Yes, we have a new

Yes, we have a new epsiode! Sorta.

In a dedication to contunity that I don’t think anyone was really expecting, CMLL/Galavision decided to pick up exactly where they left off: the next unaired episode. That means that, assuming they don’t change their minds later, we don’t miss an episode. The downside is that instead of being about 2 weeks behind of Mexico, like we were before, we’re now 3 months behind. Which isn’t so good.

Anyway, if you’ve taped it or are on the West Coast or whatever, here’s today’s lineup

Universo 2K vs Violencia (CMLL Heavyweight)
Crazy/Atlantis/Porky vs Tarzan/Pierroth/Tiger
Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Mr. Niebla

The report index page has the lineups for the next seven shows, if they stay in order.

So I’m watching my 3rd

So I’m watching my 3rd CMLL TV episode (of 5) and it occurs to me that el Terrible is really Sean O’Haire, escaped from dark match pergatory. Really, the goatee, the tall built stature, the lack of good stuff in the ring, the overpush based on the first two and ignoring the last one, it’s gotta be. All he needs is a coat and a vignette where he can say “Infierno, no le estoy diciendo que cualquier cosa que usted no sabe ya”, and we’re all set.

The thing is, although he’s the guy who fit a strong rudo mode (Ricky looks 14, Loco Max is probably more of a comedy guy than they wanted, and I think Zumbido was only here to fued with Ricky), the purpose of having a third Guapo would seem to be have someone to set up Magica and Shocker by taking bumps and such. The young guy’s role is usually to make the older guy look better, and get in a few spots when they have time. Those aren’t Terrible’s skills.

Of course, I’ve only seen very little of him; maybe he’ll work out better than I thought? Just a hunch that they might have been better off committing to having Terrible go his own way, like they mentioned and pulled back from.

Notes from the 4/4 show

Notes from the 4/4 show
– Tony Rivera and el Terrible won the Nuevo Guapos tag team match, and then they immediatly had the final singles match – Terrible beat Tony to get the third spot
He’s the one easist to buy as a heel of the remaining, but he didn’t impresses me in the ring as a single. That was a while ago, though.

– Mr. Niebla threw out a challenge to Universo 2000’s CMLL Heavyweight Title. I wonder if he still knows where that is…haven’t seen it in quite a while. Why they have Niebla fueding with Universo and not the guy who turned on him, I have no idea. I guess it would make sense for some tecnico to have a belt of some sort.

– Shocker beat Vampiro in the hair match. Which shouldn’t have beena surprise, given the hair involved.

Dave sez: they were actually

Dave sez: they were actually supposed to have a new episode this weekend, but because it’s a one hour show, they’ll wait till next week (Sunday.)

Hopefully someone will figure out what taping they’re supposed to be starting with before hand. Hey, I get to be cheap again, hooray for me. I have a lot to recap again, boo for me.

Oh wow, I actually recapped

Oh wow, I actually recapped a TV epsiode. Feedback – too long, too short, too many mispelled words, too few mispelled words – is always apperciated.

Oh wow [2], Dave Meltzer has been hinting all week that there’s some positive news on the New Episodes On Galavision front – his Observer preview pretty much says that it’s gonna happen, with tease of being when. So whenever that news leaks out we’ll pass it on to you, unless it’s already out there and I’m just a dope for not picking it up yet. ObNothing: I find Dave hyping it as “Annual WrestleMania issue” hilarious – what’s he saying, he’d still be doing WrestleMania issues if there’s not a WrestleMania?

Lucha times is up but I’ve totally lost track of what episode when, so all you get is times. My guess is that new episodes won’t start right away but I really know little. The Sunday show has been missable the last few weeks, an hour of AAA reruns, but last week the Saturday show was actually missed, so I guess something crappy is slightly better than nothing at all. Anyway, if they’re going to just be doing one hour shows on Sunday, my guess is that if/when updated shows return, it’ll be on Saturday. But that’s just a guess.

I should update something, somewhere…

I should update something, somewhere…

– Sadam is Scorpio Jr, according to KrisZ. Point to me!
– Felino beat Juvi to keep his welterweight title.
– The teams for that Nuevo Guapos tag match I mentioned earlier will be Genetico/Ricky Marvin vs Tony Rivera/(Damian el) Terrible. So there goes my theory. I think we can take a good guess at the ultimate winner once we know the winner of this tag match (which will happen on 4/4, with the singles match the following week.)
– In “it’s probably only hilarous to me!” news, Shocker and Mascara Magica’s turn has led to previously unlikely cirmcustances coming true once again – Magica’s teaming up with Ultimo and Rey again on an Arena Lopez Mateos show this week. (This while they’re STILL doing Shocker/Ultimo title matches around the horn.) I guess it’s really not that hard to find a replacement for Tarzan Boy if you think…