CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #275 (02/26/2011) 
Recapped: 03/01/10

Match 1: Fabián el Gitano ©, Leono, Starman vs Durango Kid, Hooligan ©, Puma King
Arena Coliseo, 02/20/2011

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 12:54
Rating: about normal
Notes: Quite the dictionary definition segunda lineup here. Refs are Tiger Hispano and – uh, no one else? Huh. Durango Kid is in his Evil Sensei gear.

1: Match ups are Starman/Puma, Hooligan/Fabian, Durango/Leono. Felino is with the announcers, but doesn't get in a word until his son is armdragged out. Last one lasts not long before people start running in a dropkicking other people. A lot of everyone standing around and waiting for the cue, but Puma does kill Fabián with a superkick and then tornillos Starman like a hero. Crowd chants for the rudos as the wrap it up.

2: Rudos firmly in control. Puma is now doing a running low blow kick in the corner, mixing it up from the dropkicks everyone so loves. Rudos does a nice job of leading Starman into Puma's head kick. Fabian slapped around, but ducks Puma's charge. Puma takes the knee bump out, and Starman follows with a diving headscissors from the apron. Fabian headscissors sends Hooligan out, Durango dropkick Fabian, Leono gets Durango with a springboard headscissors. Springboard plancha to the floor to follow. Hooligan and Fabián in, Hooligan helpfully feeds himself for the cruz nipona. That's it.

3: Puma King is really good at kicking Starman in the head. They’re the second pair here, with Starman's walk up the ropes armdrag sending Puma out, and Starman following with a backbreaker. Fabian and Durango are last. Fabian's now checking his hair before a corner clothesline. It's something. Ending bit is Fabian doing three straight dropkicks on Durango Kid, which is asking a lot for him. He fakes dives, poses and Hooligan and Puma King jump all over him. Leono springboard sillas Puma, but Hooligan kicks him out and the rudos go back to Fabian. Whip, and Fabian turns it into a slingshot tope con giro on Durango. Puma tries a ‘rana on Starman, take a powerbomb. Leono finishes Hooligan, and that's the match.

Match 2: Máximo, Sagrado ©, Sangre Azteca vs Felino ©, Shigeo Okumura, Yoshihashi
Arena Coliseo, 02/20/2011

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 11:48
Rating: iffy
Notes: Yoshihashi has new, amazingly ugly black white and red pants. He's also changed up his face paint design too. Monito is with the técnicos. Ref is Pompin and only Pompin.

1: Yoshihashi and Sangre battle on the mat., Sangre literally riding Yoshihashi before long. Okumura breaks it up, which leads to standoffs all over the place. Sangre seems unsure how this is supposed to work on this side of the equation. He just wants to fight. Again, Sangre owns Yoshihashi until Felino makes the save. Felino and Okumura go after the other técnicos, while Yoshihashi and Sangre just sit around and recover. Yoshihashi eventually gets into it. Felino beats up Sangre on the outside, while Okumura hits Máximo questionable slow inside the ring. Yoshihashi stand around and poses, and Sagrado walks in and slaps him in the face. Pay attention! Felino yank's Sangre's eye holes for something to do. Rudos really in no hurry and with no evident leadership. They stand around long enough for Sangre to get up and slap them around, but they manage to recover. Yoshihashi sends him out with a superkick. Máximo choked in the corner. Felino gives him a stinky kiss, then pulls him into a cradle for a pin. Okumura takes care of Sagrado for another. Sangre talking to peacefully to Máximo is so odd.

2: Rudos take it to técnicos, though Yoshihashi has to be saved from Máximo's kiss attempt. Things settle down from there. Sagrado refuses Felino’s handshake, and so the rudos attack him three on one. That's how I see it happening. Corner whip, Felino charges in, Sagrado flips him to the apron, Felino turns and poses, Yoshihashi starts running, stops, starts, stops again, backs up, and Sagrado superkicks Felino off the apron. Oh, Yoshihashi! He finally runs all the way , and Sagrado moves. Quebradora for Okumura, kiss for Yoshihashi. Máximo does not like kissing that facepaint. Técnicos hold the Japanese down for Sangre’s missile low blow dropkick. And cover them both for the win.

3: Yoshihashi is not really in a hurry to fight Máximo, but his partners throw him to the wolf. Yoshihashi does manage to clothesline Máximo without incident. Chop. Corner whip, Yoshihashi charge and no one's home. Armdrag, Máximo off the ropes, headscissors sends Yoshihashi sliding out. Felino in, and Máximo screams in terror. Felino sexily takes off his shirt as Sagrado comes in. Sagrado flips over Felino on the first pass, but Felino trips him down and stink pits him on the second . Whip, Sagrado back with a headscissors, superkick, down goes Felino. Revenge armpit action! Felino is fine with that, so Sagrado just kicks him. Okumura and Sangre Azteca in. Crowd behind Sangre, though the rudo fans seem a bit betrayed. Okumura knocks Sangre back with a chop. Chop back to Okumura. Back elbow, and does goes Sangre. Corner whip, Okumura charges in, no one's home. Sagrado off the middle rope, headscissors (with a bit of delay) sends Okumura flying. Spinning armdrag fails – Sangre's going to need to work on that a bit more. Okumura kinda of throws him down and dropkicks him to cover for the post. Fans boo anyway. Felino faces in and holds Sagrado, and that goes badly immediately. Springboard DDT works a lot better for Sangre. Yoshihashi shoulderblocks Sangre, Sangre comes back with a rolling jumping wheel kick, but the kick doesn’t get much air. Dive? No, Yoshihashi moves around the corner, so Máximo gets him with a running plancha instead, and holds him down for a Monito plancha. Okumura kicks Sangre out, but Sagrado gets him with an enziguri, gives Felino a fireman's drop, and moonsaults him. That's one. Sangre ties up Solar in a Solar Triangle, and that's enough for the match. That also leaves Okumura trapped for a Máximo kiss. Sangre gives Máximo such a look after the match. He's still going to have to adjust to this.

Sangre and Sagrado entertain themselves by polishing their boots with a Felino mask (that Felino wore to ringside.)