CMLL Guerreros del Ring on CAN52 #211 (12/06/2009)
Recap: 12/07/09

Remember when Leono was doing stuff in 2007? Miguel tells us all about it, while smartly not showing us any clips of those matches. Leono being hyped, I fell like I'm right where I left off here.

Match 1: Leono ©, Tigre Blanco, Tony Rivera vs Inquisidor ©, Puma King, Tiger Kid
Arena Coliseo, 11/29/2009

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicso (2-1)
Match Time: 4:55
Rating: too short to be anything
Notes: notes

Wrestlers all get clipped entrances. Inquisidor is captain? Both he and Leono get factoids about what they've done – Leono's won some hair, Inquisidor won the bodybuilding contest. Tight shots of the edecanes as the whistle blows.

1: Inquisidor and Tigre Blanco in. First time I've seen Blanco wrestle unmasked, I think. Normal counters to start. Inquisidor holds Blanco in an headscissors for a moment, and Blanco kinda headstands to get out. More of a push off. Lots of random ambient noise - it's like we're hearing everyone in the crowd individually, and louder than usual. Blanco ends up shot off, and comes back with a shoulderblock. Over, rolling over, Inquisidor tries a monkey flip very slowly, Tigre Blanco lands on his feet, and the zero leg trip exchange is a bit on the slow side. The overhead camera is about half as sharp as the steady ones - I think they bought some new cameras, but haven't bought enough of them yet. Match actually continues past the covers for zero, with Inquisidor trying a kick. Blanco catching, it spinning him, and dropkicking him out. The ex-Kid Guzman slings to the apron, and then Asia moonsault to the floor, almost overshooting Inquisidor. Tiger Kid in and and running (before Tigre Blanco even hints at getting up), but he's cut of by a Leono springboard - rolling in, huh. Tony Rivera hits Tiger Kid with a plancha instead, and Leono just stands in the corner watching for a sec. Tony gets up, ducks a Punk elbow (he'd just been waiting for someone), Leono ducks his own clothesline from Tiger Kid, Tony jumps the middle rope and off with a chinbreaker on Puma, and Leono gives Puma King a cradle vertical suplex. That's the fall. Told you he as going to be the new Toscano!


Dark Angel talks, about winning the bodybuilding contest.

Edecanes says the second fall is coming up.

Tolteca ad for free tickets with 20 proofs of purchase and another ticket

Edecanes dance in Arena Mexico.

Toletca ad for free tickets with 20 proofs of purchase and another ticket (2)

Místico ad for Ras de Lona

Dark Angel talks. (2)

2: JIP, with the rudos in control. Tony Rivera gets whipped by Inquisidor and Puma , just to set up a jumping kick to the head by Puma (which the director misses, even though it's the only thing going on.) Rudos try a wheelbarrow chestbreaker combination, and totally screw up the timing. Puma kicks Tony in the back of the head instead. Leono comes in, and the cats go on their knees to lure him in. Puma tries to surprise dropkick Leono, but finds out it's physically impossible to dropkick from your knees. The match shrinks down to 1/10th of the screen, up in the left hand corner, while the full screen is spent showing edecanes Anabal sitting next to a Segunda Caida sign. This scene is really badly lit - you get no sense of her features, which would appear to be the point. After about 10 seconds, they go back to the match, where Puma helps Tiger Kid with the reverse catapult splash on Leono. No name given - maybe I should email in now! Announcers do note the move, though not quite the pinfall or the end of the fall. They're moving onto promote the Win A House contest. To be fair, the luchadors also do not appear to know the fall is over (the referees do), as they move on to attacking Tigre Blanco as he comes in. Inquisidor high kick, chinbreaker, trademark unnamed submission. One referee is trying to get the rudo to stop before he even has the hold on (because the fall is over), the other warns of a DQ and gives Inquisidor a verbal warning after he's done. Rudos pose and fool around in one tiny corner of the screen while some of the rest of the screen is used to show the finishing holds (and ht post finishing holds.) Rudos stomp Tony Rivera as they break.

Dark Angel talks workout routine and diet. (3)

Julio Cesar Rivera talks about the debut of Tiger Kid, and different tiger wrestlers.

Toletca ad for free tickets with 20 proofs of purchase and another ticket (3)

Edecanes dances for Arena Mexico

Místico ad for Ras de Lona.

