CMLL Line - 10/02/04 (#151)
Typed: 10/08/04

Welcome To The Show Vignette: El Hijo del Santo. He's very emotional and happy to be here, especially today.

Match 1: Hector Garza (c), Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero vs Atlantis (c), Negro Casas, El Hijo Del Santo
Arena Mexico, 07/30/04

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos
Match Time: 9:01
Approx Rating: 87

Other Match Notes: Rey daughters enter with him in valet costumes. Atlantis gives someone (the same guy from last time?) a hug on his way to the ring. First Santo Arena Mexico match since 12/07/02, 86 episodes ago. Santo is wearing a title belt on the way in, and I'm not sure what it is. Well, I know it's a title belt. Big cheer for him. Ultimo meets him at the end of the ramp to stare. Ultimo has words for Santo, probably along the lines of the Wagner/Canek "my house" discussion. Appropriately, this is titled "Hijo Del Santo return", and he teaming up with Negro against Ultimo and Rey.

No prematch beatdown, though Hector and Santo do shove. Wow, people with S A N T O t-shirts, that's a good set up. Early clip. We get going with Atlantis and Garza. As usual, Garza is begging off. This time, he's using it to sucker Atlantis into a dropkick. Taunt to the crowd. Stomps. Yelling at the tecnicos. Whip, reversed, Atlantis-tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Dropkick. Garza out, Atlantis slides out after him, and Garza begs off. Garza is the master of putting his hands behind his back. Garza walks down the aisle, and uses a woman in the third row as a human shield. Fans get on him. Rey and Santo stand in the ring, wondering if they should start or wait for the other two to come back. They eventually get started, as we watch Garza wander around. Chest slaps, now Ultimo into help with some of his own, corner whip, Ultimo charges into boots, and Rey's too busy doing the taunt to notice. Santo manages a bodyscissors/armdrag takeover on both of them, ducks a double clothesline, and gets boosted into a Rey dropkick. Ultimo's tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gets reversed into a spinning armdrag, and Santo starts running - and keeps running, actually hitting Rey with a surprise tope as Negro does the Apron Dive Thesz Press to Ultimo; they try to split screen this for both of the dives, but the guy in charge of picking up Negro doesn't realize he's in charge of picking up Negro till the last moment, so it's very disorienting. That leaves Atlantis and begging man, who land a dropkick. Right hands, whip, clothesline misses, and Atlantis catches him in the Atlántida. That's IT. (2:21) the Lucha Hero combination took that pretty easy. Replays.

Negro and Ultimo start this fall. One imagines they had a sequence to lead off the bout. Ultimo blocks a hiptoss, and isn't phased the slightest by Negro's chest slaps. Ultimo's chest slaps do hurt the other way. They repeat it with chops, until Negro gets smart enough to block one and kick Ultimo until he falls down. Negro off the ropes, into a Ultimo powerslam. Ultimo looks more muscled than usual. Ultimo off the ropes, Negro bends under the clothesline and dropkicks Ultimo in the knee. While Ultimo's bent over, Negro grabs Ultimo by the head, and does a running up the ropes Tornado DDT! Gotta give Negro credit for adding new twists in. Ultimo slides out for safety. Hector in for his side, but he's leaving when he sees Atlantis enter the ring. Atlantis kicks the middle rope as Hector steps over it, and Hector tries to claim a low blow. No go. He's in hurry to come back in, but eventually does. Circle - and the rudos all rush the tecnicos. Negro and Santo get knocked off the apron, and Hector lays out Atlantis with a punch. Atlantis tires to get up, but he's kicked down repeatedly. While Rey does the taunt, Ultimo helps work over Garza. Whip, wave by, Rey and Ultimo load Atlantis into a Garza face first electric chair suplex. Stereo headbutt drops! Atlantis is thrown out, and kept down with a sliding dropkick. Santo in now, wile Garza goes out to get a few more shots on Atlantis. Back in the ring, Ultimo has Negro Casas and is powerbombing him down. Rey whips Santo, and drop toe holds him onto Casas. Santo is flipped so both he's laying on Casas and they're both facing up, and then Ultimo puts a reverse figure four on both of them at the same time! That's pretty awesome. Rey adds some arm yanking to the deal, and that's enough. (3:01) Everyone in one part of the front row has a 1000% Rudo noisemaker this week. I recommend avoided that area if you're a tecnico. Replay of the finish. Break.

