AAA Mini Line - 05/24/08 (#834)
Recap: 06/01/08

Recap: MPs fall apart. Legion wins again, in both tag matches. 

Video Package: Hey, let's reuse the Psycho Circus video package because they actually have a match this week. Yay.  

Match 1: Killer Clown, Psycho Clown, Zombie Clown vs Aerostar, Pegasso, Super Fly
Auditorio Benito Juarez, Zapopan, 04/27/08

Winner: Psycho Circus
Match Time: 4:24
Notes: You know, if Konnan could get Pegasso and Super Fly out of wrestling these matches, I think they'd be sign on the dotted line immediately. Circus is clearly backsliding at this point. Air Force all try dives before the bell, and the Clowns try to catch them and mostly just no sell them.  Copetes is ref. Total clown destruction for a couple minutes, and the tecnicos get the comeback when Killer Clown tries to leap off Zombie Clown's back for a corner charge but Zombie collapses and Killer goes headfirst into the (now empty) corner. This means the Air Force get in actual offense, much better than their previous trips. This seems like the first TV taping this year to have actual sunlight, which means shadows which means a weird look for this opener. Air Force are able to topple Killer Clown 3 on 1, including using a double dropkick/school boy trip, and can battle the other clowns one on one pretty decently. All six ended up in the ring, and lots of repositioning goes on before they finally get to the big spot they want - 'ranas reversed into powerbombs. Clowns celebrate but don't pin - I guess they figure they got time to spare this week? Super Fly takes a double powerbomb from Psycho, Aerostar takes a big powerbomb from Zombie, and Pegasso is already dead from a GdI sit. That was quick.

Vignette: FdT meet with the guy they won't show on camera again. Whatever the plan is, it's going down tonight. Which is good, because the tag team title match is next. 

Vignette: Crazy Boy catches up with Joe Lider and Juvi in the locker room. It appears there's just one locker room following them around from show to show, but these things happen. Juvi's title belt is on his shoulder and probably not explained, but at least Lider and Juvi aren't arguing, they're too busy being worried. Crazy Boy tries to fire up the troops, but Juvi's just got to start stuff. Lider is actually apologetic and they hook and make up. That's never a good sign. Juvi does bring up his own title. 

Match 2: Extreme Tiger & Halloween vs Crazy Boy & Joe Lider for the AAA World Tag Team Title championship
Auditorio Benito Juarez, Zapopan, 04/27/08

Winner: Extreme Tiger & Halloween, 3rd Champions
Match Time: 11:08
Notes: Juvi and TJ Extreme are here as seconds.

Big pan shot of the crowd, and there's a lot of people here. It's still daylight as this match is starting, but the sun isn't shinning on the ring. Big clip early on, taking out something with Crazy Boy after he just came in. It turns into a four way after things come back, so everyone can get in their big tag moves. It's back and forth and not very good, with them doing the "whip two guys into each other" spot three times in a row. FdT ends up in control, and Lider is helpful to throws himself into the perfect position for him and Crazy to be tied together while taking a crab and a camel clutch. MPs are back in control, doing a move, ten seconds later. There's minimal selling here, it's more about falling in the right spot so they can hit their next move. They move on to big move -> near fall -> third guy breaks it up stuff.  It's not done fast enough to make you forget all the randomness, but that's the idea anyway. There's just no flow as a result. Lider take out Tiger with a brainbuster on the apron. Halloween spears Crazy Boy but only gets two on the cover. Crazy gets Halloween with an inverted DDT, drags him in position, grabs a chair, hits Halloween with it, and does the chair smash moonsault. He kinda misses, landing the chair on Halloween's knees (which must've sucked.) Crazy coves, and Lider breaks the pin. Crazy's all "huh?" Lider's all "hey, handshake?", Crazy does it, and takes a kick + STO. Fans are not happy. Juvi comes in to argue with Piero, but Piero tosses him out. Crazy's head is set and wedged inside chair, and Lider guillotines it with a flying knee drop. Halloween climbs on top for the pin and the titles.

