07/26 news

That’s one old title belt; Canada stopped using that flag in 1965.

Most of Ovaciones today is recaps and updates of things previously mentioned: more talk of Atlantis/Wagner, reports that Tigre Metalico, Super Comando and Terrible are healing well, and Tuesday’s Arena Coliseo lineup.

In addition, there’s an interview with Kronos. They mention a feud with Guerrero de Futuro (huh – I guess he IS new), being a long time fan of El Solitario, and pump him up as a future CMLL Heavyweight Contender (listing him as at 1.87m, or 6’1″). His mom wanted him to get an education before she’d approve of him wrestling, like a lot of parents of luchadores, so he’s trained in computer programming. I wonder if he knows anything about php? Kronos does not mention any previous identities.

IWRG (THU) 07/28 Arena Naucalpan Lineup [IWRG]
1) Panerita vs Forastero I
2) Kit Tiger & Antaris vs Macho II & Rey Estruendo
3) Gallo Tapado Jr., Avisman, Rey de Corazones, vs Pirata Morgan Jr., Nemesis, Kalet
4) Marco Rivera & Star Boy vs Dr. Cerebro, Cerebro Negro
5) Negro Casas, Dos Caras Jr., Elektro vs Black Tiger, Pierroth, Bestia Salvaje

(SAT) 07/30 Arena Naucalpan Lineup “Black Shadow Tribute [boxylucha]
Special Guests: Hurcan Ramirez, Ray de Jalisco Sr., Halcon Dorado I, Dorrell Dixon, Manual Robles, Karloff Lagrade, Dick Angelo, Coloso Colosetti

1) Dark Scream, Apostol, Laser Boy, Excalibur vs Jupiter, Azufre, Dr. Bizarro, Cinico
2) Super Tri, Star Moon, Baby Maravilla vs Drako, Black Jaguar I & II
3) Matematico, Villano III, Ultraman, Mano Negra, Rambo, Brazo de Oro, Gallo Tapado Jr., Stuka Jr., Halcon Dorado Jr., Hermano Muerte Jr., Bobby Lee Jr., Blackman II [Shadow Cup Tournament]
4) Mill Mascaras, Blue Demon, Reyo de Jalisco Jr., Solar vs Dr. Wagner Jr., Angel Blanco Jr., Enfermero Jr., Hijo del Gladiador

IWRG (SUN) 07/31 Arena Naucalpan Lineup [IWRG]
1) Panteria vs Conde Negro
2) Antaris & Freezer vs Super Colt & Rey Estruendo
3) Coco Rojo, Coco Verde, Coco Blanco vs Gigolo Americano, the Hornet, Andy Barrow
4) Suicida, Matrix, Avisman vs Dr. Cerebro, Cerebro Negro, Fantasma de la Opera
5) Heavy Metal, Negro Casas, Felino vs Bestia Salvaje, Black Pentagon, Veneno

The cover of Box Y Lucha #2724 has that picture of Tigre Metalico’s injury, plus Satanico vs Pierroth and Shocker again running into Winnie the Kid. The poster is Lizmark Jr.

The Satanico/Pierroth picture is from them getting into an argument on a talk show (Mistico, Santo, Octagon and Shocker were also there), before their hair/hair match. Pierroth also took time to yell at Dr. Morales, which is nice.

There’s an article where Lizmark talks about going to Japan, which makes sense and all, expect he says he’s going in August and he’s going with Dos Caras Jr. I don’t know if we’re talking about two different things here or what; the middle of August is when the G1Japan tournament is, but we were told before that the World part would be in Januaray. There’s also a mini-tour for junior wrestlers in the middle of August, with a lot of it unannounced, so they could fit in there – or some completely other promotion, and we’re all getting our wires crossed. Figure it out when it happens, I guess.

There’s a story on Tigre Metalico’s injury. Olimpico talk about moving up the card since he turned rudo. Hector and Pierroth snipe at each other in article. They talk to Princesa Sujei and La Nazi before their first Arena Mexico match.

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3 thoughts to “07/26 news”

  1. You know unlike Robert, I actually like that CMLL is doing womens stuff again. Sugei or Sujei or however you want to spell it is right up there with Faby to me buteh I have no interest in what they are doing with here. La Nazi I’m sure is horrible. I know shes a poor catchier so I can’t imagine here in ring work being any better.

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