CMLL Line - 12/11/04 (#161)
Typed: 12/11/04

Welcome To The Show Vignette: Ultimo Guerrero

This week, it's Rey Bucanero bugging Alfonso Morales during upcoming show hype.

Vignette: Universo 2000 vows revenge in today's Leyenda de Azul match versus the person who stole his mask - no, not Wagner or Canek, the referee!

Vignette: Pierroth's bringing the Leyenda de Azul back to Puerto Rico.

And we join in, just as the seeding battle royal has ended. The fighting, however, may have not ended just yet, because the side in the ring has three of the Capos (Universo - wearing his mask again, Cien Caras, and Apolo Dantes; I think this is while Mascara Ano was out due to a shoulder injury) and Pierroth, and they're not getting along too well. Of the others, Black Tiger tries to defend his sometimes trios partner, while Vampiro looks at the odds and takes a more passive approach. Oddly, usual partners Terrible and Hector Garza seem to take opposite sides in this conflict - but then Terrible helps attack Pierroth for a bit, so I guess it's all good. 

You know, looking at all the rudos, maybe they didn't do a seeding battle royal? (Live report says they did, so never mind.) The lone exception to this tecnicos vs rudos match up, in a Secret Wars I twist, is Dr. Wagner somehow being with the tecnicos! And as soon as the brawl in the ring stops (though Vampiro and Pierroth have words and almost restart it), Wagner tries to get him some of Canek, but the numbers work against him as well. Black Warrior even mocks the pose, which'd be like someone stealing Magneto's bucket helmet or something. Break to let me sort this all out.

Match 1: Pierroth, Cien Caras, Universo 2000, Apolo Dantes, Terrible, Hector Garza, Vampiro, Black Tiger 
vs Canek, Rayo de Jalisco, Black Warrior, Mr. Niebla, Super Porky, Satanico, Mascara Sagrada, Dr. Wagner in the third Leyenda de Azul
Arena Mexico, 10/08/04

Winner: Universo 2000
Match Time: 19:20 
Approx Rating: 85. Average cibernetico.

Other Match Notes: This is the third Leyenda de Azul cibernetico; Tarzan Boy won the title last year, and Blue Panther won the inaugural event. Sides are listed in no particular order. One of these things isn't like the others.

We join the match in progress, missing the first ten minutes of opening mat work, but no eliminations. Porky and Apolo are in, and Porky's just clotheslined Apolo. Porky does the Hogan posing, while Apolo recovers.  Apolo strikes first with open hand slaps to the chest and the face, causing Porky to grab his head and cry. Apolo yells at him for crying and slaps him again. Headlock, shot off, and Apolo manages to shoulderblock Porky down! Apolo's pretty proud of that. Apolo off the ropes, waved by, right into a Porky hiptoss. Waved by again, Apolo tries a sunset flip, but c'mon. Big sit, one two three. (1:01)

Mascara Sagrada and Cien Caras now. Sagrada strikes first with a clothesline. Open hand slap, and a kneelift to prevent Cien from even getting up right. Another kneelift causes Cien to go tiiiimerber. Corner whip, reversed, and Cien nails Sagrada in the throat with a clothesline before he can escape the corner. Cien is enthused, and Apolo looks on from the ramp, recovering before leaving. Cien sets up Sagrado with an open hand slap, follows with a corner whip, but it's reversed and Cien goes into the corner chest first. Sagarda's open hand slap to Caras's back just angers him into turning around and returning the favor. Sagrada comes back with one of his own, but Caras trumps him with a clothesline. Stomps. Corner whip, reversed, Sagrada charges in but stops as Caras gets his feet up, and awkwardly pulls him off for a powerbomb. (Used to see guys go flat down on their backs for a powerbomb in the corner, but Caras swings forward as he falls, landing on his head. I don't think Sagrada got a good grip.) One two kickout. Caras shakes his head and tries to get the cobwebs out, as Sagrada works him over with another open hand slap. Slam, and going up. Sagrada stops to point at the crowd, always a mistake. I think Wagner might have been trying to shake the ropes as he went up, but no luck.. Top rope senton gets nothing, and Caras gives Sagrada a grounded crucifix for a one two three. (2:46

