a clothesline, spinning headscissors sends Damian to the ropes. Dorada off the ropes, spinning headscissors - one rotation, two rotation, three rotation four rotation and Damian's sent out! Dorada quickly up the ropes, but that's a feign - Bam Bam tornillo knocks over the champ. Halloween knocks Dorada off the corner, then spears Olimpico awkwardly on a leapfrog. Olimpico and Halloween just get right back up, a bit lost. Halloween end up kicking him out, then backdropping Aguila into a pescado. Halloween takes his time watching, climbs the ropes - top rope plancha only gets Aguila! Dorada waiting, off the ropes - thru the ropes tope con giro! Captains left in, Damian knocks Bam Bam away from the ropes as he comes in. Damian climbs the ropes, Bam Bam crotches him. Bam lifts Damian off - valaguesa! That's the other guy's move! One two THREE.  

While Damian is still on the mat, Bam Bam takes the opportunity to demand his title match for next week. Damian agrees, but he wants a hair match too.  

Match 2: Black Warrior, Olímpico, Sangre Azteca vs Alex Koslov, Grey Shadow, Volador Jr.
Arena Coliseo, 07/20/08

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 9:49
Approx Rating: Okay
Other Match Notes: Guess who Grey Shadow talks about? GUESS. Volador has his belt, but it's kinda dragging on the floor behind him. Sangre dances to the ring for some reason. They've totally given up on opening and closing the entrance door for each guy. It must've broke. Warrior is quite sharply dressed. White gloves always help an outfit. He talks about Volador in his promo. 

1: JIP, as Koslov and Sangre battle for holds, which is a good. Warrior vs Volador is just Warrior walking around to get in position for Volador's moves. Volador's tope con giro does look pretty good. Grey Shadow finishes Sangre with a fireman's carry gutbuster as Alex gets the Red Scare on Olimpico. That was easy enough.

2: Exciting standing around to start the fall. Shadow gets his showcase run on Olimpico, though Olimpico actually gets a moment of offense in with a sharp back elbow. Shadow distracts himself with attacking Sangre, and Sangre ends up stomping him to pieces after Shadow's kicked out Olimpico. Shadow ends up coming back with a spinning springboard DDT. Alex and Olimpico have an intense pose off. Alex is now giving the stop sign after he's stunned his opponent with armdrags and backbreakers. Alex does his own showcase flip run, but Sangre just sweeps his feet out. Alex is deposited in a corner, and Warrior walks over to stomp him in the head many times. Alex comes back after being flipped to the apron, landing a plancha. Sangre misses a clothesline, Alex comes back off the ropes and - nothing. Alex went to start a spot and Sangre just did nothing. Alex forearms him to cover, and they get into a chop fight instead. Alex starts to head to the ropes, but Sangre grabs him and whips him instead. This time, Sangre is ready to toss Alex up into a 'rana. Volador in and fired up. Warrior's ready to face him, but it turns into Olimpico jumping Volador from behind. Tecnicos are dropped. Alex is crotched on the ring post. Warrior gives Volador a slingshot elbow drop, and starts to crawl over of the pin before the rudos decided to do more. Volador's held over Olimpico's knees, and Warrior adds the Guillotine legdrop for the fall.     

3: Volador takes corner charges, then is whipped out so Sangre can get in his low blow missile drop-stomp. Alex gets a dropkick to the head. Grey Shadow slides out on a a whip, leading Black Warrior into a Volador springboard headscissors. Sangre and Olimpico boot him out, but Alex and Shadow gets them with a springboard forearm and dropkick. (Alex comes up a little short on Sangre, who was too far away. Alex whips Shadow into a tope con giro on Olimpico, and Alex gets his own on Sangre (and it's pretty good.) Warrior and Volador in. Warrior kicks Volador around, Volador moves out of corner splash. Volador kinda drop toe holds Warrior, casita is shoved off, Warrior 'rana, Volador rolls thru one two THREE.    

Warrior can't believe that just happened. Replays, video and they're out.