Next Congress Show

According to luchafan on CPW (worthwhile read just for the debate about Pantera – maybe it’s one of the Tigres we’re confused with here?), the next Congress show is scheduled for 02/24. I dare not guess what time the show might start – their website hasn’t updated with it yet.

Main is still Mil Mascaras, Mascara Sagrada, Felino vs Pantera, Villano III, Rey Mysterio Sr. (or other some combination). It’s a Friday night and I’m not completely ruling out going because of it, but this’ll be the Mil show (and be billed as “Mil’s last trip to Chicago!”), and last time I saw Mil (in Aurora), he was wrestling exactly how you’d expect a 60+ year old luchador who only needs to live off his name would wrestle. Felino can go and did go when I saw him in Aurora and I think there could be some fun sequences here, but it’s not enough to get me going.

I think the show will draw pretty good, because it’s Mil first show in Congress (I think – nagging suspicion I’m forgetting something) and he’s still a Name, but because I’m a fan of what I’m a fan of, I’d be much more hyped about any random combination of six CMLL undercarders than this.

(this is post 4 on the day, by the way. We may hit six or seven!)

01/29 Congress Theatre: Dr. Wagner, LA Park, Mistico, Rey Bucanero

3) Coco Negro, Coco Verde, Guerrerito del Futuro b Lupillo, Rayo Lazer, SWAT Kat vs
4) Atomo, Piloto Suicida b Aguila de America, Shamu Jr.
(I think – can’t remember.)
5) LA Park, Mistico DQ Dr. Wagner Jr., Rey Bucanero
(same finish as last night)

Full house. More details later today if I have time; I’m sure they’ll be plenty of posts on the ChiPro Wrestling board.

01/28 La Parka and Dr. Wagner at Los Lamas

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OMLL (SAT) 01/28 Las Lomas, 454 Green Bay Road, Waukegan, IL Results
1) Dante DVD b Will Martel
2) Lupillo (?), Yellow Mask Guy b Aguila Tapatia (?), Mascara de Jade
3) Atomo, Rayo Laser, SWAT Kat DQ Coco Negro, Coco Verde, Guerrerito del Futuro
4) LA Park, Not Sure DQ Aguila de America (?), Dr. Wagner Jr.

Building was full. Show started before 5:30 and was done by 8:15, which was awesome. Match was quite fun.

Scattered Morning Notes:

Rey and Mistico are only working tonight’s show – Wagner and Parka teamed with two local (or maybe indy) guys who actually weren’t a big drop off from Electroshock and Tinieblas. Which may not be a surprise.

Finish of the Wagner/Park match was a Wagner low blow which the referee counted after he was intimidating into doing it by Wagner, only to signal for the DQ as soon as Wagner went to celebrate.

All matches were three falls.

SWAT Kat got busted open very early in his trios matches, and his mask was covered in blood by the end. He got in about one move during the match, and then got low blowed. Same overturned finish there.

Yellow Mask Guy kinda retired from his match after killing himself with too many flat back bumps on the hard lucha ring. His partner got hurt as well.

Crowd was at least 90% families.

This Weekend’s Chicago Lucha Shows

Of course, the big news at least as far as people in Chicago are concerned – are the local lucha shows this weekend. It’ll actually seems part of a bigger mini split tour by FMLL and ELLMEX and I’m sure all sorts of acronyms that don’t actually mean much.

There’s info about the California shows on the So Cal Uncensored board; Park and Wagner are working in the area on Friday and coming to Chicago on Saturday, Rey and Mistico are working in the area on Saturday and then everyone heads to Congress on Sunday.

If you didn’t see the comments down below, I’m working under the assumption that Meltzer is wrong about Rey going to Italy; he wouldn’t have been booked as a replacement for Averno if he knew he was going to Italy.