Rudos have already suckered in Atlantis, beat him down, thrown him out, and brought Santo to the ramp before the whistle blows to start the final fall. Santo is set up, leaning on the outside of the ropes. He ends up taking the GdI sit. Lots of posing, and Negro is taken care of next. Ultimo does quite a bit of chopping. Atlantis back in as Negro's kicked out; while Garza does his begging routine to set him up for Rey, I notice that Santo's still down and he's got a couple people checking him out. That can't be good. From the way they've been working over him, he might have strained his back at some point. Atlantis is worked over while Ultimo stomps Santo (while leaning over to talk to him.). GdI holds Atlantis while Garza works him over with kicks, but Atlantis just breaks loose and takes down Garza. Casas takes out GdI (Santo still not moving, but looking a little better and moving to an upright position), while Atlantis brawls Garza out of the ring, and into the lap of a front row woman. Garza eventually feels a post (though that's probably not the only thing he's felt). Santo's up and participating in the ring, giving Ultimo a knee, then remarkably diving off the apron into a 'rana on Rey! He's fired up now, chopping his way back on Bucanero. Ultimo is able to bail out his partner, and things settle down to one on one. Unfortunately for Garza, the one on one turns out to be him and Atlantis. Garza wants a handshake. Garza isn't getting a handshake. Chest slap, chest slap back. Garza right, taunt, Atlantis chest slap. Garza loads up his fist - and Atlantis dropkicks him in the meantime. Garza sidesteps the next dropkick and kicks Atlantis in the leg. Corner whip, corner charge, Atlantis is out of the way and Garza knocks himself to the floor. PLANCHA - onto Garza, and just out of Ultimo's reach. Rey in, ducking a Casas clothesline and striking Santo on the apron. In the meantime, Negro manages to armdrag Ultimo, then holds down Rey in a full nelson for the Santo top rope somersault senton - into a roll up and over sunset flip on Ultimo! One two three. (3:37) Majistral on Rey, one two three (3:39) A win in his return back, nice. Tecnicos celebrate, rudos are frustrated. Crowd chants for Santo. Replays.

Stellar Moments - Archangel with a plancha. Chris Stone with a double jump plancha, Tigre Blanco with a threw the ropes tope con giro, and StarMAN finished Archangel with a roll up and over sunset flip (hey!) Atlantis and Blue Panther get the better of Mephisto and Averno to retain the tag team titles. Ramstein gives Brazo de Oro Jr. a middle rope powerbomb. Warrior kills Apolo with a tope. 

Match 2: El Hijo del Perro Aguayo (w/Hector Garza) vs Felino (w/Negro Casas) in the final of the 6th Leyenda de Plata Tournament
Arena Mexico, 07/30/04

Winner: El Hijo del Perro Aguayo (double stomp)
Match Time: 7:19
Approx Rating: 85

Other Match Notes: Entering first actually is the a valet carrying the trophy plaque - a mounted replica El Santo mask. Perro's wearing a belt that looks like Santo's, which helps me figure it out - these are the WWA World Tag Team Belts, a Tijuana based title they won 11/12/03 from Villano IV and V. Cornermen are pretty obvious; it's only a surprise a fight doesn't immediately break out. We get title match like introductions and seriousness. One fall for this match, unlike the match last week (which, I forgot to note, didn't seem to be one fall any time except last week.) Baby Richard is your referee. Sounds like we get a clip, but the action doesn't indicate it. Yea, stop showing the belt now that I feel dumb for having taken so long to figure it out; there was an hour of me searching title histories, except for certain team ones. Rudos aren't in a hurry to start, and Baby Richard has to yell at people to get out of the ring before we can. 

Flash back to last week, the non low blow called a low blow. And not the low blow? Odd.

