CMLL Mini Line - 09/11/04 (3) (#146)
Typed: 09/25/04-10/02/04

This was the final part of three episodes airing in the same two hour timeslot. This show was the only one in order, and the standard one hour length, plus or minus two minutes. 

Welcome To The Show Vignette: Universo 2000

Vignette: Meeting of the champions in the Doctor's office. Well, just Wagner and Universo, it looks like. They talk about the importance of defeating their rivals in the title match.   

Match 1: Dr. Wagner Jr. (c), Black Tiger, Universo 2000 (champions) vs Canek (c), Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Black Warrior for the CMLL Trios Championship
Arena Mexico, 07/09/04

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos - NEW CMLL TRIOS CHAMPIONS (14th Champions, Warrior's third reign, Canek and Rayo's first)
Match Time:
Approx Rating: 72

Other Match Notes: We skip the intros, to get to the belt presentation. They actually showed bits of the intros in the open. Some unexplainable referee comedy.

The importance of this being a title match means the champions wait all the way until introductions are finished to start the beatdown. Rayo gets beat up 3 on 1 first. Warrior is next. They expend a lot of effort for a single backdrop, but at least look neat doing it. Warrior gets crotched on the post as well. Canek is in, and Universo gets him first. Universo is nice enough to hold him for Wagner to get shots in. Tiger has a little trouble with a powerbomb on Canek, and then holds him upside down for a dropkick to the head. Universo and Tiger cover while Wagner poses one two three. (1:57) Break. 

Rudos stand around taunt as the second fall starts. Crowd shot means we skip ahead; Rayo ducks a pathetic attempt at a clothesline by Black Tiger and starts slapping everything to get the comeback started. Rayo topes Universo, Canek beats up Wagner some and battles to the outside with him, and the same with Tiger and Warrior. It'd be funny if the tecnicos lost by double countout here, but both Warrior and Canek realize the other left and come back in. Canek opts to stay in the ring while Warrior beats up Tiger on the stage. Wagner escaped Canek at some point and is inter mixing with the crowd. Everyone finds their way back to the ring while Canek and Wagner start fighting. Canek would be more impressive if doing a simple bodyslam didn't seem like such an effort. Suplexing Wagner back in is nice, if he could drop him more the usual way. Warrior gets Tiger in a sort of step over double armbar for a fall (3:21), and Universo runs to the entrance rather than take his expected pinfall here. Baby Richard does count out either Wagner or Universo, and that's that. (4:41) What a grand way to make a title seem lame and important, Universo ceding a fall.

Final fall. Warrior and Tiger, who aren't afraid to work knowing they don't have a match against each other come out, do just that. It's their usual encounter, including Warrior taking the hamstring bump into the ropes but landing on his feet (good), and Tiger working in the 619 fakeout (not looking so good.) They completely lose track of what the other one was planning, as Warrior slides in the ring towards Tiger on the floor, and both a headscissors and a DDT are attempted but not completed. Warrior challenges Tiger to go back in the ring and try and finish some spots. When in doubt, slap and rip a mask. Wagner stops Warrior, and they reverse fifteen whips to lead into the dropkick to the face spot, and then Canek coming in. Canek manages a powerbomb on Wagner, but opts to stand around posing instead of covering. He wants to the mask. He rips the mask. Wagner fan in the crowd cheers his man on. Slam, and now he's going up. Rolling senton doesn't hit. Wagner goes up quicker, plancha doesn't hit. Canek wisely does not go up before dropping an elbow, and it hits. Canek corner whip, reversed, and Wagner runs into the back kick. Wagner's knocked out of the ring, and we move on to Rayo/Universo. Director gives us a shot of the crowd when they finally touch. Rayo has a dropkick that could've only been helped by the camera angle. He gets his mask revenge again. Face bite, which is sorta a good evaluation for this match. Rayo asks the crowd if he should drop Universo on his head, and they seem okay with it. Rayo picks up Unvierso for the Tombstone, but is warned by Baby Richards, who eventually shoves Rayo in the back to bring it up. Universo takes advantage of the ensuing discussion to miss a clothesline on both Rayo and Richards. Nice of Universo to lean back before Rayo's even half way across the ring to clothesline him out. Rayo plancha. Canek and Wagner. Canek spends some time talking before trying the press slam, but keeps Wagner up there a long time. Elbow drop as Warrior finishes a sequence on Tiger with an octopus, and double victories for the titles. (5:18) Tecnicos are happy, though this match didn't exactly raise the bar for this championship. HEY WARRIOR HAS ONE OF THE BELTS BACK FROM HIS INTRO VIDEO (again)! Watch out Shocker.

Stellar Moments - Porky, who must've had his summer hair match loss recently, drops a fat senton. Volador beheads Sangre Azteca with a guillotine legdrop. In an equal time measure, Mistico pulls off a extra spinny headscissors into a spinny armbar takedown. Spinny's a real word, Word. If these guys can just get Misterioso II to wear white, they might have something. Garza does a great moonsault onto the wrong guy. Warrior Tope. Why didn't we get one of those in the title match? Maybe they blew the set up spot.

Vignette: Negro Casas is warming up outside - and Niebla sneaks up and scares him for fun. Hahaha. Is Perro with Hector? Why are we doing this trios match if he is? That's a very unflattering outfit on Negro Casas - it's like an old guy's outfit. (Hahaha.) In one of these bits I'm not sure if I'm making up, Niebla's doing his dance, but this time it's because he's gotta go to the bathroom.

