CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #254 (10/02/2010) 
Recapped: 10/02/10

Match 1: Astro Boy, Fuego ©, Metálico vs Disturbio, Puma King ©, Tiger Kid
Arena Coliseo, 09/26/2010

  1. técnicos

  2. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:41
Rating: barely at good
Notes: Gatos Negras have their Puma jerseys. Refs are Bestia Negra and Terror Chino

1: Announcers discuss the Arena Coliseo tag team tournament, of course. Tiger Kid is usually spelled that way, but spelled “Tiger Kidd” this week, while he wears tights that say “Kid Tiger”. I'm glad we're all professionals here. Astro Boy armdrags him around, gets the better of a double wristlock but, and headscissors Astro from the mat. Jumping snap mare sends Tiger Kid out, and he books it to avoid an Astro Boy dive, which wasn't actually happening. Disturbio and Metálico are next. Metálico dominates Disturbio on the mat, tossing him around. Even after they've done the trips spot and Disturbio just want to pose, Metálico armdrags him straight out. Fuego and Puma in last. Fuego holds down Puma in a wristlock, Tiger comes in, kicks Fuego, and runs back out. Fuego throws a fit in Tiger's direction, and Puma rolls him up for a two count. Fuego comes back to get a knee bar on. Disturbio comes in, does the Eddie Guerrero chest shake dance, and breaks it up with a kick. Hot headed Fuego tries to rush the rudos, but Puma pulls hm down by the back of his mask and then superkicks Astro Boy as he comes in. The other rudos take care of Metálico. Rudos hold Fuego down and untie his mask, which seems a bit much for the first fall. Other técnicos are held out as the Cats spinebuster Fuego together, trip him on the bottom of the ropes, and watch as Disturbio adds a running kick to the head. Break.

Corner clotheslines for Astro Boy, but he magically stops Puma King and whips him back the other way. The other rudos thrown down Astro Boy, then pick him back up and whip him into a springboard dropkick from Puma. That was a convoluted way to set up that spot. Metálico rushes in add chops the rudos. This is supposed to set up Tiger Kid's rolling dropkick to he back, but Metálico rolls to fast or too soon and gets dropkicked while he's sitting up instead. Fuego ducks a double clothesline armdrag Disturbio out to start the comeback. Rudos kick Fuego down, but Metálico Asai moonsaults Disturbio to take him out. Astro Boy waits until this is done to connect with a bad looking springboard dropkick on Puma King. A one footer, that. Tiger superkicks Fuego out, then grabs Astro Boy in a wristlock, uses him to balance on the top rope, and tries a half twist plancha to the floor on Fuego. That looked like he had no idea how to do a tornillo once he got there. Astro Boy follows with a smooth tope con giro, landing right on his feet. Puma and Fuego have a chop fight, Fuego back bends under a clothesline, dances, and Puma races into a quebradora con giro. Another! Puma has enough of that and pulls off Fuego's mask – and that's the end of the first fall.

2: Metálico really seems like an old man luchador today, and continues that process with an old looking 'rana to send Disturbio out. Metálico follows so he can get in his apron headscissors, as Required in each match. Tiger Kid and Astro Boy have a battle of shoving each other and kip up, then competing avoidance spots. Astro sends Tiger out with a trip escape headscissors. Puma mange to superkick Fuego, but Fuego flips off the top rope to escape and knocks him down with a handspring back elbow. Springboard headscissors sends his out, and Fuego follows with his nice top on giro. Other rudos powerbomb other técnicos and put their feet on the ropes, but the referees catch it. Técnicos finish from there for the sweep. Astro Boy comes to more of a stop between the headscissors and backcracker than Aerostar, so we're still working on this move.

Match 2: Hijo del Fantasma ©, Rush, Toscano vs Atlantis © , Mephisto, Shigeo Okumura
Arena Coliseo, 09/26/2010

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1) 
Match Time: 11:30
Rating: eh.
Notes: This doesn't look too promising. Refs are Bestia Negra and Pompin.

1: Announcers more interested in recapping the set up to Negro vs Charly (and not Bucanero & Aguila) than the Atlantis/Toscano segment to open this match. Good call. Rush is net, and Fantasma is flying around compared to those two. He also is flying around – boosted into a dropkick on Okumura, monkey flip on Mephisto, armdrag for Atlantis. Atlantis is too smart for this, dropping Fantasma with a quebradora and clearing out the técnicos. Rush eats Okumura's missile dropkick, and the rudos pin him. Will they pin someone else? Toscano got posted, and I guess is just fooling around outside, so Fantasma comes in and gets booted to fill the time. Toscano finally returns, is cornered and takes the pyramid armbar for the finish.

2: Kicks and such on the técnicos. Fantasma ducks a double boot, Okumura's hit instead, and slowly topes him. Toscano comes in a house a fire and sets Mephisto up into a kick from Rush, and Mephisto falls backwards into position for a Toscano legdrop. They actually have good timing here, which is just totally unexpected for these guys. Anyway, the legdrop does it here, and Atlantis takes Rush's Bomb and senton for the other pin.

3: Toscano offense run on Okumura. Toscano lazily selling shots from Atlantis, then swinging him out with a top rope armdrag. Rush is all about the running elbow smash. Crowd is not happy with him. Okumura pulls Rush down form the outside and gets loudly superkicks off the apron. Kicks for Mephisto too. Dropkick sends Atlantis out, but the rudos pull out Rush before be he can do more. Toscano comes in, flips Okumura to the apron, and rush pulls him off. Rush holds Okumura for a Toscano tope, but, the rudo moves and Rush take it. Fantasma and Atlantis in, Fantasma gets a 'rana, but Mephisto and Okumura are their to break it up. Time to die – triple powerbomb does it. Report says Fantasma need medical help after, it and did look like his head bounced. He's not moving much after the powerbomb. Rudo fans are joyous. Replays show Atlantis I great at posing while pinning someone.

That's it.