CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #259 (11/06/2010) 
Recapped: 11/09/10

Match 1: Bam Bam, Eléctrico ©, Último Dragoncito vs Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Warrior, Pierrothito ©
Arena Coliseo, 10/31/2010

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:08
Rating: good
Notes: Bam Bam is wearing an mardi gras mask. Referees are Tiger Hispano and Pompin

1: Lots of shoving before the match gets underway. Olímpico's gotten himself a black outfit for the rudo side, which is great now that his big counterpart has moved on to an entirely different look. Opening pairs are Olímpico/Bam Bam, Pierrothito/Warrior, and Eléctrico/Warrior. Last one last the shortest, with the other rudos clearing out Eléctrico as he attempts a dive. Seems like a beatdown is going to start, but the rudos just hold Dragoncito on the ropes for a while, waiting for Warrior to return. Warrior does, misses a dropkick, and flies out, so Eléctrico can now hit the tope con giro after all. Dragoncito sets up Piero in the ropes for Bam Bam’s guillotine legdrop, and then gets his own pin for the fall.

2: In between the time they show the ring girl and they time thy cut back to the match, the rudos take control. That's not good editing. Electrico's mask is untied, and he fights to keep it on for a bit. Warrior pounds him n the mat for a bit. Corner clothesline for Bam Bam, but he side steps a charge and absolutely nails Olímpico with a superkick. Pierrothito no-selling his neck kick mitigates the whole thing, and Warrior is able to fling Bam Bam to the corner and elbow him off. Pierrothito follows with a Silver King dive to the floor. Olímpico powerbomb Dragoncito and puts him in a half crab for one finish, and Warrior and Eléctrico does a bunch of reversals to setup a rollup pin.

3: Despite Warrior bearing up and Eléctrico on the outside, the match seems to have gone back to event strength, with Dragoncito getting much better of Olímpico in the ring. Casadora armdrag sends him out, and Bam Bam and Ultimo Dragoncito pose. Bam Bam handles both Pierrothito and Olímpico when he tries to make a run on him on the apron. Bam Bam's thrust kick works a lot better on Pierrothito this time. Accidentally boosted sends Pierrothito out, but Warrior gives Bam Bam an odd looking punch to the face to knock him down. That was not a natural punch. Bam Bam fakes Olímpico out thru the ropes, and Dragoncito flattens him with the top con giro. Bam Bam goes out the other side with one for Pierrothito, and the two feuding guys are left. Avoidance, avoidance, Black Warrior flips over a roll into a headstand for no reason, Eléctrico easily dropkicks him, struggles a bit with the strange Indian deathlock he's putting on, and Warrior gives up before Eléctrico is even finished with the hold. Oh well, that'll work. Rudo announcers try to argue Eléctrico’s dropkick on headstanding Warrior is a foul, but it's not.

Match 2: Máximo ©, Toscano, Valiente vs Shigeo Okumura, Taichi ©, Yoshihashi
Arena Coliseo, 10/31/2010

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 9:39
Rating: OK.
Notes: Rudos are already gang stomping Máximo outside the ring when they pick up. Toscano and Valiente are a bit late to help.

1: Corner charges for Toscano. Valiente manages to slap the Japanese around for a while, but they get a hold of him. Máximo comes in, and Taichi takes care of him. Hmm, Maximo's Mohawk is getting tall, for him. Corner charges for Máximo, including a Taichi high kick. Toscano tries to fight his way in, but he's stopped with kicks. Yoshihashi jumping short armscissors, Toscano is down. Valiente's held for Okumura' usual finish, and fall 1 is over quick.

2: Rudos staying in control with brawling. Guess the language barrier is too much for them to come up with tag team maneuvers! Toscano side steps a Yoshihashi charges and back body drops Taichi to start the comeback. Okumura kicks Toscano, Máximo clotheslines Okumura, Valiente flips in with an armdrag for Taichi. Taichi takes a circuitous route of the ring, setting himself up for a Máximo plancha. Valiente double jumps to the top rope, calmly scoots over an inch, and comes off with a top rope headscissors on Okumura. Valiente Buster on Okumura, while Toscano finishes Yoshihashi with the deathly move of the NJPW young lion screen: a Boston crab.

3: Fall starts with Taichi walking out rather than face Máximo and dancing on the outside. Valiente chases Taichi around the ring to Máximo, who threatens a kiss before the referee puts an end to these shenanigans. Taichi begs off from Valiente too. Toscano and Okumura are left to start the fall, which is just a poor idea. Start turns into Toscano stripping. Okumura is smart enough to wait until Toscano has his shorts around his ankles to elbow him down. Toscano and Taichi toss Toscano’s shorts at each other, but Toscano gets the best of both Okumura and Taichi. Máximo and Taichi have a heated chop exchange, which turns into a heated hair yank battle. Taichi's partners help him out with a double boot to Máximo. Valiente tries to go 1 on 3, and it does not go well for him. Okumura slam, Yoshihashi senton con giro on him. Now Team NJPW is bringing the double teams. Double boot to Toscano, flipping neckbreaker from Taichi, Okumura senton, and Taichi running kick to the chest. Okumura gives Máximo his big reverse DDT, and Taichi drops him with the Black Mephisto. One two three. That's the match.

Taichi messes with Maximo's hair before posing. Taichi talks while they're showing replays, but they only really pick up with Okumura doing it in Spanish (or maybe just a better version of it.) Taichi wants a match. Máximo challenges to a hair/hair match, and Taichi immediately walks off.