CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #240 (06/26/2010) 
Recapped: 06/30/10

Lots of Ras de Lona bits repurposed for this show this week.

Match 1: Ángel de Oro, Ángel de Plata ©, Diamante vs Cancerbero, Raziel, Skándalo ©
Arena Mexico, 06/20/2010

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:13
Rating: usual
Notes: New ring announcer. Huh. Someone needs to fix the blinking light for the interviews.

1: This is rolling along as an unmemorable mat wrestling warm up fall until the third pair, Skandalo/Diamante. Cancerbero cheap-shotted Diamante from the outside, Skándalo tossed him to the apron, and Los Cancerbero dropped him with a double backbreaker to take control. Skándalo takes care of Plata in the meantime, and the Cancerbero come back to the ring for a suplex/reverse silla combo to finish him. Cancerbero return the favor, sending Oro into position for a Skándalo Driver.

2: Angel de Plata is held open for a Raziel dropkick. Skándalo dropkicks Diamante low in the corner. Low blow elbow drop for Oro. Plata is shoulderblocked out. This is on the slow side, pace wise. Diamante reverses a double backdrop into a sunset flip on Raziel, and rolls him away into kicks. Angels try to come in with springboard armdrags, but Oro's doesn’t go as well. Stereo Asai moonsaults go a little better. Diamante climbs to one rope, walks over the other, and springboards off into a twisting 450 splash on Raziel. That finishes him. Could’ve sworn Skándalo was the captain, but the referees just award the fall there. Just as I type that, you can see one of them getting a message in their ear piece – maybe someone in the back knows who the captain is?

3: Oro quickly sends Skándalo out after a springboard moonsault and a headscissors. Raziel and Plata have a chop exchange until Raziel just starts kicking him and stomping him on a monkey flip try. Plata fights him off from the middle rope, headscissors him, and sends him out with a tope rope tope. Raziel runs far into the crowd to avoid any dive. Skandalo goes out after a forward flip springboard armdrag, and Diamante follows with a springboard tornillo that looks out of control. Angels and Devil Dogs left though Oro just takes care of both of them himself, and Plata comes into pick up the scraps. Submissions all around for the match.

Match 2: Máximo, Shocker ©, Toscano vs Héctor Garza, Jushin Lyger ©, Terrible
Arena Mexico, 06/20/2010

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 12:32
Rating: below average
Notes: Referees are Tirantes & Rodolfo Ruiz.

1: After a brief bit with Toscano and Terrible, crowd is very excited for Lyger versus Super Shocker. Lyger dances after sidestepping a dropkick, then eats a couple armdrags. Rudos cheap shot Shocker before he can get going, and Garza clears off the apron. La Comadante is wearing a skirt? Uniform regulation has changed! Normal kick/choke beatdown, with Toscano and Máximo whipped into each other. Terrible presses Toscano up, and Garza kicks him on the way down. Corner, one two three. Brainbuster on Shocker to finish the fall.

2: Rudos still in control, though Máximo manages to turn it around to nearly assault Máximo. Terrible slaps Máximo on the butt to get ride of him, though not quick enough for Garza to like. Corner clotheslines for Shocker, but he manages to backdrop Toscano to safety and start the comeback. Missed charge for Lyger, backbreaker for Garza, and Terrible is spun round into a Máximo kiss. Toscano gets Lyger with a flying forearm in a spot that looked really off, and they continue to look lost for the next 30 seconds. After figures out where they're supposed to be enough for Máximo to get Garza with a plancha, and Toscano to pin Terrible with a puente olímpico. It's only after Toscano finishes and rolls out that Shocker and Lyger go at it for Shocker's finish. Very disjointed. Crowd reacts loudly to something during replays – looks like Máximo was messing with Garza.

3: Replay of what we missed – Máximo kissing Tirantes, Tirantes being horrified, then licking his lips! Máximo and Lyger are just starting as they pick up the match. Máximo is under the impression that Lyger is some sort of bull and does some matador waves. Liger wants no part of him, and protects his rear. Spinning armdrag sends Lyger out. Máximo faints in Terrible’s arms, as usual. Swinging armdrags for Terrible. Garza in? Máximo a bit too excited to lockup with him, and faints when Garza takes off his shirt. Lyger thinks Garza should pin him. Garza doesn't like the idea, but does pound the mat to get Máximo to reflectively kickout. Máximo blocks all of Garza's shots and kisses him, and Lyger runs for the entrance like he's afraid of catching cooties. Terrible slides away too, as Garza heaves. Terrible and Toscano start, until a long break for Toscano to strip. Garza waits for him to finish, then kicks him in the behind. Match continues to go slow, as Shocker comes in to argue with the rudos often. Toscano makes his own comeback with a spinning headscissors on Terrible and a couple extra spins on the one for Garza. Crowd does not care about him past the stripping. Shocker is tagged and rushed Lyger, but Lyger doesn't want to come in. Terrible comes in instead and does well enough to give himself time to dance and taunt Máximo, but Shocker makes a comeback with his corner clothesline, bulldog combo. Double chop for Garza knocks him down, and Shocker has time to kiss his bicep and pose. Monkey flip sends Garza into the corner, and Shocker spanks him as he hangs there. Máximo is concerned, and checking Garza's backside. Shocker gets Lyger in a reinera, but Garza breaks that up with a kick, and Lyger puts on a inside cradle, one two no. Crowd is quiet for the actual wrestling parts to his match. Toscano gets in a plancha, Terrible shrugs him off, and Toscano just leaves. Máximo and Terrible wackiness leads a Terrible Clash, which tells which way this is going. Toscano comes in, and runs into a Garza powerbomb. That's the match.