Sunday Arena Coliseo TV

I don’t have a good idea what’s going on here. – which gets the standard listings used pretty much everywhere, doesn’t have anything lucha related for Saturday or Sunday on Cana 52 International.

However, the Canal52 site (visit the EU version; if you’re seeing listings for SmackDown, you’re looking at the wrong one) has a lineup for Saturday which does include Lucha Libre CMLL: Guerrers del Ring at 11:30 CST (I think) on Saturday, and 3:00 CST on Sunday.

So, like I said, no idea. This channel, usually listed on CAN52I, is only on Comcast systems, typically in a digital Spanish language tier, so you may not have access to it unless you’re already paying for it. I do have Comcast, so I’ll check out what their onscreen TV listings say when I get home.

It is definetely airing in Mexico and surely will show up on DVD soon after.

UPDATE!!!: Surfed thru the Comcast listings

Good: there is a lucha show which matches those times on that channel
Bad: the show is named Lucha Libre LLL.
Working Theory: someone screwed up on the name.

Good: surprisingly, I actually get this channel. (603 and 652 here, if you’re looking for places to start – Comcast only.)
Bad: That cable box isn’t a DVR, it’s not near my TiVO or computer, and I don’t know how if I can attach a VCR to it
Working Theory: the 90 minutes I wasted grabbing a VCR and figuring it out and hooking it up and hoping it works isn’t going to be a waste.

So, yea, I’ll record it (note to Robert: Yes. Eventually) and let you know when I know, okay? Okay.

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5 thoughts to “Sunday Arena Coliseo TV”

  1. Sucks that it’s only one hour. :(

    This show needs to air undercard highlights, or at least vary it a bit so It’s not always the semi and main that gets aired every week…..

  2. Taking a guess that was Henrik?:)

    I have a feeling the singles main event on every Sunday show is just for the building so the matches that would air are the tercera(Torneo this week) and semi-main(looks good this week). But we’ll see. They could do some fancy editing and squeeze 3 matches in per week if they wanted.

    On the CMLL website they note TV started being taped during the Danger/Molotov vs Guerrilleros match.


  3. “Taking a guess that was Henrik?:)”

    Whatever makes you think that?? ;)

    Los Dos Tigres V Caligula/Messala would do very nicely for starters. In fact, they should run a Colseo tag tournament for the vacant straps on Sunday shows, and air a match per week. :)

    3 hrs of CMLL per week is tremendous, but it’s still msotly just the top 3 matches of the card that are shown – and from the sounds of things, even Momentos rarely shows much from the matches that don’t air.

  4. It could be that the matches which don’t air in Momentos aren’t actually taped, making them tough to have highlights.

  5. Everything is taped on days when Televisa brings their cameras to the arena.

    Oh man… I really hope you get that show cubsfan.:D It’s replacing that old LLL show so the station might just be too stupid to know to change the name of it. The show is called “Guerreros Del Ring” officially.

    I should find out what kind of cable system I have here in Charlotte. Maybe I have comcast? Damn I’m so ignorant…


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