Liger defeats UG, Casas wins going into hair match, lineup

CMLL (FRI) 09/11 Arena Mexico [SuperLuchas, Record, Cesar]
1) Camorra & Escorpion b Diamante & Starman
2) Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeno Nitro, Pierrothito vs Eléctrico, Pequeño Olímpico, Último Dragoncito
3) Máximo, Mictlán, Rouge b Euforia, Nosferatu, Vangelis
4) Terrible b La Máscara [lightning]
5) Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas b Blue Panther, Héctor Garza, Toscano
6) Jushin Liger, Naito, Yujiro b Atlantis, Black Warrior, Último Guerrero

Though CMLL tried to show a hype video for Liger before he entered, Black Warrior rushed Yujiro to start the fight. Atlantis attacked Naito, so of course Ultimo ended up with Liger. Japan took fall one (Liger brainbuster Guerrero, No Limit beating Warrior), Mexico rallied back to win the second (Warrior on Yujiro, Altantis on Naito), and Liger fouled UG and pinned him for the win. Liger seemed in full rudo mode – he was running away from UG at the end of the second fall.

Negro picked up a clean win on last year’s Anniversary loser in the deciding fall in the deciding fall. Tecnicos didn’t win a fall on their own, only picking up the second after Pesta Negra starting using their trash can.

Three injuries in the early matches: Terrible beat La Mascara with the Styles Clash and Mascara needed help. Rouge had a random arm injury (which could be a chronic issue for him) in his team’s win. Camorra’s top con giro at the close of the opener ended up hitting one of the tecnicos directly in the face – SuperLuchas says Starman, Cesar says Diamanate.

IWRG (THU) 09/10 Arena Naucalpan [EdR]
1) Imperial b Comando del Diablo
2) Bushi, Exodia, Turbo b Carta Brava Jr., Gringo Loco, Heavy Boy
3) Freelance b Avisman
4) Bobby Lee Jr. & Suicida b Blasfemia & Nosawa
5) Masada & Pirata Morgan b Angelico & Scorpio Jr.

No Ricky Cruz or Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., which causes some changes on the top of the card. Freelance won in straight falls and asked for a title match.

Fuego en el Ring interviews Maximo about Brazo de Plata’s return to CMLL and the chances of a trio with La Mascara or other Brazos.

Tribuna Campeche talks to Lizmark about his career. He’s wrestling a retirement show on the 19th there. The mysterious new Lizmark Jr. is pictured but not mentioned in the article.

The Gladiatores has an interview with La Nazi

CMLL (WED) 09/16 Arena Coliseo
1) Rayo Tapatío I & Rayo Tapatío II vs Cholo & Zayco
2) Fantasy, Shockercito, Último Dragoncito vs Pequeno Nitro, Pequeño Universo 2000, Pierrothito
3) Angel Azteca Jr., Angel de Oro, Angel de Plata vs Hooligan, Loco Max, Pólvora
4) Maximo, Metro, Rouge vs Atlantis, Hijo de Lizmark, Misterioso II
5) Héctor Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Máscara vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto [CMLL TRIOS]

In addition to GDL, this is also the day where they’ve got a full lineup going out to SLP, so this is sort of a third tier lineup. Not sure what they’ll do if Rouge is unavailable here; they’re probably waiting to after the anniversary to bring back Super Porky as a special deal, but maybe he ends up wrestling here instead.

Friday’s lineup, you know.

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35 thoughts to “Liger defeats UG, Casas wins going into hair match, lineup”

  1. Mini tecs won by DQ last night. Reads like a great match via Cesar’s report. TWO DRAGONCITO CANNONBALLS! One of which took four guys into the crowd! Also, the tecnicos won the opener.

    I’m no doctor so I’m just speaking out of my ass here but Rouge may just have an issue where something is loose in his arm and if it gets knocked out he has to leave for medical attention but is okay afterwards so he should be good for Wednesday. If not, Angel Azteca Jr. has semi-main evented a couple of times as a sub so they could move him up and use one of the ten thousand midcard tecnicos they have to replace him in the tercera.

    Poor Atlantis having to look across the ring and see the supposed future of CMLL.:(

    I guess top 3 on CMLL TV today although I wouldn’t mind sneaking the mini’s match on to save something for next week’s TV which will be filler (or the rest of the 7/31 show they never aired?).

  2. Oh, the guy who keeps hyping this year’s Lucha Libre Festival in Guadalajara says AAA is participating on the final day (December 13th) and has announced a Fabi Apache vs Sexy Star – Hair vs Mask match. So I would assume that is one of the main events for Guerra De Titanes and the baseball stadium in GDL is the location.

  3. @Rob: Holy Crap, that’s pathetic. He took the chop nowhere near his arm, yet it explodes. “The future of CMLL” hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhha HA .

  4. Dr. Lucha seemed high on him, which I was pretty shocked about since I’d seen him wrestle in IWRG and he wasn’t very good there either.

