07/18 notes

IWRG (THU) 07/14 Results [KrisZ]
1) Rey Estruendo b Carta Brava
2) Paramedico & Fantasma de La Opera b Galactik & Panterita
3) Avisman, Ultra Mega, Rey de Corazones b Pirata Morgan Jr., Nemesis, Kaleth
4) Corporativos (Dr. Cerebro & Cerebro Negro) b Stripers (Marco Rivera & Star Boy) [IWRG IC TAG]
5) Mistico, Felino, Suicida b Averno, Pantera, Mephisto

CMLL (FRI) 07/15 Arena Mexico Results [O’Campo]
1) Espectrito & Fire b Bam Bam & Fantasy
2) Dark Angel & Amapola b Lady Apache & Marcela
Single fall match, with the losers last time being the winners this time. Interestingly, just as the CMLL crowd turned on her husband, they were supporting Dark Angel over Lady Apache here. O’Campo said this was the best match of the night.
3) Leyenda de Azul
With no indication before the show, this was switched from the past cibernetico set up to a single elimination tournament. O’Campo is under the impression that this doubles as the G1 Tournament; that runs counter to what we’ve heard before and I don’t believe it’s correct, but who knows. The crowd was most behind Dos Caras Jr., Blue Demon Jr., and Ultimo Guerrero.

3a) Rey Bucanero b Heavy Metal in a 1st R\ound Match
3b) Dos Caras Jr. b Tarzan Boy in a 1st Round Match
3c) Ultimo Guerrero b Bronco in a 1st Round Match
3d) Rayo de Jalisco Jr. b Canek in a 1st Round Match
3e) Pierroth b Blue Demon Jr. in a 1st Round Match
3f) Hector Garza b Brazo de Plata in a 1st Round Match
3g) Black Warrior b Mascara Sagrada in a 1st Round Match
3h) Lizmark Jr. b Olimpico in 1st Round Match
1st Round matches went from 2 to 7 minutes; Rayo/Canek was the longest
3i) Dos Caras Jr. b Rey Bucanero in a Quarterfinal Match
3j) Ultimo Guerrero b Rayo de Jalisco Jr. in a Quarterfinal Match
3k) Hector Garza b Pierroth in a Quarterfinal Match
3l) Lizmark Jr. b Black Warrior in a Quarterfinal Match
2nd round matches went from half a minute (Hector/Pierroth) to 2.5 minutes (Ultimo/Rayo)
3m) Ultimo Guerrero b Dos Caras Jr. in a Semifinal Match
3n) Lizmark Jr. b Hector Garza in Semifinal Match
4 minute matches. Pierroth showed up for this last match, to get revenge for losing in a half minute the round prior (and probably the general breakup with the group.) He helped cause the loss, and attacked Hector with the help of La Nazi, and Hector was saved by – Princess Sugey. Huh.
3o) Lizmark Jr. b Ultimo Guerrero to win Leyenda de Azul
4 minute match. Quite a surprise for Lizmark to win, since he was on the outs with CMLL not too long ago. The one thing consistent with previous G1 talk was NJ being interested in Lizmark.
4) Atlantis b Dr. Wagner Jr.
5 minute match, which probably was caused by the show being so very long by this point. O’Campo has the fans being stronger for Dr. Wagner, but not as anti-Atlantis as last week. Wagner made a deal post match; if Atlantis can beat him for the NWA LH Championship, Wagner will face him for the masks.

Assuming this wasn’t the MEX G1 tournament (and I think that’s the case), the haphazard way Leyenda de Azul was run should show you how much to expect out of a MEX G1 Tournament. It’s just not something they have a good grip on.

Super Lucha’s cover features Lizmark Jr. holding up the plaque for winning Leyenda de Azul, and Atlantis and Wagner with barely any mask left.

Up in the corner, you might notice the line hyping Cien Caras Jr. in Guadalajara. I think Robert told me he’s doing the VERY ANNOYING Cien Caras Jr./El Hijo de Cien Caras bit. I’d really prefer something, anything else – maybe Cien Caras Red and Cien Caras Blue. Whatever. Anyway, one of ’em was likely the guy wrestling as Sheriff in Guadalajara.

CMLL (SUN) 07/17 Arena Coliseo Results [ova]
1) Rayos Tapatios ? Mesala & Caligula
2) StarMan, Kronos, Valiente ? Ramstein, Reyes Veloz, Guerrero Del Futuro
3) Arkangel, Dr. X, Sangre Azteca b Pantera, Trueno, Texano Jr.
4) Felino, Black Warrior, Brazo de Plata b Hijo de Pierroth, Emilio Charles, Olimpico
5) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Rayo de Jalisco b Canek, Universo 2000, Mascara 2000
The rudo team fell apart; Canek accidently hit Universo, Mascara hit Canek on purpose in revenge, they argued and the Capos left Canek alone in the ring.

IF Wagner is facing Atlantis for masks in the near future
IF Wagner is losing his mask for the big payday
IF Canek won’t be able to have any huge match with Wagner as a result
THEN you can presume Canek’s turning back tecnico to do something else, rather than stay in the holding pattern.

But that’s a lot of IFs.

