05/25 news

CMLL (TUE) 05/24 Arena Coliseo Results [ovaciones]
1) Meteorix, Karisma, Argos ? Artillero, Mesala, Caligula
2) Alan Stone, Chris Stone, Brazo de Oro ? Arkangel, Hooligan, Loco Max
3) Brazo de Plata, Satanico, Felino b Mascara Ano 2000, Emilio Charles Jr., Okumura
4) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Negro Casas b Ultimo Guerrero, Pierroth, el Hijo del Pierroth
5) Dr. Wagner Jr. b Rey Bucanero
Ovaciones was really loving this match, at the cost of talking about the undercard. Wagner dominated the first fall till Rey till Rey got in a low blow for the win. Rey beat up Wagner and fooled around in fall two, which caused him to get rolled up. Rey took back the advantage, but screwed around more, and Wagner rallied to hit the Wagner Driver. Lesson: always let the other guy beat you up

AAA (WED) 06/01 Auditorio Miguel Barragan, San Luis de Potosi {TV} [KrisZ]
1) Lover Boy, Rayo de Plata, Sexy Slazar vs Black Maravilla, Centella Inca, Gavilan
2) Barrio Boys vs Diabolicos (Angel Mortal, Mr. Condor, Gallego)
3) El Angel, Colorman, Televisa Deports vs Black Family (Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz)
I didn’t know TD was AAA Mascara Sagrada till KrisZ mentioned this in a followup. I figured it had to be someone on the roster doing another gimmick…
4) Psicosis vs Nicho vs Histeria [3]
The contract apparently not on the line here; they’re saving that for the next taping. If Nicho is still around and waiting to be used by 06/18, I think you gotta wonder a little bit about the WWE deal.
5) Intocable, Juvi, Zorro vs Aguila, Charly Manson, Hator
6) Shocker vs Vampiro vs Chibernetico vs Konnan [4, chain match]
Odd this isn’t the main event. If this turns out to be a touch all corners to win type match (though I’d guess not), with four guys in it, is the proper strategy to start touching, or just concentrate on blocking one corner? If these guys were NFL coaches, they’d be guarding.
7) Latin Lover, Octagon, La Parka Jr. vs Chessman, Fuerza Guerrera, Pirata Morgan

IWRG (WED) 05/25 Arena Naucalpan [KrisZ]
1) Mr. Libra vs Condre Negro
2) Galactik & Panterita vs Crazzy Boy & Kaleth
3) Oficiales (Cyborg, Polizon, Xibalba) vs Corporation (Cerebro Negro, Dr. Cerbro, Veneno)
4) Villanos (III, IV, V) vs Revoultion (Black Dragon, Felino, Matrix) [IWRG IC TRIOS SEMI]
Winners face a different Corporation team for the belts on Sunday. The main feud is Revolution vs Corp, so that seems the likely way things will go.
5) Blue Demon Jr./Dos Caras/Negro Casas vs Canek/Elektro/Scorpio Jr.

Electro Shock was at Ova’s offices Tuesday. He said he’s changing his name to Elektro, because that’s what the people were chanting (and Pena surely owns the Shock name.) Elektro says he’s a little bit nervous about going independent, but he wanted to go new places and spend time with his family. Speaking of, Lady Apache was with him. (LOSE A POINT. GO BACK THREE SPACES), who says she’s probably only going to wrestle for one or two more years.

Guessing game is going on about what’ll main event the Jucio Final show. (I’m more interested in finding out when it is, actually.) Luchainsider is guessing Cage Of Death, and I’m so rooting against that. I probably shouldn’t list the possible one on one feuds when I mocked Ovaciones for doing that the other day, but there are a lot of equally compelling feuds (which also says nothing is sticking out.)

At one point, I’m sure it was supposed to be Halloween and/or Damien losing their hair to Negro, Felino, and/or Heavy Metal. And it still could be, but they seem to have lessened their interest.

I figure it’s gotta involve Mistico, and it’s gotta be a match he can win. Thinking Perro in a mask/hair match is probably too much, but maybe Terrible – or Garza? Mistico vs Hector Garza could be all sorts of fun.

