About that Congress Theatre main event

On the CPW board – sorry for not adding it to the links yet, Rob! – luchafan has done a fine job of keeping track of the lineup for the end of the month Chicago FMLL/ELL-MEX? I don’t know, and as long as they don’t have the Ring Of Death, it doesn’t matter to anyone who isn’t paid by the promotion at this point.

FMLL (FRI) 01/27 Salon el Rey, Compton, CA Lineup [dvdvr]
2) Principe Unlimited, No Fear, White Pork vs Profeta & Kayam & Enigma de Oro
3) Shamu Jr., Rey Misterio Sr., Jalisco vs Acero Dorado Jr., Profeta, Damian 666
4) Mistico & LA Park vs Averno & Dr. Wagner Jr.

google map

CALDERON (FRI) 01/27 Elk’s Lodge, Oxnard Lineup [dvdvr]
4) Mistico & LA Park vs Averno & Dr. Wagner Jr.

google map

FMLL (SAT) 01/28 Las Lomas Restruant, Waukegan, IL Lineup [cpw]
Scheduled to Appear: Dr. Wagner Jr. & LA Park
Address: 442 N Green Bay Rd, Waukegan, IL 60085 – google map

FMLL (SUN) 01/29 Congress Theatre, Chicago IL Lineup
1) Silueta Azul vs Great Tojo
2) Mascara de Jade & Angel de la Muerte vs Aguila Tapatia & Angel Dorado [cpw]
3) SWAT Kat, Lupillo, Rayo Lazer vs Guerrerito del Futuro, Coco Verde, Coco Negro
4) Atomo, Piloto Suicida vs Shamu Jr. & Aguila de America
5) Mistico & LA Park vs Dr. Wagner Jr. & Averno

Piloto Suicida is injuried, so he’ll be replaced, just don’t know by who.


Two points I need to make
* I really really really really REALLY want this main event to happen. Even though the likelyhood of them doing the same basic match is 95%, I’ll be going to both nights if it all possible.
* I have absolutely no faith in this happening until we get much close to the actual date and they haven’t announced a change.

Why? Here’s a list of recent Congress Theatre lucha main events, with what was first promised as the main and what occured

Date: 05/15/05 (OELL? I just saw the Aurora show)
initial: Universo 2000, Cien Caras, Mascara Ano 2000 vs Perro Aguayo Jr., Pierroth, el Hijo del Pierroth
final: Universo 2000 & Infernal vs Pierroth & El Hijo del Pierroth

Date: 06/25/05
initial: Rayo de Jalisco & LA Park vs Universo 2000 & Blue Panther
final: Rayo de Jalisco & LA Park vs Universo 2000 & Blue Panther

Date: 07/23/05
initial: Rey Bucanero vs Tarzan Boy
final: Mascara Sagrada & Super Astro vs Mano Negra & Cassandro

Date: 10/02/05
initial: Lizmark Sr., Rayo de Jalisco, LA Park vs Universo 2000, Mascara Ano 2000, Blue Panther
final: LA Park & Tinieblas Jr. vs Dr. Wagner Jr. & Electroshock

Date: 11/27/05
initial: LA Park, Mascara Sagrada, Villano III, Blue Demon Jr., Super Porky, Damian 666, Halloween
final: Blue Demon Jr. & Super Porky vs Satanico & Villano III

Date: 01/29/06
initial: LA Park & Mistico vs Dr. Wagner Jr. & Averno
(though I saw a mention of Halloween and Damian instead of these rudos)
final: ???

This doesn’t include the many date changes, the undercard, or the vague promises they were made and didn’t occur (Santo in September, GdI at some point).

I don’t know that they’re doing this willingly – in fact, I believe the changes are probably out of their control, and they’re only at fault for announcing names before they know they have them (which isn’t anything new in wrestling) – but it’s a strong enough pattern to be a bit wary.

I’m not trying to be a hater – just trying to point at the facts and shrug.

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One thought to “About that Congress Theatre main event”

  1. initial: Rayo de Jalisco & LA Park vs Universo 2000 & Blue Panther
    Actually was

    final: Blue Demon Jr & LA Park vs Universo 2000 & Blue Panther

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