CMLL FSE Record  - 05/18/08 (#1)

This was a special Wednesday show, as part of the launch of a new lucha libre magazine from Record. The show's subtitled 3 x el Dinero, with the idea that the best trio on the night will get a big cash prize. Determining the best trios are another judges, including Dr. Morales, El Matematico, Lizmark Sr., Coloso Colosetti, and Ringo Mendoza.

Dance Number. How weird that it never really ends, it just fades out

Match 1: Mini Damian 666 (c), Mini Halloween, Mini Mr. Aguila vs Mascarita Dorada (c), Tzuki, Olimpico
Arena Mexico, 05/14/08

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: Mini FdT
Match Time: 6:02
Approx Rating: Good, but very short.
Other Match Notes: No entrances!

1: No opening whistle, which probably means we're missing something. For some reason, they're back to the last graphic package, including annoying Monito fall graphics. Tzuki and Aguila start, Aguila making height jokes and getting dropkicked for it. Tzuki off the ropes, lifted up in a press slam, and thrown onto the top turnbuckle. Tzuki pulls himself across the top rope like he's on some reality show,, and Aguila's attempt to knock him off with a dropkick misses. Tzuki runs to Aguila, double stops him, off the ropes, back with a spinning headscissors. Tzuki off the ropes, up in a headscissors, wacking Aguila on the head many times, and down into a bodyscissors cradle. Damian and Halloween rush the ring before a pin can even be counted, beating up all the tecnicos. Olimpico ends up being the only one standing in the ring, and immediately ducks a double clothesline to start the comeback. (No clip, it was just that quick) Dorada and Tzuki get Halloween and Damian with a top rope twisting headscissors as Olimpico pulls out Aguila. Dorada and Tzuki to the ropes - Asia moonsault, Asai tornillo! Olimpico and Aguila back in. Olimpico chop, corner whip, reverses, Aguila charges in, Olimpico press him up, catches him on his shoulders, and drops him for a face first powerbomb. One two three. Refs quickly count on the other minis, though they're more interested in showing crowd shots then the count getting to twenty. On the upsides, the judges have front row seats and are debating the action.

Hijo de Fantasma congratulates the Record on it's sixth anniversary.

2: Fall in progress, rudos have the beatdown. Big triple press slam on Dorada, then, Halloween takes a double flapjack on top. One two Halloween pulls him up. Tzuki in, Tzuki kicked down. Didn't have far to go. Whip, Halloween holds him in a Styles Clash, Aguila and Damian add running dropkicks to the back of Tzuki's head, Halloween drops him backwards for the big behind the back face first powerbomb. I need better names for this stuff, especially when it turns out to be the finish. Olimpico tries to break up the pin, but is late. Here's the rein plenty of time to take the bodyscissors/double knee gutbuster combo, with Aguila adding a quebrada to Olimpico's back for good measure. That's the fall.

No commercial break, just the between falls break, and

3: Either someone lost the whistle, or they showed us nothing happening but the ring girl for a minute and joined this in progress. Damian grabs Dorada's mask while everyone else seems to have made it to the corners. Damian spins Dorada out by his mask. He got some distance on that one. Corner whip, Dorada runs up the buckles and connects on a reverse tope. Whip, reversed, Dorada with a spinning headscissors, into a spinning headscissors into a spinning headscissors into a spinning headscissors (!!) Out goes Damian, who may be dead after taking that many spins. Dorada head up, flying spinning headscissors to the floor! This doesn't seem like it's going to be that long, but it has quite some spots. In the ring, Aguila and Olimpico both miss on their first strikes, Aguila ends up sliding out under a leapfrog but makes the mistake of standing there, and gets impaled on the seats by an Olimpico tope. Tzuki and Halloween in, Tzuki armdrags Halloween to the apron quickly, and punching and kicking to keep him there. Tzuki comes off the top rope for a spinning headscissors to throw Halloween to the floor. Halloween doesn't get up, so Tzuki follows him with an Asai splash! Dorada and Damian are already going in mid ring, Dorada getting another headscissors in. Dorada gets a bodyscissors roll up, Damian sneaks in a mask pull (so subtly I would've missed it if the announcers didn't) and reverses the roll while Dorada covers up - one two three!

