AAA on Televisa #947 (07/17/2010) 
Recapped: 07/22/10

Dorian Roldan and his blurred out Mac Book are having an exciting speaker phone conversation. One from two days ago! Konnan can't actually be in the room to have this conversation, about how Konnan is not so much a fan of Los Perros del Mal running in, and really a lot of decisions Dorian has been making of late (Vampiro, also Vampiro, let's not forget Vampiro.)

Four sided ring. Crowd looks pretty full!

Match 1: Alan Stone & Chris Stone vs Cuervo & Escoria
Auditorio Miguel Barragan de San Luis Potosi, 06/16/2010

Winner: Rudos
Match Time: 8:45
Rating: got worse as it went on. Disappointing.
Notes: No entrances for a match which has absolutely nothing to do with the prior conversation. Pepe Casas is referee, Arturo calls this a rematch from last week. Stones are wearing electric neon green outfits. I'm shocked I can look at them without going blind.

They tried to work this like last week's match, all speed, but it quickly turned into a “your spot, partner breaks it up, my spot, your partner breaks it up” bit. Not as fast as last week, and the Stones were frustrated with the crowd not getting in to the action. Kind fell apart for about a minute before the Stones did stereo tope con giros.

Escoria leaves to load up his hand, which gives the Stones a bit of a run on Cuervo. Cameras zoom in on Escoria’s loaded first (actually, less a zoom and more holding the camera inches away from Escoria’s hand), but he misses his punch, and eats an Atlantida into a front backbreaker from Alan. Cuervo boots Alan away, Chris grabs the rudo, Alan slowly ran off the ropes for a boot, connects, goes for another, and that time Alan hits Chris. Alan is unconcerned about hitting Chris or not hitting Cuervo, just dropping to his knee to regain his breath. Cuervo is also in no hurry, waiting for Alan to get up and back to the corner before missing a corner charge. Escoria swings at Alan again, Alan ducks it, but Chris (who had been out on the mat but jumped back to his feet) takes the loaded punch. Cuervo dropkicks Alan out, rudos drop Alan with a bodyscissors DDT, and that’s the match.

Nicho & Joe Lider, in Team Mexico jerseys, appear to be waiting to attack Konnan when he gets here. Didn't sound like he was coming earlier.

Wagner TripleMania video package.

Skip to Wagner already in the ring. Dr. Wagner congratulates himself for winning the title back at TripleMania and thanks the fans. Oh, that section back there is empty, but they probably cut that off for the set or something. Wagner promises to be a great champion. Catchphrase is interrupted by Vampiro's music. Vampiro does have the right music, I must give him that. Crowd chants for Wagner. Vampiro recalls a match between them 15 years ago, where Wagner did something, complains about politics, and want s the title or something. I'm too busy being impressed by the logo on the t-shirt. Wagner admits he didn’t hurt Vampiro's knee all that time ago, but isn't that upset about it. Vampiro tries to get in the ring, security grabs him from behind, security does not grab Wagner, they start to brawl on the apron, but the show immediately goes to break.

Backstage, Hernandez swears in English, and Zorro responds in English, and Chessman responds to him in English, and Alex translates to Spanish, I am SOLD. Hernandez wants to know what was up with Zorro at TripleMania – a little late to ask about the thing with him turning on Konnan. Oh wait, that was last year, and no one ever asked. I guess Hernandez wants answers about why Vampiro/Konnan, or maybe the Perros, but Zorro doesn't know. Zorro also doesn't know where Konnan is, when Chessman demands that answer. Vampiro wanders into frame to demand Zorro pick a side – him or Vampiro. Zorro is picking his cross, as always. SUDDEN CUT AWAY.

Match 2: Heavy Metal, Jack Evans, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Alex Koslov, Chessman, Kenzo Suzuki
Auditorio Miguel Barragan de San Luis Potosi, 06/16/2010

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 10:44 (3:51+6:53)
Rating: OK
Notes: Joined at the end of Alex's entrance. Arturo thinks Kenzo is leading the Yakzua. Maybe his is? Jack shows off his new belt. Copetes is ref, first non-major show he's worked in some time. Looks like he lost a great deal of weight, good for him. No captains are announced.

