01/21 Congress Theater Lineup


This Sunday, there’s a lucha libre card at the Congress Theatre. I’ve mentioned it before, but in case you’re still unaware

(ongoing thread about it on CPW.)

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to go to a show, so I was actually considering this. The main event is scary – Rayo and Mil are two guys firmly entrenched the ‘living on their reps’ stage of their career. I’m sure there will be plenty of people there who grew up watching them and seeing them in person will take them back to those warm happy memories, but I didn’t, so I’m just left with a bad match. Even still, the undercard could be fun…

…except, as I called when I first mentioned this show, the Bears are playing the same day. It’s not the same time, but the Bears game is pretty much the day. If they win, I want to stick around my TV to find out who they’re playing, and if they lose, I will hate the world and not want to deal with the pain of getting to the Congress Theatre from where I live.

Why aren’t they running on Saturday? They’re running on Friday in LA, so there’s either a show FMLL isn’t mentioning on their site, or they’re just paying Mil and Rayo and the others to hang out for a day. I’m not sure which is better.

I am entertained by them not bothering to announce matches for the undercard. Since they’re no better than half right and don’t mean anything, that’s probably for the best. It’s still too bad they haven’t figured how to announce a start time – that poster lists 6 (bell time?) and AdC’s site goes with 5 (doors open?)

If you check it on Sunday, let me know how it goes.

01/21 Congress Theater Lineup

FMLL (SUN) 01/21 Congress Theater Lineup
4) Lucifer, Aguila del America, Guerrero del Futuro vs SWAT Kat, Rayo Lazzer, El Dorado
5) Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Mil Mascaras vs Canek, el Cobarde

Also listed as appearances: Lupillo, Lancer 2000, Gringo Loco, Coco Negro, Coco Verde, Mascara de Jade, Angel de la Muerte, Sulieta Azul

I have a perverse desire to see that main event, though I’m not sure I could actually pay for it and look myself in the mirror in the morning. Also, that’s the day of the AFC/NFC Conference Championships, so if the Bears actually win a playoff game, no one’s showing up here.

Congress Theatre multimedia

I don’t know why I take photos and videos on my phone. Everything’s blurry, there’s no movement correction, and I end up spending more time deleting it than using it. I took a bunch of video and photos – these are the two photos which ended up half decent. I’ve uploaded a video to You Tube as well, but it’s just a :14 clip of the end of the match. (You’ve seen this ending.)

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Congress Results, 09/24

1) Sileuta Azul b Tiger de Nunchucks (not an actual name) via “ankelock?”
2) Guerrito del Futuro & Angel del Muerte b Pato Loco & Acero Dorado
3) Mascara de Jade & Gringo Loco (w/Joey Eastman) b SWAT Kat & Lancer 2000
4) Hijo del Diablo, Coco Verde, Coco Negro (w/Coco Anaranjado) DQ Rayo Laser, El Dorado, Aguila del America
5) El Hijo del Santo & Mistico b Averno & Mephisto

I could write more, but Dr. Keith put it best during the semimain:

The main event has to be 18 stars, or I’m never coming back

This was approximentaly 15 seconds before he was informed he was getting shut out of interviews too.

Main event was, what, 3 to 3.5 stars an 85, and nothing else on the card was higher than a 70.

Show was listed as “5:00”. Doors didn’t open till 5:30ish, show didn’t start till 6:30ish, and wrapped up around 9:40. Opener was the only single fall match, and the only one which seemed shorter than the main.

If I convinced you to go, I apologize.

(Let the record show I was in a unnaturally happy mood all day for reasons I can’t comprehend, but I could still tell this was so not good.)