AAA - 12/19/09 (#917)

Highlight package to start the show, focusing on Mesías/Wagner, Konnan/Ciber and Fabi/Sexi. This one is surprisingly straight forward.


Then another highlight package of the three feuds.

Replay: Minis match from last week's show.

And the minis are told they'll be on Guerra de Titanes again.

Rey de Reyes: Mesías tries to fight the Legion, but they are many and he is one. Dr. Wagner Jr.'s debuts, laying everyone out, one by one, mostly with leg kicks. (Konnan backs off, of course.) Mesías wakes up, listens to Wagner make the champion vs champion challenge, and probably later wishes he was still asleep.

7/12: Wagner, now with Silver King and the belt, tells Joaquin Roldan & La Parka Jr. to give him a mask match, or he's forming a group of WagnerManniacs to take over.

VdE: Cibernético vs Mesías vs Dr. Wagner Jr., joined in progress, a few minutes before Cibernético's elimination. This goes over two segments

Aerostar/Fabi Apache vs Sexi Star/Billy Apache. I don't remember the sound being so bad the first time this aired, but the announcers sound radio quality. This is the one where Fabi & Sexi end up on the upper deck, Sexi teasing falling over. This goes over one breaks, though there's hype for other matches before each break

Before the first break, Dr. Wagner & Mesías name their stipulations for their GdT match.

After the match, Joaquin Roldan declares Cibernético vs Konnan unsanctioned

VdE: Fabi vs Sexi vs Billy vs Aero in a cage. This also goes two segments, and the Legion angle is edited out.

Legion lays out Cibernético last week.

Recap of Cibernético's activities, from the Legion take over (to show Cibernético quit.) It's mindblowing to consider Super Fly was in the main event of an important show, but then I remember he was there to be crushed. Hey look, Rellik. Hey, look, Latin letting the whole promotion down in angle that was never followed up on. There's Cibernético, there's the dub over “Dorian”. Skip ahead to much later, to Cibernético explaining his actions, and the back and forth interviews between two. The beating from last week is shown, then one more highlight package.

Here's where we get about a 10 second clip of Roldan listening/watching Cibernético get worked over in the ring, but pointing to Rocky, Marco, and maybe Decnnis, telling them to stay out of it. Blink and miss it.

Replay: Wagner vs Mesías from Hereoes Inmortales III, complete.

Highlight package from this match and the previous ones, and promos by both men. Hype for the three matches, and that's the show.