12/10 news

CMLL (FRI) 12/09 Arena Mexico Results
1) Trueno, Valiente b Apocalipsis, Ramstein
2) Ohara, Arkángel, Okumura b Kronos, Equis, Texano Jr.
3) Dos Caras Jr., Hijo de Lizmark, Ultimo Dragon b Kenzo Suzuki, Olimpico, Mascara Ano 2000
4) Universo 2000, Tarzan Boy, Rey Bucanero b Hector Garza, Damian 666, Mr. Aguila
5) Mistico, Santo, Negro Casas, Blue Panther b Atlantis, Ultimo Guerrero, Averno, Mephisto

Main event did set up a title match; Negro Casas wants yet another shot at Averno & Mephisto’s CMLL Tag Team titles, and after he and Santo beat them clean in the final fall, that’ll be the duo who gets it. They didn’t offically announce it for next week yet, but I expect it to be there. Seems possible for a title change.

Not sure who Equis was, except for being Maximo’s replacement. Ovaciones didn’t seem to think too much of Kenzo. Halloween, in a wheelchair, neck brace and leg cast, watched the PdM match from the stage.

The big show tonight is AAA’s Guerra de Titanes show.

AAA (SAT) 12/10 Monumental Bullring Lineup
1) Rey Cometa, Laredo Kid, Hombre Sin Miedo, Principe Zafiro vs Kaoma Junior, Tito Santana, Rio Bravo, Oscuridad
2) Mascarita Sagarada, Ocatgoncito, Mascarita Sagrada Jr. vs Mini Abismo Negro, Jerrito Estrada, Mini Psicosis
3) Shika vs Chaman [hair]
4) El Apache, Tiffany vs Oriental, Cinthia Moreno and Billy Boy, Estrellita and Chessman, Diabolica [MEX MIXED TAG]
5) Intocable, Zorro, Electroshock vs Pirata Morgan, Charly Manson, Zumbido
6) Sangre Chicana vs Shocker [hair]
7) La Parka, Octagon, ??? vs Cibernetico, La Religion Cibernetica

I’m hoping at least we get names out of the sect members tonight. I expect them to more be undercard workers as goons rather than a big jump or anything like that for either sides mystery people. This should be a typical lucha 2005 big show; draws well, doesn’t seem to mean much. The Shocker hair match should be intersting, though I don’t think the outcome is in much doubt.

There’s also a CMLL cage of death hair match in Guadalajara which looks primed for Masada to lose (but we said that last month and he got away free, so who knows.)

I need to catch up on the NJPW results (Sangre and Safari started out strong and have since faded), but there’s some news outside of results; in a match versus Jado and Gedo last night, Safari suffered a serious enough injury that they had to stop the fight. No word on the nature of injury or how long it’ll keep him out yet, but with one just one more show left on the tour, they’ll probably just subsitute for him tommorow. (puroresufan.com)

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2 thoughts to “12/10 news”

  1. Unbelievably, I’m quite intrigued by that AAA card:

    – opener is full of highly hyped Nuevo Laredo guys who I really would like to see(WHO ARE ALSO ON ARENA COLISEO MONTERREY TV TONIGHT – AS IS INCOGNITO, although I can’t stay up for it due to work)

    – 4 way and minis match both look loadsa fun

    – Sangre Chicana V Shocker should be great, Shocker’s awesome and Chicana’s still a fun brawler.

    – matches 5 and 7 are just your usual AAA fare.

    – and I’ve never heard of anyone in match 3.

    Anyways, me being in any way semi-enthusiastic about an AAA card is quite a big thing. Shame they’re still stuck with ridiculous 6 sided rings!

    And eh… for anyone watching Monterrey TV tonight, an opinion on these Nuevo Laredo guys would be welcome. :)

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