CMLL Guerreros del Ring on CAN52 #220 (02/06/2010)

taped Arena Mexico @ 01/31/2010


Lady Apache, Lluvia, Marcela © vs Amapola ©, Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sujei – I really want to root for anyone who is a luchador/internet cafe owner. I really really do. Lluvia needs to meet me closer to halfway.

Hijo del Fantasma, Máscara Dorada, Toscano © vs Dragon Rojo Jr., Felino, Negro Casas © – Negro Casas remins awesome.

GIFs after the break.

What Mascara Dorada can do…

Negro Casas can do (kind of)

What is Amapola’s finish called? Or what should it be called?

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One thought to “CMLL Guerreros del Ring on CAN52 #220 (02/06/2010)”

  1. First time Dorada did that spot only using the second set of ropes instead of going up top. I like it. You’d have enjoyed the Casas/Dorada feud they did in Nov/Dec of last year.

    Amapola’s finisher is a lot like Koslov’s Red Scare.

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