Pimpi tries to kiss Alex right away, and that cues the beatdown. Alex obliterates Jack with a superkick. Alex putting Heavy Metal in a chinlock is not a highlight. There are no chinlocks here! Break after Kenzo's knee drop.

As they return from a replay of this, Heavy Metal is pressing Alex over his head and walking around, for no reason. Rudos put a stop to that. Kenzo throws Alex into the front row, into the girls. Jack is slow to escape. Chessman stops choking Metal for a moment to back up and charge, and that goes bad. Metal moves, takes out Kenzo with a punch, and then waits for Alex to turn around to hit him. Alex is slow, so metal turns him a round and gets in ac hop fight. Pimpi begs metal to stop – he's in love with Alex. Well, duh. Alex is not pleased, and knocks out Pimpi with the jumping enziguri. Metal shoulderblock Alex, Chessman grabs him by the leg to trip him up, Metal kicks him away and tries a pescado, Chessman catches him and tosses Metal into the first row. Different section, same row. Jack gets Chessman with a running tope con giro. Alex finds himself alone with Pimpi again, and the crowd is excited for hits kiss. Alex tries slapping Pimpi down, but Pimpi will not be denied – oh, wait, the chop to the face denied him. Kick to the head. Crowd chants for a kiss. Alex whips Pimpi into the corner and forearms him. Back the other way, but Pimpi climbs the ropes and Alex runs right into his backside. Pimpi ducks a clothesline jumps into Alex’s arms, but Alex pulls himself free and throws Pimpi around by his hair. Pimpi's hair barely held on. Pimpi covers on the outside, and Alex smacks him with a kick. Chessman and Jack in, Jack starting a chant for Mexico. Jack's shorts now come all the way down to the tops of his shoes. I think he's shrinking! Jack decides to show off with a spinning handstand, and Chessman wisely kicks him in the chest and poses. Stop being dumb, Jack. Chest slap. Whip, jack flips over Chessman on the ring, leg kicks, jumping heel kick, off the ropes, into a superkick. Jack is staggered but on his feet. Chessman charges, Jack kicks him while flipping to the apron, and springboards back in with a spinning heel kick to the head. Jack poses for the crowd, but Kenzo sneaks in behind him and flattens him with a suplex. Crowd shot. Jack off the ropes, right into a STO. One two NO. Kenzo throws Jack into the ropes, charges, and throws himself out. Jack sets up – handspring spinning silla to the floor. Alex sets up for his own dive, but eats Pimpi's flying armdrag. KISS. Alex runs from the ring, but Pimpi chases after him with an apron tope con giro. Pimpi is fired up. Back inside, Mtetal gets a 'rana on Chessman, one two no. Chessman off the ropes, spear, one two three. Chessman won clean! Sucks to be Heavy Metal. They stick with the match for roughly two seconds before going to break.

Match 3: Dr. Wagner Jr. & Octagón vs Electroshock & Último Gladiador
Auditorio Miguel Barragan de San Luis Potosi, 06/16/2010

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 12:20 (5:27+6:53)
Rating: okay until the finish
Notes: Only the técnicos have introductions. Hijo de Tirantes has new suspenders! Good for him. Wagner is wearing his Octagon mask.

Wagner and Electroshock decided they must give the world more mat wrestling between them. This is better, because it only goes a minute and electro can tag out with he's huffing for air. Maniacos gamily feed themselves for Octagon's dance moves. Not to be out done, Wagner does a one man group pose, and then kicks Hijo de Tirantes for no reason. Hijo de Tirantes decides to tease the DQ, but Wagner does not believe it for a second. You fix his hair, it's all good. Break while they're screwing around with chest slaps.

Wagner completes his run on Electroshock with a Dragon screw leg whip. Tirantes teases calling a DQ again, this time for a foul (?), but Wagner is too busy jumping the rail for no reason. Electro rushes up from behind, pushes him down, gets a chair, and swings the chair into the seats to smack Wagner on the back. That's a bizarre way to start the beatdown. Match actually picks up pretty well, even if there's a hard to believe transitions from the rudos tying the técnicos up and making a wish and then the técnicos suddenly making a comeback. After the técnicos do their usual dives, Electro and Octagon visibly struggle thru what they're trying (which ends up being a cradle), and Hijo de Tirantes counts a completely fair one two three for Electro's pin. Huh. I probably would've paid gotten more into it if I believed we were getting a decent finish (and one decent finish isn't going to change it.)