Saturday: LA Park & Aguila de America vs Dr. Wagner Jr.& Maleficio I main events at the Las Lomas Restaurant in Waukegan. (442 N Green Bay Rd, Waukegan, IL 60085 – Google Map) Doors open at 5pm, tickets are $15. I’ve never been there, don’t know the answer, wondering about parking but guess I’ll figure it when I get there.

Sunday: LA Park & Mistico vs Dr. Wagner Jr. & Rey Bucanero main events at Congress Theatre. (2135 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60647 – google map). Doors open at 6pm, the show is supposed to start at 7pm – even though it shouldn’t be more than a 2:30 show, I’ve got zero chance of making a 10:20 train home, I’m thinking. You gotta get there early to park in the parking lot they direct you towards, and police do ticket the side streets (for concerts, at least.) Tickets are FREE for General Admission and $10 for ringside. I was able to show up very late last time and get a good ringside while I would’ve been stuck way in the back on General Admission, so I think the $10 is worth it.

Full cards are over there in the event lists, but the rest of the matches always are subject to change and I think people are going for the main events anyway.

I’m planning to go to both, but things may come up. I�ll write stuff if I do go.

It’s supposed to rain, and pretty significantly, Saturday night. It’s a good thing it’s not as cold as it should be, because snow would be piling up again. It’ll be nice on Sunday.

About that Congress Theatre main event

On the CPW board – sorry for not adding it to the links yet, Rob! – luchafan has done a fine job of keeping track of the lineup for the end of the month Chicago FMLL/ELL-MEX? I don’t know, and as long as they don’t have the Ring Of Death, it doesn’t matter to anyone who isn’t paid by the promotion at this point.

FMLL (FRI) 01/27 Salon el Rey, Compton, CA Lineup [dvdvr]
2) Principe Unlimited, No Fear, White Pork vs Profeta & Kayam & Enigma de Oro
3) Shamu Jr., Rey Misterio Sr., Jalisco vs Acero Dorado Jr., Profeta, Damian 666
4) Mistico & LA Park vs Averno & Dr. Wagner Jr.

google map

CALDERON (FRI) 01/27 Elk’s Lodge, Oxnard Lineup [dvdvr]
4) Mistico & LA Park vs Averno & Dr. Wagner Jr.

google map

FMLL (SAT) 01/28 Las Lomas Restruant, Waukegan, IL Lineup [cpw]
Scheduled to Appear: Dr. Wagner Jr. & LA Park
Address: 442 N Green Bay Rd, Waukegan, IL 60085 – google map

FMLL (SUN) 01/29 Congress Theatre, Chicago IL Lineup
1) Silueta Azul vs Great Tojo
2) Mascara de Jade & Angel de la Muerte vs Aguila Tapatia & Angel Dorado [cpw]
3) SWAT Kat, Lupillo, Rayo Lazer vs Guerrerito del Futuro, Coco Verde, Coco Negro
4) Atomo, Piloto Suicida vs Shamu Jr. & Aguila de America
5) Mistico & LA Park vs Dr. Wagner Jr. & Averno

Piloto Suicida is injuried, so he’ll be replaced, just don’t know by who.


Two points I need to make
* I really really really really REALLY want this main event to happen. Even though the likelyhood of them doing the same basic match is 95%, I’ll be going to both nights if it all possible.
* I have absolutely no faith in this happening until we get much close to the actual date and they haven’t announced a change.

Why? Here’s a list of recent Congress Theatre lucha main events, with what was first promised as the main and what occured

Date: 05/15/05 (OELL? I just saw the Aurora show)
initial: Universo 2000, Cien Caras, Mascara Ano 2000 vs Perro Aguayo Jr., Pierroth, el Hijo del Pierroth
final: Universo 2000 & Infernal vs Pierroth & El Hijo del Pierroth

Date: 06/25/05
initial: Rayo de Jalisco & LA Park vs Universo 2000 & Blue Panther
final: Rayo de Jalisco & LA Park vs Universo 2000 & Blue Panther