What I’d like, in a dream situation, is actually a some sort of trios match: Aguayo/Garza/Tarzan vs Mistico/Wagner/Mascara Magica – and Wagner and Mascara Magica both turn on Mistico for the 5 on 1 beatdown. Maybe it’s a bad instinct, but when they were doing the Mistico/Wagner run, I just kept expecting some sort of turn out of the Doctor. Mistico can runover Magica, but the point is to build a Wagner vs Mistico mask/mask match. As that would rule.

Maybe they can do that on the undercard and do something with Gronda on top. It always must involve Gronda from here on out, I’m sure.

Here’s a dumb idea:

The NWA Committee has yet to inform me (or anyone else in the world) of their important rankings for the NWA LH Contenders, which tremendously disappoints me. Actually, I think just the concept of the list was retro-chic; if they posted a list every month on CMLL.com with top 10 rankings and a blurb about their position (straight out of a PWI), I’m sure I’d spend an hour geeking out over them. What made it work, for me, is the rankings when they were looking for Shocker replacements weren’t far off the order I’d make (if extremely convenient for the situation): Ultimo, Wagner, Rey is a decent top three.

Got me thinking; if we’re not going to see an official Top 10 Wrestlers According To The NWA Championship Committee, why not reproduce the same thing (for all lucha guys) with partially-learned lucha aficionados? Maybe a week of people putting forth their cases on who they think are the best wrestlers (as defined: “who I’d want on my show” to steal from a wisely written DVDVR statement) on some discussion board – say, a lucha world – and then a vote at the first of each month. Specific could be worked out if more people than 3 cared.

I’m not really as interested an exchange of lists, though I’d be using them as an endpoint; it’s more a trick to get people talking about lucha outside of the usual “I just watched this show/tape – did you?” discussion.

I’m be hoping for “this guy should is really good/bad/underrated/overrated and here’s why I think why” posts. I’d rather people would defend/refute wrestlers rather than do the same for their lists, so I’d discouraged posting the lists (or at the very least, their order) until after they vote. The ranking are just so the discussion ends at some point, but the focus should be on wrestlers and matches.

Told you, dumb idea.

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5 thoughts to “05/25 news”

  1. I vote for putting together a top 101 Luchadors list. Put together a panel, discuss and eventually post the results. I say 101 only b/c Chessman is automatically #1 of course. Now that I have Ryan in agreement on that, there’s no turning back.

    Did you know Jose and I tried to put together a top 250 list a couple of years back but we got to the letter ‘S’ alphabetically and gave up. We did it in mid-2001 and here’s how our unfinished work looked as relates to the top 20/25 guys:

    El Hijo Del Santo
    Blue Panther
    Dr. Wagner Jr.
    Black Warrior
    Gran Apache
    El Signo
    Hector Garza
    Fuerza Guerrera
    Mr. Niebla
    La Parka
    Mike Segura
    Negro Navarro
    Dr. Cerebro
    Halcon Negro
    Perro Aguayo Jr.
    Abismo Negro
    Astro Rey Jr.
    Alan Stone
    Mosco De La Merced
    Heavy Metal
    Antifaz Del Norte
    Charly Manson
    Negro Casas
    Blue Demon Jr.
    Dos Caras
    Mascara Sagrada[AAA]
    Pirata Morgan
    El Alebrije
    La Parka Jr.

    Yes… we were both young and stupid in some cases. El Signo is all Jose’s doing, Pantera is all my doing. I’m very happy with my work.:D


  2. I hit enter too early.

    Even a top 10 list would be hard to put together. So many awesome workers I’d want included… Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, Chessman, Mistico, Santo, Blue Panther, Virus, Hector Garza, Pantera, Shocker, Mini Abismo Negro, El Averno, and the list goes on. Black Tiger and Dr. Wagner Jr. don’t belong on a top 10, 20, 30 or 40 list although I can see people going to bat for them.


  3. Reading the Box y Lucha forum and piecing together information…

    Alan/Chris/Brazo De Oro won the segunda on Tuesday at Arena Coliseo.

    Virus/Rivera/Misterioso II vs Arkangel/Loco Max/Guerro Loco(not Guerrero Loco) from last Tuesday made TV last weekend in Mexico. So that’ll be a fresh new face for all of us as he hasn’t even made his local Guadalajara TV as far as I’ve seen.


  4. I dunno about having a luchador called Televiso Deportes. I’d rather have a guy called El Luchador Sorpresa :)

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