11/24 news

And happy Thanksgiving to you. Or, as they call in Mexico, Thursday.

Did you read yesterday’s post? Where Is Felino, we all wondered. Late Wednesday night, just scooting around the Internet, I checked out Halcon’s site to preview what was in this week’s Halcon. Just so you know, I did smile big when I saw “Interview with Felino.” I’ll go out of order to tackle that, since Halcon is now officaly Awesome.

Inside El Halcon Net #46
– Taboo Tuesday recap. Author brings up Vader’s run in UWA in the ’90s.
– Ernesto O’Campo starts a multi-part Eddie Guerrero bio, getting just to before his EMLL debut.
– Notes column. What I didn’t put together yesterday is the Nacho Libre movie I mentioned Silver King and IWRG being involved in yesterday is actually the Jack Black lucha movie loosely based on the life of Fray Tormenta (or at least his concept of a wrestling priest). Before, I wouldn’t be caught dead in a Jack Black lucha theme movie, but now that we’ve got Silver King on board, I’m thinking I’ll keep an open mind.
– Interview with Felino. Here’s the reason: he’s going through a divorce (and not that any are fun, but this one sounds complicated), and he’s focusing on working thru that right now. Both the interviewer and (the guy under the mask of) Felino appear to talk about Felino in the third person thru the discussion, which is definetly crazy – also in the vein, they have a picture of him with the magazine tucked in the front of his pants. It sounds like Felino took that a mask and an assumed named because he was working in a bank at the time. He was thrilled to work for NJPW and hopes he gets the chance again. Felino wouldn’t mind teaming with his brothers, but he’s doesn’t feel it needs to happen – if they do, they do.
– Arena Mexico recap. Despite being many signs for him, there was no moment of silence for Eddie Guerrero. That’s sad. Is there something between the Guerreros and CMLL?
– Interview with Damian. He talks about the start of career, and the start of his hardcore wrestling.
– Interview with Metro. Metro unconfuses me and explains the Metro who’s sponosring him is the Metro newspaper. Feel free to make fun of me next time I screw that up. In some nice work, they design the section like it’s a section of the Metro newspaper. Metro, while not talking about who he was previously, does mention he was one of 30 people who tried out for the role. He claims no relation with the Metro in Guadalajara. I enjoyed all three interviews this week.
– Poster is Pierroth. Print it out and hang it on your wall.
– Photos of people with and without their mask includes Terrible’s previous identity as el Engendro.
– LLF recap
– Notes column. They’re running their own awards – go check ’em out and vote there too.

CMLL (TUE) 11/22 Arena Aficion Results [ova]
1) Concord Jr., Luger ?? Hidroman, Medic’s Jr.
2) Skandalo, Intruso Jr. ?? Zayco, Titan
3) Brazo de Oro, Brazo de Platino b Negro Navarro, Signo
4) Heavy Metal, Dos Caras Jr., Lizmark Jr. b Pierroth, Pierroth Jr., Hijo de Pierroth

CMLL (MON) 11/28 Arena Puebla Lineup [cmll]
1) Iron, King Jaguar, Falcon Man vs Fuerza Tiger, Mr. Rafaga, Murcielago
2) Asturiano, Tigre Rojo, the Tigre vs Toro Bill Jr., Espiritu Maligno, Arissman
3) Volador Jr., Metro, Centella de Oro vs Sangre Azteca, Loco Max, Enterrador 2000
4) Mistico, L.A. Park, Hijo de Lizmark vs Ultimo Guerrero, Tarzan Boy, Rey Bucanero
5) Heavy Metal & Negro Casas vs Averno & Mepshito

Main is listed as a title match in the Box Y Lucha description, and not on CMLL. So we’ll wait and figure it out.

Semimain was said to be real good.

Tonight’s the Texano Tribute show in Arena Coliseo.

CMLL.com now mentions and lists the changed lineup for this Friday’s show.

Ovaciones runs down the 12/02 lineup. No changes. Yet?

AAA’s running Guerrea de Titanes on 12/10 in Monumental “Nuevo Progress” in Guadalajara. Main will be Shocker vs Sangre Chicana in a hair/hair match.

I blanked on doing lucha times last night, so they’ll be coming a bit later. There will be an update tommorow, and if you’re lucky, I’ll be in a horrible mood for it. Join us!

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2 thoughts to “11/24 news”

  1. Poor Felino. He was born into the wrong family.:( If Heavy Metal ever goes back to AAA, I’d like to see Felino go with him once more.


  2. This is what I love about lucha. Felino, with a father and two brothers in lucha – all of whom’s real names are known, wrestles masked to protect his identity. I think by process of elimination it would be easy for someone in their hometown to know who he really is. There could be 17 Casas brothers though. That would actually make process by elimination hard…except that his birthdate is known.

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