AAA on Televisa #957 (09/25/2010) 
Recapped: 10/01/10

Previously: Mini Histeria thinks he should get a shot at Octagoncito, though his partners don’t think he can win. Sexi Star won the Reina de Reinas champions. La Militia. Metal/Electro fought a bunch. Perro/Mesias.

Four sided ring, in a building where there's not much room for more at the corners.

Match 1: Mascarita Sagrada 2007, Mini Charly Manson, Octagoncito vs Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Histeria, Mini Psicosis
Palenque de la Feria, Pachuca, Hidalgo, 09/05/2010

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 6:40
Rating: Good match, given the time
Notes: No entrances. Tropicasis is ref.

Immediate clip to the beatdown. Octagoncito is tossed very high on a flapjack. Sagrada is tossed around by his mask, but still comes back to get Abismo with a faceslam to start the comeback. That doesn't last long, the match going right into showcases. Octagoncito looks good with the usual. Mini Abismo makes Charly's offense look very good. They clip as Sagrada comes in, but the stuff they show is fine. Histeria and Psi put him in a double submission, and Charly breaks it up. Big exploder suplex on Psi, which is unusual. Octagoncito springboards a long way for a follow up legdrop. It was so far away, he may have meant it to be a senton. Octagoncito gets Psi with a spinning DDT, Histeria kicks out the mini, Manson gets Histeria with a headscissors and follows with a nice tope con giro. Psi back in to get sent out and take an Asia moonsault – not sure why Abismo has been dead all this time, unless I just got confused on who is who. Octagoncito manages some of his usual reversal on Abismo, but Abismo plants him with a big DDT. Abismo climbs corner where he has no chance of actually landing on Octagoncito – luckily, Octagoncito gets up and fights him up there. Hurracarrana is blocked, then blocked- Octagoncito gets a second rope one, and falls on top for the pin.

Abismo can't complain about not getting the pin now.

Mini Vipers essentially repeat the same vignette as last time – except now Mini Histeria's getting a shot, and Dorian Roldan is mentioned. Mini Histeria is still excited, Mini Abismo still think he's crazy to think he's going to win, Mini Psicosis is miffed when Abismo says he's the best but Abismo doesn't pick up on it.

Perro/Mesias hype.

Joaquin talks to Parka about talking to Cibernético, but Parka wants Joaquin to talk to Dorian. Parka will hit Dorian if he runs into him.

Match 2: Mari Apache vs Sexy Star for the AAA's Reina de Reinas Championship
Palenque de la Feria, Pachuca, Hidalgo, 09/05/2010

Winner: Mari Apache
Match Time: 6:34
Rating: not much good
Notes: Cinthia and Jennifer are the seconds. Hijo de Tirantes is ref.

Again, clipped after the introductions. Sexi start tosses Mari Apache around by her hair, which seems unlikely. Boot chokes, with Jennifer helping from the outside and not trying to hide it. Tirantes cuts of Cinthia when she tries to get involved. And on and on goes the choking. Lot of whistling from the crowd. A kick to the midsection gets replayed because it was actually action. Fans may be chanting for Fabi. Sexi finally dropkick Jennifer by mistake, and Mari is all in control from there. Nice rolling tapatía bit, but whatever's next gets massively clipped out, then half shown on a replay (missing another spot in the match in the process.) Sexi and Mari spend a while talking over the next spot, which is Mari killing Sexi with a forearm to the head. She did not pull up at all. Ax kicks to the head are much safer. Jennifer rushes into save Sexi, and Cinthia dropkicks her out. Plancha to take her out for good. Replay of that misses another spot in the match. Sexi gets control and throws a fit. Corner jumping spinning DDT gets a fast two. Mari reverses a whip, drops Sexi with a double choke bomb, covers, and Tirantes counts very slow. One. Two. Kickout. Legdrop. I don’t think Tirantes is doing Sexi any favors by prolonging this. Tope rope senton con giro, connects. One. Two. Tirantes hesitates, but Sexi isn't moving. Three.

Cinthia, who was just in the ring celebrating with Mari, is now limping and groaning in pain backstage. I have no idea why she's supposed to be hurt here, but she talks about bringing in a surprise that's implied to be a sister.

As soon as they've given their cue (a few seconds after the segment actually starts), Laredo Kid and Super Fly are yelling at each other with Aerostar keeping them apart. Just to show you how far they've regressed on this storyline, Super Fly is once again declaring himself leader of the group. I have no idea why Laredo & Aero just don't tell him off and go grab Gato or Atomic Boy. Aero yells there is no leader and they need to get their heads together and work along. Laredo is scared enough into a handshake, and Super Fly reluctantly agrees.

