Mistico, Shocker, AAA surprise

Lyger b Mistico
Liger b Mistico

Box Y Lucha’s report on Mistico vs Liger says Mistico had one eye closed shut and a loose incisor from the beating Liger gave to him. I believe this slightly less than Alex Koslov’s rally, but there is a great picture of Mistico looking dead on a stretcher. I guess this whole feud happening on the Sunday shows and in Arena Coliseo is a solid tell they’re doing the payoff in Japan; they’d surely run this in Arena Mexico if there was meant to be a big Mistico win in Mexico.

ESTO previews tonight’s show as the first show for Negro Casas without his hair. Lizmark Jr. is still listed on the semimain, even though every magazine had a story on him leaving (the Perros made sure to get it out there, probably to give people a reason to talk about them.)

Fuego en el Ring asked questions and got answers: Shocker says he was assaulted two Saturday’s ago, and that’s why he missed the anniversary show. Let’s look at the timeline:

09/12 (Saturday): Shocker gets attached
09/16 (Wednesday): Shocker wrestles in GDL, no mention of injury or even an incident
09/17 (Thursday): Shocker is pulled from the anniversary
09/18 (Friday): CMLL gives the no-explanation explanation (force majeure), instead of mentioning an injury
09/20 (Sunday): Shocker wrestles, no sign of an injury

To be fair, I’d bet there was an incident on Saturday and I bet that’s why he didn’t wrestle Friday. Just hard to believe it was an injury. There certainly could be a benign reason for missing the Anniversary show, but the odds are against it.

Related: Box Y Lucha (and also ESTO) list the Gran Alternativa lineup with Toscano in for Shocker. I guess the pain from the attack on Saturday will be back on Friday (and then fine when he wrestles on Sunday in GDL?)

AAA talks to the Psycho Circus. They explain the name change: someone else had rights to the name, and you can’t go around using a name you have no right to. (Reads like a shot at ex-AAAs and likely meant that way.) The win streak is said to be 461, and they want it clear that they’ve been top guys (and they have, off TV) but also talk about wanting tougher competition.

AAA also has a poll up about the surprise wrestler for the anniversary Pena show:

– The Animal
– Heavy Metal
– Juvi
– Ken Anderson
– Konnan
– Latin Lover
– Lizmark Jr.
– None of the above
– Vampiro Canadiense

Heavy Metal is still in CMLL (and returning tonight after an absence) unless they know something we don’t know. The Animal! AAA is hilarious.

Fuego en el Ring talks to Fraile de la Muerte about losing his mask and Astaroth about winning it. Fraile de la Muerte is Jesus Zavala, who wrestled under the name for 8 years.

Also, Blue Demon Jr..

CMLL’s YouTube has highlights from the anniversary show: part 1, part 2, part 3. The full show, or whatever of the full show gets aired, still isn’t expected to do that until October or November.

Cesar talks about Lizmark Jr. rejoining the Perros del Mal. I had totally forgotten about Lizmark being in the Perros when they were in CMLL. Didn’t they kick him out? Maybe he can go for revenge.

Box Y Lucha mentions Ringo Mendoza is hoping to have a retirement match this year (he wrestles less than some people who are retired) and Fabian el Gitano is working as a Chippendale.

El Hijo del Santo will host an event at the Durango Central Public Library, a lecture on lucha libre. Villano V is also supposed to be there – are there no vetoes on lectures? (Though it seems the Villanos have escaped those restrictions before.)

Kcidis illustrates Pesta Negra unhappy and is unhappy himself about his work getting pirated (again.)

DTU links the video of their shows on the Lucha Libre Expo.

Luchas2000 488 has Mistico and Negro Casas, and their interview with Lizmark Jr. There’s also an ad for a Perros del Mal TV taping on 10/11 in Ecatepec, though no network is mentioned.

BIX has a podcast with Cassandro and TJ Perkins from Lucha Va Voom show in New York. It sounds pretty good.

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31 thoughts to “Mistico, Shocker, AAA surprise”

  1. He should listen to the Slammin’ Stan Podcast episode were I suggested bringing in Kikutaro as “Antonio Ultratumba” in an attempt to cross the line even further than they did last year with Antonio Pena’s ashes! I still say that idea would be f’n gold. Plus, Kikutaro is way better than all those guys on that poll.

  2. “Shocker says he was assaulted two Saturday’s ago, and that’s why he missed the anniversary show.” How could that to Shocker, when Jon Strongman is right there ? “AAA also has a poll up about the surprise wrestler for the anniversary show:

    – The Animal
    – Heavy Metal
    – Juvi
    – Ken Anderson
    – Konnan
    – Latin Lover
    – Lizmark Jr.
    – None of the above
    – Vampiro Canadiense”
    I think the sorpresa for the Pena memorial maybe …. GHEFAR!!! (remember him)

  3. I think we’re missing the point that the AAA guys stole my joke. That means I’m practically writing for them now, right? So like…could I get a walk-on role? I’ll even pretend to care about Alex Koslov.

  4. Big news from Tercera Caida:
    Mistico vs Liger for IWGP title in Puebla next Monday.

    Also, I’d like someone else to confirm this, but my wife thought Charly Manson said during his telephone interview that he was out of AAA and may be going to CMLL. Later in the show, I did see a graphic that they showed for the hair vs hair match with a red X through the picture of Charly. Anyone else heard anything about this?

  5. @Alan: Its been brought up all over the lucha forums and Roberto over at lomejordelalucha.com and one of the other guys on his newsboard mentioned he watched 3ra Caida (the lucha news show) were Charly mentioned he had left AAA.

