01/10 news

I’m brain dead, my bed is three feet away, and I’m not going to get there for another couple hours. This is going to be short and horrible.

Tuesday’s Ovaciones previews the CMLL Mexico City and Aficion cards.

Box Y Lucha #2748 is up. Some of the articles inside
Cover mentions the deaths of Pancho Zapata and Karloff Lagarde’s wife.
Poster is a classic shot of Hijo del Diablo, Shu el Guerrero, Lobo Rubio. In the articles, Diablo, Guerrero, and Super Star talk their memories.
– A short article on the history of minis in Mexico wrestling.
– La Mascara talks about being Rookie of the Year.
– Referee Guëro Rangel is injured and taking time off from the ring to recover. Wrestler Halcon Negro has retired entirely.
– Huracan Ramirez is threatening to sue the fake Huracan Ramirez(es) into the ground.
– Rey Bucanero talks about his start in wrestling

Tommorow: Way late IWRG results, presumbably CMLL Coliseo results, and whatever else I steal from KrisZ

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