AAA on Televisa #987 (04/23/2011) 
Recapped: 04/13/11

Konnan found himself a traitor. Elegido – ELEGIDO? - had some matches with the Stones. This footage is so old, I'm surprised it's in color. Speaking of equally dated issues, the Air Force don't like Super Fly, but he likes martinetes.

La Milicia, Super Fly (in the Milica but never wearing the gear) and Konnan come out ringside. Oh, Jennifer is here as well. Alan has his belt, no sign of her belt. Konnan takes time to make sure the fans know he hates them. Shockingly, they will not be quiet for him. Konnan says he wants to see excellence in his troops, like the Maniacos (not here) having the tag team titles, Alan & Jennifer winning the mixed tag team titles, and Super Fly making life tough for Octagon. People not being excellent: Chris Stone, (losing the Copa Antonio Pena and his hair), Tito Santana (for losing in the openers), Tiger Cota (for not being as his dad) and Decnnis (for letting that traitor Billy Boy in their house.) For that last one, Billy is no longer leader – Super Fly is! Super Fly is so happy. Konnan wants them to the biggest stars in AAA and wraps up. Let's be honest, we're all just surprised Konnan knew who Tito Santana was. There does seem to be some slight split in the group, with the 'losers' hanging back together, mostly consoling Decnnis.

Upcoming shows

04/17: Plaza de Toros, Pachuca, Hidalgo
04/27: Plaza de Toros Batallion, Zacapoaxtla, Puebla
04/30: Plaza de Toros, Chilpancingo, Guerrero [Kid's Day – show starts at 8:30!]

There's a pattern there.

TripleMania promo.

Hidden? Handheld? camera video shows Cibernético in a locker room, meeting someone in a Bizarro t-shirt. Mystery man holds it while they cut up someone's bone gear – I assume that was La Parka's and not LA Park. I guess the person's identity is supposed to be a mystery too?

Decnnis is warming up, when new leader Super Fly shows up to lay the law down. Super Fly must remember how his last group didn't respect his authority and it caused him all sort of problems, because he wants Decnnis to understand right now who's in charge. If Decnnis has a problem with it, Super Fly says he should take it to Konnan. Decnnis just makes angry faces. Super Fly sounds about 10 years old in this segment.

Match 1: Aerostar & Laredo Kid vs Chris Stone & Súper Fly
Domo de la Feria de Leon, 03/21/2011

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 11:32
Rating: good
Notes: Piero is ref. Air Force surprisingly do not rush the ring to attack Super Fly. Aerostar has a new all white outfit.

Laredo shoves Super Fly. Super Fly just tags out to Chris to start. Super Fly rushes into kick Laredo as soon as he gets a hold, then runs from both técnicos. Everyone ends up in, match get reset to just Chris and Laredo in, Laredo runs the ropes, and makes sure to knock Super Fly off the apron. Chris watches that, turns around, and gets springboard dropkicked by Aerostar. Rudos recover on the outside. Super Fly comes back in and challenged both técnicos. Técnicos both take Super Fly on, and both get clotheslined at first, but figure it out for a pair of headscissors. Double dive tease and pose. Super Fly back off, and Chris step in to face Aero, though that doesn’t last long before Aero gets involved. Aero has nice spinning reverse from a double armbar, but doesn't get to show as much as the guys taking his moves. There is a nice step on Chris's knee to headscissors Super Fly spot, though maybe credit needs to be shared. Laredo has his own set of complicated spots with both, ending with a couple quebradora con giros on Super Fly. Break.

Return teaser. Sure looks like Gronda. La Parka promo actually starts playing behind this – he's taking credit for the big surprise, and Konnan won't like it. I bet he won't!

Super Fly teases shaking Aerostar's head. Aerostar, an idiot, falls for it and gets missile dropkicked by Chris. Beatdown starts here. Técnicos set up in front of each other, and Chris (twisting splash) and Super Fly (moonsault) both land top rope moves, but don't get pins. Rudos slap around the técnicos a bit. It feels like they walked thru this match this afternoon, but didn't spend much time thinking what they were going to do when the rudos were on offense. Laredo flips Aero to the apron on a corner whip, very obvious crowd edit, Chris Stone is rolling on the mat. Huh. Anyway, everyone's cleared out until Laredo is left, and Laredo does a standing astride the middle rope leap to the top rope tope con giro onto Chris. Replays. Super Fly in, Space Tiger Flying Drop on to Laredo. Aero last – springboard plancha into double knees to the chest. I think Aerostar meant to do it like that. Chris attacks Aero on the outside, and gets backdropped into the unsuspecting crowd. Super Fly and Laredo exchange kicks in the ring, Super Fly traps Laredo's arm and gives him a bridging butterfly suplex (!) one two NO. Super Fly suplex, Laredo sort of reverse it into a small package, one two no. Super Fly swats Laredo in the head, fireman’s drops him in the center of the ring, and walks to the apron while yelling at the crowd. Super Fly up top- senton con giro comes up empty. Laredo yells and signs the 450 splash. Super Fly helpful rolls in position, and the 450 splash connects. One two three.