    Roberto (RFC) mentioned that Charly, El Oriental and Super Porky reportedly met with Paco Alonso face-to-face. I hope Charly doesn’t go to CMLL though. He’s a shell of what he was even going back 2 years ago.

    Also, Goddess is suppose to be heading to AAA. Some people made it seem like she just quit CMLL, but I don’t think she’s wrestled for CMLL since February.

  6. How is anyone who isn’t a foreigner w/ a guarantee making money in AAA? Manson was one of the top tecnicos and has name value. If even HE wasn’t making enough money I can’t imagine how the rest of the guys are making out. It’d be tough enough if nobody was making money but it’s gotta be beyond shitty to be someone like Chessman who has given his body to AAA for many years and is now struggling for a paycheque while guys like Sugi and Teddy Hart are making guaranteed money.

  7. @Rob: yea i predict either chessman or zorro is next

    And its a damn shame that in a MEXICAN wrestling promotion the mexicans are probably making half the money the foreigers(?) are.

  8. I should really do a post on this, but Charly leaving AAA makes no sense. He’s never going to be treated as a big of a star as he would in AAA. CMLL will not give him the same breaks for his injury, and the indies are not a long term answer.

    Even pretending the worst case scenario – I figured Charly’s was winning on Saturday, but let’s say he’s losing and then they’re cutting him – why not stay long enough to get that payoff? Instead, he’s putting AAA in a bad spot, acting tremendously unprofessional.

    I hope Charly talks about this situation to everyone he can over the next week, because he’s seemed like a likable guy and totally would be happy to take his side on this, but I can not understand why he’d take this course of action and it reflects very badly on him.

    It’ll be interesting to see if AAA addresses this on it’s website. They really need to, either way.

  9. @thecubsfan: Devil’s advocate…

    How professional is it to book a big stip match featuring one of your top tecnicos without letting them know in advance? Especially one who doesn’t have a contract?

    I don’t see Manson as being unprofessional and putting AAA in a tough spot here. They did it themselves by booking a match without confirming it with the participants. Reminds me of some WCW PPV in the dying days where two guys were booked in an angle leading to a match even though the company knew neither would job for the other. Who’s to blame when the crowd pisses all over the screwjob on the PPV?

  10. Hmmm, apparently I should have flipped the order of those two news bits from Tercera Caida. Even with these two headlines, they opened the show with the Kozlov demonstration at the Angel.

    The Charly thing is baffling. If he has a deal with CMLL in place, I assume he would be keeping his mouth shut and doing and appearance on the Friday show. Something like Oriental running in to help Liger and Charly making the save could have caused some excitement if this weren’t making news this early in the week. But, at this point, I think he has to follow through and leave after the mess with him jumping then not jumping to the Perros earlier this year.

    I’m not sure how he works in CMLL at this point in his career. On the bright side, we would no longer have to live in fear of watching him die doing some hardcore spot for AAA.

  11. Anyone else thinking AAA will have Mini Charly Manson take Manson’s place in the hair match?

    Manson to CMLL would be funny. Just what CMLL needs, another Cripple.

  12. @Rob: Charly is under no obligation to do a hair match he did not want to do. But this match was announced two weeks ago and I’d assume Charly knew it was in the plans even before then. If your only solution is leaving, leave, just don’t wait until four days left to do it. It’s unfair to give this little notice.

  13. @thecubsfan: Why is it unfair when they couldn’t settle on the payoff? Its not unfair. It might be unfair to the fans, but its not unfair to the promotion since they obviously didn’t bother asking how much of a payoff Charly wanted for a hair match before they announced it and started promoting it for the Memorial show. That sort of thing should have been discussed long before the 2 weeks they announced the match, so that this sort of thing doesn’t happen.

  14. @Alfredo: I think I’m doing a 180 and agreeing with you guys now. I just presumed they would’ve agreed to a payoff, but if they didn’t – or if they just led Charly to believe he was getting $X and then told him he was getting $X/2 in the last day or so – that’s plenty of reason to leave at the last second.

    I think I made the mistake of assuming a wrestling promotion will treat it’s wrestlers fairly and that can never be assumed.

  15. Aren’t we also assuming that AAA knew the finish of the match when they decided to do it. It seems entirely possible that either they just made the final decision on who was losing or changed their minds and that kicked off the negotiations over what Charly needed to be paid for his hair.

  16. @Alan: When they decided to do the hair match, they should have known at that point who would win and who would lose. If they didn’t, then they were asking for this to happen. You don’t just pop the decision on a guy days before the match because then your risking what ended up happening. Not to mention, Charly being able to quit AAA so easily before a big stipulation match. AAA looks foolish in this situation especially when you look at the poll they did recently about what match the fans were looking forward to on the Memorial show and the match that won was the hair match.

    I wouldn’t be shocked if Charly uses this as a bargaining chip to get a bidding war going between AAA and CMLL.

  17. @Alfredo: I agree that they should have had the finish worked out and agreed to with whatever pay days were needed signed off on before they announced the match. But, this is the same promotion that started hyping Wagner vs Mesias long before they had Wagner under contract (and therefore before they had the finish to the match agreed to presumably).

    Generally, I think both sides are likely to come out of this looking bad. I’m sympathetic to Charly, but this is the second time he has “quit” this year. I think he has to stick to his guns and leave this time or he looks like he is indecisive. AAA looks horrible for hyping a big stip match and failing to deliver.

  18. My money is on Konnan, Vampiro or Road Dogg (he’s jobless and an easy candidate for a last minute guy since they couldn’t get the guys they wanted). I think Vampiro is most likely returning on the show no matter what they choose to do.

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