CMLL Line - 09/19/04 (#149)
Typed: 10/02-07/04

Welcome To The Show Vignette: Ultimo Guerrero and Rey Bucanero! WHO WHO WHO

Random walk on during announcer hype HERE.

Vignette: Mistico is honored to participate in the Leyenda de Plata tournament. It's a big opportunity.
Vignette: Negro Casas sees this as a chance to win the cibernetico, and a chance to get his hands on Perro Aguayo. Dog panting sounds here. 

Thank god, they actually give the full lineup for one of these in print.

Match 1: Satanico, Atlantis, Virus, Alan Stone, Averno, Mephisto, Tarzan Boy, Misterioso II vs Negro Casas, Mistico, Black Warrior, Volador Jr., Mascara Magica, El Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Emilio Charles, Super Crazy in the Sixth Leyenda de Plata Qualifying Cibernetico 
Arena Mexico, 07/16/04

  1. Super Crazy Aztec Bomb Misterioso II (1:08)
  2. Satanico backslide Emilio Charles (2:03)
  3. Mistico super spin armbar Virus (3:46)
  4. Volador reversed headscissors rollup Alan Stone (5:01)
  5. Averno double underhook faceslam Mascara Magica (6:02)
  6. Perro small package Satanico (8:15)
  7. Mephisto double underhook faceslam Super Crazy (9:31)
  8. Warrior dropkick Mephisto (10:59)
  9. Tarzan hanging superplex Mistico (12:19)
  10. Averno double underhook faceslam Volador (13:33)
  11. Negro La Majistral Averno (14:58)
  12. Atlántida on Warrior (15:55)
  13. Negro La Majistral Tarzan (18:32)
  14. Atlantis reversed pin Negro (19:49)

Winners: Atlantis & el Hijo del Perro Aguayo
Match Time: 19:49
Approx Rating: 91. Not extradonary great, but the first real good real match in quite some time.

Other Match Notes: Not even if we call Misterioso as a rudo (I'm pretty sure he's a tecnico at this point) do we get to 8 rudos and 8 tecnicos. Wonder how they worked that out; by the order they're giving, I'm thinking it's supposed to be 4 and 4 but Magica's not a rudo. Except for that one week he was. 

Action's already in progress as we start. Announcers note this is the first time we've seen Super Crazy since he lost the hair/hair match with Zumbido, and he looks like - a guy with plenty of hair because it's been a while. Crazy forces Misterioso into a neutral corner, punching him while there. Whip, reversed, Misterioso charges into a back elbow. Deep leg hook cover one two Misterioso rolls thru one two Crazy rolls thru into a sunset flip (to reveal "Crazy 4U" is written on his shirt, perhaps to distract with the comedy) one two Misterioso jacknifes forward one two NO. What's with actual near falls? Misterioso punch is ducked and hooked into a Crazy full nelson, but Misterioso is able to drop down to escape, and wrap Crazy into a bodyscissors rollup one two NO. Misterioso misses a clothesline, Crazy opts for a waistlock this time, but it still works out bad as Misterioso pulls out a bodyscissors rollup from that position as well - one two NO. Misterioso is carrying an A in Rollups 201. Crazy is up first this time, and slaps Misterioso in the corner. Corner whip, Misterioso climbs up the corner on the run, and executes a somersault bodyblock onto - uh, no one. Crazy watched it the whole time and was easily out of the way by the time Misterioso went for it. Crazy picks Misterioso up - didn't we use to call this the Azteca Bomb in ECW? Because I'd like to give you something more than "a driving twisting powerbomb". It's a more colorful one two three that way. (1:08) Thanks for coming, Misterioso. Long crowd shot here. I went in guessing we'd miss two eliminations, but then, if we got to see Misterioso (low man here) getting pinned, maybe not. I do spot Perro Aguayo coming into the ring next as we look away, and he's not there when we come back.

Instead, it's Emilio and Satanico, with Emilio winning an all black outfit and clothesline Satanico. Whip, spinebuster, but Satanico kicks him away. Both go for punches, but Emilio's hits first. And so he can hit more. Corner whip, Emilio corner clothesline. Corner whip the other way, but this time Satanico gets a boot up. Satanico charges out of the corner, and takes Emilio down with an inverted bulldog-ish clothesline. Whip, reversed, Satanico catches an Emilio clothesline and turns it around into a backslide one two three. (2:03) 7-7.

