CMLL Martes de Nuevo Valores: 2020-01-21

Bengala magic

Recapped: 2020-01-22


Cholo & Príncipe Odín Jr. beat Bengala & Sonic
(13:39 [5:29, 4:06, 4:04], 1/3, ok,

Grako, Hijo del Signo, Nitro beat Magnus, Oro Jr., Robin
(12:33 [5:05, 3:50, 3:38], 1/3, ok,

Espíritu Negro, Misterioso, Sagrado beat Diamond, Pegasso, Stigma
(9:12 [3:29, 5:43], 1 DQ/2 DQ, ok, VideosOficialesCMLL)

Pólvora beat Rey Cometa in a lightning match
(6:28, STF, ok,

Black Panther, Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr. beat Máscara Año 2000, Templario, Vangellys
(16:38 [5:04, 3:22, 8:12], 1/3, ok,

Atlantis Jr., Diamante Azul, Volador Jr. beat Ephesto, Hechicero, Mephisto
(13:12 [6:08, 2:26, 4:38], 2/3, ok,

What happened:

The third match rudos were disqualified after staying in the ring too long together in the first fall. There is no ring girl or whistle to start fall 2, the rudos just keep going after fall 1.


Nitro being techinical?

The main event was technically fine but not as exciting for the casual crowd as other versions. Atlantis Jr. getting the surprise pine probably would’ve worked better on a Friday where more people know who Atlantis is, rather than a crowd who just sees him as another guy. The surprise pin meant no big tecnico run, just a sudden end. Diamante Azul worked harder than Volador in the main event.

The Panthers were setting up for the usual big comeback, but the rudos cooled the match too much and the timing of some the offense was off. It was a match with Mascara & Vangellys, it was going to be slow, but the first fall had better action than the rest could provide. The highlight of this match was Julio Cesar Rivera saying Blue Panther Jr.’s new double half crab spot adds up to one full crab. You can’t argue with that math.

It is at the point where I groan when the guys start knocking each other up the ramp because it means it’s time to force in a stage dive to try to get a reaction. There was that, there was the dive to the floor, there was a Destroyer so Cometa could do a flip bump, and there wasn’t much in between. Maybe those are three the same things, but the CMLL guys have figured out a way to build naturally to a dive and the other stuff feels forced. Cometa’s become the worst at doing the stage dive just to do it. Polvora was also in the match.

Diamond cradle, all cradlestoday

The tercera was all about the mask feud not being over, though it’s hard to believe they’re going to keep it going anywhere. Diamond had some flashy stuff he didn’t really use in the mask match but the new name and mask didn’t get him much of a reaction. A little whistling and not much more; the real test will be his first Friday night show. Diamond’s face was totally exposed to the camera on the mask pull, which seems unfortunate.

Nitro was in an unusually jovial mood in the segunda. He winning a match with a cradle, he did the hopping spot with Robin, he took bumps and didn’t get in the third fall win. I’d much rather see than the angry piledriver Nitro.

The opener was about as good as it’s going to be with these four, which meant Cholo fell down awkwardly taking a key Sonic high spot. Principe Odin Jr. does understand that at least 50% of being a good lucha rudo is being a fool, but then he’s also faced Bengala a thousand times so they know how to play off each other.

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