local lucha update

Finally gotten around to posting results from last Sunday’s Congress theatre show. You’ll notice a lot of new/strange names on the undercard, as most of the workers have been caught in a promotional war between the two lucha groups in Chicago.

This is beyond stupid, because they don’t run the same days (or, in many cases, the SAME MONTH), they don’t run the same buildings (any more), they’re really not all that close to each other and, as much as I might love some of ’em, no Chicago lucha wrestler is anything close to a significant draw at this moment. I can’t understand how it affects either business (and to be fair, I think it’s only O’Campo’s group with the “us or them, not both” stance) one single cent. It probably hurts them more than anything, because a lot of the guys need more time in front of crowds, and you’re cutting down the number of shows they can work.

The stated reason for the guys who’ve stuck with O’Campo (who’s no longer running Congress) is they have a TV show. Which would be fine, if it was on a television station anyone actually got. It is not available on any cable system, over the air only, and I had a hard time finding even an FCC record of it existing the last time I checked, so I’ll skip even mentioning it. The real reason to go with O’Campo is he appears to run far more often (though apparently usually with nothing more than very local posters?), and you’re probably getting more experience and more money that way. So I don’t blame anyone for going that way, I just think the whole thing is moronic.

Anyway, the show. All this info via luchfan, who is great but I would love if he slowed down, thought out what he was writing and used better punctuation and spelling.

FMLL (SUN) 11/27 Congress Theatre Results [chipro]
1) Will Martel b Dante Devil
2) Angel Dorado & Angel de la Muerte b Mascara de Jade & Leprosi
3) Guerrerito del Futuro, Payasos (Coco Verde & Coco Negro) b SWAT Kat, Aguila Tapatia, Lupillo el Terrible
4) Mascara Sagrada & Atomo b Aguila del America & Shamu Jr.
5) Blue Demon Jr. & Brazo de Plata b Satanico & Villano III

Satanico indeed had a shaved head. (That darn Emilio!) There were fliers for this weekends O’Campo show:

O’Campo (SAT) 12/03 Chi-Town Lineup:
Kato Kung Lee, Mano Negra, Super Astro, Casandro

All these guys have been in Chicago in the last year or so. Probably not worth going out of your way to see.

Announced names for the next Congress show.

FMLL (FRI) 01/20 Congress Theatre Results [chipro]
Scheduled to appear: Mistico, LA Park, Damian 666, Averno.

No, I won’t believe it till the week of the show either. If Mistico got booked elsewhere and Park got booked elsewhere (I’m betting yes), I’d still go just to see Averno. And, even though it’s going to take some work to get there, I like Friday shows better than I like Sunday ones.

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