Dark Angel talks. (4)

Magadan talks about Tony Rivera's background.

3: Though we see the ring card girl, she's long gone when they show a shot of the ring - where the tecnicos have already mounted their comeback. Things are just about settling down. Inquisidor and Tigre Blanco end up in together as everyone goes to their corner. Tigre Blanco backdrops Inquisidor. Again, the wrestling is shrunk down to a corner (abdominal stretch by Tigre Blanco), so they can show Linavis in full screen, with the Tercera Caida sing way off in the background. Once they get back to the match, a whole different trio is fighting. Leono getting the better of Gato Negros with a rebound double armdrag. Tony Rivera comes in, fakes a dive, and falls down. Camera stays on the ring - no shot of the rudos reactions. Graphic plugs the Win A House contest. Tony helps Leono climbs the ropes, and Leono drops off the top rope for a plancha on Tiger Kid. Tony quickly topes Puma King, striking him down on a different side. Inquisidor, and the much heavier Tigre Blanco left in. Inquisidor chest slaps Tigre Blanco, whip, Tigre Blanco stops, kicks Inquisidor, suplexes him up, and drops him with a split legged slam. One two three.

Replays take up one third of the screen. In the tiny tilted corner, The rudos get into shoving matches, all angry at each other. They charge each other - and come together for a hug. All good.

Replays of moves during the match, including the blown triple-team spot. This goes 0:40, half as long as the second fall.

Dark Angel talks. (5)

Toletca ad for free tickets with 20 proofs of purchase and another ticket (4)

Hector Garza ad for Ras de Lona

Dark Angel talks.

Miguel Linares talks about Toscano's background, with footage of the upcoming match (almost all the highspots) and a camera change every 2 seconds. This goes 1:50, which is longer the they've been previously, and longer than all but one fall in the opener.

Match 2: Naito, Shigeo Okumura, Yujiro © vs Máscara Dorada, Metro, Toscano ©
Arena Coliseo, 11/29/2009

  1. tecnicos
  2. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos
Match Time: 8:39
Rating: sillyness.
Notes: Clipped entrances, just 2 seconds of the wrestler with their names on the side of the screen, and just as long with the edecnaes. Mima Shimoda is with the Japanese.

Before the match, Magadan talks about various wrestles from Japan. Tiger Mask, Jushin Liger, Gran Hamada, and that's all he's got. This sets up an Okumura background piece.

Juan Carlos teases a segment after the break

Dark Angel talks. (6)

Toletca ad for free tickets with 20 proofs of purchase and another ticket (5)

Hector Garza ad for Ras de Lona

Edecanes dancing in Arena Mexico

Juan Carlos tells us Ray Mendoza was a boxer. This cant' have lasted more than 12 seconds.

Dark Angel talks. (7)

Julio Cesar - this is where I screamed, by the by - talks about the background of Metro

THE MATCH. They're using video clips from this match for the captains, but Yujiro was facing away from the camera when he was walking to the ring - which doesn't stop them from using that clip at all, actually.