  5. How did La Mascara get hurt in that match?

    @Alfredo: I think Dr. Lucha is looking at the loooooooong term potential of Rouge. He’s only 20 so he has lots of year left to improve. Problem is he needs to be brought up in the old CMLL system where we don’t see him on TV until he’s 25 and he has had tons of time to work on his basics with the solid undercard rudos like Caligula, Messala, Hooligan, Arkangel, etc. Instead he’s being put on TV right away and it’s obvious he has nothing to offer other than his looks and the CMLL roster has plenty of guys who already do that shtick (Garza, Toscano, Mictlan, Leono). Rouge will wind up being another Tony Rivera/Leono type wrestler who will get a huge push, win some hairs but in the end be exposed as someone who isn’t a very good wrestler and the crowd will resent them being shoved down their throats so he’ll be a segunda/tercera guy for life.

  6. Who’s this Relampago guy on AAA? He damn near killed himself on a dive. Didn’t look half bad either.

  7. Man for a minute there I thought Electroshock had returned to CMLL when his music played. then I saw it was just No Limit. Rudo Liger is awesome.

  8. How wacky is it when you have a tag team from NEW JAPAN wrestling in a MEXICAN lucha libre promotion coming out to GERMAN industrial music.

  9. So the fans would have to wait a week and pay to see him at the big show. And it showed since nobody attended last night.

    C3 only airing top 3. BOOOOOOOOOO!

  10. Yeah I guess that’s true but today’s show didn’t really get me excited for the Mask match like last weeks show did.

    Virus/Stuka matwork is never a bad thing.

  11. Apparently whichever Sicodelico Jr. has been let go by WWE.

    Whoever had less than 6 months in the “How long he’ll last” pool gets a prize!

  12. Fox Sports is airing what I think is the first of the Lucha Libre Premier shows. And they aired it after showing my Houston Cougars beat the Oklahoma State Cowboys so I actually remembered to watch it tonight.

    Show opened with the women’s match from the first night of tapings. This match was horrible which is difficult to believe with Sexi and Fabi involved. Koa is beyond awful in the ring. Rain (or Rainz as it was diplayed on TV) is probably decent but didn’t get a chance to show it here. Sexi tosses her mask to Fabi causing the tecnicos to be DQ’d. Main event is a fun match thus far but with a lot of problems from a storyline perspective. We’ve got Koslov performing even though he “left” the company. We’ve got Wagner and Electro spending a lot of the match matched up against each other even though Electro is a Wagnermaniac. Jack, Teddy, and Rocky fill out the rest of the match and it has been entertaining in the ring.

    As for the show in general, there has been a lot of time spent on in studio interviews. They have hyped next week’s main event as Mesias/Corleone vs Kenzo/Ciber.

    Jack Evans gets the bonus point for the show. Just to add to the confusion, point totals were listed at the end of the show as:

    Let’s just assume that this is an error and that it will be fixed on the next show. It is easy to see how these things can happen when you only have a month to turn a show around.

    Since this aired tonight, I haven’t seen anything that makes me believe CMLL is airing on Fox Sports Mexico this weekend. The normal 1:30 timeslot wasn’t listing Lucha when I checked the listings earlier this week. I was out all day today though, so I didn’t get a chance to check to see what was actually airing.

  13. @Alan: “It is easy to see how these things can happen when you only have a month to turn a show around.”


    FWIW, don’t see this show listed anywhere on the US FSE in over the next 3 weeks.

  14. I keep missing the graphic at the bottom of the screen during AAA which I think is about the Triplemania DVD. Has anyone caught it and does it have any actual useful information about it?

  15. @Rob: Thus far, the opener aired. I missed the first two falls to watch the end of the football game, but looked pretty good from what I saw.

    Third fall of the segunda is now on. Not sure if its all ready been pointed out here, but Disturbio is in here instead of Turbo once again. Rudos look like they could be turned into a regular trio.

  16. @Alan: WHEW. So we should be safe now that the first two matches aired, right? No way they’d air the women in place of the semi-main… I hope.

    What did Milenium look like? Masked?

  17. In news Rob will actually be excited about, the semimain is now on. Started with 45 minutes or so left in the show, so maybe they air the whole show this week? Not that I’ll be sad if Shocker/Yujiro never sees the light of day.

  18. @Rob: Milenium was masked and I thought he had a good look. He fit in well with the other two tecnicos. He picked up the deciding pinfall with a 450 splash.

  19. Misterioso got to use the Atlantida! That has to make him an official member of GdA right?

    The show still has about 20 minutes left so it looks like everything will air this week.

  20. @Alan: YAY! Complete shows are awesome! Not that Shocker/Yujiro will be good or anything.

    I’m curious to check out this Milenium guy. If he wore silver/black I’m getting the lawsuit ready!

    On the ByL forum someone said Ras De Lona aired a sketch this week where Hiroka, Sujei and Blanca announce a new stable called ‘Las Zorras’ which is some sort of female version of the Peste Negra. I cannot wait to see if that’s true tomorrow…

  21. @Rob: Hmmm, nothing Pestish about the trio that I noticed tonight. I can sort of see Sujei and Blanca trying to pull something like this off, but it is hard to imagine Hiroka. Of course, I think Hiroka is a better in ring worker than the other too, so its probably a good idea to have her in the group.

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