CMLL FSE GdR - 2/8/8 (#75)
Recap: 2/13/8

On the version I'm watching for this recap, there's no announce track. The announcers are there for the dubbed over entrances, the interviews and the bumpers, but not for the entirety of the match or the open. (The caption track IS there but I can only see it when I turn off my time codes.) It's neat to hear it this way, if only once, because it very much sounds like being there. 

They did later reair it with the announcers.

Promo: Hector Garza, quickly. 

Match 1: Black Warrior (c), Ephesto, Sangre Azteca vs La Máscara (c), Máximo, Super Nova
Arena Coliseo, 1/6/8

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: Rudos
Match Time: 10:32
Approx Rating: Nothing much besides the extended Maximo sequence to start.
Other Match Notes: Sangre notes he beat La Mascara, again. La Mascara wants a mask match. Warrior is slumming it to be in this match.

1: Looks like a Black Warrior/Mascara exchange is skipped, and we start with Maximo posing before facing Sangre instead. They go face to face, and the crowd chants for a kiss. Sangre backs off. They face off again, Maximo sticks out his tongue to lick, and Sangre slaps in the face. Maximo gets the crowd to chant at Sangre. Circle, and Maximo spins around. Sangre doesn't want to deal with this wackiness. Crowd chants for Maximo, so he spins again. Lockup, Maximo with a full nelson, which turns into a feel up. Sangre squirms away, feeling very icky. Dueling crowd chants. Lockup, Sangre with waistlock, Maximo's totally okay with it as he bends over, and Sangre gets creepied out again. Maximo's totally in Sangre's head. Lockup, Sangre trios Maximo and gets his back, Maximo thrusts his behind backwards, Sangre gets freaked out once again. Referees assure Sangre that's a legal move. Lockup - no, Maximo will stop to point to people chanting for him. Rudo fans are adding another word after the Maximo chant, and it's not too nice. Lockup, double wristlock, test of strength, Sangre's winning, Maximo turns his head towards Sangre and threatens to lick, Sangre starts losing just to avoid the tongue. Sangre manages to rally back and pin Maximo down by his wrists. Sangre sits on Maximo's midsection for more leverage, which just leads to hip thrusts. Sangre gets off to avoid that, then gets back on only for Maximo to do the same thing. Armdrag, dueling zero leg trips, Maximo poses and tags out. Crowd shot - another clip? No, Sangre still wants more of Maximo. Maximo's ready to give him more, but just a handshake and a hug - and a backslide grab we don't really see. Maximo tries to go for the kiss but doesn't get it. maxim off the ropes, over, over, over - no, Sangre got up in quick and tripped him. Was that supposed to happen? Doesn't matter, the rudos were all ready to come in bad start beating people down, so that's what happens. Maximo's stomped, Warrior chops the heck out of La Mascara, and Sangre gives Super Nova  chest slap to knock him right out of the ring. Warrior sneaks in a questionably low headbutt on Mascara, and Ephesto stretches Maximo's head. Warrior Tries to get Monito - he's here, with Maximo based on the hair. Super Nova comes back in and gets stomped a lot. Whip, Warrior spinebuster, Ephesto helps hold the legs for Sanger's questionably low dropkick. Ephesto covers Nova, one two Warrior stomps for no discernible reason three. Huh. Maximo's brought back in, but everyone just lets him lay in the ring for a moment while they figure out what to do. Ephesto watches as the other two whip Maximo. Spinebuster, and Warrior tells Sangre to go up again. Sangre kicks at Monito on his way up the corner, and lands another questionably low dropkick. This time, Warrior does not break up the pin.

Corner charges on La Mascara, and they set up Warrior's slingshot senton. Show goes to break before we can see it.

2: La Mascara tries to make a run on Sangre while he's posing on the ropes, but Ephesto saves his teammate. Mascara's mask gets untied before he's sent out. Super Nova back in, and looking quite short compared to these guys who aren't that big themselves. Maximo takes corner charges. Mascara back in, but he avoids Warrior's corner splash, and sends the other two back with boots. Ephesto and Sangre roll to the center of the ring, and time stands still as they wait for Super Nova to springboard dropkick them. Nova gets distracted and hesitates, only connecting on Ephesto. Maximo's running butt bump catches Sangre. Mascara sends Warrior out with a headscissors and follows him with a tope. The other tecnicos clean up things in the ring.   