Date: 07/23/05
initial: Rey Bucanero vs Tarzan Boy
final: Mascara Sagrada & Super Astro vs Mano Negra & Cassandro

Date: 10/02/05
initial: Lizmark Sr., Rayo de Jalisco, LA Park vs Universo 2000, Mascara Ano 2000, Blue Panther
final: LA Park & Tinieblas Jr. vs Dr. Wagner Jr. & Electroshock

Date: 11/27/05
initial: LA Park, Mascara Sagrada, Villano III, Blue Demon Jr., Super Porky, Damian 666, Halloween
final: Blue Demon Jr. & Super Porky vs Satanico & Villano III

Date: 01/29/06
initial: LA Park & Mistico vs Dr. Wagner Jr. & Averno
(though I saw a mention of Halloween and Damian instead of these rudos)
final: ???

This doesn’t include the many date changes, the undercard, or the vague promises they were made and didn’t occur (Santo in September, GdI at some point).

I don’t know that they’re doing this willingly – in fact, I believe the changes are probably out of their control, and they’re only at fault for announcing names before they know they have them (which isn’t anything new in wrestling) – but it’s a strong enough pattern to be a bit wary.

I’m not trying to be a hater – just trying to point at the facts and shrug.

local lucha update

Finally gotten around to posting results from last Sunday’s Congress theatre show. You’ll notice a lot of new/strange names on the undercard, as most of the workers have been caught in a promotional war between the two lucha groups in Chicago.

This is beyond stupid, because they don’t run the same days (or, in many cases, the SAME MONTH), they don’t run the same buildings (any more), they’re really not all that close to each other and, as much as I might love some of ’em, no Chicago lucha wrestler is anything close to a significant draw at this moment. I can’t understand how it affects either business (and to be fair, I think it’s only O’Campo’s group with the “us or them, not both” stance) one single cent. It probably hurts them more than anything, because a lot of the guys need more time in front of crowds, and you’re cutting down the number of shows they can work.

The stated reason for the guys who’ve stuck with O’Campo (who’s no longer running Congress) is they have a TV show. Which would be fine, if it was on a television station anyone actually got. It is not available on any cable system, over the air only, and I had a hard time finding even an FCC record of it existing the last time I checked, so I’ll skip even mentioning it. The real reason to go with O’Campo is he appears to run far more often (though apparently usually with nothing more than very local posters?), and you’re probably getting more experience and more money that way. So I don’t blame anyone for going that way, I just think the whole thing is moronic.

Anyway, the show. All this info via luchfan, who is great but I would love if he slowed down, thought out what he was writing and used better punctuation and spelling.

FMLL (SUN) 11/27 Congress Theatre Results [chipro]
1) Will Martel b Dante Devil
2) Angel Dorado & Angel de la Muerte b Mascara de Jade & Leprosi
3) Guerrerito del Futuro, Payasos (Coco Verde & Coco Negro) b SWAT Kat, Aguila Tapatia, Lupillo el Terrible
4) Mascara Sagrada & Atomo b Aguila del America & Shamu Jr.
5) Blue Demon Jr. & Brazo de Plata b Satanico & Villano III

Satanico indeed had a shaved head. (That darn Emilio!) There were fliers for this weekends O’Campo show:

O’Campo (SAT) 12/03 Chi-Town Lineup:
Kato Kung Lee, Mano Negra, Super Astro, Casandro

All these guys have been in Chicago in the last year or so. Probably not worth going out of your way to see.

Announced names for the next Congress show.

FMLL (FRI) 01/20 Congress Theatre Results [chipro]
Scheduled to appear: Mistico, LA Park, Damian 666, Averno.

No, I won’t believe it till the week of the show either. If Mistico got booked elsewhere and Park got booked elsewhere (I’m betting yes), I’d still go just to see Averno. And, even though it’s going to take some work to get there, I like Friday shows better than I like Sunday ones.