CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #286 (05/14/2011)
Recapped: 05/14/11

Match 1: Guerrero Maya Jr. ©, Hombre Bala Jr., Sensei vs Mortiz, Rayo Tapatío I ©, Rayo Tapatío II
Arena Mexico, 05/08/2011

  1. técnicos

  2. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: (9:25)
Rating: decent
Notes: Entrances. Rudos enter as a group. Break before the match gets started. Ref is Tiger Hispano.

1: I'm not Paco Alonso, but it's amazing how different some people's (Sensei particularly here) bodies look when the bodybuilding contest is many months away. The stated idea of the bodybuilding competition is to promote healthy physiques year round; unsurprisingly, it's actually promoting people cutting weight and peaking for one particular day, and then many of them just go back to their usual routines (or lack thereof.) Sensei/Mortiz goes without problem, but Hombre Bala can't wrestle one Rayo Tapatío without the other one getting involved. Guerrero Maya has to keep running them off. Rudos jut go ahead with the beatdown after the third time. Rebound hiptoss spot to upraised feet on Bala does not go right, but Bala gets hurt more in the process. Sensei being slingshot into double dropkicks is neat. Guerrero May takes the dropkick off the apron. Rudos go after Hombre Bala's mask, untying it well. Corner whip for him, Bala dodges one Rayo, ducks a Mortiz clothesline, and get the other with a headscissors. Maya in with a springboard armdrag, and he goes out on one side with a tope while Bala goes out the other. Sensei in - and clotheslined by Rayo Tapatío I. Not a good use of your momentum! Sensei immediately recovers, and locks on the Sensei Special for the win.

2: Backs to showcase here. Bala's mask is conspicuously untied, but stays on as he does springboard reverse topes and headscissors. His white mask string is flying everywhere. Rayo I rolls over instead of getting up on a drop down, so Maya drops a leg on him. Maya has a near corner escape, kicks get away on his own corner charge, and Rayo goes for a ride on a backdrop. Rayo has enough of this after a quebradora. Sensei show off all his martial arts pose. Mortiz tries to do the same, and Sensei chops him in the head. Poses again, Mortiz covers up the head, Sensei jabs him in the gut. Sensei needs to be doing more of that. Mortiz pulls up short of Sensei's high kick and slaps Sensei, but his whip is reverses and Sensei hiptosses him to the floor. Mortiz lands on his feet, but hard. Sensei follows with the tope con giro. Rayo I misses a charge on Sensei and is dropkick and armdragged out. Rayo II blows up Maya with a missile dropkick, but gets caught in a reverse roll up by Bala. Bala back bends over Rayo II, and the rudo just can't resist yanking off Bala's mask. It's inches away and an easy target, though it's also a DQ and the end of this match. Both Rayos have to be pulled off before Tiger Hispano can award the match.

Both sides argue, then brawl after the match. Bala's face isn't blurred out – you can't really see it without pausing, but they’ve been blurring it out when it’s that uncovered on the Televisa show.

Match 2: Ángel de Oro, Diamante, Rush © vs El Alebrije ©, Misterioso II, Olímpico for the Mexican National Trios Championship
Arena Mexico, 05/08/2011

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 14:54
Rating: disappointing
Notes: No entrances! Picked up as they're in ring. Referee is Tirantes, who doesn't normally work this day.

1: Diamante & Olímpico battling on the mat. I was going to complain, but I don't know what I wanted to see here. Seems like there's a clip during it. Alebrije is the size of two Angels. Red and Black outfit looks very sharp though. Oro does a drop down during rope running, so Alebrije just grabs him on the mat, and rolls him over into a bridging pin! He can’t really do it without pinning it himself and only gets one, but that's still amusing. Angel de Oro has to work to drop toe hold Alebrije. Anklelock/kneebar thing she tries isn't much working. Alebrije is much better, and sets up a big spin headscissors by Oro. Alebrije slid out and begs off. Misterioso and Rush are the last pair. They butt heads. Slaps, Misterioso loses that round. Chops don't go his way either. This Rush is just too strong. This Rush also will just dropkick him. Stomp, Rush off the ropes, over, under, rolling over, waved by, back with a headscissors. Crowd is cheering Rush! Misterioso runs, and Rush throws him with a belly to belly. Side to the chest sends Misterioso out. Rush off the ropes, what the heck tope con giro to the floor. The others end up in, with Angel de Oro quickly getting his finish and Diamante needing a bit more work.