The crowd doesn't pay as much attention to the finish as they do to Lider, who goes outside without remembering Juvi is there and now wants him dead. Crowd goes crazy for that fight and is a little slower in realizing the titles just changed hands. Juvi throws Lider back in the ring, and Lider gets in a clean stomp as they come back in. They roll around punching and kneeing each other. FdT could help out Lider, but they're busy posing. Ah, now Halloween will take care of it with a chair shot to Juvi. Lider grabs the tag belts for himself, holds them up, and belts Juvi when he tries to attack him again. Lider rips off Juvi's left shoe and checks in the crowd. FdT is trying to get in another chair shot, but Lider won't get out of the way. Lider eventually knocks him out of the ring, which is enough for right now. We miss it, but Lider hands over the tag team belts to the new champs, and taunts Crazy Boy as the doctor checks on him. Juvi poses for the crowd on the outside. Not really too concerned with Crazy Boy there. Lider poses with FdT on the stage and actually holds up 4 fingers, but that doesn't turn out the way they're going here. 

Promo: TripleMania

Noti AAA
- TripleMania tickets can be bought at Ticketmaster. Sometime soon.
- Ricky Marvin will be back for the show
- AAA will be at the lucha libre expo
- Arturo interviews Mesias, a man desperately in need of talking time. Anyway, he's not worried about whatever Prez Roldan is up to - he's just going to get his title back. Haha, Artruo makes fun of his blah blah blah ness.
- Reina de Reinas is coming soon
- Fabi Apache and Sexi Star visited kids involved in the telethon
- Billy Boy confronts Gran Apache back stage. He just wants to make this work with Fabi and her family - what's the problem? Gran Apache patiently explains the problem is (still, always) Billy - he goes away, everyone is happy. Billy explains he's not going away, and Gran Apache has to accept it somehow. Give credit to Billy Boy - if years of fighting hasn't sorted it out, talking seems like a decent idea. 

Video Package: Hart Foundation II. Jack Evans saying three words in Spanish, and Teddy Hart ranting forever. 

Match 3: Head Hunter I (c), Jack Evans, Teddy Hart vs Alan Stone, El Alebrije (c), Laredo Kid
Auditorio Benito Juarez, Zapopan, 04/27/08

Winner: Legion
Match Time: 13:06
Other Match Notes: What a team. I would guess the non-Mexican valet would be Teddy's girlfriend (identified as Nikki.) Alebrije and Cuije walk out with their belts, but while Alberije walks ahead not paying attention, Psycho Circus show up, grab Cuije, and stuff him in the bag! Finally, they found someone who fits. Alebrije gives chase, but then stops before going thru the entrance. Really, he's going to stay here and wrestle this match instead of saving his tiny friend? Alebrije sure turned out to be a jerk. 

Arturo tries to start a "CANADA! UNITED STATES!" chant which somehow does not catch on. I can't believe Alebrije is just hanging out here like normal. ALEBRIJE VS JACK EVANS. WORKING A HEADLOCK. Absurd. Evans escapes an armbar with a handstand headscissors and Arturo is marking out again. Alebrije kicks Jack to the ropes, Jack dropkicks him away while rolling over the ropes, but springboard into an Alebrije dropkick. Teddy Hart, stomps on Alebrije and takes a shot at Alan. Things settle down to Alebrije getting the better of Teddy. Just to continue to confound me, they have Laredo Kid wrestle Head Hunter next. This doesn't last long before Teddy Hart comes and starts doing moves where you can't tell exactly who got the better of it. The Hart Foundation is still getting the feel of things and are off in a couple spots, like when Jack comes in here before Laredo has hit his big move on Teddy instead of after. Somehow, this turns into an actual contest of flipping. Jack decides the fans don't deserve a flip, and Laredo lays him out. Corner whip, Jack charges in, Laredo moves, Jack hits the corner and bounces out, Laredo knocks him out of the ring with a missile dropkick. Teddy back in get in his double knee backbreaker. Teddy poses, and Alebrije just grabs him and does the backstabber to him in turn. Crowd goes crazy. This match is crazy. The kind of thing that might not be so much three months from now, but is totally perfect now. Teddy comes back on Alebrije out of nowhere, and gets in a moonsault. Alan grabs Teddy and German suplexes him, but Jack breaks up the pin. Jack and Teddy both leave, and Head Hunter works over Alan. Whip, Head Hunter runs him over with fatness and the rudos start the beatdown. Teddy guillotine legdrops Alebrije using the ropes. Now that I think about it, I can't believe we're not getting Teddy Hart/Cuije spots here. Those Clowns are evil. Alebrije makes a comeback after all of 20 seconds,, and just kills Teddy and Jack with clotheslines they don't appear to see coming. Laredo and Alan get their revenge by brawling while Head Hunter and Alebrije stand in the ring and do nothing. Actually, I type that and Alebrije takes Jack to the stage for a powerbomb for no particular reason. I think Alebrije has just found out how fun it is to beat up Jack Evans. Laredo adds a move we don't even get to see. 

