CMLL Line - 10/30/04 (#157)
Typed: 10/30/04

This is part of Galavision's 25th year anniversary. Something makes me think this will be covered less than ESPN's 25 year anniversay earlier this year (if only because Gala doesn't seem to navel gaze as much)

Welcome To The Show Vignette: Negro Casas, who hypes next week's Anniversary Show

Vignette: In his office, Dr. Wagner promises his mask that he'll defend it forever. Universo arrives, and they talk about next week's super huge mask vs mask match - they seem to agree that the best possible outcome is for them both to go out early, and force Rayo and Canek to fight each other for their masks. There doesn't seem to be a lot of tension between them fighting next week, although you can see it in the "oh, yes, we really should have THOSE guys lose" statements.  

Match 1: Canek (c), Blue Panther, Rayo de Jalisco vs Dr. Wagner Jr. (c), Universo 2000, Black Tiger
Arena Mexico, 09/10/04

  1. Tecnicos
  2. Tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos (2-0)
Match Time: 8:34
Approx Rating: 73. Usual match here.

Other Match Notes: Tecnicos out first? How odd. Sounds like a different ring announcer than usual. It could be the sound system, which sounds a bit off. Despite entering second, the rudos still manage to start a prematch brawl, and we're off. 

Beatdown, with the other four sticking to the corner while Universo does a couple spots with Rayo. Universo drops the idea of action for some mask ripping, but then that's what all the rudos are doing. Tiger pulls off a hanging upside down in the ropes headscissors choke on Blue Panther for a while. Universo has Rayo's mask pretty ripped and is going for the rest, while Wagner has ripped a large portion of Canek's mask and is untying the rest. Tiger is giving Blue Panther a normal outside the ring beatdown (chops, into the post) during the meantime, but the focus is obviously on the four in the ring. Universo finally succeeds in getting Rayo's mask off, and that's it. (DQ 2:04) Rayo covers up as he's getting stomped, and the rudos work over Canek while they've got a moment. Replay of the mask being pulled off - Rayo had his hands in front of his face holding onto the mask the whole time, so there was only a split second (and only one angle) when he face was exposed. Break.

We rejoin right where we left off, with the beatdown going. Universo pounds Rayo on the stage, Rayo unwilling to defend himself if it means taking his hands off his face. Looks like Wagner succeeding in getting Canek's mask off as well, as he's got no mask now and is trying escape to the back. Tiger and Blue Panther work in the ring while Universo and Wagner entry to prevent their opponents from escaping. Tiger with a nice seated Tornado DDT which we have to see on ref cam. Looks like Rayo might have gotten to the back, but Canek is still being stopped by Wagner and Universo. Universo wanders back to ring to help out on the two on one. Whip, Panther is picked up and dropped in the corner. Tiger explains to Universo that he was up to something, slams Panther, second rope moonsault, second rope moonsault, second rope moonsault! One two PULLED HIM UP. Rudos are morons for not win his right now. Wagner is back, and Panther is held to be beat by the other two. Wagner takes a moment to look at the crowd and give them a finger signal for chanting for the tecnicos. Rayo and Canek are on the way back to the ring with replacement makes. Wagner and Universo see them coming and charge, but Rayo and Canek turn the tables on them and the comeback is on. Lots of revenge mask ripping. It settles down into a normal match and Rayo vs Universo, who do the normal Rayo/Universo things. Rayo does get to rip Universo's mask apart. Clotheslines out of the ring segue from that matchup to Panther and Tiger. Tiger eventually tries an Asia Moonsault and gets his legsweeped out from under him. With those two on the floor, the other four meet in the ring. Tecnicos out smart the rudo double teams, and we get near-simultaneous pins; Rayo pins Universo with the reverse tope (6:18), and Canek waits till he's got full attention before dropping Universo with a half hour suplex. (6:30) Sure seems like they were setting up a tecnico loss for the mask match at this point, with the tecnicos taking this match. Stand offs and talking - Canek and Wagner start fighting again, but we leave that fight for commercials. 