Fans are not pleased with Damian, who shows off the mask after the fact. Dorada stays down, covering up. I think Magadan is blaming Dorada for not tying his mask tight enough. After replays, we get shots of the director of Record and more shots of the judges judging.

Alex sends out a kiss to the girls out there. I'm ignoring the Record stuff now, it didn't take long.

Match 2: Misterioso II (c), Nosferatu, Euforia vs Maximo, Sagrado (c), Axel
Arena Mexico, 05/14/08

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos
Match Time: 8:25
Approx Rating: Good. Not really anything from Axel, which is okay.
Other Match Notes: Again, no entrances. We do get to see Misterioso's awesome Viking gear, so that's a win. Again, they seem to have switched to one 'x' in Axel for CMLL purposes. What a switch, a company correcting the spelling of a name in order to trademark it. Baby Richard and Rafael el Maya are refs, and I'm so happy I can hear the ref introductions on this show.

1: This time, I hear the whistle. Of course, this is followed by lots of shots of things which are not the ring, so I don't know that it matters. It's funny that the guy doing the pbp for this show is publishing a rival magazine - that would seem to be a bit awkward, but I guess not. Maximo gets a headscissors, a springboard armdrag, and a kiss on Misterioso. Misterioso barely gets anything in before Axel backdrops Maximo to safety and Sagrado sends him out with a springboard armdrag. Sagrado gets a running plancha on Misterioso on the floor as things break down in the ring, and all badly for the rudos. Axel gets the Santo senton con giro on Nosferatu, but there's no one there for him to tope. (Significant boos). Sagrado gives Nosferatu a casita as Axel barely gets over on the up and over sunset flip. I guess the whole show's going to be like that

Clipped ahead to the start of the next fall.

2: Euforia and Misterioso take turns seeing how hard they can chop Sagrado. I think they might get cheered for this spot if they were doing it to Axel. Instead, crowd gets on Misterioso for the kiss. Off the ropes, shoulderblock, some taunting, and Sagrado trips up Misterioso from the mat. Misterioso repays the trip, and chops Sagrado as he gets up. Whip, backdrop, Sagrado lands on his feet, Euforia grabs him, Misterioso charges, but stops short of hitting his partner. This just delays things - hiptoss for Misterioso, slingshot hiptoss on Misterioso is shoved off into a headscissors on Euforia, Misterioso's senton misses and he's headscissored out. (Crowd was quiet, now seems to be restless.) Nosferatu in, Sagrado gets backdropped to the ramp, but stands there and high kicks Nosferatu before diving in on Misterioso with another headscissors. All the rudos are down on the floor now, and about to lose the match if someone doesn't get in. Baby Richard is counting fast. Maximo back in for the tecnicos and Nosferatu gets to deal with him. Odd how little Axel there's been. Crowd likes Maximo, more than you can say for the rest of this team. Maximo over with a leapfrog, under a clothesline, and sending Nosferatu out with a spinning armdrags. Maximo running - but Euforia kicks him as he goes to thru the ropes for a tope! Nice jerk move. Euforia hammers the other two tecnicos as the rudos take control of the match. Corner whip for Sagrado, running plancha by Nosferatu, clothesline by Misterioso, and Sagrado is whipped into an Euforia drop toe hold. Nosferatu dropkicks Sagrado out as he tries to get up, knocking him out of the ring. Both Misterioso and Euforia follow, lift Sagrado partly up for a suplex, and ram him butt first into the post. That's definitely odd, but Sagrado is definitely hurting. Axel, and chopped around by Nosferatu as he wants for the other guys. Lots of talking. Corner whip, Misterioso slow to follow and gets lifted onto the top rope. Rudos chant in the crowd, as the Infernales rush Axel when he tries to join Misterioso on the top rope. This leaves Axel in perfect position for the Rosa Driver. Nosferatu adds a top rope splash, one two three. Maximo in, but Euforia Special ends him. Euforia holds in his armbar variant so Maximo's torso is completely open for kicking, and the rudos don't pass on that kinda of chance. That's the fall.

Replays, no commercial break.

