AAA on Televisa #1008 (09/04/2011) 
Recapped: 09/13/11

Previously: Nicho vs AAA, Jeff Jarrett keeps the title but has to deal with Mesías.

Backstage, Yuriko explains to Pimpi how he's much younger and prettier. Pimpi is amused, but says Yuriko is not the international star he is.

TNA: Rosita says TNA is coming over. OK.

Match 1: Cinthia Moreno, Lolita, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Jennifer Blake, Sexy Star, Yuriko
Auditorio Jose Maria Arteaga, Queretaro, Queretaro, 08/19/2011

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 8:47
Rating: ok/good
Notes: Ref is Tirantes.

Clipped off the start. Cinthia gets a showcase, up to a headscissors off the apron on Yuriko. Lolita gets Jennifer with a casadora armdrag and a bottom rope push off headscissors before Jennifer kicks her down. And cranks her around by the hair. Armbar, Lolita kicks, reverses to a wristlock, and runs up the ropes for a rope flip armdrag. Out she goes. Clip to Yuriko and Pimpi, shoulderblocks, armdrags. Walk the ropes armdrag and a off the apron tope con giro to finish that off. They're hurrying to get their big spots in. Clip to the ruda beatdown, tossing around Lolita. Giant swing/dropkick spot almost has timing issues, but they work out. Missile dropkick sends Lolita out. Sexi with a lift/superkick, Boston crab/camel clutch spot, and Yuriko adds a dropkick. Pimpi is kicked by everyone, but starts the comeback with an early stop in the corner and flying armdrag. Lot of brawling on the outside. Lolita/Sexi Star chop fight goes Sexi Star's way, and she powerbombs Lolita in the center of the ring. Pimpi stops the count, then breaks the pin. Pimpi rolls Sexi Star into a reinera, but drops her as Yuriko comes in to break it up. Yuriko with a Michinoku Driver, Cinthia breaks it up. Cinthia superarmdrag and top rope double stomp, Jennifer breaks it up. Her turn for a move, spinning side slam, Lolita breaks it up. Lolita off the shoulder face first powerbomb, Yuriko breaks it up, but Cinthia and Lolita take her out with elbow smashes. Cinthia lands on Yuriko with an apron silla, Sexi Star planchas both of them. Lolita starts a chant before her thru the ropes tope con giro. Pimpi and sets up for a dive, but notices Tirantes and Jennifer huddling together. Pimpi goes for the kiss, Jennifer cradles him, one two NO. Pimpi goes to kiss Jennifer, Tirantes pulls Pimpi off, Pimp goes to kiss Tirantes, Jennifer cradle one two NO. Maybe something besides an inside cradle? Pimpi off the ropes, Sexi star grabs Pimpi by the hair, Jennifer dropkick gets her partner, and Pimpi puts on a crab. Campana inverted takes a bit of work to set up, but Jennifer gives. Tirantes is more concerned about not getting kiss instead of signaling the win.

As the announcers are promoting the social media, Nygma, Polvo de Estrella and Pasion Kristal hurry out and attack Pimpi. Jesus calls them “las reinas de noche!” so I guess the Night Queens are back. Nygma has been de-Bizarroed. Yuriko joins in on the stomp down, while Jennifer and Sexi beat up Lolita. Cinthia helps out with the women, takes a wheelbarrow from Sexi. Exoticos take turns screaming at Pimpi over the microphone. They want to end Pimpi.

TNA: Mr. Anderson promo. NOOOOO

Match 2: Aerostar, Drago, Electroshock vs Chessman, Silver King, Último Gladiador
Auditorio Jose Maria Arteaga, Queretaro, Queretaro, 08/19/2011

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 9:23
Rating: good
Notes: Referee is Piero.

