AAA on Televisa #887 (05/30/2009)

Last Week: Guapito's promotion, a draw, and some stuff with Wagner

This Week: Well, not so much. As Joaquin Roldan starts to explain what we're seeing this week, and I wonder why a guy with no power is hosting the show, Konnan bursts into to ask the same thing! Konnan threatens to fire the production staff for going along with this, and wants to make it clear that he's running things and we need to stay tuned to see his guys in action. Also, don't forgot to call him Commandant. Roldan and Konnan go back and forth a little bit more – Roldan says Konnan has to respect the people, and Konnan doesn't quite feel this to be the case.

Backstage promo: Fabi & Mari explain they're in Las Vegas and squaring off, but that's because they're professionals and they're still friends. Mari's just a little bit more ruda.

This show looks like a spot show, or maybe an indy taping. Only the ring is lit, and not with the usual TV taping lighting rig. You can get a sense of the size of the building occasional when a light flashes towards the crowd, but it's really impossible to see anyone more than five rows deep, and there's nonsense of how big the building usually is.

There's less cameras. No big stage, just a wood set with an entrance curtain and guardrails to form a walkway. Lots of el Mexicano ads all over the place – they should've had him work this tour! Arturo appears to be doing ring announcing live, but the match commentary is clearly voiced over after the fact. Crowd doesn't appear to miced at all, or is just very quiet.

Match 1: Fabi Apache, Octagoncito, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Decnnis, Mari Apache, Mini Abismo Negro
Orleans Arena, Las Vegas, 04/02/2009

Winner: Tecnicos
Match Time: 10:13 (4:00+6:13)
Rating: fine
Notes: Mini Abismo Negro does a point to the sky on the way to the ring. Decnnis and Abismo makes nice with Mari before their match. Pimpi gets Arturo with a kiss. Piero is ref. Captains don't appear to be announced, but I think it's the men. In things that only matter to me, the Televisa Deportes logo is lower on the screen than normal, which causes it to overlap my time display, making it unreadable.

Pimpi, who's outfit seems skimpier than normal, immediately tries to do things to Dennis which can't be shown on TV. Zero pin counters go nowhere but another teased kiss. Decnnis kicks the rope sin frustration, accidentally knocking off Mini Abismo. The rudos get into a shove fight, but then get distracted by the tecnicos attacking. Octagon manges to get the better of both shortly, but Mini Abismo takes control and batters Octagoncito a bit.

Odd clip, and Fabi and Mari are suddenly in. Handshake is turned into a takedown by Fabi. Off the ropes, rolled over, quick turn, and kicked down by Mari. Mari shakes Fabi by the hair. Whip, reversed, Fabi armdrag, dropkick mises, and Mari kicks her in the head. Corner whip, Fabi off with a spinning headscissors. Mari out, and Fabi does a front handstand dive fake pose. Mini Abismo come sin the ring to clap for her, and surprise her with a slap. Kick to Pimpi, and Octagoncito's brought in for kicks. Is Decnnis wearing a collar with no short, or a neck wrap? Rudos in control, beating Pimpi on the apron so he can pose in interesting fashions. Break as the beatdown is going.

Octagoncito is crotched on the post, and Mari adds a dropkick to the head. Mari kicks Pimpi to keep her out, without realizing that the rudas kinda need him into fight someone. Pimpi sidesteps an Abismo charge, and chases Decnnis out and around the ring as Fabi fights Mari on the outside and Octagoncito does the same with Abismo inside. Apaches end up inside, with Fabi walking Mari around by the hair as Octagoncito gives Abismo a spinning backbreaker. Match seems to go on hold for everyone's go to their corner, then Octagon and Abismo resume their bit. Spinning armdrags, up and over sunset flip, Abismo escapes to dropkick Octagoncito. Whip, clothesline misses, Octagoncito back with a flipping dropkick. Octagon off the ropes again, spinning headscissors into armdrags. Octagoncito swings out of the ring into a big headscissors on Mini Abismo, then comes back in to pose. Pimpi and Decnnis, who wants no part of his. Pimpi taken down, off the ropes, skipping over once, twice, and Decnnis puts a stop to that with a trip. Pimpi manages to reverse an armbar, pikes Decnnis in the eye, and then holds onto the arm as he walks up the corner and walks the ropes. Random crane pose by Pimpi, all of Decnnis' shots are blocked, and Pimpi gives him the kiss. Abismo comes in to yell at Decnnis and take over, but Abismo quickly ends up running into Pimpi's backside. Flying armdrag, and kiss for him too. Now it's Decnnis turn to make of Abismo for failing. Decnnis stays in to try again. Chest slap battle won by Pimpi. Decnnis comes back with a dropkick, but Pimpi revers a charge into a backdrop to the floor. Pimpi all the way up, and all the way down for a plancha. Apaches in, and Mari killed Fabi with her axe kicks. Mari getting annoyed by the crowd for some reason. Well, she's a ruda tonight, that's a reason, but besides that. Mari knees Fabi in the head, then sends her in the corner. Charge, but Fabi gets up a kick in, then a running tornado DDT. Mari rolls out, and Fabi follows with a diving headscissors on the floor. On another side of the ring, Octagoncito hits his springboard tornillo on Mini Abismo. Pimpi back in, but dropped by a Decnnis plancha, one two no. Pimpi charges Decnnis, Decnnis leapfrogs, Pimpi stops short of Piero, and Decnnis pushes them into each other for the kiss. Decnnis tries a clothesline, Pimpi ducks, Decnnis stops short of Piero, and Pimpi pants him and waistlock cradles him. One two three.

