CMLL FSE GdR - 06/22/08 (#97)
Recap: 07/03/08

Intro: is quick and features no wrestlers.

Outside the ring: Metalik, out among the mask sellers. They're giving him a lot of attention early on.

Break before the first match.

Match 1: Caifan, Ohara, Okumura (c)  vs Axel, Mictlán, Stuka Jr. (c)
Arena Coliseo, 06/08/08

  1. tecnicos 
  2. rudos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 12:11
Approx Rating: bad in parts, okay in others
Other Match Notes: They show the entrances here. Mictlán does the promo for his team. I think they were worried about me, specifically, going thru 52MX withdrawal and so we're getting this match. Caifan is wearing a Caifan 69 coat and does the promo for his team. Ohara is with his valet from the Dragonmanaia show. I wonder how Mima feels about that. Mictlán is apparently using Volador Jr.'s tailor, judging from the pants.

1: Ohara and Mictlán on the mat is entertaining, all due to Ohara. And not just because I'm trying to figure out what those skull/ghost things on his samurai pants are supposed to be. Okumura quickly gets control on Axel when Ohara gets in a cheap shot from outside. Okumura and Axel badly blow whatever the first spot it is they try, making it completely unrecognizable. Axel end ups headscissoring him out, and taking care of Ohara and Caifan one on two. Crowd not on Axel's side, even when he flips over the ropes to give Ohara an armdrag on the floor. Okumura knocks Axel down, Mictlán gets him with a headscissors, Caifan gets him with a running back elbow, Stuka evades him and slides him out, Ohara gets him with a back elbow. Corner whip, Stuka flips to the apron, Ohara's charge is blocked and he's chopped away, and Stuka moonsaults to the floor on Caifan. Back inside, Axel and Ohara have a mess of a roll up. This is so not Axel's day, and they end up with something vaguely a cradle for three. Mictlán's spinning flapjack is not so much better, and he strangely opts for a Mr. Mexico like submission. That was not the best wrestling.

2: Stuka actually gets some ring time, working with Caifan here. They must've worked together in Monterrey at some point. They're solid, which is far better that most stuff in this match. Stuka teases dive, ends up cartwheeling off the apron and taking Caifan over with a headscissors on the floor before running back in to pose. Mictlán quickly take scare of Ohara, then knocks Okumura out of the ring with a rolling dropkick. Mictlán slides out after him, and drops him with a spinning back breaker. Axel in again, but the rudos pick this moment to start the beatdown. Brawling, but the rudos get it together to work over Stuka. Okumura gets Stuka with his missile dropkick, and Caifan adds a top rope splash for the pin. Okumura helps pin by sitting on Caifan's head, which is probably not the preferred option.

3: Stuka takes a triple boot to star the fall. Mictlán in and immediately cornered. Corner whip, corner clothesline, running back elbow, and whipped out into the Kamehameha. Ohara really put all his chi into that one. Fans start to get on him, and he threatens to take them out with a massive fireball next. Axel corner whipped, corner clothesline, corner clothesline, Ohara loads it up - oh no, Axel reversed it, and Okumura took the Kamehameha! Tragedy! Ohara is despondent, and then flipping thru a a Ohara headscissors. Caifan misses his senton on Axel, and - well, here's no one else to beat up. Caifan has to hurry to his feet so both Stuka and Mictlán can have a shot at taking spinning backbreakers. Lots of brawling out into the crowd, not interesting enough for the crowd to floor. Double whip on Caifan, and double boot knocks him out. Everyone wanders to their corners, and Axel and Okumura are left in and chopping. Okumura gets in an eye rake. Corner whip, charge, Okumura flips Axel to the apron, Axel knocks him away, Axel just gets to him on a missile dropkick. Okumura out, Axel after him with a tope. Ohara sets up on the apron and waits for Axel to get up - flying karate kick. Both Okumura and Ohara grab Axel, and Mictlán knocks down the whole pile with a tope con giro. Caifan and Stuka left in, Stuka takes out Caifan with a dropkick to to the knee quick. Fireman's carry forward drop, dropping Caifan in the middle of the ring. Stuka torpedo splash, one two three. Wasn't Okumura the captain? Stuka celebrates, and the referees get to counting out people. The person in charge of the fall graphic knows it's not over, but the director likes showing us the fans instead of the countout. Tecnicos stomp the rudos and eventually come back in. And they decide that's good enough for twenty (even if it was more like 40)

Match 2: Damián 666 (C), Misterioso II, Mr. Águila vs Felino, Negro Casas (c), Volador Jr.
Arena Coliseo, 06/08/08

  1. tecnicos
  2. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-0)
Match Time: 8:32
Approx Rating: mostly worthless
Other Match Notes: Negro Casas rants against the Perros and about keeping his hair. Aguila taunts Negro Casas when he come out, but Damian actually goes after him and starts brawling. There seemed to be a clip in there. Aguila and Damian talk about the cage match as well. Sombra's in this match for Volador

1: rudo brawling beatdown. Sombra takes a slingshot over the knees/double elbow drop combo. Negro's choked down in the corner. And that's all they do, continuing to work Negro over in the corner, using bending his legs around the ropes much to the referees distress. They try to break it up, but the Perros ignore them and just won't let go. Misterioso tries to run interference for his team. Referees just give up and raise Sombra's arms for the win. Lame fall.

el Inmortales: Perro Aguayo Jr. & Terrible vs Universo 2000 & Cien Caras in a double hair match. This is a long clip.

2: Perros are now cranking Felino's legs over the ropes instead. They're okay with doing wrestling moves on Sombra, just not the two Casas brothers. Sombra takes a triple faceslam, then Negro is brought back for chops and worked over in the corner. Negro finally moves out of the way of a corner whips to start the comeback. Negro works over Damian with a kick in the ring as the other four brawl around ringside. Felino ends up back inside with Misterioso to start the one on ones, escaping a sunset flip and kicking Misterioso, then sending him out after a springboard plancha into an armdrag. Sombra and Aguila are next. Sombra off the ropes, cartwheeling and backflipping over, Aguila whipped into the ropes, springboard flip just to show off in response. Sombra headscissors Aguila, Sombra whip, reversed, Sombra hangs out in the ropes, Aguila chases him and throws himself out, and Sombra fakes the dive. Negro is quickly in, wanting a piece of Damian. Crowd behind Negro. Chop battle. Negro kicks Negro and gives him a swinging neckbreaker, but Damian immediately pops up and eye rakes him. Damián off the ropes, big boot, but Negro stays up. Damian slaps him hard, of the ropes, no, Negro blocks it and gives him a knee breaker. Armbar, and Misterioso has to break it up. Felino chases and misses him. Misterioso off the rope, right into Felino's handspring back elbow. Aguila boots out Felino, Sombra grabs Aguila in a wristlock uses him to climb the ropes, and lets go to moonsault Misterioso on the floor. That was out of nowhere. Felino knock out Aguila, and runs towards Damian, who backdrops his into a pescado on Aguila. Negro and Damian left in again, Damian misses a charge, Negro's punch is blocked, and Damian fouls Negro blatantly. Both referees missed it, kicking everyone outside. Negro stays in his feet somehow. Damian clothesline caught into a full nelson, Damian counters into one of his own, Negro fouls him and knocks him over, one two three. Felino congratulates his brother on a hard earned win.

Replays. Negro sticks around to celebrate some, and that's it.