1: Rudos opt to wrestle in their t-shirts for the time being. They've been hanging around the Avernos too long. Naito and Dorada in. Music randomly starts playing and just as randomly stops. Circle. Lockup, break, Lockup, break. Lockup, Naito waistlock, Dorada thrown down, Dorada flips onto his back and armdrags from there in one motion. Clothesline misses, Naito back heel trips him, Dorada tries the headscissors from the mat, Naito throws him off, Naito goes to pick him up, Dorada rolls and armdrags him over. Naito out, Dorada faking a dive., while Naito wanders into the crowd. Names of people possibly coming to Japan are thrown out, and I'm going to stop paying attention to them. They don't know, it's just special that they can identify the names (even though this show is followed by an NJPW show on the weekend.) Metro and Okumura in and exchanging open hand slaps, crowd loud for Mexico. Okumura off the ropes, over, whip, reversed, Okumura over, under, into the armdrag, kinda heavy. Okumura reacts, gets up, and get dropkicked. Yujiro in, Yujiro armdrags. Yujiro baffled ,but into another armdrag. Yujiro looks to complain, kick, boot caught, Metro spins him, Yujiro whiffs on the clothesline, Metro does not miss his. Metro off the ropes, rolling and chasing Yujiro out. Toscano in, Naito to face him. Naito is appalled at the reaction for Toscano. Toscano off the ropes, over, under, over, waved by, headscissors works enough. Okumura in, Toscano's clothesline is caught and Okumura adds his own. Okumura celebrates his competency. Chop knocks Toscano in the corner. Corner whip, reversed, Toscano charges in, Okumura backdrops him to the apron, Toscano measures him with a punch, springboard plancha connects. Okumura gets up for more, but Toscano calls a timeout so he can take off his shorts. This is the lamest version yet of the Koslov stop sign. Toscano takes his time stripping off his shorts, with Okumura and Naito checking it out. I can't explain Naito's reaction to this - I don't think he can explain it either. Okumura waits for Toscano to be down, and kicks him down. That seem right. Yujiro comes into stomp Toscano as Okumura cleans off the apron. Whip, Naito sliding dropkick, Okumura dropkick the head, Yujiro legdrop, Naito running senton con giro. Dorada in, as the crowd chants for the rudos. Dorada gets Yujiro and Okumura down with chops, but Naito stops him with a jumping shoulderblock. Metro in, and managing to catch a Yujiro kick, but Okumura knocks him down from behind. Corner whip, Okumura corner back elbow, Naito corner clothesline, Yujiro corner lariat. Naito holds Metro in the corner, and demands one more from Yujiro. Yujiro stops off his shirt, and does a running, semi-serious clothesline. Dorada in, whipped into the ropes, double hiptoss, and rolled back into a bodyscissors, Naito holding him up for Okumura to add a running cutter. Dorada is rolled onto his back, one two three. Not the captain, so this goes on. Japanese choose to have it go on by pressing Dorada up, and tossing him over the top rope. That's a DQ. Japanese celebrate, but I think they might actually know the rules here and are just celebrating their own display of violence. Okumura takes off his shirt and offer toss it to the crowd, just like Yujiro earlier. Replays, as the rudos beat up Dorada some more - not like they can be DQed twice.

Juan Carlos talks about Naito.

Dark Angel talks about the bodybuilding poses, and talks about what's important in a bodybuilding contest. (8)

Miguel teases a trivia question for after the break.

Toletca ad for free tickets with 20 proofs of purchase and another ticket (6)

Segunda Ciada edecan - Alma

Edecanes dancing from Arena Mexico

Toletca ad for free tickets with 20 proofs of purchase and another ticket (7)

Miguel gives the trivia answer - wait, did he say Copetes?

Dark Angel talks more about bodybuilding. (9)

2: This one seems actually joined when the fall started. Rudos work over Toscano in the ring, stomping him. Toscano pops up and tries to handle both Yujiro and Okumura to the same time, which doesn't get far. I don't know where Naito went, but Toscano gets whipped into a Yujiro clothesline. While Yujiro poses, Dorada comes in with a dropkick on Okumura. Naito repeat to to attack Dorada from behind. Scoop, slam. Came clutch, Naito fools around talking to someone (Metro?) on the apron. Okumura adds a dropkick to the head. Naito off the ropes, rolling - pose. Shooting the moon. Off the ropes, then a one footed dropkick, and more posing. Second fall card Linavis. Metro back in. Whipped, under a double clothesline, Yujiro holds Metro a full nelson, but both his partners clothesline him. Dorada and Toscano in with springboard armdrags, but fail at the high fives. Better that part than the springboard part, though it's amusing seeing the incredibly athletic Dorada be unable to slap both his palms. Técnicos of the ropes and running - Dorada thru over the top tope con giro (almost past Okumura), while Toscano goes thru them to tope Naito. Metro and Yujiro in. Yujiro comically misses a corner charge, heading his face on the buckle, Metro charges in, Yujiro backdrops him, Metro punches him away from the corner. Plancha connects. Metro charges Yujiro, clothesline misses, Metro German suplex Yujiro - one two three! Big win for Metro. Crowd is hard to hear over the loud horn. Técnicos celebrate. Rudos put. Toscano makes hair cut motions to Naito. Rudos declare themselves winners.

Highlights of that match.

Dark Angel bodybuilding. (10)

Místico ad for Ras de Lona

And that's it.