Back in AAA's studios: Konnan is waiting for his cue to get angry at Roldan more. Konnan has security grab Joaquin to thrown him out, but Maricela puts a stop to that. She doesn't want their fight to carry into the office.

Noti AAA
- Konnan, acting serious while talking to Dr. Morales. Konnan explains he wasn't in Las Vegas, because he was in Orlando (settling with TNA, thought that's not talked about here.) Jack & Tiger will have a rematch to settle their draw

AAA Offices: Joaquin, Maricela, and Konnan in an meeting. Konnan lits a cigar – but there's no smoking in this office. Nor is their feet on the table in the office. Maricela asks Konnan about people suing AAA – Konnan says they're people who want a little money and a little fame, and his lawyers will take care of it. Maricela asks about the accounting books, and Konnan says they ran into a few problems early on, but they're fixing everything and it'll be all good. Maricela doesn't seem to buy that one, and says if Konnan doesn't take care of the problems, he'll have to be removed as director of AAA. Konnan sees this as the Roldan's maneuvering to depose him, and isn't going to stand for it – he gets on his phone to someone (his lawyer?) and tells him to get down there quick.

That was a whole segment.

Match 2: Crazy Boy & Super Fly vs Jack Evans & Teddy Hart
Orleans Arena, Las Vegas, 04/02/2009

Winner: Tecnicos
Match Time: 12:58 (2:27+4:36+6:05)
Rating: typical, or maybe a little less
Notes: Hijo de Tirantes is ref. It's funny, the shots of the two entering are 90% Jack, and then every so often they cut to Teddy to remind he's still there. Crazy Boy gets the first loud crowd reaction of the night – or maybe it's for his valet. It sounds like they've turned up the ringside mics, actually.

Standard match between these two teams. They weren't doing every move they could do, maybe because it didn't seem to be TV, but they did as much as they could fit in. No chairs or similar stuff, and Super Fly worked straight tecnico. It was good, but it was also the usual hundred moves that didn't move anything. Finish had Teddy foul Crazy while Super Fly was arguing with Hijo de Tirantes, but Mascarita Sagrada ran out to foul Teddy. I believe there was a skit on the show to set that up, but nothing we've actually seen. Super Fly and Crazy cover and Hijo de Tirantes very slowly counts three.

AAA is dubbing in a slapping/kicking noise on every impact. It's the same noise, every single time, and same volume regardless of how hard the hit is supposed to be. Or even what's hitting – two chairs will smash together later on, and we'll hear that same click. It's completely ridiculous. They're probably doing the same with every time someone hits the mat, and with the crowd noise.

Promo: Psycho Circus, trashing their opponents later tonight.

Promo: Parka still does not care about facing the Clowns.

Match 3: La Parka Jr. ©, Marco Corleone, Vampiro vs Killer Clown, Psycho Clown ©, Zombie Clown
Orleans Arena, Las Vegas, 04/02/2009

Winner: Rudos
Match Time:11:16 (5:41+5:35)
Rating: Usual
Notes: Hijo de Tirantes is ref. They mute Arturo in post production when he starts to refer to the Circus as champions. Arturo says the rudo captain is “Psychoooooooo Circus”, which is great for the looks Psycho and Zombie give each other. They are unsurprised, to say the least. Seems like Arturo forgets who's the tecnico captain too.

Best selling tecnico on this team – Marco? Parka's not above laying in the ring so he doesn't have to go out and come back in for the comeback (about 5 in.) Break after they've cleared the ring. Técnico show cases go Vamp, than Marco (who has all sorts of trouble kip off and springboarding off a corner), and then Parka. Parka does little except set up for more Marco, including his plancha to the floor on Zombie and Killer. Psycho and Vamp in, Vamp does a half dozen forearms but runs into a urange. Psycho lands a top rope elbow drop, and Hijo de Tirantes counts a quick three for the pin.