Fine leadership there. After a long crowd shot, La Milicia rush in and attack the técnicos. Looked like the técnicos were already down, so maybe Chris Tone attack d them first. Super Fly gives Laredo a top rope elbow drop, and everyone shoots their imaginary guns.

La Parka takes his gear out of his bag, and it's all ripped up. He's very angry about this. He's got no gear! He sends someone out for a replacement, swears a bunch, and shooes his imaginary cameraman.

Triplemania promo.

Surprise promo.

Super Fly/Decnnis vignettes airs again?

Match 2: Cuervo, El Elegido, Ozz vs Alan Stone, Decnnis, Tigre Cota
Domo de la Feria de Leon, 03/21/2011

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 11:39
Rating: eh
Notes: Jennifer is out with the Milicia this time. Alan has his belt and his mirror. Cuervo has a crown. Elegido gets last entrance. Girls in the crowd still recognize his music. Many cuts to women in the crowd during Elegido's dancing. Hijo de Tirantes is referee. Break before the match gets started.

Upcoming shows.

Arturo's voice is strained on the ring announcing; he's not there for the actual match announcing. Rudos jump the técnicos after the house lights come back up. Lots of separate brawling, with Jennifer helping from outside. Decnnis kicks Ozz questionably low, and Tirantes ponders a DQ. Elegido gets rammed head first into a chair by Alan. Rudos get bored enough to start double teams, including a three man suplex/top rope shove on Elegido. He's the focus here obviously. Ozz takes a three man faceslam and a triple dropkick. Cuervo gets sent into the chair too. Rudos kind of go back to chair shots and brawling to fill more time. Elegido takes a shot to the back. Decnnis sets up a char to Ozz's groin, but has to wait until Tiger Cota is done suing his chair to choke before he can finish the spot. Rudos set a chair down next to Ozz, and all go to pose. Ozz grabs it and goes after them, but Decnnis swings his own chair into Ozz's chair into Ozz. Ozz is sat in the middle of the ring, and Alan just slams the chair over his head, unfolding it on impact. Cuervo rushes in and tries punching his way to a comeback. Alan takes care of him, but Elegido is beating up Decnnis in the other corner, and Tiger Cota just kind of fixes his boot and watches. Konnan comes out to watch this match. I don't know this is a match you want to come to ringside to watch, it's pretty lackluster. Milicia get the situation under control by themselves. It's good there's been a few near comebacks, because this is a long beatdown. Break before this progresses.

Surprise teaser. Joe Lider also endorses this surprise.

Oz starts the comeback immediately after the break, of course. Decnnis misses the charge, Alan eats a wheel kick, Tiger Cota takes a powerslam. Oz shakes the ropes because he's just that fired up. Ozz & Cuervo run wild for a while, then just get dropkicked down. Cuervo left in and spinebuster, then held over his knees for an Alan springboard legdrop. NOW the rudos will try for a pin, but Elegido’s in to break that up. Double clothesline for both long haired rudos. Decnnss takes a hiptoss, Alan takes a stunner over the top rope. Elegido topes Alan to take him out. Ozz on the apron, but Cota springboard dropkick him out. Cuervo broadsides Cota to send him out. Decnnis in, but telegraphing his move and ending up with a DDT. Cuervo covers, and Jennifer runs into break it up. Hijo de Tirantes tries to explain to Jennifer why she shouldn’t do that, and goes in the middle before Cuervo can hurt her. Tirantes and Jennifer have a long conversation which distracts Tirantes, and Decnnis tries to superplex Cuervo. Cuero shoves him off, follows with a senton con giro, covers, and makes his own count. Cuervo gives up and goes for Tirantes (still distracted – there's clearly been a reset to neutral that hasn't been explained to us), but Konnan cuts him down with a bat shot to the back. Konnan yells at Decnnis to get up, and he grabs Cuervo. Decnnis cradle suplex, one two three. Jesus Z, clearly stirring stuff up, immediately notes the new leader of the Milica lost and the old leader won.