As fate would have it, the next two happen to be Mascara Magica and Alan Stone. If this is a meaningful encounter, their actions don't show it; Alan treats Magica like any opponent in the ring, and wastes no time in going after him. Forearm, forearm, chop, whip, reversed, Alan slides under a leapfrog and clotheslines Magica going the other way. One two NO. Alan's next clothesline is caught and turned into a Magica short clothesline, but the announcers are distracted by Black Warrior and Perro Aguayo shoving each other on the outside - they're partners right now, after all. Magica misses a senton, Alan handstand kips up, and we take a closer look at the argument on the outside. I guess Magica and Alan are happy they've given the fans this matchup, because they tag out, and we take a look at Satanico's winning pinfall once again.

We join Mistico and Virus already fighting, Volador seemingly having just landed a springboard back elbow. Mistico seems slightly smaller than Volador, and obviously the masks are different, but when they're both wearing white, it's not easy to tell the difference. Mistico tries to follow with a springboard bodyscissors move, but Virus shoves him off, and into the ropes. Mistico is tangled up, so Virus bounces off the far ropes and comes back with a pointed dropkick to the chest. Virus is pumped, which delays a cover - one two no. Chop. Chop. Corner whip, Virus charges in, forcing Mistico up onto the top rope. Slaps to keep him there, and Virus goes up to join him - but Mistico sneaks out between his legs. Virus quickly adjusts, using his position to try a top rope back elbow, and it connects. One two NO. Chop, chop, whip, Mistico slides under, and onto Virus on the next pass - the finishing sequence seems to technically be a standing crucifix into a spinning headscissors into a spinning armbar takedown into a Fujiwara, but here again, I think I need something snappy like the Super Spin Armbar to help out. No help for Virus - he's done. (3:46) No real surprises in pinfalls before this point, though this one is arguable. By the time I'm seeing it, it's unquestionably logical, but those things we've heard but not seen haven't actually happened yet. But, it's a guy who just debuted, so of course they're going to do well.

There's a bit a hold before things get going, as Perro Aguayo wants to get in the ring, but it's not his turn - it's Volador, and it's also Alan Stone making a return entrance.  Alan off the ropes, over, slowing down and having no problem dropkicking Volador in the knee if he's going to just stand around like that. Headlock, Volador shoots him off - no, Alan's not going anywhere. Volador fights his way to a waistlock, and Alan Stone tries to back elbows out. German Suplexes Don't Work On Light Heavyweights, Alan with his own waistlock, Volador elbows out, off the ropes, sunset flip, Alan rolls thru, and there's the dropkick we've been waiting for. Alan to the apron, and quickly with a springboard plancha one two NO. Volador says no, and Alan says "I will clothesline you hard." Alan off the ropes, climbing up Volador into a Victory roll (shouldn't I be calling that a headscissors roll?) Volador rolls thru and crosses the legs, one two three! (5:01) 7-5, kinda unusual

Magica and Averno in, Magica throwing a dropkick that's sidestepped. Let's look at the crowd. Chest slap battle is a stalemate, so Magica comes of  the ropes and knocks him down with a big boot. Off the ropes, Averno backdrops him to the apron. Strike battle resumes, Magica knocking down Averno with a forearm, but missing on a slingshot somersault senton. Averno misses a clothesline, and runs right into a Magica powerslam. Magica is pumped. Stomp. Strikes, whip, reversed, into a short Averno drop toe hold. Averno elbow drop misses, Magica's 'rana blocked and powerbombed! Averno looks as the crowd, then picks up Magica - double underhook faceslam! One two three. (6:02) 6-5, back to usual. Sound track jumps here, so mark a clip down. Looks like we go from a Tarzan/Crazy sequence too...

Satanico runs the ropes while Perro Aguayo avoids. him. Perro Aguayo's clothesline is blocked, and it breaks down into a chop battle. Perro Aguayo whips, but gets run over by a Satanico shoulderblock. Satanico's elbow drops misses and they slap back and forth once again, as Negro Casas gets on the apron to be tagged in next. Perro cuts of the exchange with a kick and a headbutt. Corner whip, Satanico gets up boots, but Perro catches the legs and pulls him into a powerbomb. One two NO, Perro getting thrown back on a kick out. Perro with a kick, slam. Time? Perro calls for it, off the ropes, running double stomp but no one's home. Clothesline by Satanico levels Perro. Whip, Satanico scoops Perro up, but Perro reverses to a small package one two three (8:15) Perro looks at the crowd, wondering why they'd ever expect anything less. It's now 6-4, with one side down to Atlantis, Averno, Mephisto and Tarzan. Negro looks on from the apron - but Super Crazy is in next? Well, Perro's leaving for Averno at any rate.