After the match, Wagner confronted Elector in the ring. Electro left, but Vampiro turned up behind Wagner. Vampiro made no attack, but Wagner charges him for a clothesline anyway. Vampiro ducked, kicked him, and dropped hi with an F5. Vampiro went for the mask, and there seems to be some clipping around here. Security hit the ring, but maybe only one or two actually tried to stop Vampiro (and it's not clear why they were trying to stop Vampiro.) Vampiro powerbombs one while they rest stand around. Lots more standing around while Vampiro went back for the mask, and they only got in after Vampiro got on top of Wagner again. That was ineffective.

AAA Noti

Nicho and Joe Lider are still waiting. Still waiting for someone to come out that door. Neither guy is watching the other side, so they almost jump out of their shoes when Jack Evans walks up and asks them what's up. After they explain their plan, Jack explains Konnan's not actually here, he's in the United States. Nicho spots Kenzo, and decides to beat him up instead. Poor Kenzo! Chair to the had, chair to the door to the head. Jack would prefer not to be a part of this criminal activity, but Nicho insists he helps spray paint. “In the ring!” Nicho pants the 187 himself.

Match 4: Cibernético, Joe Lider, Nicho el Millionario vs Hernandez, LA Park, Zorro
Auditorio Miguel Barragan de San Luis Potosi, 06/16/2010

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 12:45 (4:13+3:26+5:06)
Rating: kind of crazy
Notes: I guess the jerseys are not as actual AAA shirts, or someone went thru a lot of work to dress up the back of them. Cibernético has his own. Copetes is ref. Piero have the week off?

Rudos jump the técnicos, Parka destroying Lider on the floor so he can also chart with the announcers. Nicho is powerbombed onto the announcers table, which cracks but refuses to break all the way. Cibernético side steps a corner charge from La Park, clothesline Zorro, gives a stunner to Hernandez, and DDT's Park to start the comeback. Who needs partners? Crowd is loudly behind Cibernético. Break.

Dorian's on the phone with LA Park, who we don't even get to hear. He's explaining attacking his family is just too much – except when he orders it. But they're cool now. EXCITING.

Técnico showcases for a bit. Crowd boos LA Park, more so when he does his strut and circle dance. Announcers are more concerned with their table. Break in the middle of 187 having issues with Park.

187 get it back together after the break, though the spinning DDT on a chair goes very poorly. They treat Cibernético vs Hernandez a big deal, and I guess why not. Cibernético flips Hernandez to the outside, Hernandez shoulderblocks Cibernético away and launches back in for a flying shoulderblock. He comes woefully short, flopping to the mat like a goof. I guess they’re not editing things out this week? Cibernético’s following big boot is nearly as bad. Things go better with Zorro, but then Hernandez decides he'd like to try again. This doesn’t last long, Hernandez just kicking Cibernético and throwing him out. Hernandez has the 187 hurting for a bit, but Lider sneaks behind him for the middle rope jumping backcracker. Match grinds to a halt for about ten second as everyone tries to figure out who should be fighting, and Park picks it up by throwing a chair at Lider's head. Lider helpfully holds a chair so Park can slide into him for a dropkick. Tope – no, Lider smacks him with a chair on the way thru! Nicho is all fired up, while Lider throws some chairs in the ring for no reason. Ah, they’re binging Park in next. Not sure where everyone else went, or why they couldn’t be bothered to do a spot so we’re not just going from a massive chair shot to whatever’s next. Lider gets up park on the top rope and climbs up to join him. Top rope 'rana is no happening in this lifetime. Park superbombs Lider onto the chairs instead, rolls him over, one two three. Clean pin. No idea where Nicho went.

La Park demands the microphone after the match, and promises Los Perros, and Dorian, and a revolution, and a new concept in lucha libre, next week.

Recap video.