CMLL FSE GdR - 05/12/08 (#91)
Recap: 06/08/08

Intro: Sangre Azteca joins the announcers, and he and Magadan discuss how he’s totally beating Grey Shadow. Sangre is insistent he beat this man in Japan and will beat him again today in Arena Coliseo. Miguel does not seem convinced. Sangre charges the camera to yell at us to listen when they send it to Shadow’s promo. Shadow promos to DESTROY SANGRE AZTECA FOR GOOD. Yea, this angers Sangre again, who can’t stop talking about Japan and goes nuts two inches away form the camera again. Sangre is so fired up, he whip the microphone around and the felt covering goes flying. Grey Shadow has touched a nerve, I guess.

Match 1: Loco Max, Satánico (c), Vangelis vs Hijo del Fantasma, Sagrado (c), Valiente
Arena Coliseo, 04/27/08

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 13:03
Approx Rating: Fine. Happy finish.
Other Match Notes: no entrances. Oh no Vangelis. They even have him do the promo to introduce himself. He’s got short hair now and looks like Joe Lider with odd white hair. Hijo del Fantasma introduces himself as well.

1: Loco and Fantasma have a long sequence to start, while announcers have a discussion about light heavyweights for some reason. This guys are both looking like lightweights at the moment. Valiente schools Vangelis on the mat. Sagrado flips in the ring to face Satanico, and Satanico just laughs at him. Handshake? Satanico doesn't even need to cheat on it. Sagrado gets the advantage with basic stuff leading into his spinning backbreaker and it’s end game from there. Valiente’s submission on Loco is complicated and hard to make out, but effective. Satanico begs off rather than get attacked by Sagrado, and still gets his hair yanked around.

2: Now that Fantasma is in with Vangelis, I finally get why they were talking about National Light Heavyweights champions. They don’t’ last long before Fantasma gets in an over head headscissors. Fantasma does a dive pose, Satanico comes in to jump him from behind, Sagrado spots him and confronts him, Satanico switches to clapping for Fantasma’s great performance. Satanico is so great here. Sagrado waves to the crowd about how much he doesn’t believe this, and Satanico attacks him from behind instead. Beatdown starts there, with the rest cleared off the apron. Satanico takes his time teasing his punch and kicks before laying them in. Double boot ditches Sagrado. Valiente takes a questionably low knee from Satanico. And then another, just to get away with it. Fantasma is tossed into a gutbuster, and Satanico finishes him off with the standing figure four pin. Sagrado brought in, and Loco takes care of him with his finish. Loco Max has a finish! Moving up in the world.

El Baul del Ring

3: Everyone yanks at Sagrado’s mask, which is remarkable sturdy and well constructed. Rudos get bored and beat up Fantasma instead. Valiente comes in, but is taken apart by Satanico. Devastating chinlock. Fantasma’s worked over some, and takes corner charges. Valiente’s worked over a bit. This match has lost me, the beatdown isn’t that interesting and it keeps on going on. Fantasma finally ducks a double chop, Vangelis taking it instead, but just walks to the corner to set up another spot. Corner whip is turned into a springboard spinning apron DDT on Vangelis. Sagrado gets Loco with a backbreaker, Valiente dropkicks out Satanic, then levels Vangelis with a tope. Sagrado yanks Loco around to get in his gutbuster, and heel kicks him out so Fantasma can get in his tope. Capitans left in, and Satanico backdrops Sagrado to start. Sagrado reverses a whip, drop toe hold, casita, one two THREE. Tecnicos are thrilled with the win.

How many other guys would take that pinfall, with Loco Max and Vangelis right there? The match means something (not a big something, but something) because Sagrado beat Satanico, not one of the others, and not a foul. Yea, Satanico had to lose clean to make it happen, but he knows enough to know he’s still Satanico next time he comes thru the entranceway.

Match 2: Sangre Azteca vs Grey Shadow
Arena Coliseo, 04/27/08

  1. Sangre counter dropkick (2:00)
  2. Shadow double knee gutbuster (2:43)
  3. Shadow cross armbreaker (9:09)

Winner: Grey Shadow
Match Time: 13:52
Approx Rating: Better than I thought it'd be. Rematch would be good.
Other Match Notes: Grey Shadow wants a mask match before this one starts. Grey Shadow leans on the ropes, staring at the entrance as Sanger’s music plays – so of course, Sangre’s sneaking in the ring the back way to attack Shadow from behind. Azteca kicks him in and out of the ring. Sangre! Japan! Can NJPW or someone get Sangre booked on another tour so he can get this angry at other people?

1: Sangre flapjacks Shadow onto the front row. Has this match officially started yet? Sangre goes in to break the count anyway, and then back out to crotch Shadow on the post. Shadow hangs from the corner, so Sangre gives him a sliding knee to the head. Sangre tosses Shadow back in, and kicks him down. Announcers talking about that fabled battle in Jew Japan. I don’t think it even maters if it happened at this point. Sangre works over Shadow with chops, then spins him around to choke him on the ropes. Whip, clothesline misses, Shadow with two hamstring kicks and a heel kick to send Sangre out. Shadow wasting no time – tope, Sangre taking a big rolling bump up the ramp. Shadow quickly after him with a kick to the back of the hand, and chest slaps Sangre back to the ring. Sangre rolls in, Shadow on the apron, springboard cut of by a Sangre Dropkick! THAT’S HIS MOVE! One two three.

