09/02 news

Tuesday came a few days early, as Ovaciones and CMLL have the Anniversary lineup already:

CMLL (FRI) 09/16 Arena Mexico “72th Anniversary” Lineup [cmll]
1) Ultimo Dragoncito, Mini Olimpico, Bam Bam vs Pierrothito, Sombrita, Mini Violencia
2) Ultimo Dragon, Heavy Metal, Felino vs Sangre Azteca, Apolo Dantes, Mascara Magica
wait wait – is Sangre Azteca getting elevated, or is everyone else getting demoted? I like Mascara Magica more than most humans and Apolo’s cool with me too, but what a lopsided match in terms of push.
3) ??? vs ??? [CMLL WOMEN]
They’ll be doing a qualifying cibernetico on 09/09 to set this up, so we don’t know the particpants till that card comes out this weekend. Or, I could check the show page: the ten invited are Sahori (spelling?), Dark Angel, Amapola, India Sioux, La Nazi, Marcela, Hiroka, Linda Star (only one who hasn’t worked here yet), Princesa Sujei and Lady Apache – so I guess she is on good terms?
4) Negro Casas, Dr. Wagner, Mistico vs Averno, Mephisto, Terrible
5) GdI (Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, Tarzan Boy) vs Yellow Wave (Tanahashi, Nakamura, Okumura)
6) Perros del Mal (el Hijo del Perro Aguayo & Hector Garza) vs Diminitas Brothers (Universo 2000 & Mascara Ano 2000)
Not much to the hype press confrences. Perro promised a win, Universo reminded us all that he ended Perro Senior’s career

No 7:00 bell time and nine matches; back to normal 8:30. I think we can count at least 3 public change of plans here; wonder how many happened behind the scenes.

Atlantis has apparently gone from winning Dr. Wagner’s mask in the main event to not even making the card, and it seems like there should be a story there.

Your Texano and Lizmark in Japan update: (puroresufan.com)
09/01 – Lizmark Jr. and Texano Jr. b Hiro Saito & Tiger Mask; Lizmark pinned Hiro with a “windmill-style side buster”, which sounds like the tilt-a-whirl backbraker.
09/02 – [JAPAN vs MEXICO] Yutaka Yoshie & El Samurai b Lizmark Jr. & Texano Jr; Yoshie with a top rope splash Texano. The more I think about it, the more I’m sure the ultimate match in the NJPW/CMLL pair up is Yoshie vs Porky.

This is a three day weekend around these parts, but I’ll try to update a bit. Be sure to check out the rosters (need work – but I just figured out a few things about the minis) and the wiki – all the La Arena bios are ported over, so we might have some new stuff later.

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