Match 3: Aerostar, Laredo Kid, Súper Fly vs Chris Stone, Decnnis, Tigre Cota
Palenque de la Feria, Pachuca, Hidalgo, 09/05/2010

Winner: Militia
Match Time: 13:40 (6:51+6:49)
Rating: good
Notes: Super Fly's name seems to have morphed back into one word. Tirantes is ref. Rudos all heave Milita t-shirts, and Cota and Decnnis and are wearing (non-matching) camouflage pants. Decnnis, wearing eye black for some reason. Decnnis quickly asks the Air Force if they'll join. This isn't el Brazo, where he's hoping for a yes, he's just asking because he's required to but figures he already knows the answer. Decnnis reaches out to give the microphone to Super Fly, but Laredo steals it away. Super Fly is displeased, but Laredo Kid says no and slaps down Decnnis. Fight breaks down from there.

Rudos are all tossed from the ring and regroup. Clip, and the rudos are beating up all the técnicos. Great editing there. Laredo gets pulled into the post hard. I guess everyone is wearing eye black in one form or fashion. Super Fly takes a huge backdrop to the floor. Decnnis plants Aero with a running powerbomb. Cota gives Laredo a backcracker, Decnnis adds a dropkick to the head, and they drag him over for Chris's walking the ropes splash. Announcers discussing Chessman's gym?? Not even a gym he owns, but just one he trained at? Maybe they're just setting up his return. Super Fly gets tossed into a powerbomb, and Cota adds a top rope elbow drop. Big faceslam for Aero, then he's slid backwards out of the ring and sent hard into the barricade. Decnnis sets him on the barricade for a Cota apron legdrop, but Cota nearly pulls an Extreme Tiger. Legdrop doesn't connect, but he does kick Aero on the way. Rudos whip all the técnicos into one corner, which allows them to regroup. Superkick for Cota, headscissors for Chris, flying armdrag for Decnnis. Rudos are all sent out on one side, and técnicos drop them with tope con giros. You don't see stereo tope con giros often, and they barely had room to get them in. Laredo ends up going chest first into the barricade after hitting Cota.

Back in the ring after the break. Showcases go Laredo Kid, Super Fly, Aerostar, in sequence and magnitude. Almost didn't work out that way, because Aero had a stumble early, but then he pulled out a double rotation headscissors and won for sure. Cota manages to stop him with a powerslam and a top rope splash, but Laredo breaks it up. One clip later, and Chris is all over Laredo. They end up on the top rope, and Chris cleanly gets an overhead headscissors but Super Fly breaks it up. Super Fly gets his German suplex, but Decnnis breaks that up with a dropkick. Wait, that's Super Fly's finish, isn't it? Anyway, Decnnis drops Super Fly with a shoulder powerslam, ties up his legs an an arm, and – crowd shot. Sideways campana is finally on, but Aero breaks it up with a plancha. One two and Chris pits on Aero to break up the pin. That's different. Stomp follows, which also works. Chris spears the post on a dive, then goes around the corner to find an empty space to take Aero's double jump tope con giro to the floor. That's neat, Laredo gets Cota with a handspring reverse tope, and follows with a moonsault to the floor, barely missing the barricade. Laredo and Decnnis left in, Laredo getting control with an enziguri. Laredo scoops an slams Decnnis, then heads up. Tirantes tells Decnnis to move, tells him to move again, and Decnnis moves just in time to avoid a moonsault 450 splash (!) . Decnnis lifts Laredo on his shoulders, Gori Stretch, Gory Special, quick one two three. Unnecessary fast count, Aero wasn't kicking out.

New music?

Halloween (no face paint) and Damian (face paint) seem out of breath. Konnan wanders over, asks if they've seen LA Park. He's not here – Perro Jr. will be here instead - but they're going to bury 187. For real – they've got a shovel. Konnan asks them to take out 187 at Verano, and they seem up to the idea.

Silver King/Dr. Wagner recap.

Metal/Electroshock recap.

Match 4: Heavy Metal, Joe Lider, Nicho el Millionario vs Damián 666, Electroshock, Halloween in a street fight
Palenque de la Feria, Pachuca, Hidalgo, 09/05/2010

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 10:55 (5:05+5:50)
Rating: eh, hardcore messiness with messed up finish.
Notes: Match picks up with Konnan walking up the stairs to the ring (this is THAT building – wonder if Super Fly's dad is there.) A fan near the entrance is bizarrely playing a guitar, which surely will come up later. Konnan asks Electroshock for a word. Konnan plays Decnnis and asks Electroshock if he's joining. Electro looks at the fans and appears thoughtful. Electroshock reminds him he was in the Legion for a long time, and it didn't work out well. Konnan demands an answer. Electroshock starts to answer, but Heavy metal's music cuts him off and Electro can't just answer anyway, that'd be crazy. Metal has an electric guitar. Break before the match. Piero is ref.

