Look what’s back

Triple A’s site, back once again: http://www.triplea.com.mx/INDEX.htm

If you go to that link, you get the main page – but the links don’t work.

If you go to the domian itself – http://www.triplea.com.mx/ – you’ll get the directories (which is unsafe for them, but good for snooping.)

Edit: This link gets you the main page (in spanish), but it’s still unfinished.

Edit 2: From Parka AAA’s profile. And by the way they are not let deceive, the only and original Parka this in Triple “A”. Learn something new everyday.

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4 thoughts to “Look what’s back”

  1. Who is the AAA trying to fool?Everyone knows the original Parka left AAA years ago to join WCW and
    then returned to Mexico as a free agent.

  2. I know it sounds unrealistic but it’s 100% true… most fans of AAA aren’t hardcore wrestling fans, they are just people who want to go see a ‘show’ and that ‘show’ happens to be wrestling. They have NO IDEA AAA is using a fake La Parka. They aren’t the type of fans to go pick up the new Luchas 2000 and read about the real La Parka working CMLL/Indys.


  3. Supposedly both Parka and Mascara Sagrada had fixed their problems with Pena through the court but apparantly Pena is thumbing his nose at the Mexican legal system.

  4. I don’t think Parka won his court case but Sagrada did and Pena actually listened to the ruling. He turned his Sagrada into T.D. and eventually Triple A which he still uses to this day. He occasionally appears as Mascara Sagrada on non-TV cards in places where he Sagrada’s name is a draw. Nothing wrong with that.:)

    I think Mascarita Sagrada won his name as well but that could have just been BS as he was just trying to jump on the Sagrada bandwagon where “if he won his name, I can win mine”.


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