Vignette: In the gym, Rey and Ultimo tag team lift. How odd. Anyway, Ultimo is getting ready for his big title defense versus LA Park. He invites Rey to the ring; Rey would much rather go to Super Astro's restaurant. I think I half imagine Ultimo promising to give Rey a title shot just a soon as he takes care of Park.

Stellar Moments

Match 2: Perro Aguayo (c), Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero vs El Hijo Del Santo (c), LA Park, Negro Casas
Arena Mexico, 09/10/04

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: Rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:25
Approx Rating: 85

Other Match Notes: Rey and Ultimo have new instrumental music. With a lot of claps. Perro waits for Santo at the end of the ramp, so Santo waits near the stairs for his partners. Park has a dance session. Rey somehow sneaks all the way thru the crowd and back to the entrance, allowing him to attack Park from behind - Negro is out right then, and the brawl is on. 

After we come back from looking at captains, we can see that Santo has been knocked of the ramp into the first row and is being beat there by Perro, GdI is taking it to the other two in the ring, Ultimo loading up Park on the top rope in no time at all, but going for mask puling/untying  rather than the finisher. Rey throws out Negro, and holds the just arrives Santo for Perro. Ultimo pulls Park into the Tree of Woe for a while, and he's then loaded up for the ramp version of the GdI big sit.  Park rolls to the floor, grabbing his hamstrings, and the fans three feet away are aghast. Negro is being triple teamed in the ring, with Rey pulling out the swinging fisherman's suplex, Ultimo pulling out the exploder, and Perro pulling out the, uh, running stomp. Some people don't feel the need to reach as much as others, I guess. Casas is knocked out of the ring rather than beat, because it's Santo's turn to get beat. Double whip, double shot to the midsection. Ultimo and Rey talk it over. Suplex by Ultimo for Santo, whip, spinebuster lift, Rey knocks him down with a clothesline, Ultimo slingshots him, Rey clotheslines Santo back over Ultimo's knees, then quickly goes to the top for the rolling senton. Perro adds the double stomp. Ultimo covers (which we only hear and do not see) while Rey and Perro pose on the corner buckles, and the first fall goes to the rudos. (3:16) Replays of the rolling senton, double stomp, and not the pin. They've got a far angle shot (designed to show a lot of the crowd and the whole ring) this week the director really likes.

Without a break, we continue on to fall two, though we never actually hear the whistle. Beatdown goes on, stopping only when none of the tecnicos are in a hurry to get in the ring. Santo comes in, and us doubled by GdI while Perro comes back from an extensive posing section. Park comes in while they're beating on Santo and immediately becomes the attention instead. Crowd shot - the same exact shot we got after the pinfall all of a minute ago. We come back just in time to see a GdI sit on Negro backfire when Rey gets pulled out by Santo, and Perro's distracted into being softly enziguri by Negro. The other four fight on the outside; Santo charges at Ultimo, Ultimo tosses him up, Santo lands on the apron and runs off to land a 'rana on Rey. Park ducks a Ultimo clothesline and pulls off a reverse bodyscissors into an armdrag on Ultimo (the powerbomb would've been harsh to try/land on the floor.) In the inside, Negro gets Perro sitting in the corner, boot scrapes him a couple times and nails him in the face with a running dropkick! That look enormously painful. Perro looks like he's got a blood alcohol level of .9 right now. Casas calls to the crowd, then pulls Perro up, only to get a kick form Perro. Perro off the ropes, and land a kick. Off the ropes, and sharp running knee. Perro tries another running knee, but it's blocked, and Negro lets loose with the kicks to the chest. Sa back kick takes Perro don, and he puts on an abdominal stretch, only to be stopped via Rey dropkick. Park comes in for the other side, and gets the better of Rey in the next sequence. Ultimo tries to help, and a double teamed dropkick goes wrong. Park holds Rey down for Santo's top rope senton and up and over sunset flip combo move to finish off Santo (3:02) and Park takes care of Rey with something we only catch the end off (3:08) Casas stops Perro from getting involved, and backs him up all the way up the ramp. They never do show a replay of what Park did, though we get multiple replays of Santo's pin. 