Tags to Garza and Satanico. Crowd with Satanico, much to Garza's announce. Circle. Charge, but Satanico stops Garza with a back elbow. Nice open hand slap by Satanico. Corner whip, charging back elbow hits. Satanico knocks Garza to one knee with a right hand. Whip, reversed, and Garza is sent to the apron via backdrop. Garza blocks Satanico's charging punch, and knocks him away with a right hand of his own. Garza quick to the top, Satanico charges him, so Garza does a forward flip out over him, rolling thru on the landing. Satanico turns to charge again, and runs right into a Garza spinebuster. Boston Crab, that'll do it. (3:42) 7-6, rudos.

Hector Garza taunts Rayo de Jalisco into coming in, then tags out to Cien Caras. RAYO chants annoy Cien. Cien manages to side step Rayo's fat dropkick (though he moves so soon, Rayo has time to try and swing his feet to try and hit Caras anyway. No dice.) Caras works over Rayo with a couple strikes, whips him, and puts his head down to get run over by a running knee. Dropkick, one no. Caras with a pausing shoulderblock, off the ropes, and into Rayo's reverse tope. One two NO. Satanico and Sagrada are just now leaving, which distracts the crowd a bit. Rayo Special (headlock, shoved off towards the corner, second rope reverse tope as victim charges behind, optional headbutts - none here), one two three. (4:43)

Rayo walks over to his corner to tag in Canek, then Canek points something out, Rayo looks at the rudos, then looks back at Canek to confirm he wants to stay in. Yea, Universo came in for the rudos. His mask is off now. Crowd chants for Rayo once again. Ahhh, crowd shot while they start wrestling. No clipping, and we join a Rayo armbar, already in progress. Armbar actually is the opening to an abdominal stretch cradle, one two no. Rayo hits Universo hard with an open hand slap. Slap to the face. Whip, Rayo puts his head down, and Universo snatches him in a small package, one two THREE. (5:44) That was a bit of a surprise. Rudo noisemakers go wild. 6-5, rudos. 

Now it's supposed to be Canek and Black Tiger, but Tiger, remembering feuds from three years ago the rest of us might have forgotten, walks over to the tecnico apron and spits in Black Warrior's face. That works, as far as keeping Canek out of the match. Open hand slap exchange, with both pausing to look at the crowd. Warrior misses a clothesline, Tiger chops Warrior, whip, Tiger powerslam. One two NO. Tiger with a corner whip, charge in clothesline, quick to the second rope for a seated Tornado DDT one two NO. If he can't get the three, Tiger's going to get the mask, as he unties all of Warrior's and starts to lift, only stopping because of referee warnings. Corner whip, reversed, Tiger slides to the floor, Warrior out after him, Tiger in, Warrior in, Warrior gets clotheslined. Tiger to end it - quick second rope moonsault misses! Warrior scooted in towards the corner as Tiger was in air. Whip by Warrior, reversed, Warrior tries to come back with the spinning headscissors but Tiger counters him into a face first powerbomb. Warrior "AAAAH"'s in pain. Corner whip by Tiger, Tiger follows closely, and Warrior pulls out the kip up sunset flip one two THREE. (7:44) That was just barely three. 

