Charly Manson out of AAA

Charly Manson went on Tercera Caida last night and said he had left AAA and wouldn’t be putting his hair up at the Hereoes Inmortales. From reading the recaps and listening to another interview with boxylucharpn), Charly’s leaving for the same reasons everyone else has left in the last two years – not booked enough, not making enough money as a result. In this specific case, the hair match itself was a sticking point; Charly says he didn’t want to put up his hair, which should be understood as Charly not being promised enough to drop his hair.

(Charly noted this was the same situation which lead to Mr. Niebla jumping last year – which is interesting, because the thought at the time was Niebla left because AAA was never going to get to the mask match with Abismo Negro disappearing, not that he wasn’t getting enough for it.)

The Chessman/Charly Manson match was supposed to main event the renamed Antonio Pena Memorial show on Saturday. There’s been no word from AAA about what will happen it’s in place. The title match will surely be in the main event instead, and they can throw someone random from the undercard in the match, but it really won’t adequately replace it.

The problem for Charly now is he doesn’t have a destination. There’s talk about him going to CMLL, but I can’t figure on that sticking. Before the last iteration of his leg injury, when the Hell Brothers were still going, he probably would’ve fit in fine. Since returning, he’s seemed physically shot, working on a leg he shouldn’t be walking on. That’s tougher to hide in standard CMLL matches. It’s not like it was all that hidden in AAA, but the fans had seen him built up as a star long enough, so he had to be just enough like the old Charly Manson for everyone to be happy. (It’s the same pass they give to Octagon & Parka Jr.) Charly doesn’t have that connection with the CMLL fans, or the CMLL office for that matter. Perros del Mal seem like a much better fit – that’s where he was headed earlier this year when he talked about leaving AAA – but they’re still not a long term option and there seems to be dozen of guys trying the same thing.

As Alan noted in the comments, if Charly and CMLL had already made an agreement, he would’ve been better served keeping quiet and just showing up as a surprise in Arena Mexico. (Heck, Charly still says he’s National Heavyweight Champion, and there’s a heavyweight title on the line this Friday…) It might have just been more important to him to get his side of the story out there, but I’d guess he’s got nothing locked in at this point.

Edit: SuperLucha says he’s going to Perros del Mal

Still, I’m sure Charly knows all this, and still decided to walk out of AAA (and probably burn that bridge if he doesn’t change his mind before Saturday.) If leaving was the better choice, the situation for him in AAA must have been pretty bad. If someone on the level of Charly Manson is not making enough money in AAA to make it work, what native is? Wagner & Cibernetico, probably, and maybe Parka since he seems to work a ton of shows. I don’t think you can assume anyone else. It’s not as though AAA isn’t paying people – all the foreigners brought in are paid guaranteed money and are all probably doing fine.

(I think it’s worth saying the problem isn’t the foreigners getting guaranteed deals. It’s the Mexicans not ALSO getting those deals, and being treated like second class workers.)

AAA was previously scheduled to have a chat with Charly Manson today. If not for that, I don’t know that they’d address this at all before Saturday, but they kinda have to explain why that chat isn’t happening. Maybe.

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12 thoughts to “Charly Manson out of AAA”

  1. But why leave now? I assume he would’ve lost his hair, and been in line for a $10,000 payoff. Why not leave after getting some cash?

  2. @LLL: I thought the same thing, but everyone pointed out while he SHOULD be in line for a $10,000 payoff, AAA’s probably screwing him with a much lesser amount and that’s why he’s leaving.

  3. He’ll end up doing indy shows. Split his time with IWRG, Perros Del Mal, and all the other small indy groups in Mexico. Probably work more in the US. I could see him working for FMLL, Lucha Va Voom and some of the spot U.S. lucha indie shows.

    I don’t know if CMLL would want him, unless Charly sold them on the idea that he’d drop his hair to someone.

    Just noticed the HOF selections are up on the WON/Figure-4 site…Konnan in…

  4. CMLL is like an enigma. Sometimes the things they do just make you go…WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!

    Gronda got in because of his look. Charlie’s look isn’t the greatest. It WAS cool just not anymore.

  5. @Anonymous: I actually don’t think Charly being phsyically shot would keep him out of CMLL (cubs seems to think that it would), especially if like I said, he offered to put his hair on the line at a later show. That would probably get him at least 1 year in CMLL.

    Don’t forget it wasn’t just a huge brace with Gronda, he had other health problems prior to joining CMLL as well. They’re bringing back Super Porky as well. Maybe you have to be an even greater health risk to join CMLL, that way they have an excuse to drop you sooner.:)

    CMLL’s had Electroshock and Gronda at one point, so I would say there is a chance they’d give Manson a shot.

  6. Wasn’t there a rumor about a year ago of Charly leaving AAA and it never happened? I think that will happen here.

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