Replay of the last finish as Crazy and Mephisto circle. Mephisto clotheslines and chops as we come back. Corner whip, reversed, Crazy charge into a backdrop, lands on the apron, gets in the shoulder, and climbs up. Top rope dropkick finds it's mark, and Crazy says this is it - one two NO it's not it. Crazy easily locked on a clothesline, cranks the arm, and hooks on an octopus. Will Mephisto give? Doesn't matter, because Crazy decides to use the ropes - ahh, Crazy's going for the slowest hook into a Tarantula ever. Much to his credit, Mephisto doesn't just stand there and takes it, instead grabbing hold of Crazy's legs over his shoulders and spinebustering him. Elbow drop, one two no. Mephisto wants a faster count. Crazy is still down, so Mephisto's going up? Unwise. Top rope somersault senton but no one's home. Crazy covers one two NO. Crazy seems frustrated and not really enthused. Slam, second rope moonsault catches knees! Mephisto wastes no time - double underhook facebuster, with less face and more bustering - one two three. (9:31)

Mephisto gets all of a half second to celebrate before Black Warrior's dropkicked him out of the ring. Averno makes the mistake of helping his partner up, and becoming a target - WARRIOR TOPE! Warrior notices Atlantis in the ring, and holds up between the ropes and ten seconds later, Mephisto takes Atlantis' place. Alright. Replay of the tope. Mephisto got driven into people, most of which didn't see the dive coming in time to move. We come back to see Mephisto getting a two count, but not how. Fireman's carry into a side slam one two no. Mephisto can't stand the counts he's getting. Corner whip, reversed, Warrior charges in and gets flapjacked on the corner buckle then clotheslined on the rebound. Mephisto going up top, while Warrior gets to his feet - top rope plancha meets dropkick one two three (10:59) Wow, that was pretty easy. 

Mistico and Tarzan Boy in now. Mistico side steps a wild Tarzan Boy dropkick, which drops him right into place (if you'll ignore his self positioning) for a Mistico rope flip moonsault! One two NO.  Mistico with chest slaps, corner whip, reverses, Tarzan backdropped to the apron, Mistico celebrating and not checking to see where Tarzan landed. Tarzan climbs up while Mistico turns around, and nail the missile dropkick. That should do it one two NO. Hmmm. Corner whip, Mistico quebrada but Tarzan catches him on his shoulder - but Mistico armdrags out! Climb up enziguri! And again, since Tarzan didn't go down on the first one. Mistico going up - but Tarzan separates the ropes to crotch him. Superplex? Hanging superplex! One two three. (12:19) You're not getting up from that one. Sides are now Atlantis, Averno, Tarzan vs Negro, Black, Volador and Perro.

Averno and Volador Jr. take over. Averno's works Volador over with chest slaps, and taunts the crowd a little bit. Whip, Volador slides under, kick catch bodyscissors cradle one two NO. Both guys a little slow up, Averno misses a clothesline, Volador pauses him with a shoulderblock, Volador rushes to the ropes with Averno right behind him and springs to Averno's shoulders. Volador spins around and hooks Averno into a 'rana one two NO. Averno tries to rush Volador and, takes an armdrag. Volador rolls Averno into a grounded crucifix, but Averno rolls free and dropkicks Volador. Double underhook facebuster! One two three. (13:33) That was a lot of face that time. Tied up at 3.

Averno unfortunately turns right into a Negro Casas boot, and he may have not much left. Whip, reversed, Averno loads up Negro into a fireman's carry - F5! Maybe he might have a chance yet. one two NO. Slap battle, Negro falling into the ropes but coming back with a boot. Averno's boot misses, Negro's clotheslines caught - and turned into a back suplex powerbomb! One two NO. Perro's getting into it a little bit with the ringside people. Atlantis with a kick and headlock, but Negro gets free with a kneebreaker. Just a matter of time, I think, with Negro following up with a back suplex. La Majistral one two three. (14:58

Atlantis in for his side, Warrior for the others. Warrior knocks Atlantis down with a back elbow, whip, drop toe hold, elbow drop to Atlantis' back, and now Atlantis backing off a bit. Warrior works him over with a chop and a slap, maybe not that order. Corner whip, corner splash and no one's home. Time for Atlantis to do his thing - monkey flip, reverse whip, kick to the back of the leg, and Warrior takes his hamstring bump on to his feet. Warrior poses, ducks a clothesline from behind, but still manages to walk into the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Atlantida! That's it for Warrior. (15:55) Final four is Atlantis, Tarzan, Negro, Perro - two sets of rivals as partners. Final two move on.