AAA Offices: Konnan is back with his lawyer and legal papers to prove they can't get rid of him. Konnan gives them an alternate option – one more match for all control. Either the Roldans are in control, or Konnan is. Konnan's team vs Roldan's team. Maricela, being the brains of this operation, is not down for this idea, but of course Joaquin wans to redeem himself and this is his shot. Konnan says it's okay if Maricela doesn't believe in her wrestlers, but leaves Roldan and Maricela to discuss it.

Promo: Charly talks about his match, when he doesn't forget his words halfway.

Promo: “Bittersweet Symphony” plays as Cibernético looks at the camera. That is so great. He's wearing a Bizarros shirt, but apparently not saying anything.

Match 4: Charly Manson & Cibernetico vs Joe Lider & Electroshock
Orleans Arena, Las Vegas, 04/02/2009

Winner: tecnicos
Match Time: 9:18
Rating: not good
Notes: Arturo tries to start the Cibernético chant, not that we'd be able to hear it today. Piero refs, and Lider wrestlers in his belt again. Lider and Electroshock bring in chair to work over Charly (Ciber not being hurt, but just hanging around on the apron. ) Charly tags in Cibernético. I don't know if he's always done it, but it's funny to see Cibernético punch over people and hit them wit his elbow. I don't think that's how it's supposed to work. Lider takes the chair into a chair into a groin. Cibernético leaves so Charly can get beat up one more, then he can come back to make the save. Lider actually forces Cibernético to take a bump, but it's short lived offensive run. Charly pulls Lider out with a clothesline, which lives Elector and Ciber to have a bad clothesline contest. Cibernético puts the end to that with a chokeslam, but Lider has to break up the pin for some reason, Lider gets Charly with the layout chinbreaker for two, but Charly trips him up and hooks him in the inverted figure four for the win.

Promo: Mesias, who notes it's the first time he and Ozz have faced in a singles match.

Match 5: Mesias vs Ozz
Orleans Arena, Las Vegas, 04/02/2009

Winner: Mesias
Match Time: 8:15
Rating: Eh.
Notes: Lots of early battling on the mat, but they seem to edit out parts of it. Once they're back up o their feet, Mesias catches Ozz with an armdrags, thens shoulderblocks him out. The two fight a little on the floor, Ozz throwing in a chair and getting attacked by Mesias. Both end up in, and Mesias' swing misses, Ozz getting him with a dropkick instead. Ozz throws the chair at Mesias as he gets up, but is in no hurry to follow up. Piero ditches the chair as Ozz puts on a chinlock. Punches to Mesias as he gets up. Kick to the side. Choke on the ropes. Ozz debates five counts with Piero. Mesias pulls himself to his feet, so Ozz forearms him in the back. Turnbuckle smash. And another. And – no, Mesias blocks it, and Ozz goes in. Mesias grabs Ozz, but Ozz punches and kicks him. Snap mare - no, Ozz just walks Mesias over to the other side to uppercut him. Mesias rolls out, Ozz after him. Kick to the leg. Taking his time. Mesias whipped into the rail.

Walking superkick ends Mesias over the rail. Fans try to help Mesias up, but he's too busy not standing up. More interesting is the woman who seems to be threatening Ozz if he does any more. Ozz pulls Mesias back over, punching him all the way. Mesias rolled back in, Ozz after him with stomps. Chinlock. One arm drop, two arm drop, Mesias rallies up. Elbow, elbow, elbow, off the ropes, under, kick, DDT. Mesias shaking, trying to draw from the crowd. Lots of punches. Whip, backdrop. Clothesline. Clothesline. They're better than Electroshock's, that's for sure. CLIP. Ozz off the ropes, and kinda spinebusters by Mesias. Mesias posing. Mesias pinning after way too long. One two no. Corner whip, reversed, Mesias boots Ozz as he comes in and tries a seated DDT, but Ozz shoves him off. Dropkick, standing moonsault, one two no. Punches. Ozz off the ropes, clothesline caught in to the STO. One two three.

AAA Offices: Konnan's back, and looking for a decision. Maricela does not seem thrilled with the idea, but relents and lets the men have their match. They'll show their first team members in Leon. Konnan celebrates with a smoke

Video Package: US Tour highlights. It's mostly Las Vegas clips, but there's shots of people who weren't on this half of the tour too.

And that's it.