08/28 news

(Yea, I thought I’d take a day off this month.)

On Friday, CMLL officially announced that the main event of the 72nd Anniversary show will be:

Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Atlantis in a mask/mask match
Universo 2000 & Mascara Y2K vs El Hijo del Perro Aguayo & Hector Garza in a hair/hair match.

[pause for a group sigh]

This sucks. I think the Doc’s own surge of popularity prevented this match from happening. When he got super over as a tecnico, his price had to go up (probably way up), and I don’t think Atlantis planned to lose his mask at this time. It’s an understandable by disappointing situation to no longer do the match.

The replacement main event is equally as disappointing, I think, because we’ve seen so many versions of this same match over the last couple years, and often in high stakes matches. For example, this will be the third time Perro Jr’s been in a hair/hair with Mascara since jumping and Mascara’s 4th time putting up his hair in the last 18 months.

Perro Jr/Terrible vs Cien Caras/MascaraY2K
Vampiro/Pierroth vs Cien Caras/MascaraY2K
Perro Jr/Perro Sr vs Cien Caras/MascaraY2K

We’ve been here and done that plenty of time. Maybe the match will be memorable good, but it’s tough for anything in the Capos/Perros/Pierroths saga to be memorable at this point. Maybe the match will finalize the feud, though that seems wildly improbable. I do believe they’ll draw well with this match, so at least they’ll make money and maybe spend on things I can get excited to see.

The other released news about the anniversary show is it’ll be an 8 match card – like I guessed Friday, that’s why they’re starting early. They haven’t said anything else about the show, but I gotta figure it’s a way to get a lot of people on the card. I dunno how well this’ll work, but it should be interesting.

This would be a good show, with the length (most of it will be unlikely to make TV) and the main event, to try PPV again, but I haven’t heard anything along those lines.

CMLL (FRI) 08/26 Arena Mexico Results [ova]
1) Sombra de Plata & Zetta b Flecha & Vaquero
2) Sagrado, Safari, Pantera b Mr. Mexico, Arkangel, Sangre Azteca
3) Brazo de Plata, Negro Casas, Ultimo Dragon b Okumura, Taguchi, Ohara
Ohara was captain of his team.
4) Perros del Mal (Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Hector Garza, Tarzan Boy) b Satancio, MascaraY2K, Universo 2000
5) Hijo del Santo, Mistico, Dr. Wagner Jr. b Ultimo Guerrero, Averno, Mephisto

IWRG (THU) 08/25 Arena Naucalpan Results [ova]
1) Super Colt & Black Kaguar vs Ultra Mega & Rey de Corazones
2) Pirata Morgan Jr., Nemesis, Kaleth b Kung Fu Jr., Avisman, Super Siesar
They pushed a Priata/Avisman rivalary.
3) Dr. Cerebro & Cerebro Negro b Suicida & Virus [IWRG TAG]
4) Pierroth Dynasty (Pierroth, Hijo de Pierroth, Pierroth Jr., Pierroth II) b Corporation (Black Tiger, Scorpio Jr., Pentagon Black, Pantera)

AAA (FRI) 08/26 Results [ova]
Lots and lots of stripping on the show.
1) Zorro & Anthony W. Mori & BXB Hulk DQ Charly Manson, Mister Aguila, Hator
Zorro was stretchered out due to rudo violence, and unable to strip.
2) Mascarita Sagrada & Novillerito b Mini Abismo Negro & Mini Psicosis
3) Alebrije (w/Cuije), Martha Villalobos, Pimpinela Escarlata, La Parka II b Monsther, Tiffany, Polvo de Estrellas & “Ingordable” in a captain loses his hair match
El Brazo decided the stips before the match – and lost his hair.
4) Vampiro, Latin Lover, Shocker b Cibernetico, Abismo Negro, Psicosis II
Latin Lover and Poncho de Nigris stripped post match.

El Hijo de Lizmark takes Negro Casas’ spot in today’s Arena Coliseo semimain, with Negro and Ultimo in the main event.

Today’s Confusing G1 Update: Ovaciones is now working under the impression Lizmark and Texano’s upcoming (leaving Tuesday) as a preparation to the G1World Tournament – which will be taking place in the US in 11/05 and Japan in 01/06. No US promotion is specified.

Dos Caras Jr. will be working for HUSTLE (which ovaciones calls HOSTLE) from 09/19 to 09/25.

Mascara Sagrada II is changing his gimmick to “Triple A”, just to be incredible annoying (and he can’t get on TV with the Sagrada gimmick.) In other big Pena news, the promotion will be getting new official music. Super Calo, or something along those lines, is supposed to return soon.

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4 thoughts to “08/28 news”

  1. Isn’t AAA Mascara Sagrada also Alien or is it someone else under that gimmick? I’ve always enjoyed him far more than the original. All the footage I’ve seen of the original Masacara Sagrada even old stuff he always seemed like a pretty mediocre worker.

  2. He also plays Televisa Deportes. Aliens is a Tijuana worker.

    The Cerebro’s vs Virus/Segura feud was just awesome. First week the Cerebro’s pinned them clean. Second week, the Cerebro’s cheated to win and the tecnicos wanted a rematch for the belts. Now, the tecnicos lose clean in the title match. Genius.


  3. The double hair match be worth it to see the Aguayo Jr./Garza team. They are a considerable improvemnt over Father/Son, Pierroth/Vampiro and Terrible/Aguayo Jr. (that’s from Guadalajara isn’t it?).

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