Neither side is in a hurry to put someone in the ring, so it's a good time for a break. (16:20)

Because it came up, I'll note that segment went 17:04

Tarzan and Perro, not thrilled to have to fight each other, or with the crowd, start. Wait, no, the anti-Perro chant is ticking off Perro, and he's going to take off. I think Perro wants Tarzan to come with him, and Tarzan would rather win the match. Perro decides he'll come back. Tarzan points out the pro-Perro fans, and wants a handshake. Perro looks at the fans and thinks about it. He'll - leave the ring. Negro Casas has no problem coming in this time, unlike during the countout. Strike battle goes to Negro, who whips Tarzan into Perro on the apron. Tarzan is immediately to the floor to apologizing, Negro notices and loads up the dive, Tarzan ducks out of the way, and Perro doe snot. Negro isn't too sad about missing his first target. Replay. Live, Tarzan tries to suplex Negro off the apron and into the ring, but Negro lands safely behind, and hooks waistlock. Switch, switch, Tarzan elbows free, off the ropes, wheel kick. One two NO. Tarzan off the ropes, wheel kick is ducked. Tarzan with a kick t the knee, kick to the chest, kick to the back of the head, La Majistral one two three. (18:32) Tarzan can not believe it. Next person out means the other two fight next week.

With Perro still down on the outside, it's got to be Atlantis vs Negro. Negro uses a distraction to get ahead, but Atlantis drops him with the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Atlantis bodyscissors seemingly goes bad, but we don't get a good look at what was happening. Negro is up first, and dropkicks Atlantis in his shin. La Majistral - no, Atlantis inside cradle one two NO. Atlantis 'rana - no, Negro powerbombs and jacknife covers one two NO. Perro made a late attempt to break it up/give Negro a low blow, but it didn't look close. Atlantis reveres to a sunset flip cover mostly on his own one two three. (19:49) Obviously Perro was supposed to get in the low blow there, but didn't. Announcers debate if he did, but it's pretty obvious the rudo guy was right here. As usual, the semifinalsts want to get after each other, but can't do it just yet this week.

Stellar Moments - Zeta with a no hands somersault Thesz press to the outside. Super Commando uses a Gory Neckbreaker on Sombra de Plata. "Houston, tenemos problemas!" Hahaha. Volador sits on top rope, Mistico climbs his shoulders, and they both do suicide planchas. Negro gives Tarzan the apron dive Thesz Press.

Vignette: Universo talks over the main event with Rey and Ultimo. Universo makes it clear their objective should be taking out Rayo so he can get his mask/mask match. Okay.

Match 2: Universo 2000 (c), Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero vs Rayo de Jalisco (c), Blue Panther, ShockerArena Mexico, 07/16/04

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: Rudos
Match Time: 7:29
Approx Rating: 80. Okay, but standard issue.

Other Match Notes: Someone totally messes up the cues; either Rey's supposed to come out with Ultimo to the normal music, or he was supposed to get his own entrance and no one told the music guy, who plays Rayo's music instead before cutting it off. Universo tries to rush Rayo and gets dropkicked, but Rey fairs better. That's for what he gets for messing up his entrance. Universo and Rayo go at it in the ring, while Blue Panther waits for his music to play for 15 seconds before appearing. He hurries to the ring while high fiving people, which is pretty funny. Shocker has a nice new 100% shirt. I'm going to attempt to make this quick, for my own sake.

Normal opening fall beatdown. Universo gets on the announcers mic to taunt Rayo. You can tell the announcers are paying attention to the battle, but they never show it to us. Looks like Monito got stretched around the post at some point. Shocker is the first one to get the on one beatdown. Panther and Shocker are hooked up into the GdI double stretch, and that's it. (2:38)

Soundtrack jumps early in the second fall, but the beatdown goes on. Sometime during this portion, one side of Panther's tights gets ripped, and he's basically wrestling with one legged pants for the rest of the match. We get quick to GdI busy too busy celebrating to realize Rayo and Universo have switched places, and accidentally doing the GdI sit on their partner. Comeback. Rayo takes Universo to the announcer desk to get his return yelling in. Rayo gets in a tope on Universo, and that leads directly to your double pins - Panther on Ultimo with a side headscissors cradle (2:29), and Shocker using his hammerlock/headscissors cradle. I think it takes Shocker yelling at the referees for them to realize they need to count his pin, which lengthens the delay between the otherwise close finished. (2:38

Soundtrack jumps early in the third fall, skipping us ahead to Rayo and Universo. Typical Rayo sequence. Rayo clotheslines Universo out, and planchas him there. Long crowd shot while the other for are doing stuff, but Universo monkey flips his partner into a dive on Shocker. Universo takes the knee bump to the floor, and Panther topes him. Rayo and Universo end up back in, and Universo moves out of the way of a reverse tope for a two count. Universo yanks Rayo's mask off and small packages him for the win (2:13)

Post match, Universo challenges Rayo for his mask, though we don't hear it.

We do get, after a break - surprise birthday party for Rey Bucanero! Awesome. Cue the band. 

No Next Week. Show ends, about an hour long.