Niebla and Vampiro waste no time getting in, perhaps because they haven't been in yet, perhaps because we're keeping Canek out at all costs. Circle. Vampiro wants a test of strength - no, he wants an opening to kick Niebla. Forearm to the had. Kick to the chest, and a second to knock Niebla down. Vampiro measures and lands a chop. Whip, Niebla slides under, Vampiro misses a huge clothesline, and Niebla gets in the Big Slap. Slap to the back of Vampiro's head. Whip, reversed, Niebla ducks a clothesline, ducks a clothesline, and comes up three feet short on the handspring elbow. That was weird. Vampiro grounded Niebla with a dropkick to the knee, then goes to work on the left with kicks to the back of the knee. Figure four - no, Niebla reverses to a small package. (9:19) You could not believe how much of the work Vampiro was doing on that one. Two straight rudo eliminates puts the tecnicos up 5-4.

While Niebla celebrates, Wagner's in the ring - not to fight Niebla (which is good, since they're on the same team and all), but to talk about something with Porky on the apron. Wagner asks for the rudos to hold off while he's discussing whatever. Good time for a crowd shot. Not sure how or what the discussion was about, but we're left with Universo and Wagner fighting as we return. Maybe Wagner wanted Universo? Universo is completely in control of Wagner with kicks and chops, but Wagner reverses a whip and stops Universo with a drop toe hold. Off this ropes, dropkick to the face. Universo is pumped. Wagner poses, then covers, one two no, then argues the slow count. That takes gumption. Whip, slow powerslam. Wagner backs up, and runs back for a nice elbow drop. One two no. Wagner tries a bodyscissors cradle one two NO. Wagner was leaning so far back on that, he might have had his shoulders down and it could've been the usual double elimination spot. Wagner slams Universo, and looks to go up. He's distracted by the fan's reaction - not sure what to make of it, me or him - and goes for the top rope splash. Pool's empty. Universo slam, and he opts for the safer running senton. Wait, now Universo is heading up top. Top rope Universo splash connects! One two three. (11:24) Universo is particularly happy with that win.

Terrible in, and now Canek finally is for his side. Fans are with Canek. Terrible drops him with a dropkick. Chop, corner whip, charge in clothesline. Terrible lands more punches and chops, and he should just stop here while it's going great. Corner whip, charge into the Canek back kick. Canek adds an elbow drop one two NO. Terrible wit a kick - suplex? No. No. Canek suplex? Yes. Is that enough? One two NO. Terrible takes another corner whip, and double boots Canek down as he comes in, which is helped by Canek kinda just moseying in. Terrible yells at the crowd as he climbs the inside of the ropes. Canek is up before Terrible can do anything, easily armdragging the tall guy off. Canek uses something like an arm scissors for a submission, and that'll do it. (13:03) 4-3, tecnicos

Porky and Garza back in. Garza gets run over by Porky once, twice, and then killed with a Porky splash one two NO. Garza goes for Porky's legs, kicking the back of the leg hard. Corner whip, charge in, clothesline, and a scoop slam! Garza grabs his back in pain. Going up quick - though not quick enough to avoid posing - top rope moonsault connects one two three. (14:03

Pierroth and Niebla, Pierroth's first time in. Pierroth lands a back elbow as Niebla charges, and slaps him on the back. Corner whip, charge in and Niebla not home. Niebla clothesline as Pierroth rebounds out, and he rolls Pierroth over for a zero count. Pierroth misses a clothesline and Niebla punches him in the gut and slaps him in the back. Pierroth looks quite out of breath. Niebla off the ropes, 'rana reversed into a powerbomb, one two three. (14:39) Two straight tecnico eliminates puts the rudos back in control, 3-2.

