06/25 news

Later than I promised, I know. Sorry.

Only news in Ovaciones was partial Arena Mexico results. I’ll take care of them in the morning, but the Ovaciones themes was “tecnicos doing badly, getting booed”, and Elektro and Bronco’s debuts did not get over.

Lucha on Saturday was CMLL; matches from the Colsieo exclusive span. The afternoon airing started 5 minutes later and yet ended on the top of the hour, so I figure something must’ve been cut. The replay’s airing right not, and I’ll get you a lineup tommorow, but the matches are from the 01/04 and 01/07 tapings.

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One thought to “06/25 news”

  1. Saw clips of the bronco match. Electro and bronco didn’t look good. especially Electro. If Bronco is silver king, he should have gone to AAA.

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