Elegido in and attacking people. Tiger Cota returns jut to take a powerslam. Elegido grabs Elegido by the throat, but lets her go when Alan charges. Off balance fireman's slam for him. Elegido corner Konnan, but Decnnis grabs the bat and drops Elegido from behind. Rudos beat up the técnicos for Elegido being a pain. Cota holds Cuervo for Jennifer to hit in the midsection repeatedly. Doctors try to stretcher Elegido out, and are prevented by Alan going after him again. Security pulls him away. Ozz & Cuervo are bleeding, but we're seeing the red stuff more on their white clothes than their actual faces.

Lots of replays.

A long Rey de Reyes recap of big spots and news. They have time to fill.

TripleMania promo.

Upcoming shows.

Cibernético, acting like he could not be on more drugs, tells Charly not to worry about the past, but the present and the future. Charly is a bit down about losing the match – Zorro's not smarter, he must have just been lucky. They talk about their match tonight. Charly's a bit concerned about Escoria fighting Espiritu, but Cibernético is not.

Recap of Bizarros vs Parka.

Match 3: Espíritu, Joe Lider, La Parka vs Charly Manson, Cibernético, Escoria
Domo de la Feria de Leon, 03/21/2011

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 8:11
Rating: usual
Notes: Arturo is really struggling. Bizarros come out together. La Parka looks like he has his normal gear, is no in any way distressed by the gear destruction angle from earlier.

After another surprise (Gronda) video, Super Fly and Decnnis talk (in AAA's front yard.) Super Fly suggests to Decnnis that he knows who the mystery person is, but it's a privileged information only suitable for leaders and Decnnis is not the leader. Super Fly is a jerk! Tirantes is ref. Arturo's last word on AAA TV: “Meow.” That's after failing to get a “La” “Parka” call and response working. Tirantes is ref, brawl already going.

Team AAA is in control of the fight – which means Parka is brawling with Cibernético very slowly on the outside, because there other two aren't going to be doing it. Lider and Espiritu team up take care of the other two as the leaders slowly chase each the rebound. Tirantes catches up to Parka and takes away his chair. They argue about that and Tirantes appears to warn Parka of a written notice. Charly goes for the chair, and Parka grabs him for a while. Park lets him go, and Parka and Cibernético play at fight each other, then just walk away. Escoria has begging off fighting since the start, which meant the only time anything is happening is when Charly is in the ring. Espiritu is totally willing to fight Espiritu. Escoria, but waits for him to make the first move. He doesn’t, but Cibernético attacks Espiritu from behind to star the beatdown. Charly kills Espiritu with a chair shot to the head, and similar takes care of Lider. Chair into a chair into a groin on Parka. Bizarrors brawl for a while and then start doing team moves just to mix things up. Lider takes a preposterous bounce and roll after a low speed Cibernético dropkick thru the ropes. Parka side steps a Cibernético charge and lays out the other two. Parka thinks about hitting Cibernético with a chair, long enough for those two to come back and knock down Parka again. Some drama with Espiritu not wanting to hit Escoria, but being talked in to snapping on him. Beating on Escoria finishes up as they go to break.

Next Week: Mesías & Dr. Wagner vs LA Park & Damian 666

TripleMania promo

Next Week: the future of AAA! Featuring clips of matches from this week.

Cibernético chokeslam on Escoria. Pin? No pin. There seems to be a random clip to Parka spinning slamming Escoria, and confronting Cibernético. Long tease for them to fight, which may be a better idea than them fighting. Cibernético chops Parka, whips him, Parka comes back with a dropkick and a tope. Lider takes care of the other two on his own, including throwing a chair at Escoria. Tons of chairs are set up in the middle of the ring, but Escoria awakes and break up with a dropkick before Lider can powerbomb Charly on in. Charly takes a big backdrop on the pile of chairs. Charly grabs Espiritu, starts to put on el Pozo, and stops. He wants Escoria to take care of him.. Escoria has a freak out again. Charly holds Escoria in a catapult, Escoria kicks him down, then comes off the top with a legdrop, one two three. Time to dance!

Time to stop dancing, because Park has a chair and he's hitting Espiritu with hit. He drops it before Cibernético gets to him, actually. Bizarros be a stomp him down. Ozz & Cuervo make the save rather quickly for this group. Parka blah blah blahs.