Garza comes back in, as Warrior takes it up for his side. They have a standoff, but Warrior puts the end of that with a open hand slap. Corner whip, Garza putting the breaks on before hitting the turnbuckle sand throwing Warrior up and into the corner. Garza backs up while Warrior recovers, and charges in just as Warrior moves out of the way. Warrior's heel kick is ducked by Garza, and Garza kicks Warrior in the back hard (which Warrior doesn't actually sell.) Hard open hand slap by Garza. Whip, Warrior slides under, Garza off the ropes, waved by, over the top of a backdrop and on his feet. They both stand, looking at each other, Warrior tells Garza to come at him, , Garza does and misses a clothesline, Warrior does miss on a dropkick one two NO. Warrior misses a clothesline, Garza lands a shoulderblock to flip him out. Garza covers one two NO. Garza slams Warrior, but he's not quite in position for a top rope moonsault. Garza adjusts, standing on the second rope in the middle of the ring, poses, and tries a quebrada - but gets knees! Warrior clotheslines Garza out, and it's time for the first dive of the match. Warrior TOOOOOOPE! Garza is nearly impaled on the front row seats. Both guys are getting counted out - don't know why someone else just doesn't come in. Warrior tires to get back in, but Garza stops him - and I guess there's a quicker count in these matches, because they're counted out after about 8. (16:58)

Which means it should be Pierroth and Universo left against Canek, and all three guys are in the ring - except Universo is attacking Pierroth! Pierroth just backs away as Universo yells at him that Canek is his alone. Those two exchange open hand slap as Pierroth is taking off his belt and readying it - shot to Universo's back (which must've just glanced him, because it takes a moment before he realizes what happened) and then another. Pierroth beats Universo down with belts shots as Canek watches. Pierroth tells him to stay out of it, and Canek has no problem with that. Corner whip by Pierroth charging belt shot is ducked, and Universo open hand slaps him. They get into a tug of war over the belt, and Universo wins, pulling Pierroth into a Canek clothesline in the process. Universo gets his belt revenge on Pierroth for a bit, but is posing for the crowd as Canek rolls Pierroth into a small package one two three. (18:03

Canek claps for Universo. We never got to see Universo's reaction, but I don't think he was too happy. Both guys off the ropes, and Universo's clothesline hits - one two NO. Canek poses, and rolls up Universo with a small package, one two NO. Canek pounds the mat in anger, then hangs Universo in a kneeling over the shoulder backbreaker - will Universo give? He waves no and breaks the facelock portion of the hold. Canek is a little bit frustrated. Whip, head down too soon, and Universo kicks it. Universo clothesline, cover one two NO. Universo picks up Canek - slam, off the ropes, running senton, off the ropes, running senton again. One two NO. Universo grabs Canek from above, and rolls him into the a sunset flip pin one two three! (19:20) Universo holds it in extra long to make sure he's got it, and he does. Universo 2000 is your winner. Canek is unhappy.

Hey, Blue Demon Jr. IS in the building, and he's got the trophy belt to award to Universo. A valet brings in a plaque as well. Blue Demon and Canek shake hands. Blue Demon Jr. congratulates Universo for winning the cibernetico. Universo tells everyone to shut up. He tells Demon to listen - he doesn't want the trophy, he wants Demon's MASK. Oooooh. I think Demon says this is not the time or place, but he'd be happy to beat Universo in front of the Arena Mexico fans.  

Vignette: Fan of CMLL - Dos Caras Jr. is going to debut soon in Arena Mexico. He invites everyone to come your new amigo, Dos Caras Jr. No, really.

Stellar Moments - Koreano, Vikingo, and La Fleccha have found new ways of stretching Sombra de Plata. Jeque, Super Comando and Vaquero have a nice set of moves for one Rayo Tapatio as well. Super Comando gets tossed up into a Rayo Tapatio missile dropkick, which doesn't look quit as neat as it sounds. Shockercito TOPE on Pierroth. Mascarita Sagrada gets the better of Espectrito to win the match. Mistico kills Tarzan Boy with the Tornado armbar.   

Vignette: el Monito dreams of his ring entrance. Shocker wakes him up - he's go to use the room to practice, now for Monito's rest time. Shocker works out the troops so they're ready to take on Guerreros. They'll be ready.  

Match 2: Negro Casas (c), Shocker (w/que monito), Mistico vs GdI (Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero (c), Tarzan Boy)
Arena Mexico, 10/08/04

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 5:26
Approx Rating: 81. Too short to be more.