Silver King runs over and punches Electroshock in the face to start the match. Well, then. Punches and chops, and then Electroshock ignores it all to look at the crowd. Whip, reversed, powerslam. Whip, reversed, Chessman gets in a cheap shot and slap from the outside. This causes Electroshock to run backwards (!) into the corner, and Ultimo Gladiador charges in so eh can get tossed in the corner. Drago rushes in, under a UG clothesline and headscissors Chessman. Aerostar sends UG out, and Electroshock spears Silver King. Maniacos all cleared out to the entrance ringside area. Electroshock teases dive, but rolls and puts his back to the ropes. Drago runs behind, and Electroshock tosses him into a tornillo on the pile. The rudos catch him, so Electroshock tosses Aerostar with a straight plancha. The rudos catch him TOO, so Eléctrico knocks over the pile with a tope. Drago and Aero rush in, run, and lands tope con giros on UG and Chessman. Strong start. Crowd not really into it. Clip, and rudos attack Aerostar from behind to star the beatdown. UG is all over Aero with punches for some reason. He's shed most of the Gladiador gear to go back to normal shorts and mask. Clip to Aero flipping out of a double armbar, and the rudos going up. Aerostar jumps off Chessman into a headscissors on UG, but the headscissors doesn’t get much of UG. Neat idea. Chessman dropkicked out. Aerostar and Silver King play leapfrog, until Aero gets a spinning DDT/spinning kick combo no the rudos. Clip to Drago and Chessman, for about a sec, before another clip to Chessman chopping Drago down. Whip, clothesline is kicked, Drago with a spinning armdrag, Chessman picks him up to block and Drago gets him with a flipping armdrag instead. UG misses a flying clothesline. Drago baits Chessman into superkicking UG out, then gets him with a big spinning DDT. Drago gets in kicks on Silver King, clip to Silver powerbombing Drago. Electroshock rushes in, clip to Electroshock on the apron, clip, clip! This is a bit too edited at this point. Chop fight ends with a Silver King, Silver slide out on a whip, Electro chases him, Silver misses the clothesline back in, sunset flip reversal spot ends with Electroshock kicking Silver, except Electroshock clearly misses but we heard the kick noise anyone. Well, he did slap his thigh. Electroshock face kicks UG, weird armdrags Chessman a couple times, misses on a third, and gets kicked in the ribs. Chessman misses a corner charge and spears the post, Electroshock waits for him to come out and give him the cutter. UG in with a front cracker on him, Drago in with a 'rana on him – gets stuck halfway thru, and Silver breaks it up when it's done. Whip, toss, dropkick by Silver. Aero in with a missile dropkick, but springboards in a Chessman powerslam. Everyone down. Drago and Aero go for 'ranas, but UG and Chessman block them and ram them into each other. UG and Chessman head up, but are crotched when Electroshock and shock run the ropes. Electroshock quebradora on Silver. Técnicos set up for dives- Aero springboard reverse tope to the floor is shown from the most far away angle imaginable, Drago top rope moonsault tornillo on UG, Electroshock picks the worst time to do his top rope splash on Silver and we all is it. Piero runs around to count that one two NO. Electroshock clotheslines Silver out. Chessman slaps Electroshock from the apron. Drago attacks, Drago gets powerbombed on the apron – and a second time! Whoa. Aerostar headscissors is reversed into a face first powerbomb. Silver King crucifix front cracker on Aero one two NO. Silver mildly argues, then grabs Aero. Death valley driver, one two NO. Drago is stretchered out. Silver off the middle rope into an Aero fronctracker. Aero drags Silver into position, stops to stomp and mvoehim more, imploding 450 splash one two three!

Electroshock and Aerostar celebrate. Not too concerned with Drago being hurt

QPPC video: Acapulco.

TNA: Sting. A video for Turning Point turned into a video for Heroes Inmortales.

Match 3: El Mesías, Joe Lider, Zorro vs Damián 666, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Halloween
Auditorio Jose Maria Arteaga, Queretaro, Queretaro, 08/19/2011

Winner: técnicos by DQ
Match Time: 8:22
Rating: OK
Notes: Joined as Mesías is hitting the ring, with the fight on. Perros have to rescue their leader from getting his face pounded by Mesías. Referee is Piero.

Rudo dominated brawling. Perro wastes no time going for the chair. Chair shots to everyone's back. Halloween and Damian give Zorro a triple legdrop. Perros switch up to using Zorro's cane for a bit. Cane swings by Damian misses, Zorro gets the cane, decking Halloween twice behind the back. Daman manages to roll over a shot to the knees, celebrates, and gets popped in the head. Perros and Zorro pose off, and Perro punches Zorro even as Zorro holds to the cane. Perro misses a corner charge, and gets decked by the cane. Clip. Lider frontcracker on Damian, Lider dropkick on Halloween, Lider taken down from behind by Perro. Perro clothesline misses, Lider kick, yell, yell a different variation. DDT. (“Headlock”) Mesías' turn. Chop fight with Damian, Mesías wins the shoulderblock battle. Mesías hair is still relatively short, nice he made it back in time before it grew out. TKO on Damian. Chop fight with Halloween, Halloween sneaking in a punch to win. Whip, battling hiptoses go Halloween's way via clothesline too. Chip, corner whip, Halloween charge into a boot and is taken out with a bulldog. Spinning headscissors sends Halloween out. Perro in. CLIP. Well, that was inevitable. Mesías presses Perro over his head, but Perro slips free and pulls him down by the face. CLIP. Corner whip, Perro charging in a back elbow, and Mesías off with an elbow smash. Backcracker by Mesías, and Halloween has to make the save. Lider in. Clip. Lider with a backcracker on Halloween, 187 STO on Lider. Perro stops him with a kick. Whip into a Halloween spear. Mesías in, spinebuster, catapult hold, chopped down, and Perro double stomp. Perro covers, Zorro breaks it up by hitting Halloween with the cane (who’s not covering.) Huh. Cane shot to Perro, cane flurry to Damian. Just as Zorro is hitting the dagger shot, Nicho runs out (with a noticeable limp) and breaks a wood stick over Zorro’s back. Piero argues with Nicho and raises Zorros's arm – there's a DQ for interference this week! - and Nicho lays him out with a forearm to the face.

Rudos beat up the técnicos 4 on 3 for a while. They have no friends, I guess. The beatdown doesn’t last too long. Nicho pulls off his shirt to reveal a Perros del Mal shirt underneath. Perro Jr. takes the microphone to thanks Joaqiun for giving him the opportunity to sign Nicho by firing him. Lider tries to attack Nicho, but he's taken down. Nicho's speech gets muted, but he's not happy with Joaquin, Lider, or AAA.