Somehow, everyone ended back in the ring. Head Hunter and Alebrije started off, which was more Head Hunter standing still, and Alebrije eventually clotheslining him over the ropes. Jack follows with a springboard - uh, 360 forearm? Sure. Alan crushes Jack with a springboard plancha - that looked brutal. Teddy moonsaults on to the pile. Laredo? Laredo's got to wait for someone to get up. Springboard tornillo is caught by no one, but Laredo doesn't die, that's good. Big guys back in the ring, Alebrije, lands the springboard reverse tope and both guys are down for two. Alebrije ties to slam Head Hunter, but Head Hunter lands on top. That's it? He's going to flip? Leave the flipping to your partners! Head Hunter slams Alebrije and heads up, as the crowd goes crazy. MOOOOOOOOONSAULT.  One two three. This was something.

Alebrije has to be checked on post match because he's kinda crushed. So after a million replays and Alebrije being helped to the back, out comes Mesias to lay out Laredo Kid and Alan Stone with chair shots. What are they even still doing there? Laredo's never going to get his revenge, I presume.

Mesias doesn't even get around to saying anything before the AAA music plays, and out comes Prez. Roldan, accompanied by lots of microphone feedback. Anyway, Mesias has caused chaos on the shows for the last time, and Roldan's surprise will take care of him. Mesias yells at lot to tell us how unconcerned he is. 

MEANWHILE Vignette: Psycho Circus carry off Cuije. Alebrije's finally gotten around to looking for him (even still selling!), but you'd think they'd be far gone now. They're somehow only about fifteen seconds ahead of Alebrije. Cuije's worked over (a little bit - well, he's a little bit but you know) in a locker room. Alebrije can hear them but can't get in. I don't think banging on the door is going to work. Dramatic Music!

TripleMania Promo. Okay, I totally grasp the concept now, please don't play this until June. 

Recap: Abismo won't be Porky's friend. This does not stop Porky from trying. And now they're a team anyway.

Match 4: Black Abyss & Mr. Niebla vs Abismo Negro & Super Porky
Auditorio Benito Juarez, Zapopan, 04/27/08

Winner: Vipers
Match Time: 5:42
Other Match Notes: Well, Abismo does talk it out here. He's still not really thrilled to be teaming with anyone, much less Super Porky and doesn't need anyone. But don't cry! He can still stay and watch him take out both Niebla and "the clone." Abismo rushes Niebla on the stage, and this goes poorly. Copetes is ref. Vipers end up backing off before the match officially starts.

And then they start the beatdown right after the match starts anyway. Per Abismo's wishes, Porky stays out of the right - but the Vipers dropkick him down anyway. Chair shots for both guys, check. Abismo's mask is busted and he's bleeding, but Black Abyss goes for one too many chair shots and gets Niebla. Abismo makes the one man comeback, goes for the Martinete Special on Black Abyss, and Copetes breaks it up - it's an illegal move, you know. Abismo gets distracted by him and gets attacked by Niebla. Those two totally get lost on their sequence for a moment until Abismo sends Niebla out to set up for a ducked clothesline tope. Porky is still on the apron and crowd is going crazy for him. He's done absolutely nothing and they're still chanting his name, though I guess they want him to dive here. Black Abyss does, a slingshot tornillo that actually complete misses Abismo but they go with it anyway. Now will he dive? Yes, Porky flattens Niebla with a plancha. 

Both Abyss end up back in the ring. Porky watches from the floor, angry at this point. Abismo gets for the Martinete Special again, and again Copetes breaks it up. We get the idea, even if Abismo doesn't. Abismo grabs Copetes, Black Abyss tries to dropkick him, Abismo moves and Copetes take si it. That means no refs to stop illegal moves. Black Abyss acts first. Kick, lift, Martinete. Crowd freaks out. MR. Niebla high steps around the ring, and stirs Copetes to count three.  Kinda think if Porky had been asked to help, he might have broke that Martinete up.

Porky sits next to a comatose Abismo Negro and yells at him for his own stupidity and yells at Copetes for missing the Martinete. Porky is fired up! But doesn't actually do much besides protesting to the referee. Vipers rant about how great they are. Abismo gets stretchered out.

Vignette: Konnan talk about the Legion plans - apparently the offers he's made to join the Legion are more to disrupt AAA than an actual recruiting drive. Konnan has surprises to come, but wants Parka's mask ripped up and the HBs destroyed in the next match. Zorro's down with it.  