Match 2: Hector Garza (c), El Terrible, Tarzan Boy vs Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas (c), Perro Aguayo Jr.
Arena Mexico, 07/09/04

  1. rudos
  2. rudos

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 9:40
Approx Rating: 74. So completely unnecessary.

Other Match Notes: Yea yea how about NO. I don't think Hector can decide on his music. I don't think Terrible can decide on HIS music. My favorite part of Tarzan's music (remains) the people singing the guitar part as an intro. HEY IT'S VAMPIRO'S MUSIC, WHAT AN UNEXPECTED SURPRISE! Crutches boy limps out again, perhaps to kill me for call him 'crutches boy'. Vampiro tells an amusing anecdote about Shocker's mom to the rudos. Terrible's gotten all the Guapo dye out of his system, by the way. Niebla attempts to break this meeting of EVIL, and gets a 3.5 man beatdown. Rudos totally have a right to assemble, Niebla. Vampiro assaults Niebla with his crutch, which is apparently legal because the match hasn't started yet. Perro comes out last and we can't see him through the smoke effects. He's in no hurry to help out his pals.

I like how Garza and Perro are pretending Perro still needs to make up his mind here. Perro's so indecisive about which side he's on, he's watching Negro gets beat on 3 on 1 and rooting for the rudos. Wait, no, 3.5 to 1 - Vampiro's is nicely using the bottom of a crutch to choke out Negro. We replay back to see how the fight got started, since we were looking at Negro entering then - Niebla obviously said something rude to Terrible, and Vampiro has no choice but to level him with a crutch. Back live, Perro smiles at Negro as he gets choked. Vampiro's till hanging around on the apron, and gets in another shot with the crutch despite the referees looking right at him. 

Last Week: Perro and Negro didn't get along! No way.

Back live, again, Vampiro's limped to the back, but rudos are still winning 3 on 2 (1 abstain). Has Perro gone in the ring yet? Hector's the ring leader this week, the other guys setting up for him to take down. They've got some stupid looking goggles on Tiger Hispano so they could mount a ref cam on them. Rudos somehow blow a double clothesline allowing Niebla to slap his way back into this. I mean, I know that always happens and forever will, but it's 3 on 2 without cheating, it shouldn't. Perro's not even participating in the comeback this time, which means more people for Niebla to slap. Oh, wait, Perro is - he's holding Negro for Garza to kick. Gee, I wonder which side he's on - oh man, Garza accidentally hit Perro on the second kick! Maybe he's changed sides back! Maybe I'll pray an early comeback means this thing will only go two falls. Niebla and Garza in the ring and stalling. And occasionally wrestling. Did Garza just no sell Niebla's quebrada? Okay whatever. Niebla holds Garza in a hold for over 15 seconds, which mean  it's not going to matter - and yea, Perro pulls down the middle rope to cause Negro to tumble out, and then stops him from helping a 3 on 1 on Niebla. Terrible top rope splash to finish him. (5:50) Perro helpfully throws in Negro so the rudos can finish him too. Triple submission by the rudos to end this. (6:32) Replay as I start to put the 2 next to this show in the index.

Will Perro beat down Negro quickly to end this? That'd be nice. Garza's taking his time, as Perro is helpfully standing in the tecnico corner yet refusing to tag in. The referees are like "How strange? You don't want to help out?" Why is Negro trying to tag, anyway? Beat Perro down, sure. Reaching his hand out as if Perro is going to shake it, not so much. Perro is busying himself with rooting on the rudos. Negro tries to take a break on the outside, and Perro roots him on and throws him back in. And again. Go get 'em, Negro. On and on the beatdown goes, long enough for Negro and Niebla to make their second comeback in as many falls. Perro helps Garza out of the ring to safety, then encourages Niebla to go after him. Negro and Niebla refuse to go back in the ring, so Hector convinces Perro to come in. Why? I don't even know. Lots of looking at the yelling crowd. Perro and Garza are going to  - do nothing, because Niebla sneak in and slaps Garza down from behind. Perro shoves Niebla, telling him it wasn't a nice thing to do. Before Niebla can hit him, Perro leaves. They have a wrestling sequence. Terrible and Niebla have a Niebla dancing sequence. Niebla wastes a top rope moonsault to the floor on this match. Negro and Tarzan. Perro tries to stop Negro from his dive, but gets pulled down by his hair and Negro hits his dive anyway. Garza and Perro are left in the ring again - and Garza lays down! AND THEY START COUNTING THE PIN WITHOUT PERRO COVERING? What the heck was that? It sure wasn't a ten count. Perro lifts up his friend at two. Down again, one two Perro pulls himself up. I can not take much more of this match. Luckily, the fates are with me - Casas tries to sneak in a Majistral on Garza, Perro shoves him over into a Garza inside cradle one two three. (3:08) Negro wants to beat up Perro, but he doesn't. That's the short version.

Next Week: Rayo de Jalisco, Blue Panther, Rey Bucanero, Universo 2000, Shocker, Perro Aguayo, Black Warrior (WITH THE BELTS!), Negro Casas, Atlantis, Volador Jr, Mascara Magica, Averno, and Mephisto and many many more stars of Arena Mexico

Replays of the match. People argue. And we're out.