CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #280 (04/02/2011)
Recapped: 04/04/11

Match 1: Bobby Zavala, Hijo del Signo ©, Hombre Bala Jr. vs Inquisidor, Mortiz, Rayo Tapatío I ©
Arena Coliseo, 03/27/2011

  1. Gen2011

  2. Gen2011

Winner: Gen2011
Match Time: 10:19
Rating: good
Notes: Team anti-Gen11 really needs a name. Referee is Rodolfo Ruiz and his ugly black and white horizontally stripped shirt.

1: Inquisidor and Signo start, aren't very interesting. JCR confirms Zavala and Signo are still supposed to be rudos. Inquisidor dropkick to send Signo out is lacking a bit. Bala/Rayo are next. Bala tries to start a Bala chant. That does not work. Their mat battle is more interesting and also much more one sided. Rayo is quite obvious feeding himself to holds. Zavala and Mortiz are left, and much more hurried. Mortiz has leveled up into a new blue gear. Zavala headscissors sends out, and Bala follows with a blind top rope reverse tope to the floor. That looked impressive, scary. Inquisidor comes in for the vets, but ends up taking a spinebuster from Zavala. Signo adds a top rope splash. Rayo runs in to break it up, but Zavala cuts him off with a tope, and drops him with a double underhook slam. Pins all around.

2: Rayo starts with Bala, and quickly takes a springboard front flip armdrag from the youngster. Back elbow puts a stop that. Hard chop in the corner. Three guys chant “otra”. Corner whip, reversed, Bala charges in with a dropkick. Odd. Rayo charges out, eats an armdrag and is dropkick out. Rayo finds a painfull way to leave the ring, and Bala taunts him but doesn't dive. Signo in, and Inquisidor back elbows him and stomps him down right away. Signo is stomped right out of the ring, grabbing his left shoulder. Signo retreats into the crowd, comes back to the apron, slaps Inquisidor down and armdrags him. Signo flipped to the apron, but back in with another armdrag. One more armdrag, out goes Inquisidor, Signo follows with a tope – but Mortiz sort of catches him with a dropkick off the apron to stop him. A bit high, not quite on target, but the idea was there. Rudos take control. Spinebuster for Bala, and he's draped off the apron for Moritz to running dropkick to the floor. Zavala is slapped and forearms by everyone. Corner clothesline for him, then slingshot into a double – dropkick? Jumping knees? I'm not sure. Signo rushes in and get a shot on Rayo but the rest caught up to him. Chops. Signo bounces off the ropes into a Rayo dropkick. Rudos stand around again, and Bala jumps on Mortiz's back as they cut to break.

Bala immediately starts the comeback, grabbing the rope son a whip and flipping Mortiz to the apron. Zavala armdrags him from there to the floor. Inquisidor dropkick Bala out. Signo in, grabbed, but Inquisidor dropkicks his partner out. Signo and Inquisidor reverse whips until Signo clothesline Inquisidor. Nudo lagunero? Signo can't get Inquisidor of the mat. Meanwhile, Bala gives Rayo a back heel trip cradle, I guess. Ruiz looks over to count that, but it only gets two. Inquisidor still refuses to give, so Bala slams Rayo and goes up – top rope senton con giro. One two NO. Hey, Signo, maybe another hold? No, he'll still hold on. Bala off the ropes, and Rayo fouls him low. Ruiz saw that, that's the match.

Match 2: Rush ©, Toscano, Valiente vs Mephisto ©, Misterioso Jr., Rey Bucanero
Arena Coliseo, 03/27/2011

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:09
Rating: eh
Notes: Zacarias and Monito are on the aprons. Referee is Babe Richard.

1: Rush and Mephisto (wearing a tank top for no particular reason) last about 15 seconds before Rey trips Rush out and starts punching him around on the outside. Other rudos rush the other técnicos. Misterioso taking Valiente at first. Rey ties up Rush in camera cable on the outside. Toscano makes a move towards Zacarias, so Rey rushes back in and knocks him over. Zacarias gets in the pan shot, of course. Perico gets in the bottom rope 619 on Toscano. Things seem a bit confused fate that. Rey goes out to get after Rush, and rudos put on odd holds for the fall. They looked more like time killing moves than actual finishes. Mephisto held on to his hold, allow Zacarias to sock Valiente with his pan. Rey is at least convincing the front row fans with his punches to Rush. Zacarias dances to rudo chants.

2: Rudos are still in control, with the técnicos being held from coming in together Babe Richard. Rush gets in a free kick on Bucanero when he's distracted. Double clothesline spot goes wrong, Bucanero out, Rush kicked out, Valiente planchas the rudos, boost 'rana spot onto Misterioso looks slow, but it's enough for one pin. Toscano takes care of the other, with Bucanero taking a pratfall instead of breaking it up.

3: Bucanero runs – well, walks – away from Rush multiple times, and finally other people come in to pretend they might start this fall. Toscano sends Mephisto out after a single bad headscissors, then catches Bucanero with a cutter. Rush jumps in to take advantage, and Bucanero begs off in his corner, before climbing out. Valiente and Misterioso has some reversals before the one armdrag it lasts. Valiente flips to escape successfully and then unsuccessfully with Mephisto, but they cover up the second one pretty well. Headscissors, he's done, and Valiente jump slides thru the ropes to chase him. Bucanero walks away from Rush again. And again. Rush gives into face Misterioso, who stomps him for a while, but ends up taking a belly to belly suplex. Kick to the chest sides Misterioso out. Mephisto in, but taken care of via a flying back elbow and a dropkick. Rey runs in, and is armdragged all over the place. Superkick for him too. Bucanero scoots away, but finds himself trapped in the corner. Bucanero finds his way thru the ropes to escape, and the other rudos kick Rush out. Técnicos send the Rudos into each other, dropkick them out, and follow with topes. Valiente's tope is much better, of course. Rush and Rey again, and Rey has no one else to get in for him – oh, wait, Zacarias wants in. Rush doesn’t want to deal with this and sends Monito in. Zacarias misses a clothesline, and Monito shoes him to the floor. PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR. Bucanero and Rush exchanging chops. Corner whip, Rey sends Rush in. Chop, whip the other way, Rush takes an odd route off the ropes instead of going to the corner, 'rana, Bucanero counter with a powerbomb, one two three. That's it.

Post match promos are cut for more replays, though the announcers mention the title match in passing.