Match 5: Electro Shock, Kenzo Suzuki (c), Konnan vs Charly Manson, Chessman, La Parka Jr.
Auditorio Benito Juarez, Zapopan, 04/27/08

Winner: Tecnicos
Match Time: 7:07
Other Match Notes:
Hell Brothers encouraging everyone to dance around with La Parka, also weird. Piero is your ref. 

Tecnicos jump rudos for a change of pace, but somehow Elector gets the better of Chessman and turns it all around in a matter of seconds. Lots of Kenzo and Parka early, Kenzo slapping Parka hard and going after his (good) shoulder. If you like brawling, this is the match for you. Highlight is Kenzo teasing the top rope knee drop again, but backing out again. Among other things, Electro works over Chessman's bad knee with a chair. In the middle of this, and completely out of nowhere, Parka gets a small package on Kenzo for three. 

Fans go nuts, rudos go nuts on Parka, and fans start throwing in bottles. Jack Evans, Teddy Hart and Head Hunter run in and continue to destroy the tecnicos. Legion doesn't take losing too well. Teddy gets in his SSP on Chessman. Jack sticks to stomping for the most part. Konnan rips Parka's mask and busts his head open. Piero makes a slight effort to get the Legion out, but it's not happening. Security stands around the ring but doesn't come in. Beatdown goes on thru the break.

Video Package: three way feud   

Match 6: Zorro vs Mesias vs Cibernetico in a cage match
Auditorio Benito Juarez, Zapopan, 04/27/08

Loser: Cibernetico 
Match Time: 11:16
Other Match Notes: This is the six sided cage, not the dome. Cibernetico's music jumps during his entrance, which may hide a clip or just be the music being weird. Everyone gets in everyone's face, but no one fights during entrance.

Someone gives Mesias the microphone after the break so he can get in his catchphrases. For my money, the Palace of Wisdom > Mundo de Mesias. Zorro grabs the microphone to yell "NOO! NOO! NOO!" but Cibernetico steals it away to say his own NOOO. Cibernetico gets himself bleeped, which is less annoying then the microphone feedback. Cibernetico reminds Zorro where he's from (not Spain.) You may be surprised to find out Cibernetico thinks he's the best. Keep on talking Cibernetico, it means less wrestling. Cibernetico tickets off both guys enough that they both beat him down. Fine plan!

Besides Zorro's cane, a table and chairs are sitting around in this cage. Lots of one guy playing dead, and the second guy beating up the third guy. Mesias and Cibernetico get moments of domination over both other guys at once, not so much Zorro. Cibernetico has the only serious escape tease, after sparking both men. Table gets set up at the seven minute mark, so I guess it's time to pay attention. Zorro sets it up, but Cibernetico fights off an attempt to be laid on it. Ciber fights with Mesias and puts him on the table as Kenzo Suzuki and Electroshock circle the cage with chairs. Zorro recovers to lay out both guys, despite getting punched by Cibernetico a half dozen times. Zorro climbs to the top and escapes rather easily.

Mesias is all over Cibernetico with punches. He sets up the tale, then climbs, which seems like an odd step. Cibernetico pulls him down, but not onto the table. They fight some more, and Cibernetico gets the spear this time. Ciber waits for Mesias to get back up so he can give him the stunner, and then decides to climbs out. Cibernetico gets so his head is at the top of the cage and changes his mind. Cibernetico comes back to give a chokeslam, but Mesias follows him, and barely gets him up for a powerbomb thru the table. That should be that, but Zorro tries to cut off Mesias from leaving with cane shots. Mesias punches him away, and climbs down without any more problems.

Mesias destroys Zorro with his own cane. Where did Kenzo and Electro go? Mesias could totally use them right now, instead of being hit a dozen times. Security tries to help and gets caned too. I think that's Bello Greco getting beat there. Mesias music, playing for him to come in second place I guess, stops and AAA's music plays for Prez. Roldan. Mesias shoves Roldan. Great work by the body guards there. Well, here's the surprise - Vampiro. Big reaction close up, not from the whole crowd until they turn the lights out. Vampiro walks out with a suit, stands there, takes a couple steps towards Mesias (who is losing his mind) and stands on the stage, waving to the crowd. That's a good day's work right there. The security Mesias was beating down recovered pretty quick to hold back Mesias. Vamp sends hugs and kisses out to the crowd, and a thumb across the throat to Mesias before checking out.

Mesias leaves. Zorro celebrates being Zorro. The doctor finally gets around to checking on Cibernetico as they show replays of the match. Cibernetico's helped out, the closing video plays, and that's the show.