2: Olímpico wants to dance, but Diamante stops him so he can wrestle. Of the ropes avoidance lead to Diamante rolling over the top rope to the ramp. Olímpico pauses him with a slap to the chest, but Diamante fights back with a skull rake. Springboard dropkicks ends the rudo out and protesting. Diamante shoves Olímpico into the announce desk (hey, they are talking live!), and Olímpico charges out into a quebradora. Olímpico grabs his back and scoots back towards to a friendly female fan. Misterioso works over Diamante with chops, but Diamante gets free and returns them. Quebradora for him too. Angel de Oro flips in to meet Alebrije, then gets flipped by an Alebrije shoulderblock. Olímpico reach thru the ropes to stomp Oro. Tirantes turns to have a word with the rudos, and Cuije walks in and gets in stomps. Both the big and little bugs kick Oro. Corner whip, Oro hops over Alebrije, hops of Cuije, and Alebrije kicks down his small friend. Springboard dropkicks ends Alebrije out. Cuije stays in kicks Angel de Oro in the shins, but Oro doesn’t even feel it. Oro teases the punch to head, but ends up kicking Cuije in the backside. Oro off the ropes, but Misterioso cheap shots him form the outside. Jumping enziguri connects on Misterioso, and a springboard headscissors to the ramp for good measure. Olímpico back in, Angel de Oro tries a split legged faceslam, but, Olímpico doesn’t go down – because his head is too slick! So weird. Olímpico is so proud off himself. Angel de Oro superkicks him, and Olímpico complains about being fouled. Punch to the head and out he goes. Rush and Alebrije in. I can't believe this is a title match. Not because of these two guys, but because of this whole fall so far. Rush powerslams Alebrije and double stomps him, which should be about it for the rudos – so Misterioso and Olímpico storm the ring and clear the técnicos. Triple faceslam for Rush, and Alebrije throws Cuije on top for the pin. Diamante does the thing where you run around the pin because you've come in far too soon. He gets tied up by Olímpico as Misterioso drops Angel de Oro with the Rosa Driver, but Rush is the captain, this is already over.

3: Everyone back in their corners to start the fall. Misterioso kicks Rush in the head, walks around it, then covers. This does not win him the trios titles. Diamante rushes in and drops Misterioso with a fisherman’s suplex. Olímpico breaks up that pin with a dropkick, drops Diamante him near the corner, and swings in with a slingshot elbow drop. Double stump puller! Angel de Oro puts a stop to that, breaking that up with a kick. Crowd still seems to be behind the técnicos. Oro slams Olímpico, then lands the outside in moonsault. Alebrije’s turn to break up a pinfall. Brainbuster! One two, Rush casually stops the count, turns Alebrije over, ands laps him in the chest. Rush Northern lights suplex! That's a lot of man to move. Or statue, whatever. Misterioso stomps Rush in the chest to break it up. Misterioso sends Rush up and slaps him down. Sit down powerbomb! Alebrije casually cuts off the técnicos. One two NO. Diamante comes in, but gets punched out, and the other rudos all stay in. Rush ducks a casual double clothesline and superkicks Alebrije down. Alebrije can move. Flying técnicos come in with a springboard armdrags. Rudos all out, and the técnicos after with a triple tope! Olímpico throws himself into the second row. Replays. Everyone slow recovering, and slower back in. Captains in first. Alebrije German suplex! One two NO. Scoop slam. Alebrije picks up Cuije, and they both drop legdrops on Rush! One two NO. Rush tries to wave for support. That doesn't much work, but they don't boo, a victory in itself. Alebrije goes for that brainbuster again, Rush blocks it and turns it into a small package, técnicos cut off the rudos with dropkicks, one two kickout. Técnicos keep going, dropping the rudos with another double tope. Everyone else out of play, Rush drops Alebrije with a giant back suplex. Senton! One.....two.......kickout. Crowd booing Tirantes. Rush off the ropes, Alebrije tries a hiptoss, Rush turns into the Villano cradle, one, two, Rush actually lifts Alebrije's shoulder up by mistake (unmissable), Tirantes counts three anyway. That was a totally reasonable count, I guess Tirantes decided he was done.

Replays and that’s it.