3: Axel takes a fireman's carry drop into a gutbuster. Sagrado back in, corner whip, corner clothesline, running back elbow, and whipped out into Nosferatu's spear. Maximo in, and cornered quickly. Too much talking going on. Corner whip, and Misterioso runs into Maximo's second rope butt bump. Maximo works over Misterioso with chops as we completely miss the other tecnicos knocking the other rudos out of the ring. Axel and Sagrado hold Misterioso's legs apart so Maximo can hit the running butt bump to the groin. Infernales hit the ring to break up the gay ol' time. Everyone is thrown out but Axel, who gets in a boosted dropkick on Nosferatu, and a tilt-a-whirl armdrags on Euforia. Crowd still doesn't dig him, though his tope con giro is on target. Maximo back in, Maximo out with a a tope on Nosferatu. That leaves Sagrado and Misterioso, who spent a moment looking at the crowd. Sagrado looks for the up and over sunset flip, gets thrown off, Misterioso tires a kick, Sagrado blocks then, grabs an arm, and scoops Misterioso up. Sagrado climbs to the middle rope, leaps to the top, moonsault - connects! One two three.

El Hombre Record, a random man in a red Record mask, shows off the briefcase with "20,000 dolares". You know it has that money, because there's a big sticker on the outside saying it. He shows off the briefcase on the stage for a while, and then walks off.

Shocker has a nice suit.

Hijo de Perro Aguayo vows to win the money.

Match 3: Perro Aguayo Jr. (c), Damian 666, Mr. Aguila vs Hector Garza (c), Blue Panther, Volador
Arena Mexico, 05/14/08

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos
Match Time: 8:31
Approx Rating: eh finish
Other Match Notes: Entrances! With actual real music! The videos actually have action footage now, how neat. Volador has pyro, how unexpected. His combo mask with Sombra is really well done, though I don't exactly know why he's wearing it here. I think Blue Panther would rather not have all that smoke. Why is Hector riding a motorcycle in his video? (Gas prices are really high all over.) Garza's biggest problem with leaving the Perros? He had to find a new t-shirt to rip off. Mr. Aguila's video is great. Why aren't I getting these videos every week? They need to build a giant screen in Arena Coliseo to make this happen. Perros come out together, which means we never quite get past the Aguila video, at least before the pyro covers everything up. Refs are Bestia Negra and Terror Chino.

1: Clipped to start, right into a takedown. Perro goes after Panther's mask, instead of feuding with Garza. Garza almost catches up to Perro when he's not paying attention, but gets cut off just in time, and Perro gets to take many free shots. In the ring, Panther take a double hiptoss and a standing moonsault/legdrop combo from Damian and Aguila. Perro adds the double stomp, and the others cover for the pin. Garza stands on the apron, in his corner, as Volador takes corner charges. Damian stacks him up on the corner, pulls him up, drops him in the lightest valagueza ever, but that's so Perro can add a running dropkick to finish. Perro backs off when Hector confronts him post match, at least until help arrives.

2: Clipped again, to Perro going wild on Hector with clotheslines. Perro leads up for one big splash, but Hector moves and Perro throws himself out. Hector ducks a double clothesline from the other two and gives Perro a kick to the head as stands behind the apron - the comedy spot is now vengeful one. Perro stands up, and get toped by Panther, both guys flying into the judges. Garza saves Volador from a double corner whip, kicks the Perros away, distracts them, and boots Volador into a dropkick on both. Tecnicos take time figuring out what they're going to do, which means the rudos stand out for a bit before the top rope moonsaults connect. Panther and Perro back in. Charge, Panther armdrags, Panther armdrag, holding onto a short arm scissors. Perro gives quick. Which is a shame, because Damian's in a second later to break it up. Panther's holds are just that devastating.

Even though the referees clearly wave off the fall, they all pretend it didn't happen and keep going. Maybe that was supposed to be a save? Damian takes a guillotine legdrop by Volador Jr., then Garza blocks a monkey flip and holds Aguila up for a springboard sunset bomb from Volador. Volador pins Damian as Garza adds a quebrada on Aguila and the refs count both pins.

Blue Panther wants the money!