Tecnicos peaceful wait in the ring before the third fall. Rudos are in no hurry to join them - Rey asks for a timeout, is denied. Rey and Santo to start. Rey wants a handshake. Nah. Rey off the ropes, rolling over, ducking under, into the monkey flip. Santo off the ropes, waved by and pulls off a spinning headscissors next time by. Rey rolls out and leisurely walks away, while Santo hurriedly climbs a corner - plancha! We might have a clip right here, because the sound seems to jump slightly and it doesn't make sense for Casas to be climbing a corner with no rudo left standing on the outside. Casas doesn't get to dive anyway, because Perro sneaks behind him and pushes him off. Casas is down clutching his knee, and Aguayo sets up for the apron dive Thesz Press, but Casas magically springs back to life and rushes onto the apron to confront Perro. Perro backs off, but he's corned by Casas and Park. Shove for Park, boot for Casas. Perro attempts to give Casas the running stomp on the apron, but Casas rolls in to safety, and roundhouse kicks Perro to the floor. Casas back to the apron, and he gets to do his Thesz Press. Park and Ultimo in, Ultimo spinning Park with a back elbow. Ultimo charges again, and gets backdropped into a headstand in the corner. Park shifts around, loads Ultimo on his shoulder, but gets reversed into a small package. Crack production (that's what they're on) cuts the referee who's making the pinfall out of the picture, but I'm pretty safe in guessing it was two count. Snap mare, and Ultimo goes for the mask once again. He ripped quite a bit, but it falls back in place as Ultimo picks Park up on his shoulders and drops him forward. Ultimo going up? This never ends up well for him - this time, Park stops him on the way up with punches. Park climbing up join him - top rope superplex? ON THE TOP ROPE 'RANA! Park landed hard on his hip there, but crawls on top - one two NO. Rey looks to have tripped coming in there, and someone really should've broken up the move to protect a little much, because it's wasteful to have it be worth the same as a small package. Park goes for Ultimo's mask, ripping it good and well. Ultimo is set up in the corner for open hand slaps, and the crowd (and Dr. Morales) counts along: uno dos tres quatro cinco seis siete! Why stop at siete? Corner whip, reversed, Ultimo charges in, Park ducks down, and Ultimo takes the knee bump to the floor. Park gets some speed, slingshot corkscrew plancha! They're both dead now. Santo and Rey in, and Rey running into a backdrop. Santo to the top rope, tope! Camel clutch, Rey slips free before it can be locked on, Rey clothesline is caught, and Santo drops him with his leg DDT/double arm scissors move. Meanwhile, Casa and Perro slug it out in the middle of the ring. Casas starts to go nuts, so Aguayo kicks him there. One two three. (3:57) Santo let go of his submission to argue the pinfall, since he had a perfect view of the cheating (and the referee did not) - and of course Rey cradles him from behind, with Aguayo helping to hold Santo down, one two three. (4:01) I think they might have pulled tights just to get the point across. Aguayo has a few words with the announcers - he wants people to start chanting Perro Perro Perro again for his awesome victory. Five rudo fans do just that. Back in the ring, we notice Park getting in a few more shots on Ultimo, but Rey and Perro attacking Casas and Santo some.

Kinda weird - Park/Ultimo was an issue, but not important that they felt the need to have the finish involve them. And they were clearly transitioning it back to Perro/Negro even before the anniversary show.   

Next Week: Rayo de Jalisco vs Canek vs Universo 2000 vs Dr. Wagner in a four way mask match! Ultimo Guerrero (c) vs LA Park for the CMLL LH Title! You'll see none of this! Also: Negro Casas, Hector Garza, El Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Terrible, Super Porky, Blue Panther, Atlantis, El Hijo de Santo and many more for Infernal en el Ring

Replays of the third fall highlights, including the finish and Santo's move. 

Back live, we see Ultimo has ended up laying out LA Park. He gets tossed the small step and drives it into Park's head, but it's not interesting enough for the announcers to stop talking about next week's huge show. Perro fights Casas some more, but backs off from Santo. Everything settles down in time for some credits and more hype, and we're done at about fifty seven minutes.