Ephesto is held in a camel clutch so Maximo can crawl towards him and try to kiss him underneath the mask. Ephesto's pulled to safety just in time.

El Arte de Catch: La Campana

3: Warrior wants him and Mascara to pose off to start the fall. Mascara, showing some intelligence, knows how this crowd is going to react and wants no part of this idea, but gets dragged into it. Sure enough, cheers for Warrior and boos for La Mascara. And so Warrior makes him all the rudos pose and all the tecnicos pose, so the rudo fans can be heard again. Warrior then tries to pick a fight with Monito. Mascara tries to stop him, but we know that never works. Warrior gets down on his knees, then does some one handed pushes up. Monito tries to do the head to the crotch bit, and Warrior is ticked at that. Warrior slaps him and picks him up, but Monito fouls him on the way up. Monito tries to get away, but gets kicked in the back of head. Mascara back in, sunset flip for Warrior, and Monito adds a legdrop. Warrior reaches for Monito and gets cradled, and Monito gets in the crotch the head bit. Warrior is displeased, but deiced to take out on La Mascara instead. Kick, whip, drop toe hold, elbow drop, pose. Warrior's lost a lot of weight. He's Sangre's sized right now. Corner whip, reversed, Warrior slides out, Mascara follows, Warrior's clothesline misses, and Mascara superkicks him twice, until he's in position for a Monito apron splash.  Maximo takes up the ring, and gets knocked own by Sangre. Super Nova springboards in with an armdrags, but Ephesto knocks him down. While they fight, Maximo gets in an apron plancha - they cut to a crowd shot instead, bad timing. Ephesto takes the knee bump to the floor, and Sangre follows with an Asia Moonsault, though he almost slipped off the ropes in the process. Worked out okay. Capitan's back in. Crowd chanting for Warrior here. Mascara miss a clothesline, slowly tries an odd trip, Warrior steps over it and looks at him, Mascara up with a bodyscissors cradle. One two NO. Warrior misses a punch, miss one with the other hand, Mascara grabs him for a - I don't think they even know. Maybe it's supposed to have been nothing, because Sangre's coming into break it up anyway. Both he and Ephesto get knocked down by a Super Nova plancha, then lead into a Maximo plancha. Rudos get up just in time to stand around and wait for the tecnico charge - this seemed like Nova's fault again. Tecnicos get 'ranas, rudos reverse and hold on for the completely clean wins. Warrior stands in the middle and pose while La Mascara is too late. 

Maximo's dive never gets shown in replay. Eh. His post match promo gets interrupted by Warrior coming by and trying to kick him. Looks like Warrior already did a number on Warrior. Maximo finishes saying nothing of note. 

El Diseno: Sagrado

Match 2: Damián 666, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo (c), Héctor Garza vs Rey Bucanero (c), Sagrado, Volador Jr.
Arena Coliseo, 1/6/8

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: Rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:26
Approx Rating: Okay.
Other Match Notes: Yea, we're still at a point of tecnico Bucanero. Volador sounds like he's taken up smoking just to get his voice deeper. Perros talk as a group. 

1: Rudos jump at the bell. They don't show it, but you can hear the guys dropping. Brawling.  Perro takes Volador and throws him into the new barricades. Damian has the worst attempt ever at a ringpost figure four. Perro whips Bucanero with camera cord. Garza flapjacks Volador into a questionably low kick. The replay shows it was questionable in a non-traditional way - in how it completely missed Volador because Garza pulled up. Maybe you want to look at the replays before airing them. Garza pins Sagrado off an unseen move. Perro are finally aware he's not captain. Rey's set up on the apron for running kicks to the chest, which seems odd. Volador's brought back in and rallies for a second, kicking Garza away and sunset flipping him. Garza rolls thru, Volador covers up, and Perro dropkicks in the head from behind. Pin for the fall, and Garza does jumping jacks because this is just that easy. Perro's held back from attacking someone, and Garza makes faces. Ah, naturally, Perro's found a sixty year old to fight. He's stopped short. Sagrado blocks his path, so he gets knocked backwards into the old lady. 