El Arte Del Catch

2: Crowd chanting, and Sangre gives them a Grey Shadow suplex on the floor. He seems happy with how this is going. Kick, Shadow thrown back first in the ring. Corner whip, Sangre charges in and lands a clothesline. Corner dropkick, questionably low. Sangre rips up the mask, but the mysterious Grey Shadow covers up his face. Sangre dropkicked him right into the eyeballs. Sangre stands him up and quiets the crowd so they can hear his chest slaps. Sangre switches to slapping Shadow around the face, but Shadow ducks and works over Sangre with sots to both sides of the face. Heel kick, Shadow off the ropes, slide past, Sangre’s kick is caught, Shadow spins him so the ref has Sangre’s foot (?) and Shadow enziguris Sangre from the side. How odd. Shadow wastes no time in going after Sangre Azteca’s mask – they cut to the crowd when Shadow rips it big. Shadow lifts up Shadow on his shoulders, and drops him for the big gutbuster. That’s the fall. Boos? Rudo crowd tonight. Always odd when the Mexican is supposed to be the evil guys. Shadow kicks Sangre out of the ring. Magadan talks about Grey Shadow being from LA. Who could he be?

El Arte de Catch

3: Sangre charges at Shadow at full speed. Shadow moves out of the way, and Sangre takes a corner hamstring bump. Shadow waits for him to get up, and does something the graphics obscure. Spinning headscissors send Sangre to the ropes. Sangre stays in it, , but his clothesline misses. Shadow tries a kick, Sangre catches in and laughs a hearty laugh, Shadow misses with the other leg but connects pulling it back Grey Shadow does the Eddie Guerrero dance, and taunts Sangre, who’s walking up the ramp holding his nose. Sangre takes his time coming back in, and slides in just as Shadow is sliding out. Shadow gets up on the apron, and Sangre kicks his leg out from underneath him. Sangre smiles as he picks up Shadow and suplexes him in, only Shadow blocks it. Sangre blocks Shadow attempt and pulls him in with a suplex, but Shadow reveres it to a small package on the way done, one two no. Sloooow count. Shadow chest slaps Sangre, corner whips him, charge, and Sangre boosts him to the apron. Sangre is slow in realizing shadow’s till behind him, tope rope plancha, Sangre reverses it, one two NO. Shadow shoulderblocks Sangre and heads to the ropes,  but Sangre downs him with a wheel kick. Shadow rolls out and Sangre quick to the top – plancha to the floor! Sangre kicks Shadow as he gets up and goes to the apron for an Asai, but Shadow yanks him to the floor. Shadow slides in the ring and takes a rest as Sangre recovers on the outside. Is he going to dive? No, just catch his breath. Sangre crawls in, and Shadow's ready for him them. Sangre put up on the top rope, Shadow joins him, Sangre shoves him off. Sangre stands up on the top rope, a bit shakey, what’s he going to do? Missile dropkick, questionably low again. Sangre covers. One two NO. Both men slow up. Sangre crawls his way to a corner, and Sangre jogs over, only to get seated on the top rope . Shadow and Sangre battle back and forth in that position for a bit, Shadow eventually landing a dropkick to the knee, and giving Sangre a dragon screw off the middle rope. That was a just a strange sequence, but Shadow seems to have a plan – dropkick to the knee, bodyscissors roll thru into a standing kneebar? Sangre fights it – watch him pound the mat repeatedly, which would be a tap out in other places but a motivation tactic here – and crawls towards the ropes. Is he going to make it? He’s still go to reach a bit farther – got it! Sangre’s hurting and Shadow is circling him, waiting for Sangre to get up. Crowd shot here – clip? Shadow has Sangre up and is chest slapping him. Shadow off the ropes, running a long away to eat Sangre's boot. Whip, Shadow hangs in the ropes, Sangre charges, Shadow moves, and Sangre slides thru the ropes to the floor. Shadow spots him, runs, running slingshots tope con giro. It was a good dive, but Magadan absolutely loses his mind over it. Shadow kinda went past Sangre on that one. Sangre crawls in first (another clip) and Shadow waits for him to get up form the apron. Springboard ‘rana is a bit forced, Shadow on top, one two NO. Shadow tosses Sangre around with armdrags and gets in a one foot dropkick. Sangre moves out of the way of another. Sangre off the ropes, clotheslines I caught and turned into a Tiger Suplex! Where did he ever learn that? One two THR-NO. Crowd seems a little restless. Shadow slams Sangre and heads to the middle rope. What now? Senton misses! Sangre crawls on top – one two thr-NO. It would be like Sangre Azteca to win on a missed top rope move. Sangre works over Shadow with stomps and heads up, oh no. Sangre takes too long, and Shadow meets him up there. Shadow pulls him of with something in between moonsault side slam and a top rope armdrags. Cross armbreaker – wait, wasn’t he working the knee? Sangre gives up regardless. I guess the hold is just that devastating. Not bad.

Dramatic music replay! That’s it.