Other Match Notes: Casas has new music. Or he got it, and new tights, in one of those episodes I missed. GdI punks out Mistico as he poses on the apron! That's pretty awesome - explains why introductions were switched. Mistico is pummeled to the ring, where GdI takes out the other two. I like that in the process of the beatdown, Ultimo still finds time to pose when his name is announced as Captain.

GdI slowly clears the tecincos out of the ring, leaving Mistico in for the 3-1. Corner clothesline by Tarzan, double corner strikes by Rey and Ultimo, sent out to Tarzan and set up on the top rope - second rope double press slam! Tarzan adds a running dropkick as Mistico rolls out. Negro in next (Shocker came in and left - clip? mistake?), and takes the triple wheelbarrow suplex in no time. Rey covers one two three. (1:13) That's the captain, but since Shocker rolls in, he's gonna get beat as well. Double whip, double boot, Ultimo sets him up on the Gory Special, and Tarzan and Ultimo bulldog him down. Posting, stomping, pulling shocker into a triple Cristo submission. Rudos celebrate. Rudo fans celebrate! Replays.

Second fall starts; I was expecting a break. Beatdown goes on, with Monitor getting knocked down and Mistico being thrown eight feet in the air on a flapjack. GdI hold Mistico down for a beating, but Ultimo it tripped up and pulled out by Shocker and Negro. Tarzan and Rey try whipping Mistico on their own, but Negro gets a hold of his partner to stop it and ends up double clotheslining the rudos. Shocker in, Mistico charges him in the corner, and Shocker boosts Mistico over the top rope into a crazy 'rana on Ultimo! That was quite impressive! Tecnicos already have rudos down; fujiwara armbar by Shocker for Rey (:58), powerbomb and sharpshooter by Negro for Tarzan (1:03) Shocker leaves on the armbar for a while, and as Negro get revenge outside of the ring, Shocker punches Rey out for getting in a cheap shot on Que Monito.

Ultimo and Negro to start. Ultimo fakes an attack, and Negro strikes. Open hand slap battle, ends with Negro getting pumped up and it switching to chops. Ultimo wins that battle pretty well, but runs into a Negro side kick. Negro makes a move like he's going for Ultimo's mask, and Tarzan is in on him. Kick, front facelock, and Negro escapes for a series of kicks, ending with an axe kick. Tag to Shocker, and Ultimo back in for his side. Ultimo knocks down Shocker with a big open hand slap. Another. Another. Shocker shoves him back, Ultimo misses with a right hand, Shocker gives him the combo punch and a big right hand punch. Shocker whips Ultimo, Ultimo reversed, Shocker slides under a leapfrog, Ultimo tries to hook him in a reinera, Shocker flips free, off the ropes, under a clothesline dropkick Ultimo out of the ring. Shocker fakes the rope and poses. Tag to Mistico, who rushes but slides under Rey. Clothesline for Rey, but Rey's not going down. Clothesline, and he's still not going down. Clothesline, and he's beheaded by Rey! Mistico refuses to give up, no head and all. Rey chops him, then leaves him in a fireman's carry, but Mistico slips free and dropkicks Rey into the ropes. 619! Mistico forces a top wristlock, but Rey throws him down. Mistico kips up, kicks Rey, then pulls of a walk up the ropes, springboard reverse DDT! 'rana, blocked by Rey, but Mistico re-reverse into a 'ran taking them both out. Asai Moonsault! Look a the fans. Tarzan and Negro in, Tarzan running and being backdropped. Shocker boots him up, then gets ready for a dive, but, Ultimo cuts him off with a clothesline. MONITO TOPE is caught by Tarzan easily. and shoos away - but Tarzan walks right into a Negro Casas Thesz Press. Back in the ring, Shocker has somehow managed to get Ultimo into a reinera - and that's it. (3:10) Quick main event. Break.

El Hijo Del Santo highlights. I'm not sure why. It's almost like they said he's got a new song.

That's it for this week.