Q: [Damian 666]: ?Que cabelleras ha ganado y ante quienes ha caido?
Wins: LA Park, Satanico, Rey Bucanero
Losses: Heavy Metal, Satanico, Mascara Magica, Bestia Salvaje, Halloween, Zumbido
When did he beat Bestia Salvaje?

2: Beatdown continues. Garza kicks people. Better get that out of his system now. Lots of brawling. Perros hold Rey in bay for a while while they're goofing around, so off course the double clothesline misses. Other tecnicos come in with springboard armdrags, Rey gives Perro a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, and other tecnicos fly out with tope con giros. It's a close battle, but Volador wins it. Back in the ring, Perro kicks Rey into the corner, backs up, charges, and Rey waves him by. Rey pulls Perro's trunks down for a split second while getting a rebound inside cradle, and holds on for the fall. Tecnicos threaten Perro with more violence between falls. Damian's taking Rey's rope sit just as they cut away. Not good on the editing today.

El Arte de Catch: a senton

Interview: Maximo and Leobrado talk about Maximo's plans for 2008.

3: Rey knocks Garza down with a running forearm to start the fall. Perro comes in, broadsiding Rey and going generally crazy on him. His partners pull him off multiple times, but Perro stays in to fight - and ends up tossing himself out of the ring. Garza accidentally kicks him off the apron for goof measure. As usual, Rey misses the enziguri but his the kick on the second try. A replay again shows how little he actually hit. Maybe not so much of the replays. Damian has Rey's arm and is walking the top rope quite well in live action. He gets one complete side, makes a run, and before slipping and getting crotched by Rey. Damian actually gets his right leg trapped in the process. Perros try to free him, but the tecnicos knock them away and before letting Damian free. That had to hurt - he's on the floor grabbing his leg, and later just standing by the apron then on it. Volador in, and the crowd loud for him to take on Perro. Volador off the ropes, over, free pass, flipping run. Perro distracts him so Hector can run in and kick. Hector takes the moment to take off his t-shirt, and Volador almost takes off his trunks while trying for a cradle. Hector's slightly amused. Volador is forced on the ropes, chest slap, corner whip misses, Perro boosts him into a headscissors on Garza, headscissors on Perro throws him far out of the ring (big bump for Perro.) Damian in, Damian slide out. Volador quick to the apron, but slinging himself back into the ring instead of diving this time. Sagrado in, but there's no one in the rudos corner at this point. Sagrado entertains himself with the crowd chanting. Perro entertains himself by glaring a cameraman. Damian finally in to fight. Or at least standing around like he might fight. Garza makes fun of ringside fans. Back inside, Damian knocks over Sagrado with a shoulderblock. Damian off the ropes, roll, off the ropes, into an armdrags. Sagrado off the ropes, flip over Damian's back, springboard armdrags and out goes Damian. Sagrado quickly follows with a tope. Damian twists on impact, and ends slamming face first into an armrest. He immediately grabs his face, and who wouldn't - that looked extremely painful. Rough fall for him. Garza and Rey in. Rey charges Garza, Garza moves it, and Tiger Hispano gets knocked down. Uh oh. Volador slips in to trip up Garza on the ropes, and then boosts Rey for the big sit, but Garza jumps up and uppercut fouls Rey on the way down. Inside the ring, Volador slides under Perro, but Perro swipes his mask clean off in the process and covers him. Tiger Hispano wakes up to count both, just in time.   

Doctor's check on Damian, as well they should. Hector rolls out to check on him. It's tough to see exactly how he's hurt, because he's got black face paint all over him and all, but he definitely seems partially out of it. Slow motion replay shows the hit - Damian didn't move from the place he was till Garza came out to check on it. He points to his right cheek, so that must've been it. Garza thrashes Volador for no reason, fighting into Down an aisle, and Perro comes over to help. Perros get directed back to the ring, then leave it to talk to Miguel.  This year is going to be for the Perros, and Volador and the rest of the tecnicos better watch out. Hector insists there was no foul. Bucanero and Volador better say out their way. Perro picks a fight with one more cameraman, then thinks about going after security.