CMLL (MON) 07/18 Arena Puebla Lineup [KrisZ]
1) Asturaiano, Blue Center, Tigre Rojo vs Espiritu Maligno, Mr. Rafago, Toro Bill Jr.
2) Dr. Markus, Kraken, Maniacop vs Bobby Jack, Siki Osama, Tarahumara
3) India Sioux, Lady Apache, Marcela vs Amaploa, Dark Angel, Lady Warrior
4) Satanico vs Pierroth
5) Dr. Wagner Jr., Dos Caras, Groon XXX vs Emilio Charles Jr., Mascara Y2K, Olimpico

CMLL (TUE) 07/19 Arena Coliseo Lineup [ova]
1) Shockercito & Frantasy vs Pequeno Violencia & Fire
2) Sombra d Plata, Valiente, Molotov vs Ramstein, Mogur, Jeque
3) Texano Jr., Tony Rivera, Pantera vs Dr. X, Arkangel, Apocalipsis
4) Sagrado, Black Warrior, Volador Jr. vs Emilio Charles, Hijo de Pierroth, Nitro
5) Dr. Wagner, Negro Casas, Bronco vs Tarzan Boy, Olimpico, Pierroth
6) Mistico vs Averno

Kaori and DGUSA (note to self: fix the side link) have confirmed that Mistico is off the Toryumon show because he didn’t take care of his visa. If it’s something he couldn’t control – a bureaucratic mixup or whatever – it sucks for him. If it’s something he could control, it’s really dumb. Either way, it’s a big chance wasted. You don’t get booked as “Rey Mysterio vs Psicosis” every day. Hope Ultimo doesn’t get screwed in the process, but I can’t imagine he won’t be. (He’s not booked this week, so he must still be going.) Since Mistico is the closest thing to a long term contracted guy, this reflects badly on CMLL as well, though I don’t know if they’ll actually care.

Not to say Mistico vs Averno won’t be fun, but we’re worse off for having it.

CMLL (FRI) 07/22 Arena Mexico Lineup [ova]
1) Neutron, Leono, StarMAN vs Super Comando, Artillero, Flecha
2) Maximo, Metro, Virus vs Sangre Azteca, Okumura, Taguchi
3) Heavy Metal, Dos Caras Jr., Negro Casas vs Tarzan Boy, Averno, Mephisto
4) Universo 2000, Apolo Dantes, Mascara Magica vs Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Hector Garza, Pierroth
Hey! Mascara Magica’s alive.
5) Atlantis vs Dr. Wagner [NWA LH]
But where does Atlantis rank on the list of contenders?

CMLL (SUN) 07/24 Arena Coliseo Lineup [ova]
1) Rayo Tapatios vs Polvora & Vaquero
2) Kronos, Tigre Blanco, Tigre Metalico vs Zayco, Mesala, Guerrero del Futuro
We’ve seen Zayco before, correct? Name is familiar. Either that, or all the opening guys are getting a new gimmick, one per week
3) Felino, Brazo de Oro, Safari vs Arkangel, Dr. X, Veneno
4) Negro Casas, Black Warrior, Satanico vs Hijo de Pierroth, Averno, Mephisto
5) Groond XXX, Hijo de Lizmark, Rayo de Jalisco vs Canek, Rey Bucanero, Tarzan Boy
Hey, look, Groond was right. If he doesn’t settle on a spelling real soon, I’m calling him “Fred”.

In Sunday’s Ovaciones, Fureza Guerrera talked about coming back to AAA, and bringing the original Mosco de le Merced with him. They’re here to settle things with Ocatgon once and for all. Fuerza rejoined AAA because he was tired of being forgetton as an indy guy.

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2 thoughts to “07/18 notes”

  1. Fuerza’s nickname is “El Mosco De La Merced”. That’s where the confusion in the article stems from. He has nothing to do with the original Mosco you are thinking of… well sorta. He did kinda bring Mosco in back in ’95 but that has nothing to do with the article.

    Yeah, Zayco is a farmiliar name. He’s done some shows. Where has Zeta disapeared to? Battle of the Z’s!

    The Canek thing is sooooooo just building to Canek and sons vs Cien Caras and sons.:( Cien’s kids look alike so it’ll be hard to tell who is Jr. and who is Hijo Del but for Pierroth’s “kids” it’s easy. Jr. = Salsero(brown skin) and Hijo Del = white skin. Let’s just hope he doesn’t get a tan any time soon. Canek’s kids will be easy too. One of them is tall, the other is skinny.

    I wouldn’t put much stock in O’Campo saying the women had the best match on Friday. He pops a boner for Lady Apache. Would you trust a guy like that?

    I am very afraid we will soon be seeing mixed tags at Arena Mexico. I hope the crowd boos the fuck out of it and the women disapear as fast as they did many years ago.

    I’m hoping the Leyenda Azul doubles as the G-1 tourney b/c the G-1 tourney would have most of the same participants. I don’t want to see this same tournament again only with Wagner winning.

    The entire Mistico not going to D2P thing is really screwy. I’m sticking by my gut feeling that CMLL pulled a powerplay, booked him on Tuesday vs Averno as a test to see what’s more important to him and he caved just like Ultimo/Rey/who knows who else in the past. Nobody should be buying the visa thing.


  2. Meltzer is saying that Ultimo dragon[The Tiger] is replacing Mistico vs Ultimo Guerrero. This is a real blow to mistico.

    And lizmark winning the tourney is screwed up. He’s going to new japan to be in the CTU for sure.

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