3: Perro and Hector do start out here. Perro sneaks in armdrags, but Hector pulls up short on one and kicks the heck out of him. Pin, Hector argues the count, and Aguila kicks him down.. Volador tries to dropkick him, but ends up missing and getting thrown out. Hey, look t, the Perros are brawling. Perro takes Volador up the ramp for some reason, Volador ducks a clothesline and superkicks him, then rush back in the ring for a running flying...uh, armdrag. That couldn't have been the plan, it was a lot of work for not much. Volador gets a boost from panther to dropkick Aguila out, and then they both climb the same corner for planchas onto the Perros. This leaves Perro, still on the ramp, left to face Hector. Hector stands, waiting. Perro charges in, misses a clothesline, Hector misses a dropkick. Perro charges again, Hector ducks under, and Perro throws himself out of the ring. Hector to the top - tornillo onto a pile, onto the judges again. Perro recovers first and smashes drinks into Garza's head. Those two go back in while the other four hang out in front of the judges - I think Damian's lobbying for votes. In the ring, Garza ends up landing a clothesline, but they're both selling half dead. Well, Perro's more interested about fiixng his gear, but you got the idea. Garza with a pres slam shoulders slam, and he's calling for the moonsault. Some boos. Garza almost loses his balance, but steadies himself. Moonsault - no one home. Perro puts on - well, that looks like a choke, which isn't going to work. Perro is told to let go by the referees, but opts not to. Hector's in trouble and fading it, so they try to pull Perro off by his hair and his neck chain. Refs pull Aguayo free, but Perro knocks down the referees and puts the choke back on. Aguila tries to run interference, but the referees get past him and break the hold up long enough to call for the DQ.

Perro goes after a cameraman post match as the rudos get in a couple final shots on Garza.

Match 4: Atlantis (c), Black Warrior , Ultimo Guerrero vs Marco Corelone, Mistico (c), Shocker
Arena Mexico, 05/14/08

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 6:59
Approx Rating: too short to be anything but the big spots.
Other Match Notes: Mistico has the Mexican National title.

1: JIP. Mistico and Warrior are just finishing up on the mat, Mistico sending Warrior to the ropes with a headscissors. Atlantis and Shocker are next, tussling on the mat. Shocker actually gets a cross armbreaker and Atlantis looks in real trouble for a second, but he finds an escape. They end up in their feet, then in the ropes on a headlock/headscissors reveal bit. Shoving match is won by Shocker, and Atlantis decides he can tag out now. Marco and Ultimo go head to collar bone. Dance. Jump. Dance. Jump. Punch for Atlantis, but Ultimo gets him with a clothesline. Marco jumps over a charge and - well, Ultimo puts his head down but Marco wasn't ready for him and just sort runs into them before they grapple for a moment. Ultimo walks him over to the ropes and clotheslines him out. Warrior in, Warrior bullet tope. Before we can even look in the ring, rudos have tecnicos in stereo Atlántida, and that's it. Give them the cash now.

2: Rudos rule the ring. Mistico takes a spinning backbreaker, and is thrown out to the ramp for Warrior to work over. I hope they're not setting up the same spot here as the last match. Nah, Corelone is held on the ropes for Warrior to do a big running sit. He takes a while, and Ultimo is looking the wrong way, so everyone misses Corelone pulling a switch and putting Atlantis on the ropes to take the sit instead. Corelone tosses Ultimo in the ring and waves Mistico down - super flying headscissors. Corelone backs up the ramp as Mistico rushes to the top and flies to the floor with a plancha - that looks pretty great. Shocker gives Atlantis a twisting back breaker, boots Warrior, and pulls both of them to the corner of the ring Corelone superman dive, one two three.

Marco Corelone

Ultimo Guerrero

3: Footage starts with Mistico slingshoting out into a headscissors on UG. Corelone rushes in, and take a dope hoe hold form both rudos. Shocker fears better, big booting Atlantis before taking a Warrior wheel kick. Corelone gets Warrior with a dropkick and Shocker launches at him with the double jump plancha. Shocker's feet get caught in the ropes on the way over, but he still manages to get caught. Fans catch on enough to boo, but Corelone's superman plancha to the outside wins them all back. The three guys can't really catch Corelone, and he totally flattens them. Back in the ring, Mistico gets the up and over sunset flip, but UG rolls thru and clothesline him. Mistico pulls himself up to UG's shoulders and gets a quick 'rana, one two no. Both slow up but listening to the crowd. Mistico off the ropes, La Mistica and that's it.

Corelone's in quick to celebrate with his partner. Of course they show the botched dive.

and the winner is: Damian 666, Mr. Aguila and Perro Aguayo Jr. So the team that lost when one of their members decided he didn't want to win any more, get a big check (and Record belts.) I do not care enough to protest, but feel free. Why do they have two different checks with $10,000 on it instead of just one check?