Match starts with Metal breaking the electric guitar on Halloween's head, so it's going to be like that. Halloween is bleeding from that. 187 forces Halloween to spear Damian thru a wood panel, which looks as contrived as it reads. Halloween spears Lider into a panel (which doesn't break) a minute or so later to start the beatdown. Lots of choke sheet shots and the like. Lider is tossed thru the panel that didn't break, now bridging the apron to the barricade. Break after Electro puts a garbage can on Metals head, and knocks it off with a chair shot.

Mesías/Perro recap.

Back, for Halloween and Nicho exchanging lid shots. Third spear of the match puts Halloween in charge. Match really just is 187/FdT on their own, with Electro and Metal passing by every so often (and taking large portions off.) Nicho gets set up on a table on the outside, and the rudos pres slam Nicho over the top rope onto hop of his partner to break the table. Metal turns to take them both out with a DDT, clearing the table for the important feud. Metal, for some reason, ends up standing on the middle rope look at the fans (clips covered this up), and gets pulled of for an electric suplex. Metal sneaks in a bad cradle, then they have another sequence that goes bad. Metal fouls Electro (softly) and Electro rolls around in a pin. It's a no DQ match, so it's okay. Metal spends a minute setting up a pile of chairs in the center of the ring. Meanwhile, Electroshock, presumably the bad guy here, works hard to get the crowd to cheer him. Rudos trip Metal up from the outside. That guitar from earlier is tossed in. It pretty much lands on Metal, but he's supposed to not know it there and turns his back to Electro for no reason except it makes it easier for him to get hit by the guitar. Electro cracks him in the back with the stem for good measure, then powerbombs Metal on the chairs for good measure times two. Three counts.

Damian sets up the chairs to they can powerbomb Electro again, but 187 run them off. Nicho has his bat. La Militia rush the ring, and 187 run off – Metal's left for dead.

187 are still hanging out in the crowd after the break, so Damian challenges them to a match for Heroes Inmortales. Now that Konnan has a moment, he asks Electroshock again. Electro turns his attention to Metal again, yelling at him. Militia stomps Metal for good measure. Electroshock says his answer is – he needs one more week. Rudos shrug. 187 yell back at Konnan, but the camera can't find them for them. This is supposed to set up a shot of the crowd yelling 187 along with the técnicos, but only like 5 people are doing it. Rudos stomp Metal some.

Konnan tells Zorro & Hernandez about the Parka/Perro switch. Can he count on them? Hernandez is with him off course. Zorro reads Hernandez's t-shirt “C'mon son!” I was wondering what the point of this segment was, but I guess that was it.

Dorian/Joaquin video package.

Match 5: Cibernético, El Mesías, La Parka Jr. vs el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Hernandez, Zorro
Palenque de la Feria, Pachuca, Hidalgo, 09/05/2010

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 12:22 (3:29+4:51+4:02)
Rating: eh. Eventually an angle setup.
Notes: Both Tirantes and Piero are the referees. Rudos jump the técnicos.

A lot of brawling beatdown before the first match, with a tiny bit of teamwork.

Silver King/Dr. Wagner video.

Perro pants on the ropes like a dog, and Zorro rids him and pets his hair. Pimpinela thinks that was gay. More beatdown, but a lot more fooling around this segment. Zorro cane shot goes bad, and we only know this because we hear it – crowd shot + sound – and a missed spot starts the comeback. So bad. Showcase from there.

Cibernético is in last after the break, and doesn't last long against Hernandez. Parka topes the big man, and Zorro ends up bringing Cibernético out to fight. Mesías and Perro are left inside. They have a chop battle, which seems sort of out of place for the moment. Crowd shot, and they're running the ropes, before getting stuck on a hiptoss. Perro misses a corner charge, and I guess a tights pull spot is clipped out. Tirantes has a hold of Mesías they return from the clip, but Mesías ducks free just in time to powerslam Perro. Tirantes counts one, and breaks up the pin. Mesías grabs Tirantes, Perro is thrown a chair, and Mesías dropkick it into him (sort of it, Perro just drops.) Mesías grabs the chair, thinks about it, and hits Halloween and Damian as they come in. One for Hernandez, who ducks into the shot. Mesías is ready to get Perro, but he just lets Perro crawl out. Parka crawls in, tells him Zorro been standing behind with the cane for about a minute and a half, and Mesías turns around and leaves. What was that? Parka swings a chair at Zorro, Zorro ducks, and Cibernético (there for no reason) gets hit by the chair (well, that was a reason.) Zorro hits Parka with the cane, covers Cibernético, and gets the three count from Tirantes. I have no idea why Piero was here, he didn't get involved in anyway.

Mesías and Perro brawl on the outside, but the camera sticks with Zorro celebrating. Cibernético walks off for about a half second before they cut away.

Joaquin wants to know what's up with Cibernético, and Cibernético yells at him – he's done with Joaquin for this loss.

Replays and they're done.