UG/Valiente tonight, TripleMania Regia competition, IWRG

IWRG (SUN) 11/24/2019 Arena Naucalpan [The Gladiatores]
1) Dick Angelo 3G & Neza Kid b Auzter & Shadow Boy
2) Avisman b Fulgor I IWRG (posted by Internetv Deportes)
3) Trauma II b Imposible IWRG (posted by Internetv Deportes)
4) Fresero Jr. b Demonio Infernal [super libre] IWRG (posted by Internetv Deportes)
5) Hijo de Canis Lupus © b Trauma I [IWRG IC HEAVY] IWRG (posted by Internetv Deportes)
4th defense
6) Big Chico Che, Big Mike, Big Ovett b Ángel Tormenta, Ave Rex, Hip Hop Man IWRG (posted by Internetv Deportes)
7) Toxin DQ Dragón BanePuma de OroLunatik Xtreme IWRG (posted by Internetv Deportes)

The super libre outcome might be telling of the hair match this coming Sunday, though Demonio Infernal seems more likely to lose his hair anyway. This looks like the last booking for Dragon Bane & Canis Lupus before heading to NOAH.

There are some results from Nacion Lucha Libre, though not complete. This group always seems to add matches for TV, and it’s not clear which matches actually happened until air. It looks like they packed people in together to look full for TV, though they’re still not drawing any better even with their current TV product. That may speak to how effective their TV show has been, or to the reduced affect TV shows seem to have on getting people to go to shows at this point.

Ultimo Guerrero defends the CMLL Heavyweight Championship against Valiente tonight in Arena Puebla. UG title defenses are patterned though usually solid. CMLL ran this same match in this same arena seven months ago and it was good then. There doesn’t seem much chance of a title change. There are no obvious plans for Guerrero as champion at the moment, but he is always a CMLL champion and usually a singles champion.

The rest of the show is one that looks good on paper, though that doesn’t mean much of late. Rey Bucanero teams with Euforia & Gran Guerrero against Caristico, Mistico, and Volador. Dulce Gardenia takes on dance partner Hijo del Villano III in a lightning match. Malayo teams with the Batalion del Muerte against Arkalis, Fuego, Stigma. Princesa Sugehit & Lluvia have a chance for a win against Amapola & Reyna Isis. Joker & Centella Roja open against Millenium and the usually entertaining Astro. The show streams at 9 pm on CMLL’s YouTube page.

12/07 MexaWrestling at Arean San Juan

Pagano, Dave the Clown and La Hiedra were in Monterrey promoting TripleMania Regia. Hiedra is not actually listed on the show, though she jokes she’ll be winning the Copa TripleMania Regia. No hint of the show airing on Multimedios at this point.

La Planchitas points out the tickets are moving slowly for this show, slower than WWE’s stop in Mexico City also taking place this weekend. This felt rechecking. There are 7,830 tickets listed as still on sale on the ticket website as of this morning, which means they’ve sold (or otherwise taken off the market) about 7,100 tickets so far.

Perhaps they’ll move more this week and the day of the show, though it appears they’ll have competition: Monterrey’s two soccer teams will both be playing playoff games Sunday night, with one of them playing in the soccer stadium next door to TripleMania Regia. There’s some bad luck here, though this appears like it was always the first week of the soccer playoffs and both teams had a good chance of making it; the bad luck part is they end up playing on Sunday and not Saturday. TripleMania Regia starts at 5 pm local, Monterrey plays on the road at 7 pm, UANL plays at home at 9 pm. It would be possible to do park once and go to both TripleMania Regia, though that’s a long day. If people start streaming out of the building around 8:30, that might be why. The bigger issue is getting people in Monterrey to buy for a wrestling show when they’re pretty into football.

Arena Coliseo Guadalajara announced Friday shows for 12/27 and 01/03.


CMLL (SAT) 11/30/2019 Arena Coliseo
1) Bengala & Leono vs Apocalipsis & Cholo
2) La Guerrera, La Magnifica, La Vaquerita vs La Comandante, La Infernal, La Seductora
3) Esfinge, Pegasso, Stigma vs Dark Magic, Pólvora, Vangellys
4) Black Panther vs Universo 2000 Jr. [lightning]
5) Kráneo, Stuka Jr., Volcano vs Ephesto, Mephisto, Templario
6) Carístico, Niebla Roja, Valiente vs Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón

There seems to be a very narrow group of CMLL main eventers of late. Black Panther’s rudo turn doesn’t seem to be sticking.

IWRG (SUN) 12/01/2019 Arena Naucalpan
1) Ángel Estrella & Shadow Boy vs Marado & Neza Kid
2) Black Dragón & Eragón vs Hip Hop Man & La Mosca
3) Freelance, Legendario, Puma de Oro vs Avisman, Death Metal, Dick Angelo 3G
4) Big Chico Che, Big Mike, Big Ovett vs Capo del Norte, Capo del Sur, Fly Warrior
5) Misterioso Jr. (CMLL) vs Internacional Pantera
6) Trauma I & Trauma II vs Bryce Benjamin & Marshe Rockett and Alas de Oro & Alas De Plata and Fulgor I & Fulgor II and Dragón & Hijo Del Impostor and Ave Rex & Toxin [IWRG IC TAG]
7) Fresero Jr. vs Demonio Infernal [hair]

Fresero versus Demonio should be very good. The wording on the poster makes it sound like they’re determining new tag team champions.

Aramis & Imposible were champions, though Aramis did miss a defense while going to Guadalajara and that might be enough to vacate the titles. Benjamin & Rockett are  Chicago indie wrestlers, here as part of a one-year celebration of the PALL alliance.

Misterioso Jr. defeated Pantera for his mask in a CMLL cage match back in July 2006. Pantera left CMLL three months later, put his mask back on, and hasn’t taken it off since. Pantera’s explanation is CMLL never paid him what he was promised for the mask; they didn’t live up to terms of the deal so he doesn’t feel like he needs to either. Misterioso hasn’t said how he feels about all of this and the two haven’t met in a match since Pantera left CMLL. Pantera seems to be heading towards retirement, so this might be one last chance to do this match.

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