Mat wresting to start, and Felino gets the edge with an armbar/headscissors thing early. Felino lets up (Perro got the ropes? didn't see it, but they reacted like it.) but Felino quickly took back over with an over the shoulder armdrag and armbar. Rope break for sure this time. They go face to face, with Felino patting Perro on the chin, Perro slapping back, and Felino taking him down in a fireman's carry to an armbar. Aguayo sneaks out to a single leg, but his attempt to roll Felino to his feet is reversed into a single leg. Felino hooks on a knee bar. Aguayo manages to spin out free, and grabs a knee to drive it into the mat. Dropkick to the head. Perro with a snap mare, and a kneeling armbar. Perro lets go, as we notice Perro Aguayo Sr. is in the audience. His son must've done something while we (and perhaps the referee) were looking the other way, because Felino is now laying on the mat and rolling in pain while Perro is looking into the crowd. Hijo forces Aguayo to apron with stomps, then brings him back in to whip him - oh, Felino's mask is half ripped, I bet that's what it was - clothesline on the way back. Felino recovers his health and his mask. Perro brings Felino towards Garza so he can yell at him,. Felino eat a lot of turnbuckle in the meantime. The top half of Felino's mask is totally ripped of. Perro goes the apron, and pulls out Felino with him - dropkick. Perro kicks Felino on the floor while the rudo announcer explains it was a total accident Felino's mask got so ripped. Perro asks for the people in the front row corner seats to move, and then pulls them towards ringside to ram Felino into. Felino' still trying to repair his mask ands Aguayo throws him around ringside, and into the ring. Aguayo takes a moment to get on Baby Richard's nerves before annoying the crowd again. Felino has his mask perfectly covering him again, starts to stand up, and Aguayo kicks it apart. Sucks to be Felino. Crowd trying to chant Felino back, and Felino's trying to draw form there. Headbutt, corner whip, reversed, Aguayo kips up, out and rolls, but Felino pops him with a clothesline as he stands up. Off the ropes, waved by, and a back spin armdrag! DOUBLE JUMP SUMMERSAULT BODYBLOCK! Negro Casas goes more nuts than I just did, if that's possible Felino takes out some anger by slamming Aguayo on the floor. Aguayo's sent into some front row seats and takes some chops. Felino is warned to go back to the ring, does, and Garza helps Perro to his feet, which seems to be cheating but he gets away with it. At any rate, Perro is being counted out while his father looks on. Aguayo takes a much of the count as he can before coming back in.  Charge, and Felino moves out of the way . Felino charges, gets backdropped to the apron, chop for Aguayo, Felino starts climbing but Aguayo knocks him down with a springboard dropkick! Felino falls to the floor, so Aguayo has no problem doing his apron dive Thesz Press on him. Onto some seats to celebrate. Perro's pretty happy right now, and takes a moment to laugh at Negro Casas. Hector does the same, so Negro gets some revenge by clipping Perro as he goes for another Thesz Press. Baby Richard is letting anything go this week, although we're supposed to think he didn't see that, or Negro throwing Felino back in. Casas picks up Aguayo and starts kicking him before throwing him in - ah, Felipe Ham Lee did see all of that, and he and Baby Richard are displeased with Negro. While that's going on, Felino slams Perro. Going up - but Garza clips Felino's leg, and clotheslines him off the turnbuckle! Aguayo drags Felino into position, and goes to the second rope - STOMP. Big pose cover one two three. (7:19) Rudo announcer is thrilled with that pin. Perro celebrates with the rudos fans, and his dad is pretty pleased. Father/son hug - wait, did Perro Senior just turn rudo? While Felino is still on the mat, Perro comes into accept the trophy. Garza is over with the announcers, taunting the (tecnico) Dr. Morales. Break.

Next Week: el Hijo Del Santo, Ultimo Dragon (WHAT?), Hector Garza, Atlantis, Tarzan Boy, Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Negro Casas, Universo 2000, LA Park, Rayo De Jalisco and much much more. Well, that's not in my plan.

Back live, El Hijo Del Santo has come to the ring to officially present the trophy to El Hijo Del Perro Aguayo. Santo first congratulated Felino for being a great former winner. Negro Casas helps Felino to the back. Now, it's time to give Perro Aguayo "the trophy of the top idol of Mexican lucha libre, El Santo." Santo hands over the trophy, congratulates Perro, reaches for a handshake - and gets brushed off. Perro would like the microphone, though. Even after that, and Perro staring angrily at the crowd, Santo still claps for him. Perro says there's a big mistake - el Hijo del Santo says El Santo is the best? He's wrong - Santo was just some guy in the movies fighting mummies and vampires! El Hijo Del Santo wants the trophy back NOW. The top idol in the history of Mexican Lucha Libre, El Hijo del Perro Aguayo tells us, is right here - Perro Aguayo Senior. (Senior doesn't really react.) This trophy, the trophy of El Santo, doesn't interest Perro Aguayo at all. It does prove that El Hijo Del Perro Aguayo is #1, and since we know that already and he's not interested in the Leyenda de Plata - he breaks it over the ring post! Santo is on him like THAT, and it's only the timely intervention of Hector Garza that keeps Perro Aguayo living today. Two on one, Santo doesn't far too well, so it's good Negro Casas came back to make the save. Santo and Perro brawl into the crowd, with no one in control. Did Garza end up in that same woman's lap again? What are the odds. As this fight gets sorted out, we get the end of the match, and the trophy breaking. When we come back, the fights have been broken up, but Santo is challenging Perro to a mask/hair match. Perro gets the microphone to presumably say No. Santo and Casas walk up to the stage to pose as Perro keeps on talking, but we're not really listening to anyone of it.

And that's it, at very slightly over 60 minutes.